High Blood Pressure Causes
In 90 to 95 percent of high blood pressure cases, the cause is unknown. In fact, you can have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. That's why it's the “silent killer” When the cause is unknown, you have what's called essential or primary hypertension. In the remaining 5% or less of people with elevated blood pressure, a specific cause is known, and they are considered to have "secondary hypertension." Examples of causes of secondary hypertension include kidney failure, narrowing of the arteries to the kidneys, and various hormonal conditions.
These problems can usually be corrected. For example, doctors can repair a narrowed artery that supplies blood to a kidney. Most of these problems can be ruled out by a careful history, a physical examination and a few tests. Special tests are sometimes needed, but you don't usually have to stay in the hospital.
Over 95% of people with elevated blood pressure have "essential hypertension." This means that the specific cause of their hypertension is not known. It is likely that both genetic (inherited) and environmental factors, such as your diet, play a role. The ways that all of the contributing factors interact to elevate blood pressure are not necessarily the same for each person. In addition, most of the genetic causes of hypertension are still a matter of research. Therefore, for the time being, most patients with high blood pressure are considered to have "essential hypertension."
In about 10% of people, high blood pressure is caused by another disease (this is called secondary hypertension). In such cases, when the root cause is treated, blood pressure usually returns to normal. These causes of secondary hypertension include the following conditions:
- Chronic kidney disease
- Tumors or other diseases of the adrenal gland
- Coarctation of the aorta - A narrowing of the aorta that you are born with that can cause high blood pressure in your arms
- Pregnancy
- Use of birth control pills
- Alcohol addiction
- Thyroid dysfunction
Factors that can't be changed
- Age: The older you get, the greater the likelihood that you will develop high blood pressure, especially systolic, as your arteries get stiffer. This is largely due to arteriosclerosis, or "hardening of the arteries." Hypertension, in particular the type that selectively increases systolic blood pressure (the "top" number), becomes steadily more common with advancing age. Older the patient, more will be the chances of hypertension
- Race: African Americans have high blood pressure more often than whites. They develop high blood pressure at a younger age and develop more severe complications sooner.
- Socioeconomic status: High blood pressure is also more common among the less educated and lower socioeconomic groups. Residents of the southeastern United States, both whites and blacks, are more likely to have high blood pressure than Americans from other regions.
- Family history (heredity): The tendency to have high blood pressure appears to run in families.
- Gender: For the vast majority of hypertensive patients, there is no one gene passed on (inherited) from parent to child that is responsible for high blood pressure. More likely, there are many different genes that interact with each other and the environment to produce high blood pressure. Therefore, inheritance predisposes a person to high blood pressure, but hypertension might only occur with the addition of one or more environmental factors. But it is possible that Hypertension may run in Families. So Family history is also significant of a hypertensive patient addition, African Americans are more prone as a group to develop hypertension and develop it at a younger age than those of other races or heritage.
Generally men have a greater likelihood of developing high blood pressure than women. This likelihood varies according to age and among various ethnic groups.
- Overweight (obesity): Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2. It is very closely related to high blood pressure. Medical professionals strongly recommend that all obese people with high blood pressure lose weight until they are within 15% of their healthy body weight. Your health care provider can help you calculate your BMI and healthy range of body weight.
The reasons why obesity may lead to hypertension are not completely understood, but weight reduction in obese patients definitely lowers blood pressure. The benefits of even a modest reduction in weight are multiple: reduction or elimination of blood pressure medications, improvement in cholesterol levels, and decreased risk of heart attack. Unfortunately, as many patients can attest, weight reduction is easy to recommend but difficult to achieve and maintain. A daily exercise program, a strong social support system, and initially modest goals for weight loss are all required for long-term success.
- Sodium (salt) sensitivity: Some people have high sensitivity to sodium (salt), and their blood pressure goes up if they use salt. Reducing sodium intake tends to lower their blood pressure. Americans consume 10-15 times more sodium than they need. Fast foods and processed foods contain particularly high amounts of sodium. Many over-the-counter medicines, such as painkillers, also contain large amounts of sodium. Read labels to find out how much sodium is contained in food items. Avoid those with high sodium levels.
It has been known for a long time that societies with diets high in salt experience more hypertension and the associated complications of heart attack, stroke, and organ damage. It is not known, however, if increased salt is itself responsible for elevated blood pressure. It might be, for example, that people from societies with increased salt intake may also have some other dietary factors or an inherited factor that is responsible for their hypertension. Most physicians do not believe that high salt intake alone causes hypertension, but they do believe it plays an important role. The most likely explanation is that there are other environmental and genetic factors that along with high salt intake all work together to cause hypertension. More salt you take, your kidneys will retain more water inside body, resulting in increased blood pressure.
