How to Grow Taller Naturally and Regain Confidence
A short man or woman will soon become obsessed about height. If women can be considered cute when they are short or they can ameliorate the height difference by wearing very high heels, men have no solution after they enter adulthood.
You should start by shocking a sport that you like. Some people have even made up exercise routines especially designed for those that want to know how to grow taller naturally. If you know about the medical answer that tells you that once you pass 25 years old you can not grow taller anymore, then you must be skeptical about this. Doctors are right and in normal circumstances the growth hormone stops acting once a certain age is reaching. But it is still there, and can be stimulated. The exercises on how to grow taller naturally are focused on stimulating this hormone, so that it can further increase bone structure.
Have you ever noticed that you are taller when you wake up? Try to measure yourself in the morning and then later, towards evening hours. The height discrepancy will show that the bones in the spinal cord can be trained to have a correct position, and this is another exercise that can show you how to grow taller naturally, in your sleep.
Alimentation is also important when you want to know how to grow taller naturally. You need to forget about calcium products, because they block bone growth. At this point, mineral supplements are required; especially those based on magnesium and zinc, and calcium products are to be avoided.
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you grow taller by 2-3 inches in under 6 weeks. If you have been desperately looking around for ways to grow taller naturally then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Stop Excessive Sweating Underarms
After looking deeply into how to stop excessive sweating underarms, I found out the different modern day medical solutions. They weren't a good solution for me, and here is why.
I know how difficult life can be with this condition. I used to have it myself. Both my social and professional life suffered tremendously from it. Society does not look well up to heavy sweaters. It was always hard to find a date. I even missed prom night because I was not that popular at the time. I was always sweating heavily, always looking for a solution to my complicated situation.
Modern medicine does not have a good solution for underarm excessive sweating. It seems that the best results are made with Botox injections. The Botox treatment consists of being injected Botulinum toxin that is a neurotoxic protein produced by the Botulism bacteria. This toxin is paralyzing the injected area so the sweating glands can not produce sweat any longer.
This solution wasn't for me, it is both pricey, not permanent hence had to be renewed every few weeks and I really did not feel comfortable with both the injections and putting toxin in my body that in high dosage can even kill you.
Another drug is Drysol. Can't be used during the day since any water contact cause a burning sensation and therefore used and recommended only during low activity hours mainly at night. But that didn't make it for me neither. It is pricey, takes weeks to react and doesn't work for all the people. Some have even reacted to it very badly.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Stretches That Increase Height - Guaranteed Height Increasing Stretches
If you are searching for different kinds of stretches that increase height and you are still in the stages of growth, you are lucky because there are a lot of stretching exercises that you can do everyday to help stretch out your spine. I would like to share with you some of the stretches that I have been religiously doing everyday that helped me increase my height in just a few weeks of exercising. There are many useful stretches that increase height by releasing growth hormones which also involve not just stretches but focus on workout routines too which is concerned more on increasing bone strength.
If you are searching for different kinds of stretches that increase height and you are still in the stages of growth, you are lucky because there are a lot of stretching exercises that you can do everyday to help stretch out your spine.
I would like to share with you some of the stretches that I have been religiously doing everyday that helped me increase my height in just a few weeks of exercising. There are many useful stretches that increase height by releasing growth hormones which also involve not just stretches but focus on workout routines too which is concerned more on increasing bone strength.
What Are Some of These Height Increasing Stretching Exercises
The exercises which you will use to lengthen your spine fall into these categories:
1. Stretches
2. Hanging
3. Swimming
For our purpose, we are just going to talk about category one today which is about "stretches". Each stretch should be performed for 10 repetitions before moving on to the next stretch.
1. The Cobra
This stretching exercise is probably one of the most popular. What you need to do is lie on the floor face down with your palms on the floor just beneath your shoulders. Lift up your body and begin to arch your spine as far back as you can. Maintain that posture for at least 15 seconds and repeat.
2. The Bow Down
The basic starting position is you stand with your hands on your hips. While maintaining this position try to bend forward (performing a bow) as far as you can. Make sure that you keep your knees straight. Hold your position for at least 5 seconds.
3. The Bridge
This is one of the advance postures. Start this stretch by lying down with your knees bent, keep your feet flat on the floor and close to your behind. Hold on to your ankles then slowly try to raise your hips, lifting your stomach to the roof. Perform each exercise for 5 seconds. Be careful when doing this for the first few times but as you go on you'll be able to perform it right.
If you religiously perform these stretches that increase height especially during your puberty age is that it releases your essential growth hormones which speeds your height increase.
Want to learn more advanced exercises that will help you grow taller? Learn everything you need to know to get dramatic increase in height.
These Grow Taller 4 Idiots insider tips will show you how! Be sure to visit today!
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Stop Excessive Sweating Naturally - 3 Simple Methods
Sweating is formed by the sweat glands and is immensely valuable since this way we can remove harmful toxins. However, in several people these glands become greatly stimulated, which results in hyperhidrosis.
To treat this condition several people apply antiperspirants, but they can only show effect if the condition is mild.
A further fairly common treatment is to utilize Botox injections, but the disadvantage is that they can cost up to $1400 and they are reasonably painful.
If you have attempted to resolve this condition and nothing has worked, don't be concerned.
There is a entirely natural treatment you can use to stop sweating excessively permanently. Here below are some guidelines that will get you on the right track:
Take care of what you eat: there are some foods that raise your quantity of sweat and they also make your body smell badly. Try to steer clear of spicy foodstuffs, onions, garlic, curries and red meat. Also stay away from caffeine in view of the fact that it causes your heart's rate to rise and makes the scenario worse. A further thing you should absolutely reduce is drinking alcohol. On the other hand, there are many food items that can assist you in reducing sweat such as fruits, vegetables and alfalfa. Furthermore, you can attempt to use herbs such as lemon balm, St. Johns and catnip.
Lose weight: it looks as if many of sufferers are overweight. By shedding some it will be easier for you to move and it will create a smaller amount of warmth.
Find out some recreation techniques: many times perspiring palms and armpits are caused by stress, increased levels of anxiety can cause this condition.
Do you wish to learn a massively useful and safe method to PREVENT SWEATING NATURALLY If you wish to Treat Sweaty Palms and Armpits forever, Just Click Here
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Stop Excessive Sweating With Simple Hyperhidrosis Treatments
Here are some simple tips to help stop excessive sweating:
1) Drink enough water so that all the toxins and impurities get thrown out along with urine and stools. Water will also help in maintaining correct fluid levels in your body.
2) Maintain proper body hygiene by having regular bath and applying an aluminum chloride based cream / spray to the body parts that sweats a lot.
This may be sweaty hands or feet or underarms or any other part.
3) Avoid foods and beverages that cause excessive sweating. This includes caffeine-based products like coffee, tea, cola etc.
4) Another important hyperhidrosis treatment involves keeping stress and anxiety levels under control. It is a well-known fact that stress causes excessive perspiration.
5) If you seriously want to stop excessive sweating then stop smoking and excessive drinking. Nicotine and alcohol both make you sweat more.
6) Always carry wipes that have aluminum chloride or other hyperhidrosis treatment medicines. This will help in getting temporary relief during social events and parties.
7) Eat a well balanced diet that has proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. This will not only help to stop excessive sweating but also help in proper bowel movements and timely waste removal.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Cure Nighttime Urinary Incontinence
Until you deal with the root cause of your urinary incontinence, you cannot achieve a 100% cure for night time incontinence. However, there is a lot that you can do to reduce the frequency of your bathroom visits and perhaps even bring it down to a level which is normal for your age.
Here are some tips:
1. Don't drink coffee or tea during the evening or night and not because of the caffeine. Coffee and tea are both diuretics, meaning that they cause you to feel the urge to urinate more. Alcohol is also not good if you want to sleep through the night.
2. Try to avoid drinking water after you go to the bathroom before bed.
3. When you go to the bathroom you should always make sure that you're completely empty. Often, we believe that we're set to go but soon after we need to rush to the bathroom again. To make sure this doesn't happen to you always stay for a moment after you think that you're through. Many times, you will suddenly find yourself with some more to give.
4. Make sure you're not cold at night. Often, cooler temperatures make you want to pee more often.
5. Always go to the bathroom again right before bed.
To really cure your nighttime urinary incontinence, you need to take action by watching your diet, doing the right exercises, and changing your lifestyle. It can be done. You just need to make it happen.
Grace Emerson is a health researcher and author. You can see her site on UI treatment and learn more facts to improve your health at
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Human Growth Hormone - Why It's Safe and Beneficial to Your Health
You may be wondering why your neighbor is looking good in her 60's. Looking good means that she may be old in the sense that she's 60 but she still looks younger in and out. The benefits of the hormone are as follows:
• Improve your skin - The hormone makes the skin feel smooth while making it looks young.
• Promotes good bone density - Osteoporosis has been a long time problem by most people. The hormone makes the bone thicker and stronger. It also may reverse osteoporosis.
• Gives you a fit body - You don't have to take those slimming pills just to take off that fat. It helps decrease unwanted fats and convert it into lean muscles.
• Promotes good memory - Aging goes with memory loss because the brain's normal response towards aging but HGH makes you brain cope its nature. You will then have good memory and a powered brain as well.
• Increases your sex drive - Again, growing old is accompanied with poor sex drive or decreased libido. The HGH then increases your circulation which in effect increases your sex drive.
