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7 Simple Ways to Claim Back Your Personal Energy(cont)

4. Find 7-8 Hours Of Sleep - I don't say this because I hear other people saying it; I say this because new fascinating research has shown that the amount of restful sleep we get seems to directly correspond to the power of our immune system. In one study, people getting 6 hours of sleep or less picked up around three times the sickness picked up by the group that got 7 hours of sleep or more. That's drastic! Staying in a good habit of 7-8 restful hours can help keep your immune system healthy and on track for years to come.

5. Get Back To Nature - Get outside! Taking hikes, nature walks, or swimming at any natural water source are all great ways to get back to nature. The benefits really pile up quickly, because not only is the air fresher in these locations (as in incredibly less pollution in the air), but there are higher oxygen levels at places like forests, beaches and mountains. Anything you can do to get back to that refreshing air will leave you feeling amazing, and the higher oxygen levels will go to work healing your body automatically!

6. Find Some Sunlight - Sunlight always varies upon where you live, of course, but natural sunlight is one of the most powerful ways to enhance your mood. Have you ever had the experience of warm, sunny days where everyone seemed to just be in a state of bliss no matter what was going on in their lives? That's the powerful of sunlight, and it plays a huge role in many of our metabolic functions, helping to convert basic substances to the forms that our bodies need. Get out in the sun whenever you can!

7. Do What You Love - When it comes down to it, nothing affects your personal energy levels as much as what you do for a living. If you're truly lined up with your passion, your life mission, then you'll likely find yourself losing track of time and working long hours just doing what comes naturally to you. Living in this state of grace is what allows you to work those hours and not feel tired, but rather feel fulfilled. If you're doing something that's not filling you with inspiration every day, I'd really spend some time thinking over what your gifts and abilities are and how they might be of service to the world!
I hope that you'll take the time to play around with these 7 simple ways to claim back your personal energy. If you do, you'll quickly find that there was a level of personal energy unleashed that was just lying dormant all this time! We all have the potential to live life in an empowered way, and I sincerely hope that these keys will help you on your journey to unlocking that potential.

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About the author http://UnleashYourVitality.com


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