- Alcohol use: Drinking more than one to two drinks of alcohol per day tends to raise blood pressure in those who are sensitive to alcohol.
Although the media has widely publicized the beneficial effects of alcohol on the heart, it must be remembered that this applies only to moderate alcohol intake. People who have more than two drinks per day are much more likely to have sustained elevations in blood pressure than nondrinkers. Alcohol may therefore be an unrecognized cause of hypertension in a large number of moderate to heavy drinkers.
- Birth control pills (oral contraceptive use): Some women who take birth control pills develop high blood pressure.
- Lack of exercise (physical inactivity): A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of obesity and high blood pressure.
- Drugs: Certain drugs, such as amphetamines (stimulants), diet pills, and some pills used for cold and allergy symptoms, tend to raise blood pressure.
- Emotional Stress or Caffeine Cause High Blood Pressure: Emotional stress, in the short term, can elevate the blood pressure. However, it does not cause a persistent elevation in blood pressure and therefore does not cause true hypertension with its associated consequences. Relaxation therapies and biofeedback may offer other benefits, but they have not been shown to prevent the development of hypertension or significantly lower blood pressure.
Similarly, caffeine may raise the blood pressure in the short term (and should not be ingested immediately before a doctor checks your blood pressure). However, tolerance to caffeine develops quickly, and any blood pressure elevation is not sustained.
- Obese people are two to six times more likely to develop high blood pressure than people whose weight is within a healthy range.
- Not only the degree of obesity is important, but also the manner in which the body accumulates extra fat. Some people gain weight around their belly (central obesity or "apple-shaped" people), while others store fat around their hips and thighs ("pear-shaped" people). "Apple-shaped" people tend to have greater health risks than "pear-shaped" people.
Saturday, August 08, 2024 | 0 Comments
High Blood Pressure Basics
According to recent estimates, about one in three U.S. adults has high blood pressure, but because there are no symptoms, nearly one-third of these people don't know they have it. In fact, many people have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. This is why high blood pressure is often called the "silent killer." The only way to tell if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked.
What Is High Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Each time your heart beats, it pumps out blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is highest when your heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure. When your heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure.
Blood pressure is a measure of the force that the blood applies to the walls of the arteries as it flows through them. It's normal for blood pressure to increase when you exert yourself, or when you feel stressed or anxious. But if your blood pressure is consistently higher than the healthy level when at rest, this is high blood pressure (hypertension).
High blood pressure can occur in children or adults, but it's more common among people over age 35. It's particularly prevalent in African Americans, middle-aged and elderly people, obese people, heavy drinkers and women taking birth control pills. It may run in families, but many people with a strong family history of high blood pressure never have it. People with diabetes mellitus, gout or kidney disease are more likely to have high blood pressure, too.
The key complications of high blood pressure include heart disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, peripheral artery disease, and aortic aneurysms (outpouchings of the aorta).
Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers, such as 120/80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury).
- The top, larger number is called the systolic pressure. This is the pressure generated when the heart contracts (pumps). It reflects the pressure of the blood against arterial walls.
- The bottom, smaller number is called the diastolic pressure. This reflects the pressure in the arteries while the heart is filling and resting between heartbeats.
- Those whose blood pressure is consistently higher than this norm are said to have high blood pressure or hypertension.
- High blood pressure in adults is defined as a consistently elevated blood pressure of 140 mm Hg systolic and 90 mm Hg diastolic or higher.
- That's about one in four adults aged 18 years and older.
- Uncontrolled high blood pressure is indirectly responsible for many deaths and disability resulting from heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
- According to research studies, the risk of dying of a heart attack is directly linked to blood pressure, especially systolic hypertension. The higher your blood pressure, the higher your risk, even with blood pressure in the normal range.
- However, the progress of heart disease caused by high blood pressure can be slowed down.
Saturday, August 08, 2024 | 2 Comments
High Blood Pressure Conference
High Blood Pressure Conference
High Blood Pressure Basics
High Blood Pressure Causes
Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure Prevention
High Blood Pressure Treatment
Medical Treatment For High Blood Pressure
Saturday, August 08, 2024 | 0 Comments
5 Tips To Maintain Digestive Health Effectively
Healthy digestive system is one of the most important phases of maintaining overall health. It has been estimated that almost 7 out of 10 people are suffering from some types of digestive disorders.