• For good vision and hearing - The hormone helps take off anything that is giving your blood circulation a hard time to transmit your impulses.
• Prevent insomnia - Due to the fast pace working environment especially today, you tend to have shorter sleep pattern because of stress or a problem. The hormone makes your sleep pattern be at normal level by having your brain receptors tell your body that you need to rest after a long day of work.
• Improve your temper - You surely are exhausted at the end of the day. You may lose your temper easily because you're tired. The Human Growth Hormone will give you a nice active body that's why you won't really experience stress even at the end of the day. It takes away any type of depression or fatigability.
The human growth hormone is known to give your body a lot of benefits while being safe from side effects, unless if you overdose of course. It is taken not only by women but by men as well. As you age, no matter what your gender is, your body will be exhausted from the many years that you have been working so hard. The hormone gives you good benefits both inside and outside the body by maintaining a well and sound blood circulation.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Seeking an Indigestion Remedy
What exactly is indigestion? The most basic explanation of the problem is that indigestion is a condition that results when someone is unable to properly digest their food. Specifically, a person may eat a great deal of food that does not gel well with the large intestine's process of breaking down and digesting the food. A byproduct of problematic digestion in the large intestine is developing excess gas. Gas alone, however, is not the problem.
What is the root cause of this? Basically, when a person eats food that the intestinal bacteria of the large intestines cannot properly break down, indigestion is the result. That is one of the many reasons why it is important to always watch one's diet. Ingesting the wrong foods, junk foods, or too much of the same food group will definitely overburden the intestines and lead to severe problems with indigestion. Indigestion is, however, more than a condition that is merely uncomfortable. The bloating and cramps associated with indigestion can cause severe discomfort and pain and that is why it is necessary to seek a proper indigestion remedy.
What are the most common indigestion remedy people may turn to? They will generally look for an over-the-counter product such as Tums or Rolaids antacids. Keep in mind when the stomach receives food it will start to produce acid. With a bad diet, the amount of acid that the body produces will be excessive and this will also contribute to indigestion. As such, antacids can prove to be a helpful indigestion remedy.
For those that would prefer to stay away from such over-the-counter products, there are a number of natural remedies and cures that can prove quite helpful as well. Cutting back on protein intake can certainly help reduce problems associated with indigestion since protein can cause salt depletion which contributes to indigestion. If you do suffer from this problem, eating celery and cucumbers can restore sodium balance and reduce indigestion. Taking calcium naturally through milk is another common way to combat indigestion naturally and it remains a recommended method. Many people prefer a natural solution instead of drugs, even over-the-counter drugs and medicines.
As one can see, it is not always difficult to find an indigestion remedy that properly works. Indigestion is a painful and problematic condition and that is why seeking a means of alleviating it is recommended. Of course, altering one's dietary habits would not be a bad idea either.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Restless Leg Syndrome Cure - Is There Such a Thing?
Then you are most likely suffering from restless leg syndrome (RLS) - but what can you do about it?
I'll briefly tell you my story. I am a 50 (ahem!) something male and I have suffered from this affliction my whole life. Not that I knew it even had a medical name until a few years ago. Actually it was my long suffering wife who excitedly told me all about RLS as I came home from work one evening. She had researched my problem on the internet and had printed out pages of info. For me the big thing was that it actually had a name and was a recognised problem. Until that point I thought it was just some odd thing that was in my family.
That in itself was a clue. A number of my family members were sufferers and had given the awful feelings their own names. My maternal grandmother suffered from 'the horrors', my mother called them 'the fidgets' and I adopted that name and still use it today. One of my daughters also suffers from RLS. So an obvious genetic connection but not 100% clear to me exactly how it works. More research into genetic needed for me to understand I guess.
Strangely though, my own sister does not suffer and neither does my other daughter.
Anyway, I need to cut short my life story and get to the point. Does a restless leg syndrome cure exist? Technically no! As a life long sufferer who has tried every remedy in the book I can categorically tell you that there is no cure. A cure would mean taking away the root cause of the problem. That assumes that you know the root cause of course, and in my case I believe I do.
What you definitely can do however is cure the symptoms. i.e. that horrible feeling in your legs. I know the purists amongst you will say that should be 'treat' the symptoms but I think we are able to do a little better than that. You treat the symptoms of a cold and a few days later you will start to feel better. Effectively treat the symptoms of RLS and the instant relief will feel like a miracle cure to most suffers.
My recommendation is to first ensure that you are diagnosed correctly before looking for a restless leg syndrome cure. I strongly suggest that you see your GP. I was very pleasantly surprised at the response from my doctor. I really thought I would be laughed out of the surgery. Although I understand that not all doctors will be as understanding and a few even think there is no such thing as restless leg syndrome let alone a cure.
A couple of simple things you can do for yourself though. Try some iron supplements as iron deficiency can definitely cause the same symptoms. If this is the case for you it's an instant and genuine restless leg syndrome cure. Your GP can test you and confirm any deficiencies. I personally think this is red herring for most RLS sufferers but you need to check because if this is your problem no other treatment will help you.
Next, when you suffer an attack try drinking a large glass of tonic water. I know it sound daft and it's not to everyone's taste but if it works you will get almost instant relief, certainly within a few minutes. This works on a high percentage of sufferers but if this is at night, which is usually the worst time, you may find extra trips to the bathroom may outweigh the benefits.
If it does work however you can go to your GP and ask to get a prescription for Quinine tablets. Quinine is the active ingredient in the tonic water. When I first took quinine tablets I had no symptoms for 7 days (and I am a daily sufferer), it seemed like a miracle restless leg syndrome cure and I had the best weeks sleep in many years.
There are many ways to cure the symptoms of RLS but they all have one thing in common. They only work for a period of time. RLS is a cunning little devil and soon adapts to any new cure you may try. It may work for a week or even a month but be sure that those awful feelings will not be gone for ever.
So the real trick to combating RLS is work out what cures work for you and then rotate or vary them over time. Each cure will become effective again if not used for a while. This is the strategy I use to control my symptoms and it is the most effective way I know how, at least until some medical breakthrough happens.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Gout Recipes - The Perfect Gout Fighting Dinner
Below is one of my favorite gout recipes that I make often. Try it, it's delicious.
Take a fillet of salmon and sautee it; rub it lightly with vegetable oil on both sides. Grill it at 350 degrees for twenty minutes.
While the salmon is baking, dice up cherries, oranges and grapefruit into a fruit salad type mixture. Spread evenly over the salmon when it is done cooking. These fruits are tremendous at gout prevention, especially cherries.
Brown rice or whole wheat bread should be served as the starch. Both of these foods prevent gout. If you are like me, you'll include both into this meal.
You have several options for vegetables. I find that with this meal, zucchini, squash, corn or bell peppers go best. All are gout fighting vegetables and all taste great grilled.
Your drink should be water, as it should be all the time. Stay away from alcohol, diet soda, and coffee. Decaf coffee is a great option. You should try to drink as much water as you can throughout the day because it flushes the uric acid out of your system.
The best (and least expensive) resource I found to help me is called Instant Gout Relief It was created by a retired dentist and is very unique in its approaches and methods. They offer a money back guarantee. Review it here
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Effective Natural Cures For Gout
I eliminated them and so can you. I found natural cures for gout that not only work to prevent attacks but also help to make me generally healthier. Some require minor to moderate lifestyle changes and like all change,
Natural Cures for Gout
1) Exercise. I am no work out king, believe me. Never have been, never will be. I do, however, walk after dinner once or twice a week. I walk a round of golf instead of riding. (Sometimes) I take the stairs. I play horse with my son. Basically, I find ways that are painless to me to get exercise in. Cardio is the most important for preventing gout attacks and helping your body to naturally flush out the uric acid that cause them.
2) Diet. Many medical professionals suggest eating a low purine diet but I do not go this far. All I do diet wise is rarely eat the trigger foods and throw in some foods that are good for preventing gout attacks. Finding your trigger foods may take some time but common ones are shellfish, (especially scallops), alcohol, diet soda, sardines, spinach, and several types of red meat.
I try to eat cherries as often as possible because they have proven to be very effective in preventing attacks for me. All types of berries are helpful but black cherries are the best. High fiber foods are terrific for flushing out the uric acid.
The best (and least expensive) resource I found to help me is called Instant Gout Relief. It was created by a retired dentist and is very unique in its approaches and methods. They offer a money back guarantee. Review it here.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Hemorrhoid Symptoms - The Common Hemorrhoid Symptoms That Happen to Most People
The first symptom of hemorrhoid that most people experience is the itching sensations, but it may be the second symptom as well.
If you know what the hemorrhoid symptoms are, so, there will be many ways to avoid having these symptoms. But, you might need to find some time and look for more information about all the symptoms, or at least, learn to know the warning signs of hemorrhoid symptoms.
One of the important symptom that could happen to everyone is having continually constipated. If you are the person who need to force so hard for your bowel movements, then, hemorrhoids can be expected shortly behind.
So, when you go to the bathroom, you should comfortably take your time instead of pushing too hard. But if you can't help it but pushing, just tell yourself that what you are doing right now is the major cause of having hemorrhoid later.
In case you are not sure about having hemorrhoid or not, the first thing that you will notice right away is a burning. This feeling is caused by a collective stinging of nerve endings when the pressure made the skin stretched.