This indicates that each and everyone is prone to digestive disorders.
So, the best way to prevent digestive problems is to maintain a proper digestive health.
We have had great success helping people alleviate problems such as indigestion & heart burn, bloating, IBS, and constipation through the great range of soothing products to support your digestion. What do you want to improve?
The solutions below will have your digestive system in great health, free of the uncomfortable, painful and sometimes embarrassing symptoms of unhealthy intestines.
The key fundamentals to maintaining great intestinal health are:
1) Maintain a healthy balanced diet
Healthy balanced diet is a great way of building healthy digestive system. Don’t try to neglect this particular aspect in your regular routine. Ensure that you include all vitamins and nutrients that are essential for your body in your daily meal.
2) Drink plenty of fluids
Fluid retention or staying hydrated always is very important for healthy digestive system. Fluids are very essential to prevent various health problems like constipation. They are also helpful to ease the body digestion process. Drink enough water and other healthy fluids every day.
The human body needs water to maintain enough blood and other fluids to function properly, therefore it is essential that you keep yourself hydrated. As soon as the body begins to lose a substantial amount of water more quickly than it is replaced, the body starts to get dehydrated. A common effect of dehydration on your digestive system is constipation.
3) Reducing stress:
Stress is something that is quite difficult to avoid in today’s society. Problems occur when our lives cause a lot of stress, and one of the first parts of the body to react to stress is our digestive system.
4) Don't relying on drugs and medications
Until and unless it is very important, avoid taking drugs like antacids that can neutralize acids of your digestive system. When your body acids are neutralized, it will disturb the body immune system and therefore unable to cure by itself without the help of medications. Avoid taking medications when it is absolutely unnecessary.
As well as killing harmful bacteria, many antibiotics can also kill the beneficial bacteria that work to keep our digestive system healthy. When we take antibiotics, up to 60% of the total amount of bacteria in our gut - both good and bad - can be killed. Sometimes this can result in diarrheoa or symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
5) Get plenty of physical activities every day
Many health experts believe that daily exercise or at least 3 times in a week are very important for maintaining a proper digestive system. If you can’t find time to get regular exercise, just keep moving around and incorporate physical activities to get enough exercise for your body.
Smoking is bad for every aspect of your health which includes your digestive health. Smoking is responsible for many changes in the digestive system. It contributes to common disorders such as heartburn and peptic ulcers.
Drinking too much alcohol is toxic to every part of the body, including the brain, the pancreas, the muscles and our digestive system. Alcohol is at its most concentrated in the stomach and this is especially the case when no food is present. As a result, when consumed in large amounts, alcohol can cause irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining. This in turn may result in nausea and vomiting.
Thursday, August 06, 2024 | 1 Comments
10 Essential Tips To Get a Strong Health
10. Move or Workout More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move or workout more. When you move or workout more, all your systems in the more activities and they can lilt and interact with each other better. Especially, respiratory system works more effective and absorb more oxygen into body, brings oxygen to a round body more than usual. That make you may feel very comfortable!
9. Burning Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!
8. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
7. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
6. Protect Yourself from Pollution Environment.
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.
5. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
4. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
3. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
2. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
1. Your Parents
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.
Wednesday, August 05, 2024 | 0 Comments
6 Different Types of Anxiety Disorders to Familiarize Yourself With
1. General anxiety disorder
To summarize a general panic or anxiety disorder in one word, the sufferer is a constant worrier. If you find that you are worrying constantly and fearing bad things are going to happen then you fall into this category. Your anxiety levels will eventually peak until you get to the point where it is starting to distract you from your daily activities. There are a number of symptoms and some to be aware of are a feeling of restlessness, fatigue and an upset stomach.
2. Panic Disorder
This kind of panic disorder is recognized by unexpected and random panic attacks that happen over and over again to the point where you start to feel scared of when the next attack is going to occur. You might also start to fear that there is nobody else around who can help you when you start to experience an attack.
3. Lots of people know about phobias or experience them, but don't realize that they are also a form of anxiety. Phobias are an unrealistic fear of a specific activity, object or situation that in reality has very little or no danger directly associated with it. The more common types of phobias include flying, snakes, or the fear of heights.
4. Social anxiety disorder
This kind of disorder makes the sufferer feel humiliated and lacking confidence in public and makes them feel as if others are looking down upon them. Many would consider this condition to be nothing more than extreme shyness, but it is considered a social disorder.