So, the best time to cure hemorrhoids is to proceed before it reaches a serious stage. This can be simply done by just carefully watch for the hemorrhoid symptoms. And don't forget to take care of yourself, especially around that area, eat high fiber foods and drink a lot of water.
Don't know what is best for you? Visit our Naturally Cure Hemorrhoid Products Review site and find out what's the best for your hemorrhoid treatment.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
The Basic Causes of Training Injuries
The first most prominent cause of training injuries is overtraining. Overtraining results from higher intensity than the muscles are able to handle such as lifting a weight too heavy for the muscles for more reps than the muscles can handle. Overtraining can also occur if the diet a body builder eats on a daily basis is inadequate to fuel the intensity of his or her workout.
Overtraining also results when the training frequency is too high and the muscles are not allowed enough time to recover, rejuvenate, repair and even grow. Lack of adequate resting and recovery allowances makes the training overwork the muscles. And it is in the lack of healing and recovery that injuries usually occur. When the muscles arch forced to undertake further training before they heal properly, injuries develop and are perpetuated to irreparable extents. Overtraining the muscles inflicts inflammations that eventually develop to injuries, and if not given time to heal and repair, the injuries may develop to irreparable extents.
The second cause of injuries is poor exercise form. If an exercise is performed in the wrong way, using the wrong technique and posture, the particular body part being trained will strain to an injury level. This usually occurs when the body part is pushed beyond its anatomical limit or when thee weight being carried forces the body part to go further than it ought to, joint sockets sometimes pop out, ligaments sometimes rapture, bones splint and tissues tear if forced to lift a weight in an awkward way.
Finally, the third prominent cause of injuries is accidents in the gym. These kind of injuries are usually very dangerous and damaging. Imagine a barbell dropping on your chest, a dumbbell falling on your foot, a weight slipping from your hand and hitting your head or such an accident. Imagine tripping and falling flat on your stomach while carrying a weight, imagine sliding uncontrollably while with a roller, the damages to the body could be momentous. Accidents in the gym may result from lack of concentration, weakness in some body parts or carelessness.
These three factor report the most number the highest number of casualties during body building training. They force very many promising body builders out of the gym for good, they cause untold suffering and some become fatal. The consequences of injuries in the life of a body builder, whatever degree the injuries are, are always very detrimental to success in the field. It's therefore crucial that a body builder keeps vigil of these three enemies of body building training safety.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Raw Food Diet - Change Your Diet, Change Your Life - Nurse's Secret!
At the time I was plagued with many ailments and conditions including arthritis, severe fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, undiagnosed celiac disease, GERD, chronic sinus infections, gum infections that wouldn't clear up, aches and pains and a host of others too long to list. I also had a bout with strep throat, damaged esophagus from antibiotics and was hospitalized with pneumonia.
After my diagnosis I turned down all conventional therapy. No chemo, no radiation and no surgery. No meds of any kind. I chose another path and that is the natural path. Helping my body to heal. I went on an intense diet of raw foods, that is foods that are alive and loaded with nutrients that would help my malnourished body heal from all my ailments including breast cancer
A strange thing happened. In the first month almost all of my ailments were gone. I woke up able to breathe freely - no sinus problems and later I discovered why. I had an endless amount of energy sleeping only five hours of night. I tried to sleep longer but my body just wanted to get up and get going. My mood was elevated and I felt ready for anything. I couldn't believe my good fortune. Within two months every last ailment and condition was completely gone. I felt fantastic and now a decade later I feel the same way. And not even one pill or medication ever taken.
Although the diet I chose for breast cancer was more intense I still eat only raw foods today - all living foods, foods that are alive and full of life-giving energy and nutrients - antioxidants and legions of other phytonutrients. Thousands of which haven't even been discovered yet. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds - it's a vegan diet. There are dozens of fantastic raw recipes that can be made from these ingredients also - desserts and entrees included.
I know how a raw food diet cured me of all my diseases, and ailments, aches and pains and conditions. Good clear skin, healthy hair, fit body, never any weight issues. No aches and pains. I just feel good all the time. It's the best natural weight loss diet too!
I try to pass on what I've learned and encourage others to change from the standard American diet that we were all raised on. Changing your diet can change your life. Why not give a raw food diet a try for a month and see what I mean. You'll be forever glad you did! Take it from me!
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Keeping Drugs Out of Your Drinking Water
Then trace amounts of terrible pharmaceutical concoctions began to show up in your streams, rivers, and even the oceans.
Now, even the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy is suggesting you find a "drug take-back program" instead of disposing of them in our water recirculation system. It's too bad that such programs are rare. It's actually illegal for patients to give their controlled substances to others, even if it's just to get rid of them.
"Take-back programs for controlled substances require the supervision of the Drug Enforcement Administration or other law-enforcement authorities to ensure that the durgs don't fall into the wrong hands. (The Food and Drug Administration still recommends flushing drugs with a very high potential for abuse, like oxycodone and morphine.)" -excerpted from an Intelligence Report from Parade Magazine, June 28, 2024
The EPA claims no hurt to humans is being done yet, but that our environment suffers badly. 139 streams in 30 states showed trace amounts of common pharmaceuticals like Prozac, codeine, antibiotics, and drugs for high blood pressure and diabetes.
We recommend the safe course of filtering and ionizing your tap water, avoiding all bottled water (which has no standardized rules governing its quality), and being certain your whole family knows the importance of drinking clear, fresh, ionized, restructured water.
Fox has reported that, "...utilities insist their water is safe. But the presence of so many prescription drugs - and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen - in so much of our drinking water is heightening worries among scientists of long-term consequences to human health."
The report goes on to document some of the key results of the AP study:
- "Officials in Philadelphia said testing there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in treated drinking water, including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city's watersheds.
- Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications were detected in a portion of the treated drinking water for 18.5 million people in Southern California.
- Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey analyzed a Passaic Valley Water Commission drinking water treatment plant, which serves 850,000 people in Northern New Jersey, and found a metabolized angina medicine and the mood-stabilizing carbamazepine in drinking water.
- A sex hormone was detected in San Francisco's drinking water."
We can't stress enough the importance of safeguarding your own family's water source. Water ionizing technology will first purify your tap water (which will make it automatically higher quality than bottled water) and then electrolyze it, restructuring it for super anti-oxidation and hydration. It's the best thing you can put into your body! We highly recommend that you:
- Never drink plain tap water. Too dirty and polluted. Probably contaminated with drugs.
- Never drink bottled water. No regulations for clean standards in this industry. Some are straight from the ground!
- Never drink reverse osmosis water. It's dead. No minerals at all. Useless.
- Never, never, never drink distilled water because it will leach your minerals and eventually cause you great harm.
Drink freshly ionized water straight from your own tap (home, workplace, business). It's the world's best antioxidant and it hydrates your body down to the cellular level. It cleanses your cells and removes all kinds of toxins and heavy metals. It will remove acidic waste from your blood, brain, organs, tissues, skin, all your systems and that will set you straight again after being endangered for so many years by the environmentally polluted waters all around.
Useful not only for ALL in your family, but also for pets, farm animals, gardens, greenhouses, and houseplants. The right water is extremely important.
Say NO to drugs! Learn about ionized water. Change Your Water and Change Your Life!
Dianne Hansen
406 882-4050 MST home office
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Experience This Powerful Combination to Control and Prevent Blushing
This is achieved by using a combination of quality skin strengthening and anti-inflammatory products that target facial redness. Together with powerful techniques that provide you with the tools to remain calm, comfortable and relaxed in any given situation.
Firstly, Understanding Why We Blush
Blushing is a natural automated bodily response to situations that are considered to be of danger. The increased blood flow prepares the person to either fight or flee from the dangerous situation.
For people that blush easily, for example through embarrassment, the mind wrongly imagines an innocent social situation to be threatening or intimidating. Which of course will start the automated fight or flight response. Eventually, this can develop into what is known as a thinking trap, an emotional cycle that needs to be broken.
For example, now close your eyes and imagine vividly that you are walking into a crowded room. You don't know anyone. Everybody is staring at you, the room has suddenly gone quiet. They are waiting for you to say something. You panic, you don't know what to say. Your heart is racing you feel your cheeks burning andyou can hear the blood rushing through the ears. You look down, afraid to make eye contact. The room feels hot, you have to get out...
If you started feeling the signs of anxiety of actually being in that situation, you can see the how powerful the imagination is. By learning the following powerful techniques you will be able to break these negative thinking traps, allowing you to remain calm and relaxed in these situations. Which of course will help to reduce, control or even prevent blushing.
It is a fact that you cannot be embarrassed/anxious and calm and relaxed at the same time.
Secondly, Everyone Blushes
Yes, this is absolutely true. However, in some people it is not visible at all, and in others various degrees of redness are seen.
The reason that blushing is visible in some people, is that their blood capillaries are closer to the skin surface or their capillaries may be damaged or even weakened by, for example, from over exposure to the sun.
However, blushing through physical activity is healthy a response and should be encouraged. This will lead to reduced stress and anxiety as well as a healthy circulation and stronger capillaries.
The Negative Psychological Consequences of Using Redness Cover-Up Creams
You may be already using one of the green tinted creams that aim to cover up redness. These creams are quite effective at reducing the appearance of redness, but ensure you use a quality product that is kind on sensitive cream - you don't want to make the redness worse.
However, an emotional dependency and total reliance to these creams can develop. As a result will have a profound impact on daily life - maybe you are experiencing some or all of the following.
- You avoid physical activities as you are worried sweat may wash away the cover-up cream.
- You never leave your home without it, and panic when you forget it.
- Emotional stress of concealing your blushing to new acquaintances.
- Constantly paranoid that people can see that you are wearing a green tinted cover-up cream.
- Hate the sun, humidity, rain, swimming, holidays or anything that can remove the cover-up.
Easier said than done, I know But at least you won't have to suffer the above emotional consequences of having to rely on temporary measures.
A Step by Step Guide To Control And Reduce Blushing Periods
Before we start, I must add that there is no skin care cream or oral supplement that can prevent or control blushing.
However, it is important to use a clinically proven topical cream/lotion that reduces inflammation, soothes, strengthens and nourishes the skins cells and capillary walls. As a result the skin becomes less sensitive to environmental factors that trigger blushing and the redness intensity becomes significantly less.All the information for these clinically proven topical treatments are found on our website.
If these creams are used in combination with the following techniques, you will have the most powerful tools to control blushing.
Step 1. Acceptance, Announce it - Don't Try And Hide It
Accept that you blush. Don't try and conceal it when it happens, that only makes the blushing worse.
For example, you could say when it happens, "Dammit, it's happening again, my annoying red cheeks are flaring up for no reason." This way it is out in the open to you and all around, eliminating the stress of trying to look away or conceal it. I know this is easier said than done, but once you have said it, you have made a giant step towards controlling it.
Hypothetically speaking, if there happened to be a stage around and a blusher had the guts to climb upon it and shout out to the audience below, "I'm a blusher." he or she would probably never blush again!
Step 2. Practice This Calming Breathing Technique
This simple method focuses your mind onto your breathing and away from the fixation of your outward appearance and the expectation of blushing. This is not easy at the beginning but, with practice it will become natural and it will help to calm any embarrassing or anxious feelings that usually triggers blushing. Try practicing this breathing exercise in private to master it.
- Breathe in deeply to a silent count of four.
- Hold your breath to a silent count of four.
- Exhale to a silent count of four (expel all the air from lungs).
- Repeat this process until the anxiety subsides.
Self-hypnosis is a relaxed state of focused awareness that opens the subconscious mind. Once opened, the negative thoughts can be over written with fresh new positive ones, leading to a better way of thinking. Self-hypnosis is now considered to be an effective clinically proven treatment, that is endorsed by the medical profession in most countries.
Listen for Free to High Quality Hypnosis Tracks Streamed From Our Site
(Caution do not operate anything that involves concentration whilst listening - such as driving)
Our website contains some powerful Self-Hypnosis tracks that you can listen to for free and are streamed via the audio player on our website. The Self-Hypnosis tracks are high quality recordings from leading Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists from a company we work together with. We have provided an audio track on our site that tells you all about Self-Hypnosis, what it is, in order to eliminate any myths you may have about it. This track also has a Self-Hypnosis part to guide your mind to gain maximum benefits
The other four free streamed audio hypnotherapy tracks are targeted to treat...
- Stop Being Embarrassed
- Stop Being Self-Conscious
- Gain Great Self-Confidence
- Instant Stress Relief
Step 4. Congratulations, Start Enjoying The Situations That Once Caused You To Blush If you have applied the above techniques you are well on your way to personal contentment or more aptly quoted by the Hypnotherapy company Uncommon Knowledge Ltd. "Just think when you feel unembarrassed and relaxed your whole life will expand and be enriched."
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Vertical Jump Increase - 3 Simple Exercises That Help
Here is a list of 3 simple exercises you can employ in order to achieve higher vertical leaps:
1 - Squatting. To improve overall leg strength, merely squatting will greatly increase your force potential. Squats can be performed with or without the weights. You can also perform it with a squat rack at the gym. Your starting point is athletic stance and slowly bends your knees as if you were going to sit on a chair. Continue lowering yourself down until your thighs is already parallel to the ground. While doing this, make sure that your back is kept straight so as to avoid any injury.
2 - Step Up. When you need a vertical jump increase, this vertical jump exercise will definitely help you in building your quad muscles that are essential in jumping. As the term implies, you need to do a "step up" by using a chair or bench or something higher to step up to. Start with one leg and after a series of repetitive step ups, switch to the other leg. You can make use of weights if you prefer.
3 - Toe Raises. Building your calves would be achieved by employing toe raises. As you may well know, this can also be done with or without weights. When you are at the gym, you can make use of toe raise machine. However, this can also be done at home by innovating using a piece of wood for instance. With your heels hanging on the edge, rise up to your tip toes then slowly lower down. Repeat it at your convenience and pace.
If you need a vertical jump increase, you should be able to slowly achieve that goal by following these three simple exercises that basically anyone can do. Measure your base vertical jump before employing any program so that you can gauge the improvement.
Reward yourself by discovering great and guaranteed ways to improve your vertical leap. Things can get pretty easy and you will see how ... Click Here!
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Increasing Vertical Leaps - 6 Guaranteed Exercises to Aid You
Before you go about the exercises though, you should make sure that you had enough warm up and have performed stretching exercises.
6 Exercises:
1 - Jumping Rope. This simple exercise will definitely aid you in increasing vertical leaps. Make this a regular part of your exercise or habit.
2 - Stomach Crunch. Instead of doing sit-ups which is bad for the back, you do stomach crunch where your abs will work to lift your shoulders from the ground while you keep your back straight. Do this as often as you can and start at 10 minutes each time.
3 - Toe Raise + Weights. Do the toe raise as depicted above, this time though add weights. Adding weights to toe rising will make the exercise more steady. Start with 5 pounds and increase according to your preferences.
4 - Toe Raise. With you casually standing, rise up with the use of the tips of your toes then lower back down. In a steady pace, repeat this 30 times and increasing up to 50.
5 - Deep Knee Bend + Jumps. Crouch down as low as possible as depicted above but at a quick pace this time and your bottom almost touching the ground then from there jump as high as you can. When you land, go back to the crouching position and jump back again. Do this in increments of 5, 15 being the starting point.
6 - Deep Knee Bends. While slowly bending your knees, always keep your back straight then go down slowly like in crouching for as low as you possibly can then slowly go back up. Do this in increments of 5, 15 being the starting point.
The first step to increasing vertical leaps is to adapt a certain level of activity which will help you attain it.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
20 Healthy Habits
1/ Add a fruit or two to your breakfast. Or make fresh juice with 2-3 of your favorite fruits.
2/ Have a small portion of uncooked vegetables (salad) with your lunch.
3/ Replace unhealthy snacks like cookies and crisps with your favorite dried fruit.
5/ Replace regular coffee with decaf, or better still, herbal teas.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Improve Vertical Leap - 3 Essential Calf Exercises
Calf muscle training essentially needs variety. Monotonous exercise might not achieve optimal results. Here are three calf exercises you might want to employ in your regimen.
One Leg Calf Raise Exercise
While you stand on your toes of your right foot at the edge of a step, raise your body on to your tip toes after which lower yourself slowly. Keep lowering down until your feet falls below the level of the step. You may use rails to assist you in your balance but not as leverage during the exercise. Perform this at a slower pace to achieve desirable results. Switch to the other leg after you are done with the other.
Dumbbell Calf Raise Exercise
Begin with the athletic stance and maintain a straight back. Your feet must lay flat on the floor and are shoulder width apart. Your toes must point forward. While you hold two dumbbells, raise your heels off the floor until you reach the maximum height by which you can raise them. You have to keep the tips of your toes on the floor then lower yourself slowly and that comprises the first set. Repeat accordingly.
Ankle Jumps Exercise
With your hands on your side, stand with your feet flat on the floor and are shoulder width apart. Jump off just few inches from the ground utilizing only your ankles. The repetition of sets for these exercises should be completed quickly while ensuring that your jump is able to reach the required height.
In order to improve vertical leap, calf muscles play a very important role. Of course along with this, perform your yard sprints regularly and maintain your physical fitness regimen. They should compliment each other well.
Did you know that the truth about increasing vertical leaps can be discovered by patiently looking for the right answers that can help you in your dilemma? To achieve a perfect ten result in your quest for higher vertical leaps, view the outstanding secrets that are waiting to be unveiled.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
HGH Therapy - Your Ultimate Guide
These HGH supplements have been proven to stimulate hormones that induce anti-aging. HGH is naturally produced in the body's endocrine system. It is made of a complex chain of amino acids that are produced in the pituitary glands. Researchers have verified that these supplements aid in the growth of the hormones. Scientists as well attested that the natural growth of such hormones if HGH-induced, show great age-defying results. Both researchers and scientists have identified great benefits like the increase in the lean muscle mass, the increase in the bone density, and the regeneration of cells in the liver and lungs.
It was conveyed that HGH directly affect the body processes involving fats, thus resulting in the increase of lean muscle mass. Such process is known as the muscle hypertrophy. In this process it was noted that lipid mobilization increase. This means that mobilized fats, in an HGH-induced state, burn additional calories and creates extra energy for use of the consumer. The results have been positively recognized by the body's libido and emotional state.