5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This disorder is also referred to as OCD and occurs when unwanted thoughts or behaviors enter our heads that simply cannot be controlled by thought alone. You might have OCD or a repeated worry such as not locking the front door, everything has to be in an exact place, or another uncontrollable compulsion.
6. Post-traumatic stress disorder
This last kind of anxiety disorder happens usually after a traumatic event or an experience that has been life-threatening. Post-traumatic stress disorder includes symptoms such as flashbacks, being scared easily, and recurring nightmares. You may also avoid places, people, or situations that remind you on the particular event.
Thanks Bernard Scala for post so much. For more visit at Panic and Anxiety Attack
Tuesday, August 04, 2024 | 0 Comments
5 Things To Do Yourself To Help Prevent Anxiety Attacks From Occurring
Nobody in the world has ever laid in bed hoping that they might have a panic attack at some point in the future. However, they do happen and they can begin to take over your life. If you want to stop these attacks from happening, below are five questions to start asking yourself.
1. Do you have too many responsibilities?
The number one cause of panic and anxiety attacks is probably stress. There is little doubt that giving yourself too many tasks and responsibilities will eventually take its toll. Do yourself a favor and spread your tasks so that they are easier to complete. This will allow you to take some time out every so often and will also result in working more efficiently.
There is no shame in asking for some help now and again. Never be afraid to ask for help no matter what it is. There will always be somebody who is willing to support you and give you a helping hand if you ask them. The very last thing you want to do is let pride stand in the way of asking for help from a family member or friend. Lighten the load and let others help you out.
3. Do people offer emotional support?
Everybody needs some emotional support every so often to make sure they are on the right track and generally okay. It can sometimes be hard to face up to the daily stresses that tend to take over our lives. This is when it is important to have somebody to talk to. If you want to stop these panic attacks from happening to you, try to find somebody who you can lean on when the going gets tough.
4. Do you include fun on your agenda?
It doesn't matter how busy your agenda gets, it is so important to include some time for entertainment and fun. When you loosen up and have a good time it helps to release a lot of pressure and can completely eradicate your system of the bottled up feelings and emotions you may have been carrying around without realizing. It could be something simple like going to the cinema or a comedy club, catching up with friends at a bar, or maybe just taking a relaxing walk in the park on a sunny day. Try to find something that you enjoy dong that will help to take your mind off of things for a while.
5. Are you taking care of your body?
The last question you need to ask yourself in order to rid yourself of panic attacks is whether you are taking care of yourself. This means ensuring you are getting enough sleep, trying to find time for exercise three or four times each week, eating a good diet, and including some fun in your life.
Thanks Bernard Scala for sharing post. For more visit at Panic and Anxiety Attack.
Tuesday, August 04, 2024 | 0 Comments
16 Things That Make You Smell
A speedy post-shower rubdown may end up causing a problem later on. That's because moisture can get trapped between folds of skin, like below your breasts, under your love handles, or even between your toes, says Marina Peredo, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in private practice in Smithtown, New York. "There's no access to air there, and it's easier for bacteria and fungi to multiply and mix with sweat, causing odor and irritation," she says. Fix it: Peredo recommends this trick to her patients: "After you dry off, set a blow-dryer to cool and wave it over your belly, groin, feet-anywhere that gets uncomfortably sweaty." You can also sprinkle an absorbent powder with antifungal properties onto your skin or in your shoes. Try Zeabsorb-AF, available at drugstores.
Foods with pungent ingredients, such as curry, garlic, and other spices, can not only cause bad breath, but also a bit of a body odor. When digested, these foods produce several stinky sulfur-containing gases. Most of these byproducts are metabolized in the intestines and liver, but some, such as allyl methyl sulfide, are absorbed into the bloodstream and released through your lungs and pores, an effect that can last for a few hours or more, says Debra Jaliman, M.D., assistant professor of dermatology at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. Fix it: You can temporarily mask bad breath with mouthwash or by chewing a bit of fresh parsley, mint, or fennel seeds, but you'll have to wait until your body is done digesting before all the odor is completely gone. Sit down to a spicy meal in good company; it's tough to smell it on others if you all eat the same thing, says Richard Price, D.M.D., spokesperson for the American Dental Association. Avoid garlic-rich chow in the hours before an important meeting or date.