The increase in the bone density has also been determined by researchers and scientists. This observable fact aids in the fight for dwarfism and osteoporosis. Such occurrence is directly concerned with the shrinking of the body as aging transpires. Most of the time, elder people face problems with their shrinking bodies and immobility as their bones become easily broken. With the HGH supplements, the bones become strengthened. This then avoids the bones from easily breaking.
Another notable breakthrough is the regeneration of cells in the lungs and liver. This regeneration is simply a byproduct of the release of hormones. However, they are vital to an aging person. In this occurrence, HGH helps the body regulate secretion of insulin and promotes mobilization of the carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are then used by the body as fuel. It is the well-known process of burning fats in the body.
There significant results have realized the emergence of HGH therapy. The HGH therapy has been coined as a significant achievement in the HGH development. Remarkable results noted from HGH supplements have been marked more efficient if induced in a therapeutic process. Much of the researchers' and scientists' claims have been more visible among customers as they use HGH in a daily basis. People using this have been boasting of their improved sense of well-being and improved moods. Their energy levels have also been increasing as their sexual drives and performances have been increasing. HGH has been accelerating the repair of their impaired body tissues in the liver and kidney. Their skeletal muscles are also improving as the incidence of osteoporosis is being reduced. Increased bone density among male people is also becoming more significant. Consequently, HGH therapy is becoming an important routine among ageless and youthful people today.
get the best offer on the 100% legal GenFxHGH releaser!
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Head Injury - Swift Evaluation and Treatment May Prevent Tragedy
Head injuries, also known Traumatic Brain Injuries, can be deadly. Paying early attention to symptoms saves lives. Signs of a significant head injury include:
- Drowsiness
- Unusual or abnormal behavior
- Headaches
- Vomiting
- Memory Loss
- Loss of Consciousness
- Feeling off Balance
- Light Sensitivity
People with persistent symptoms should be evaluated by a qualified physician. An emergency evaluation in a traumatic brain injury case usually includes a computed tomography scan of the head and neck. Two types of magnetic resonance imaging -- Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and Consequent Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) have been very helpful when used to aid in the prediction of the medical effects of head injuries in adults and children. Early identification of patients at high risk for poor outcomes can be obtained using these tools and the knowledge gleaned from the imaging can assist physicians in making a determination of what treatment is most appropriate.Serious head injuries usually involve a concussion to the entire brain or lesions: the accumulation of blood between the lining of the brain and the skull (epidural hematoma), blood between the dura and the brain (subdural hematoma), and bleeding within the brain tissue (intercranial hemorrhage).
The most important factor related to recovery is the speed with which the injured person is evaluated and treated. The victim's general health is also important. Surgery can remove epidural hematomas. Often patients can recover fully. Subdural hematoma and intracranial bleeding are more serious. State of the art medical treatment helps patients survive with surgery but many patients who suffer from subdural hematomas or intracranial bleeding experience long term neurological problems.
While mild head injuries usually require no specific treatment, all victims of head injuries must be monitored carefully. Although Natasha Richardson's case was tragic, most sports related head injuries are mild concussions that resolve without serious or lasting complications. Individuals suspected of having a head injury should cease the physical activity in which they are engaged, and should be evaluated sooner rather than later. If the victim has persistent problems with speech, coordination or vision, immediate medical attention must be obtained.
In serious cases among children, the patients, parents and doctors face different challenges than those faced by adults. Neurological problems in children who suffer head trauma may not be revealed for years. Frontal lobe functions develop late in a child's growth. Injury to the frontal lobes may not become apparent until the child reaches adolescence. Injury to reading and writing centers in the brain may not become apparent until the child reaches school age and shows signs of delayed reading and writing skills. Studies show that children's skulls are only 1/8 as strong as that of adults. Thus, children are much more vulnerable to traumatic brain injury through deformation and fracture of the skull.
Although medical treatment for traumatic brain injury is always improving, prevention is preferred. Safety helmets are critical for bicycling, skiing, skateboarding and any sport in which the participant risks injury to the head.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Herbal HGH Releaser That Works!
An herbal HGH releaser utilizes herbs to make your body generate and release more hormones. It is important that you only use natural human growth hormone supplement because synthetic hormones can harm your pituitary gland by sending a message to it to stop producing hormones that the synthetic supplement can supply. Your body is very receptive to any stimulus. When it senses that the hormones are coming in abundantly from an outside source, it sees no need to supply the body with growth hormones anymore and might possibly stop the production perpetually. As a result, you would have to maintain synthetic hormone supplements for as long as you live.
A few years ago, the inadequacy of human growth hormone in the body is filled out by injectable supplements. These supplements are derived from the HGH of dead human beings, making this kind of treatment very costly. Today, more and more people have recognized the advantage of using herbal HGH releaser. Unlike the synthetic hormones, herbal growth hormones naturally fuel the pituitary glands to manufacture and equalize your body's shortage of human growth hormone. What's more, herbal HGH releasers come cheaply compared to HGH injections since they are obtained from natural resources. They are also as effective in increasing the body's quantity of HGH to help deflect the effects of old age.
It is assessed that by the time you reach the age of 60, your body only produces 20 percent of HGH as opposed to what it used to produce when you were younger. Low HGH is associated with aging and with an HGH releaser you can slow down the signs of aging both in your body and mind. Human growth hormone is an inherent component of your body that is produced by your pituitary gland. During the primary stage of your sleep, these hormones are normally released into your body. It is accountable for cell and tissue repair and helps lessen the amount of fat that passes around your blood stream.
Aside from using an herbal HGH releaser, there are three other methods which can be used to supply your body with HGH supplements. There are HGH injections which give quick results but are very expensive. These also use synthetic hormones which are deemed risky to the natural process of your body. There are also HGH oral sprays that contain synthetic hormones and oral sprays that contain natural herbs and are comparatively cheaper than synthetic based supplements. Then there are the HGH releaser pills which are made from herbal ingredients. Various brands of HGH releasers are widely available in the market and if you must invest your money in one you should examine it carefully before buying. Make sure that it is FDA approved to guarantee the quality of the supplement.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Resveratrol Improves Longevity & Slows Heart Disease & Free Radical Damage
There is flurry of current research that is investigating why this phenomenon is occurring. There appears to be two main reasons that explain why resveratrol is so effective in extending longevity.
The first is the stimulation of the longevity gene, SIRT1. The second relates to oxidative damage that is harmful to your body's cells.
Robb and others in their research of biochemistry and biophysics find there is a 14 fold increase in the activity of SOD2. Why this is significant is because SOD2 greatly reduces inflammatory free radical activity in the body's biochemistry. Oxidative damage is reduced because the free electrons are not allowed to cause as much free radical damage with the accompaning inflammation.
Hereditary, genetic diseases excluded, all other degenerative diseases are caused by inflammation. Cancer, heart disease, arthritis, kidney, fibromyalgia, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's are the major ones most people are familiar with.
Free radical damage causes oxidative damage which translates into inflammation and cellular DNA damage, producing degenerative diseases.
"We know that most degenerative diseases are limited to free radical damage."...James Balch, M.D. In 1954 Dr. Denham Harmon said this: "A single common process, modifiable by genetic and environmental factors, was responsible for ageing and death of all living things." This is more true today because of the increased insults to your body and its genetic code. Disease is produced by damaged DNA and inflammation.
There is a proliferation of toxic chemicals and substances that attack the mitochondria and the nucleus, impacting the DNA of every cell in your body, altering the genetic code, causing aging and pre-mature death. Cancer is a prime example of this.
Nearly everyone knows the term "carcinogen" is associated with cancer. What this means is that certain substances, chemicals... can cause alteration of healthy cells which turn into cancer cells. In simple terms, the mitochondria and genetic code of the cells get "messed up". This spawns a misfit, rogue cancer cell. If enough of these cancer cells proliferate and multiply, tumor cells develop. (anti-oxidants are helpful in preventing this)
The best way to combat disease is with a healthy body that has a strong immune system. Insults due to free radical damage and DNA degradation are stopped by prevention. Resveratrol appears to be a supplement that enhances your immune system and thus extends life expectancy.
In addition this can be accomplished by a healthy diet of good supplements, vitamins and especially raw, fresh vegetables and fruit. These all contain anti-oxidants that reduce the cellular damage and DNA injury. Prevention of pollution from air and water are also important.
Your body handles toxins each day, eliminating chemicals and foreign substances. Unfortunately our modern environment sometimes overwhelms your body with huge amounts of a substance that is carcinogenic...cancer causing.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), we are exposed to 80,000 toxic chemicals. Virtually all people tested today for residual toxic chemicals have them.
In a recent study, researchers tested families for 107 man-made toxins. Every single person, whether young or old, was found to have toxic contamination.
In another study involving 2,400 people, monitored by the CDC, 148 foreign chemicals were found in the blood and urine of those tested.
These products cause inflammation and sometimes even genetic aberrations that cause cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Prevention is the key to health. At the very least reduce exposure to impure water and air. Do not allow toxic chemical to be inhaled or come in contact with your skin. Toxic chemicals tend to have a cumulative effect.
Diet is a huge factor. Anti oxidants from raw foods, vitamins and supplements counteract the oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA. Good anti oxidants are vitamins A, C, and E, lycopene and CoQ-10 enzyme in the ubiquinol form. Now resveratrol appears to be the biggest asset of them all.
Reduction or elimination of packaged and prepared foods as well as excesses of sugar, fried foods and artificial (foreign substances) also help prevent disease.