Neglect your tongue, and your breath may not be as fresh as you'd like. Your tongue is covered with thousands of small hair-like projections called papillae, which can trap and harbor tiny scraps of food. So even if you brush and floss regularly, small remains from your meals can hang behind, collecting bacteria and emitting hydrogen sulfide vapors-also known as bad breath. Fix it: Mouthwashes may help, but the best way to remove bacteria, dead cells, and food debris from the crevices of your tongue is with an inexpensive tongue scraper. Brushing your tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush works well too. Gently clean as far back as you can without gagging. Also, switch to a toothpaste that contains chlorine dioxide or tea tree oil, a powerful disinfectant with a pleasant, eucalyptus-like smell.
When an urgent project drops on your desk, sweating is part of how your body naturally handles the pressure. Our bodies are smart. The famous fight or flight response mechanism-yep, the same one that helped our ancestors outrun saber-toothed tigers-increases sweating so that we don't overheat while we're battling it out. Fast-forward a few thousand years, and hectic days at the office can produce those same sweaty palms and sticky underarms. Fix it: Try sage tea. It contains the astringent tannin and several antiseptic compounds that may act to calm down the sympathetic nervous system, which is what triggers all those stress symptoms. Sage tea should reduce overall perspiration if sipped frequently in small quantities throughout the day. To make it, steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of coarsely powdered dried sage leaves in hot water and leave covered for 10 minutes to ensure all the active ingredients have been released
Fiber-packed foods are great for your health, but they may leave you feeling a little gassy. Unfortunately, the reason some fiber-rich foods-such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans-keep you feeling full longer is the same reason that they can cause gas, according to the Mayo Clinic. This type of fiber, called soluble fiber, doesn't get digested until it reaches the large intestine (other foods typically get digested in the small intestine, earlier in the digestive process). Here, healthy bacteria in your gut break down the fiber, which produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and even methane. Eventually, these smelly gases have to go somewhere-and they often exit in the form of flatulence. Fix it: Add these foods to your diet over a few weeks so your body can adjust. If you use a fiber supplement, be sure to take it with at least 8 ounces of water and drink plenty of liquids throughout the day-fiber won't move easily through the digestive system without it.
Blame those nighttime noises for cover-your-mouth morning breath. Sleeping with your mouth open dries out your oral cavity, enabling dead cells to accumulate and decompose on your tongue, gums, and cheeks. This is what causes morning breath. Fix it: Skip the nightcap. Alcohol before bed can make snoring worse. Placing an adhesive snoring strip across the bridge of your nose can help by enhancing breathing. In the morning, in addition to brushing your teeth and tongue and flossing, gargle with a small cup of acidic lemon juice to kill odor-causing bacteria. Then eat plain unsweetened yogurt, which contains healthy lactobacillus bacteria, a probiotic that competes with and replaces the reeking bacteria in your mouth. The lemon-yogurt combo instantly neutralizes odor and lasts 12 to 24 hours, says Mark Moyad, M.D., M.P.H., director of preventive and alternative medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center.
If you wolf down lunch in mere minutes because of work deadlines, you may have a burpy afternoon ahead of you. Chewing too fast and drinking through a straw can cause you to swallow too much air. You release most of this air, which contains nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, from the stomach by burping. What's left makes its way through the digestive tract until it is eventually expelled through the other end-as gas. Fix it: An hour-long lunch break may be unheard of these days, but do give yourself enough time to chew properly, without gigantic bites. Put down your fork while you munch to slow down, if necessary. Also, don't eat when you're anxious, upset, or stressed-it can interfere with digestion. On hectic days where you know you'll eat quickly, take two enteric-coated peppermint capsules (500 mg each) three times daily, recommends Ronald Hoffman, M.D., author of Alternative Cures that Really Work (Rodale, 2007). Peppermint kills bacteria that cause bloating and relaxes gastrointestinal muscles for smoother digestion.
Make sure your white stick contains antiperspirant too. Deodorants only temporarily mask your BO-they don't prevent your body from releasing sweat, says Peredo. "Antiperspirants actually plug your sweat glands, which stops you from excreting sweat," she says. Fix it: You really need only an antiperspirant, but if you want that ocean breeze scent, at least pick a product that has both deodorant and antiperspirant. If you're a big-time sweater (especially in sticky summer months), apply it before you go to sleep. You perspire less at night, so more of the antiperspirant's aluminum-based active ingredient is pulled into sweat glands. The effect can last 24 hours or longer, even if you shower in the morning. If this doesn't help, ask your doctor about prescription-strength antiperspirants, such as Drysol or Xerac, which contain aluminum chloride.
Dandruff isn't the problem-it's the hiatus from hair washing that makes your mane smell gamey. "It's a common misperception that dandruff occurs when your hair scalp is too dry," says Peredo, a myth that makes people wash their hair less. This, combined with the fact that an irritated scalp may be more of a bacteria breeding ground, can make your tresses smell. "In fact, dandruff happens when your hair is too oily." Fix it: Washing your hair with shampoo regularly may help get the flakes in check. If not, try an OTC dandruff shampoo. Look for ones with zinc pyrithione, an antifungal/antibacterial agent that can de-germ your scalp (found in Head & Shoulders or Selsun Salon), or with coal tar, an ingredient that slows down your skin cell-shedding process (like Neutrogena T/Gel). If the dandruff still doesn't go away after a few weeks, see your doctor or dermatologist. You may need a stronger prescription-strength product or steroid lotion.
Check your medicine cabinet-it could be the source of your not-so-fresh breath. Hundreds of prescription and over-the-counter drugs-for everything from allergies to high blood pressure to depression-can cause dry mouth, one of the most common triggers of bad breath. They may block the action of acetylcholine, a brain chemical that tells nerves to switch on the salivary glands. Fix it: Ask your doctor to adjust your dosage or suggest an alternative medication that doesn't list dry mouth as a side effect. In the meantime, frequently sip water to stimulate the production of saliva, which keeps the mouth moist and clean. Limit coffee consumption and try to breathe through your nose, not your mouth, to avoid drying it out further. OTC saliva substitutes can also help keep your mouth moist, according to the Mayo Clinic. Look for ones containing carboxymethylcellulose or hydroxyethylcellulose to help thicken saliva.
Who knew? A woman's monthly cycle can influence how much she sweats. Body temperature rises half a degree midcycle when you're ovulating, enough to prompt more sweat-and BO, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine and a Prevention advisor. Vaginal secretions increase then too. Fix it: Try a stronger underarm antiperspirant/deodorant midcycle (about 14 days from the day your last menstrual period started) and wear cotton underwear, which allows moisture to evaporate. If you're noticing a persistent, unusual vaginal odor, check with your doctor; it could be an infection that requires treatment.
Followers of protein-packed diets may find their breath surprisingly stinky. Ditching bread to slip into your skinny jeans may take a toll on your breath-and your overall health. Some of these high-protein plans have you consuming between 30 and 50% of total calories from protein. Because carbs are your body's normal energy source, when you consume too few, you start burning your own fat stores for energy, which releases substances called ketones into your bloodstream, according to the American Heart Association. These can make your breath smell funky-some describe it as a combination of nail polish and overripe pineapples. In addition, diets high in animal sources of protein may also have too much saturated fat, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Fix it: Cut out overall calories-not just those from carbs-to lose weight. You should consume at least 130 g of carbohydrates daily-ideally whole grains, beans, and fruits and veggies-to stay healthy.
Ditch those form-fitting clothes for a less smelly gym session. Tight, synthetic fabrics, like spandex, rub against skin and can trap sweat. This may cause extra odor, as well as skin irritation, like folliculitis (inflammation around hair follicles) and acne-like eruptions, says Peredo. Fix it: Opt for moisture wicking fabrics that are antimicrobial too. Wool-containing fabrics, for example, naturally inhibit the growth of stink-causing bacteria (one to try: lightweight, itch-free Smartwool). Newer synthetic fabrics, like Cocona, are spun with fibers from recycled coconut shells that provide odor repellent (find it in brands like New Balance and Merrell).
Sugar-free kinds are better for your teeth, but they can make your tummy rumbly, causing flatulence. Our bodies don't completely digest the low-cal sweeteners, such as sorbitol, found in sugar-free gum. When bacteria in the large intestine break them down, it can cause gas and even diarrhea. Fix it: Soothe your sweet tooth with a cup of peppermint tea instead. Peppermint oil contains menthol, which appears to have a soothing effect on the muscles of your digestive tract, providing relief from gas and gas pain. Or drink a half-cup of cranberry juice a day. It contains phytochemicals that suppress the odor-causing bacteria in your gut.