Blog on heart health:
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Understanding Interstitial Cystitis
1. Cancers of the bladder
2. If you've had any type of cancer radiation treatments to the stomach or pelvic regions
3. Diabetes can easily cause this problem since high glucose often affects urine chemistry.
4. Types of nerve problems such as neurogenic bladder
5. It is not surprising that after taking chemotherapy, a person could easily have interstitial cystitis.
With interstitial cystitis, you will experience many of these very common symptoms:
1. Moderate to severe pain on urination
2. Pelvic pain
3. Pain during sexual interactions
4. Feeling a need to keep on urinating as though the bladder hasn't emptied which it often doesn't
These symptoms may wax and wane.
Women are the ones who get interstitial cystitis much more than a man. It can also be quite common in young children and teens.
Diagnosis is made by a urologist since they are the doctors who specialize in treating disorders of the urinary tract. The urologist will use cystoscopy which is an instrument with a light that can see into the walls of the bladder. If inflammation and irritations are present, this usually will confirm a diagnosis. To have this test, you will need to undergo general anesthesia since the test is invasive. The doctor will take a tissue sample of the bladder for examination, and also to rule out cancers of any type.
As of this time, there is no cure for interstitial cystitis. But there are several ways to treat this urinary disorder and make the person who has it more comfortable.
One of the drugs used to treat interstitial cystitis is sulfa. One sulfa drug known as Azo-Gantrisin can help with infection prevention and pain during urination.
Some of the drugs for depression (antidepressants), have certain properties which will take care of painful interstitial cystitis. Your doctor will understand which types of antidepressants these are and may give them to ease pain.
There are anti-spasmodic drugs which will help to relieve bladder spasms which is mostly responsible for causing severe pains.
Dietary changes will also help a person with interstitial cystitis. When you eat foods that have a lot of spice, or have lots of acid such as certain berries, tomatoes, and orange juice, it will aggravate the pain.
Cigarette smoking does not help interstitial cystitis either. This has to do with nicotine in the system. Other things to avoid a lot of are beverages which contain alcohol, and caffeinated beverages.
Situations that are stressful do not help interstitial cystitis in the least. You need to try and practice as many relaxation techniques as possible such as yoga, walking, forms of meditation, reading, and anything that will make you feel less stressed.
Lifestyle changes along with some of the above medical intervention will surely help. There are some investigational drugs out there to help people with this medical problem, but the testing is still underway by the Food and Drug Administration.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Stop Sweaty Palms - Iontophoresis the Proven Treatment For Excessive Hand Sweating
I have been through the full works, having had sweaty hands since I was about five years old. The social frustrations that I have to deal with, pushed me to extensively research on this condition and I have personally tried a few treatments in attempt to stop sweaty palms. Apart from the usual over the counter antiperspirants, medicated powder, biofeedback etc, I also went under the knife for ETS surgery, despite that fact that I knew all too well that I could develop compensatory sweating on my torso, face, underarms, groin or feet. The surgery turn out to be a double failure as my sweat glands were not burned thoroughly enough. And yet, I have developed compensatory sweating on my face, torso and underarms. I now have to contend with a whole new set of wet problems altogether.
It was not another 3 years before I chanced upon Iontoporesis, which is a non surgical, non invasive procedure proven to have no side effects. Simply soak your palms in two separate trays and connect the device. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and you need to repeat the session once on a daily basis for one week. You will then have dry palms. To keep to this degree of dryness, repeat one session every three weeks. And that is all there is to it.
If you are put off by the cost of the Iontophoresis device, fret not as you can always make your own device, just like me. The cost of materials cost less than 20 dollars and yet the functionality was by no means compromised in any way compared to a commercial device.
Now I am liberated by Iontophoresis, and have finally managed to stop sweaty palms for good. And if you are a fellow sufferer, you too can live life anew. Good luck.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Simple Tips in Finding Organic Skin Care Products
However, there are ways wherein you can still find these products. One method is to go to your all natural, holistic store in your area. A holistic store is where you can find all natural skin care products, which are certified organic too. You will be able to find organic product as well.
If there is no holistic store near you, then you can always make use of the Internet in finding an organic skin care product. They also provide natural supplements and hair care products. As long as you know what you are looking for, these Internet stores can bring you the product you want in a zap. Another benefit is that there is no need for you to travel to shop. You can do your shopping online at the comfort of your own home.
Another way to find quality organic skin care product is to visit your local crafts mall. You can also find them in local crafts fair. In fact, these products are often produced and processed at home. So you don't have to worry about any harsh chemicals or synthetic preservatives. Of course, when buying a handmade organic skin care product, ask the vendor about the ingredients used in the products. If he or she refuses, simply walk away and don't buy it.
All natural and organic skin care products do not have chemical preservatives in them, which makes their shelf life a bit shorter than their counterparts. So when you buy these products online, check the date when the product was processed. And once you acquired it, it is best to use the organic skin care product at once.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
How a Can Grow Taller Attitude to Increase Height Can Help
What are the critical can grow taller attitude factors?
1) First and foremost don't assume that height is dependent on genetic factors. There are several other factors that can help you attain the best possible height for your genetic makeup.
2) If you want to increase height be active and participate in sports and other extra curricular activities. This will help in making your bones and muscles long and flexible. Regular sports activity will ensure you attain the best average height.
3) Another important can grow taller attitude is to avoid growth inhibitors like smoking and drugs. These items not only damage your body cells but also retard the growth of your body. Just wanting to look taller is not enough, avoid bad habits that cause you harm.
4) Having a proper routine for various activities will also help in steady and gradual growth. Maintain a proper schedule for breakfast, lunch, dinner, sports, studies etc. Not only will you increase height, you will also have good digestion and timely waste removal. Proper removal of toxins and impurities will help in maintaining hormonal balance in the body.
5) Another extremely important can grow taller attitude factor is rest and sleep for your body. Don't spend all the night studying and memorizing things. Your body grows the most when you sleep. If you want to increase height pay attention to this factor without fail.
Following these critical factors will ensure that you attain the best possible average height. Further you can make changes to other factors like dressing and shoes to look taller.
Saturday, July 11, 2024 | 0 Comments
Weight Loss Success Tips
Exercise Is Inevitable
Need more be said? There are no two ways about it: exercise is critical to the goal of slimmer, fitter figures. This should be priority number one for all those who want to trim waistlines and melt pounds away. Exercise does not just help you lose weight; it also improves your circulation and strength.
Metabolically Active
The term metabolically active means that something requires energy just to maintain. Fat is most assuredly not metabolically active. Muscle, on the other hand is. Can you see where this is going? More muscle means more calories used even when just sitting still. Weight training is great for building muscle, and by this line of reasoning, consumes more calories than just the ones used during the actual activity.
A Shift in Paradigm
Your ultimate goal should not be to become thin, but to become healthy. A change in your mindset will mean a change in your lifestyle. This will help you create a balanced diet that will help you keep yourself in good health for the long run.
In order to control your weight, you need to know why you over eat. Is it stress from work? Depression? Conditioning? Whatever it may be, knowing what your problem is will help you correct it. Know thy enemy, so you can veni, vidi, vici, or something like that. If you need help with psychological issues, do not be afraid to go to a psychotherapist. Help them help you help yourself, if that makes sense.
Portion Watch
This may be the reason why you get fat in the first place. One needs to watch the size of their portions and the amounts they eat, to avoid putting on weight, and also to lose weight. This does not mean you should reduce your portion sizes to virtually zero, like what so many people call "dieting".
No Fasting, Just Control
Fasting for weight loss is a bad idea, since it can cause health problems. Immune system weakness, organ difficulties, and many more come from not having a regular supply of real food for vitamins and minerals. Choose low-calorie, healthful foods instead, and make sure you eat the right amount.
Eat Slow, Eat Less
Shifting down to a lower gear, figuratively speaking, when eating is a way to lose weight. Fullness is affected by how your brain perceives time, so the slower you eat, the longer you take to finish your meal. This means your brain will think you ate as much, when in truth you ate less but in the same length of time. Besides, eating more slowly allows you to savor the flavors of your food, which can actually lead to satiety faster.
Finally, make smart choices with your food. Avoid fast food, go for high dietary fiber, et cetera. Eating smart means eating right, so choose wisely.
To get your free copy go to
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Lose Weight Now - Five Simple Ways of Losing Weight and Keeping it Off
1. Drink more water. It's been proven time and again that drinking more water helps us lose weight. How you might ask? Well, water helps increase the metabolism of fat by providing a transport stream, for want of a better phrase, for the fat to be processed and eliminated by the liver.
2. Walk. Go to the local sports store and purchase yourself a pedometer. Try and get in 10,000 steps every day, and you'll be burning a good amount of extra calories every day. Try and schedule a 30 minute walk every day. Not only is the exercise good for you, but getting outside is great for stress relief.
3. Remember something that I learned from Weight Watchers - every single calorie is exactly the same. It doesn't matter if it's a carb calorie, a fat calorie or a protein calorie, there is no magical calorie. What matter is the size of the portion of fat, protein or carb. If you aim to get say 2000 calories every day, it doesn't matter if that 2000 calories comes from lettuce or from cake. Obviously, if you waste your calories on cake, you're going to be hungry as you won't be able to eat as much, but if you remember this tip, it will make things a lot easier.