A drippy nose can make your breath smell sour. When nasal fluid drips from the sinuses to the back of your throat, it can stink up your breath. So can breathing mainly from your mouth when nasal passages are blocked because this dries out your mouth. A dry mouth prevents saliva from keeping your mouth moist and clean, making dead cells more likely to accumulate on your tongue, gums, and cheeks. When these cells decompose, they produce an odor. Fix it: Drink plenty of water-not coffee, soda, or alcohol, which can dehydrate you. Decades worth of clinical tests have also found that nasal irrigation, in which the sinus cavities are rinsed with lukewarm salt water, is a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to flush out the mucous that causes halitosis. Rubber syringes, ceramic Neti pots, a plastic squeeze bottle such as SinuCleanse, or sprays like ENTsol all work well. Use warm, distilled water and 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt per 1 cup for the Neti pot.
Do you slip your bare feet into pumps? You could have an odor problem at the end of the day. Closed shoes can act as a bacteria breeding ground, trapping moisture and causing that stinky feet stench, according to The Doctors' Book of Home Remedies. When you skip out on socks, there's nothing to absorb the sweat your feet produce. Fix it: You can rub an antiperspirant on the bottom of your feet and between toes. It's also a good idea to dab your feet with an antifungal powder, which will help keep your tootsies dry. At night, dunk feet in a bacteria-killing bath of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. You could also try a black tea soak for about 30 minutes. The tannins kill bacteria and close up pores, which keep your feet dryer, longer. You'll see results in a few days to a week.
Thanks Harrison A. for post so much. Here is his blog http://prevent-malwares.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, August 04, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Get Rid of Pimples Acne Fast
In most cases pimples acne is caused by increase in skin gland activities. Each gland empties into a hair follicle that is, the little bag surrounding each hair. Normally, the oil would drain out through a pore of the skin, but sometimes a pore gets clogged and the oil cannot get out quickly enough. The clogged pore now form a blemish called blackhead because the trapped oil oxidizes, dries and turn black.
If the pore is so clogged that no air can get to it, then a whitehead is developed instead. Pimple develops when pus forms. Cysts are developed when germs breed in the black-up oil. It is the cysts that leave a permanent scar. Pimples do not scar unless they are infected because of squeezing and picking, therefore do not squeeze or pick.
One of the best way to get rid of or to avoid pimples acne is to try as much as possible to avoid anxiety. Tension and emotional upset activate the skin glands. Studies have shown that some experience large blossoming of pimples just before important events, before or during exams. Avoid procrastination, do the right things at the right time to avoid undue anxiety.
Estimate the severity of your case by counting the number of lesions: 10 or less, a mild case; 11 to 30, a moderate case; over 30, a severe acne problem. In the cases above, cure is very much possible. Take time to learn about this problem. Be patient, knowing fully that pimples acne cannot disappear overnight. You cannot get rid of pimples acne in three days. So, do not allow anybody to frustrate you.
Wash affected parts gently with hand or soft washcloth. This part needs extra care if you must get rid of pimples acne fast. You will benefit greatly by washing the oily areas of your body regularly, these include your face, neck, shoulders, back and chest. Further, frequently shampooing your hair can help prevent oils from spreading to your skin.
Avoid any beauty products that causes aggravation, oil-based products make face oilier which is not good for you. A professor of dermatology recommends: Do not eat chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream and the likes. Avoid excess sweets and fats, especially French fried potatoes and spicy foods. Go easy on oysters and the like seafood.
Try as much as you can to do without nerve and headache medicines. Be sure to eat enough fruits and vegetables. Chronic alcohol consumption has also been associated with increased acne. You can get rid of pimples acne if you apply yourself diligently.
Thanks Phil Orits Smith for sharing this post. For more visit at getridofpimples.com
Tuesday, August 04, 2024 | 0 Comments
8 Remedies to Cure Your Candidiasis Safely and Holistically
1. Plain Yogurt - One of the best methods of fighting Candida infection is by introducing "Probiotic" bacteria into your body. This is done by dipping a tampon into the plain yogurt and then inserting it into the vagina for about an hour. CAUTION: Never use sweetened or flavored yogurt to do this. Yeast loves sugar. You must also make sure that the yogurt you buy has "active cultures" on the label.
2. Essential Tea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil has a compound known as terpinen-04-ol that has been show to be effective in curing yeast overgrowth. This kind of essential oil must be applied directly to the infected area.
3. Garlic - One of the best natural cures for yeast infection is garlic. It can be used as a suppository (meaning it must be inserted into the vagina, to be removed later) to remedy the extreme itching symptom of vaginal Candidiasis.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar - Must be diluted in water and applied to the areas that are regularly prone to acquiring yeast infection.