4. Set yourself achievable weight loss goals. A goal should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Based. This means that your goal should be something like - I want to lose 20 pounds by Christmas Day. Saying that "I want to lose 125 pounds" is an admirable goal, but not a SMART goal, because while it's good to aim high, you need to be able to achieve along the way.
5. Don't diet. There have been numerous studies done which have found that people that go on diets usually put back on the weight they've lost, plus additional weight within 2 years of finishing a diet. Instead change your lifestyle. While it's more difficult to change your lifestyle compared to following a diet, in the long run it's a lot better for you.
Every single person has it in them to be healthy and happy within themselves. If you are one of the ever increasing population fighting the "battle of the bulge" then with some simple lifestyle changes, and a commitment to living a better life, you can lose the weight, and keep it off.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Weight Loss - Best Foods For Fat Burning
So what's the deal? Why so much confusion? Why does one expert suggest that high protein is best for everyone, while another expert suggests high carb and yet another expert suggests high fat? Besides, what exactly do high protein, high carb, and high fat really mean? And why are other experts telling us that food choices should be based on our "metabolic type," our "blood type," or our "ancestry"?
Do we really need more information? Well no, all the information is out there already. There is no secrets or unknowns in the weight loss world. Here is some basic foods that will help assist in fat loss:
1. Lean Protein
Protein is the most thermogenic macro-nutrient. That means that it increases your body's core temperature and that leads to greater fat loss.
2. Spicy Foods/Cinnamon
Spicy foods like cayenne pepper and aromatic spices like cinnamon kick your heart rate up and balance out blood sugar levels. When our blood sugar levels are out of whack, we turn to binging on sugary foods, which inevitably drive us to eat more. According to United States Department of Agriculture, it seems that cinnamon may lower blood glucose, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in people with Type 2 diabetes. Sprinkle some cinnamon on your oatmeal, over a baked apple or in your coffee for a healthy flavor punch!
3. Green Tea
Green tea not only increases your metabolism, but Lillien points out that researchers have shown that certain substances in green tea, called polyphenols, actual stimulate the break down of fat. I'll drink to that!
4. Ginger
Whether you're eating it pickled with your sushi, crystallized in a muffin or steeped in tea, ginger boosts metabolism by expanding blood vessels and increasing your body's internal heat.
5. Spinach
Dr. Richard of the University of Texas, says that spinach has the ability to lower cholesterol, boost metabolism, and burn away body fat. This can be such an excellent food for natural fat burning and improving metabolism rate. What's more - it also supplies a lot of essential nutrients to your body too like iron, vitamin C and E, beta carotene etc.
The above mentioned are excellent natural fat burners for women and men. They are also healthy to eat and you can avoid harmful side effects which can come with taking diet pills or other such unnatural methods of fat loss or weight reduction. Do try to have these foods in your diet on a fairly regular basis so that you can enjoy their benefits and stay healthy, fit and in good shape.
6. Apples
Apples are excellent fruits. You must have heard the phrase that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well.. they can keep fat away from the body too! Apples elevate the glucose levels in your blood in a safe and gentle manner. This will make you feel satisfied longer after munching on apples. Apples are also a rich source of soluble fiber. They can prevent hunger pangs.
Whats with all the confusion with diets? It seems we all know somebody that says "try this diet, try that diet" yet we overlook the fact that this person has failed at all the diets they mentioned! There is a tremendous amount of products available online. Be aware though, some of them don't work as advertised and make false promises.
However, there is this one review site that is worth taking a look at
They have reviewed the hottest and not so hot diet products on the market today!
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Why Self Made Diet Plans Fail at Weight Loss
Firstly, all fad diets are extremely unhealthy- Read here about GM diet side effects, Atkins diet side effects, why the Raw Banana diet is unhealthy and the Lemon Detox diet as well as why crash diets are unhealthy.
Then, everyone's body has a different chemistry. Due to this, a generic diet plan besides having possible side effects will not result in effective weight loss.
Also, many diet plans are not made for Indian diets or vegetarian diets, so many of the diet components either are not allowed in your diet, or are not available in India.
When you decide to try a diet by yourself, you are literally making yourself a guinea pig, since you don't know if it will work for you. Creating a diet plan is very time consuming. To implement it, is even harder. With the lack of understanding of diets, your body chemistry and lack of experience in creating effective diets, before you start, you've already shot your chances of losing weight on the diet.
Often self made diet plans are very unrealistic, so they are great to make, hard to implement and even harder to follow. Besides, many self made diet plans have unbalanced nutrition and thus unhealthy.
So, how do you make an effective diet plan? Without understanding the science of diets and weight loss, its impossible to make an healthy and effective diet plan.
Fitho is the leading website for weight loss tips, diet plans, exercise plans, nutrition, muscle gain and other fitness related matter.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - How to Apply Calorie Cycling in Your Meal Plans
- Track your calories intake; if possible track your calories intake and your macronutrient breakdown too. You can do this by eating like usual for 3 days and record all the calories information, this way you will know your daily calorie intake.
- Create your meal plans; your meal plans should be 5 meals per day for female and 6 meals per day for male. Each meal will centered around lean protein such as meat and fish so the macronutrient breakdown is 30% protein, 50% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. These meal plans should have 20%-30% calorie deficit for 3 days, followed by a maintenance day with 5-10% calorie surplus with all the calorie increase coming from carbohydrates.
Calorie cycling is only one of the many ways to boost metabolism. Notice that the nearer you get to your goal weight or body fat percentage the harder it will get, so having a weight loss program which equipped with metabolism boost method will make things easier.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Protein For Bodybuilding and Fitness
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you are going to need to spend more time workout out. But don't worry. Spending more time working out may just be 15 mins extra. That's because for your workout to be effective, you have to exercise intensely. That's why many people avoid trying to lose weight by working out. They associate exercise with pain.
That's only natural. After an intense workout, you start to feel muscle soreness the very next day. Sometimes, if you workout hard enough, you find that you can't even perform daily chores! However, that's a good sign. It's a sign that your muscles are responding and they are growing.
Your muscles don't grow while you are working out. They grow only after the workout - while you are resting. During this period, it is essential that you eat well and feed your muscles with proteins. Experienced athletes and bodybuilders know the importance of having a high protein diet.
Protein is the building blocks for muscles. It contains both essential and non-essential amino acids that the body can use to grow and repair muscles. Remember that sore feeling? It's your body telling that the muscles need some repairing!
Muscles have the ability to evolve. After a workout, the muscles will not just repair the sore parts. It will grow beyond its previous state to prepare for similar stress levels. This is an ongoing cycle. If you want to maintain your fitness, you have to keep working out!
That's because the muscles depend on stress signals to evolve. When you keep sending stress signals, the muscles become stronger. But if you stop working out, the muscles "think" there is no need to evolve and it starts to shrink.
One way to see whether your muscles are shrinking or not is to observe your major muscle groups - like the thigh. If your thigh is getting smaller when you look into a mirror, you are probably losing muscle.
Losing muscles mean your metabolism is dropping as well. That affects your body's ability to burn fat. When your metabolism rate drops, you tend to store up fat more easily. In other words, you are setting up an uphill battle for yourself if you ever want to lose weight. It's going to need a tremendous amount of effort to gain muscle and burn away all that excess fat.
After you workout, you must remember to eat well. In fact, you are forced to eat. But what you eat matters as well. Bodybuilders always eat high protein meals. If you find that you can't stick to a strict high protein diet like the pros do, just remember to take your protein supplements. Many people take protein shakes as a supplement because they are easy to prepare and they taste like ordinary smoothies.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
High Protein Diet For Fitness Enthusiasts
How to increase lean muscle mass.
To increase lean muscle mass, you must start by working out. Working out means you must stress your muscles to the point of failure. You know you have achieved muscle failure when you find that you can't do another repetition in good form. When that happens, stop the exercise. If you continue to force your muscles, you may sustain injury.
Why must you stress your muscles to the point of failure? When you do so, you are sending signals to your muscles that your body will be undergo similar stress in the future. Hence, your muscles starts to respond and grow. After a workout, the repairing process will begin. But a very fascinating thing starts to happen. Your muscles won't simply grow to its previous state. It will outgrow its previous state in an attempt to prepare for similar stress levels in the future. Hence, you achieve net muscle growth.
Bodybuilders and athletes repeat this "break down and grow" process countless times.
After your workout, you must remember to feed your body so that your muscles can repair and grow. The nutrient for muscle growth is protein. Protein can already be found in our daily diet. You can find it in fish, eggs, poultry, soy beans, and so on.
In my opinion, working out is the easy part. It's the dieting part that most people fail in. You need to sit down and work out the amount of proteins you need per day. As a general rule, most bodybuilders consume about 1g of protein for every 1 pound of weight. That's assuming you are working out intensely. For example, if you weight 120 pounds, you should be consuming about 120g of proteins per day.
It's a balancing act that most people find difficult to handle. You can't eat too much protein, for the excess protein can be converted into fats. Besides, most foods contain fats besides proteins. So you are eating all that fat together with your proteins, which just cancels out the net growth result you are trying to attain.
There is a simple rule to follow though. Plan for high protein diets, and cut down on sugar and fats. That doesn't mean your food will become all bland and tasteless. For instance, you can explore new recipes on how to keep the calories to the lowest. Use vegetable oils instead of animal oils for cooking. Or if you lead a busy life, you can always use protein supplements to increase your protein intake without having to worry about calories.