5. Olive Leaf Extract - This is also another natural substance that is used to treat this kind of infection. It can also be mixed with grapefruit seed extract to create a better curative tonic.
6. Boric Acid - Another substance that has proven to be one of the most effective natural cures for yeast infection is Boric acid. It contains natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that have been shown to quickly and significantly alleviate itching and other symptoms.
7. Colloidal Silver - You must purchase a superior brand of colloidal silver, which can be taken orally or applied directly to the infected body part (vaginal suppositories).
8. Bentonite Clay - Is a substance that is very effective in cleaning the intestinal walls from yeast infection. Do note that Bentonite clay by itself cannot cure Intestinal Candidiasis. It is however, an excellent addition to your Candida-treatment regiment.
Thanks Bryan Mills for sharing this post. For more, pls visit at Natural cures.
Sunday, August 02, 2024 | 0 Comments
3 Tips to Reduce Bleeding Hemorrhoids
Bleeding hemorrhoids can be scary and painful, but they shouldn't be a cause for panic. I am going to give you 3 helpful tips on how you can arrest the bleeding and start to reverse the condition.
1. Pour yourself out a warm bath or a sitz bath and stay there until you feel relaxed and any hemorrhoid pain you may have had is subsiding. Once out of the bath you must dry yourself thoroughly, giving particular attention to the anal area.
Once out of the bath and the affected area is completely dry, apply the Witch Hazel using a swab soaked in the solution. Witch Hazel is an astringent - it tightens up the skin and reduces the size of the blood vessels which slows up the blood flow. Keep on applying the solution until the blood flow is under control. Allow the Witch Hazel to dry naturally on the surface of the skin.
3. The actual bleeding of your hemorrhoids was probably due in the first place to insufficient moisture in that area, and it is this moisture imbalance that has to be corrected.
You need to obtain a tub of Aloe Vera (once again, your local store or herbalist will stock this item). Aloe Vera is a naturally-grown and widely-used medicinal plant for soothing the skin and healing burns and wounds. Cracked skin of any description is a skin wound.
Apply the Aloe Vera liberally and you will find that it will bring rapid and comforting relief. After an hour or so you will be able to move about more freely as the cracks will have been thoroughly moistened and elasticity will have returned to the affected skin areas.
This is a simple and completely natural three-stage solution to the problem of bleeding hemorrhoids that has no side-effects whatsoever.
Thanks Anthony Clive Palmer for sharing this post. For more visit at http://curehemorroidsin48hoursreview.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 02, 2024 | 0 Comments
Stop Living With Hemorrhoids Pain - 4 Tips to Get Fast Pain Relief
#1 Cool it down externally
A lot of external hemorrhoids can be treated fairly easily. It is wise you get a soft and damp cool cloth and gently moisten the area that is affected. This will soothe the pain for a limited time only, so to be cured, you'll still need to take more drastic measures, such as antibiotics.
#2 Improve your posture - don't sit around all day!
Spending huge amounts of time sitting down can put pressure on the areas affected. In fact, this could have been the cause of the disease in the first place. Ensure that your posture is correct and if you do feel the need to sit down for long periods of time, have a stretch every 10 minutes.
#3 Improve the quality of your diet
Ditch the junk foods straight away and instead start to increase the quality of your food intake. This means that you'll need to increase your fiber intake. This is naturally found in the likes of fruit and vegetables, so healthy foods are good foods to start consuming!
#1 A daily work out
You might feel like using up the energy that you have left after suffering from pain isn't a good idea. In fact, the kegel and pelvic exercises are some of the best to use and can be the difference between pain and pain relief. They help reduce the pain and swelling.
#2 Get it all out!
Another popular and painless treatment is the use of laxatives. Until a doctor can give something a bit stronger, these are a really good option. Remember that doctors will need to know if you have taken anything before prescribing you other medicines.
#3 Don't slouch! Stop being lazy!
One of the causes of hemorrhoids is your posture. Hemorrhoid treatment therefore focuses on developing your current posture into something that won't cause long term damage or hemorrhoids again.
#4 Consume more fluids
It is important to ensure that your current diet is not the reason for needing hemorrhoid treatment. If it is, then the first thing to change is to ensure that you are consuming as much water as possible. In general, a guideline would be to consume somewhere in the region of 5-8 pints of water every single day.
Thanks Nancy Cartright for sharing this post. For more visit at hemorrhoid cure.
Sunday, August 02, 2024 | 0 Comments