A high protein diet plan can boost your immune system, and improve your general health.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Cherries and Beauty
Cherry contains...
The melatonin found in cherries help to delay the natural aging process. There are two flavonoids found in cherries. They are isoqueritin and queritrin. They both are powerful antioxidants and help in delaying the aging process.
If you suffer due to black circles, wrinkles, eye bags, etc. due to insomnia or lack of proper sleep, then again cherries are good for you as the melatonin found in cherries will help in improving your sleep pattern.
Cherries Benefits
Cherries will not only help you to get more beautiful but also will help you to fight certain types of cancers, help you to fight heart diseases, arthritis, gout, migraines and much more.
Cherries Consumption
Since cherries are seasonal fruits, you cannot get their benefits always. So, buy a good cherry juice concentrate and make it a part of your diet.
Cherries and weight loss
When you add cherries every day to your diet, the body fat reduces and it helps to reduce your total body weight. It also lowers your cholesterol and this is how it wards off heart diseases.
This little red round fruit has so many benefits that it would be a real mistake to neglect their intake. Make cherries a part of your daily diet and be happy, healthy and beautiful.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Homemade Colon Cleanse - A Straight Answer to the Question - Homemade Colon Cleanse Supplements
1. Choose A Suitable Supplement
Natural cleansing from home requires the usage of a colon cleanse supplement. In the absence of a colon cleanser, you simply cannot hope to flush blocked fecal matter, remove harmful parasites and get rid of the plaque content from within your infected digestive tract.
2. Alter Your Diet
Your diet has a major role to play whenever you are trying to cleanse your infected colon from home. You should try and include fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and fresh fruit juices in your daily diet. Along with this, you need to make use of a natural colon cleansing agent.
3.Exercise Regularly
Regular physical exercise is a must of you want to maintain your colon health from home. From regular physical exercise, we do not imply the use of heavy weights. You simply need to indulge in a regular cardio workout. You can also take a walk or jog in the park. This would help your metabolism react positively to the colon cleansing supplement.
Regular exercise, a suitable supplement and a change in diet, can help you steer clear of chronic abdominal ailments, including the dreaded 'colon cancer'. Th expert's verdict is out--- 'if you want to enjoy good health, you need to try and make use of a natural colon cleanser on a regular basis'.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Protect Your Skin Against Wrinkles and Damage
Research suggests that a large number of skin-medicine professionals believe most people use sunscreen improperly - by not applying enough. Unknowingly, people tend to apply only 25% to 50% of the recommended amount. Sunscreen should be applied liberally enough to all sun-exposed areas that it forms a film when initially applied. It takes 20-30 minutes for sunscreen to be absorbed by the skin, so it should be applied at least a half an hour before going out in the sun. Sunscreen should also be the last product applied especially on the face since some sunscreens can break down in the presence of the water contained in water-based foundations and moisturizers.
Will a budget Sunscreen product protect me as well as an expensive brand?
There are so many sun-protection lotions and creams on the market. Knowing which is best for my family can be a challenge.
Most budget sunscreen products with these ingredients will protect equally as well as more expensive brands; our research indicates that a good broad-spectrum sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 15 and contain avobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide
Should I be concerned about your Freckles? Ever since I moved to a sunny location four years ago, I noticed that my back has become covered with freckles. Is there a cause for concern?
A freckle is the most noticeable sun-induced pigment change. Light-skinned people tend to freckle more noticeably. A freckle can be caused when the melanin-producing cell, or melanocyte, is damaged causing it to get bigger. Large freckles, also known as, 'age spots' or 'liver spots,' can sometimes be seen on the backs of the hands, chest, shoulders, arms, and upper back. These are not age-related but actually sun-damage related. In future, use the preventative measures described in this report and see your doctor if you are concerned.
How Often Should Sunscreen be Reapplied?
Sunscreen should also be reapplied after swimming, excessive sweating, or towelling the body dry. Remember, many waterproof sunscreens may begin losing effectiveness after perhaps 80 minutes in the water, so reapply sunscreen before this time for maximum protection, especially if you have towel-dried.
Most instructions on sunscreen labels recommend reapplying sunscreen "frequently," but the definition of "frequently" is vague. A common instruction is to reapply sunscreen after 2-4 hours in the sun. However, one study has shown that reapplying sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes after being in the sun is more effective than waiting 2 hours. It is possible that this time period is more effective because most people do not apply enough sunscreen initially, and this second application approximates the actual amount needed.
Are You Safe from the Sun in Water? I know that you're not supposed to stay in the sun between 10am and 3pm, when it is at its strongest, but will it be ok if during that time you stay in the water?
No! Water offers no protection from the sun; it may even contribute to making the damage worse. I found this out the hard way when I was in Hawaii and believed because I was in & under the water I would be somewhat protected - big mistake. The fact that we are kept cool by the water can reduce awareness that those damaging rays are out there in the water (after all, the sun is shining on the bottom of the pool too, right?).
That mistake cost me a lot of pain, several layers of skin and a trip to the doctor to have a large mole removed from my back that erupted after the encounter. Even when out of the water and in the shade between 10 am and 3 pm when them sun is strongest, we should still apply sun screen - because sand, concrete and water can all reflect harmful rays.
What's the Best Way to Treat Sunburn?
Immediate self-care should be aimed at stopping the UV radiation; get out & stay out of the sun. Cover exposed skin.
Next, something is likely to be required to reduce pain and itching. Many people raised in a beach community know the secret of aloe-based lotions. Tearing apart your aloe plant in the garden and applying the cool jellylike substance inside the leaves is no longer necessary, as there are many commercially available types. Ask the pharmacist at your local chemist.
In the hours and days following exposure, dermatologists suggest cool (not ice cold) baths may help. Avoid bath salts, oils, and perfumes because these may produce sensitivity reactions. Avoid scrubbing the skin or shaving the skin.
Use soft towels to gently dry yourself. Don't rub. Use a light, fragrance-free skin moisturizer. Some dermatologists recommend avoiding lotions that contain topical anaesthetic medications because you can become sensitized and then allergic to that particular medicine.
Medical attention should be sought in more serious cases. Conditions that should motivate you to go to a hospital's emergency department include the following; severe pain, severe blistering, headache, confusion, nausea or vomiting, fainting or an acute problem with another medical condition.
Background Info; Sunlight has a profound effect on the skin causing premature skin aging, skin cancer, and a host of skin changes. While a limited exposure to sunlight may be necessary for a healthy life, we must remember that exposure to ultraviolet light (UVA or UVB) from sunlight accounts for 90% of the symptoms of skin damage and premature skin aging - including wrinkles. Both UVA and UVB radiation cause damage by breaking down collagen, creating free radicals, and inhibiting the natural repair mechanisms of the skin.
Cover up in the sun with sun and swim wear made from UV-protecting fabric, a hat and sunglasses with UV protection. This is of particular importance for children. After protecting by covering-up, the most important skin-care product available to prevent skin damage and future wrinkles is sunscreen. But remember, most people do not use sunscreen correctly.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Get Rid of Bad Vaginal Odors - Simple Cures For BV
If you would like to know how to get rid of bad vaginal odors, I am only too happy to share a few of the coping strategies I developed over the years I had this condition. These not only helped to mask and deal with the odor, but also helped to cure BV.
* Wear only cotton panties as these allow air to circulate around the vagina. Synthetic fabrics trap warmth and moisture, creating the ideal conditions for BV
* Do not wash your vagina with perfumed products as these will cause further irritation, producing more smelly discharge
* Always use a condom for intercourse. Avoid intercourse when the condition is at its worse as further irritation equals more discharge
* Pay close attention to your personal hygiene during your period. Ensure you change your sanitary towels or tampons regularly even if your flow is light
* Try using thin panty pads to absorb some of the discharge. I liked these as I could easily change them throughout the day
* Don't overwash. I know it's really tempting but the effects only last a few minutes as the discharge is still there inside. Wash no more than twice daily
As bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacterial within the vagina, simple steps can be taken to rebalance this. Knowing how to get rid of bad vaginal odors can also involve unlikely sounding remedies, such as using a yogurt-soaked tampon, as the probiotics in live yogurt can help replenish the vagina's depleted supplies. Another good tip is to add a couple of cups of cider vinegar to a warm bath to restore the vagina's naturally acidic conditions.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Natural Fibroids Treatment
For women left to cope with their often painful and somewhat distressing symptoms, this can be a truly terrible situation. Fibroids can cause debilitating symptoms which, without doubt, can significantly detract from a woman's quality of life.
I know of so many women who have had surgery, only to find that a few months down the line their fibroids have regrown. When you think about it, its quite logical that this will happen. Everything which caused the fibroids to grow in the first place is still there.
The way to successfully deal with this condition is to use natural fibroids treatment which uses a multifaceted approach to both eliminate the causes of fibroids and use structured, systematic method to shrink existing fibroids. This will include making dietary and lifestyle changes, possibly taking herbal and vitamin supplements and using detoxes. Before even considering such treatment, women need to be aware that for this to work properly, commitment is needed. It is not a quick-fix approach and requires a degree of tenacity.
The results can be amazing. Symptomatic relief can begin just days after starting natural fibroids treatment and the majority of women find that shrinkage begins within weeks.
Overall, most women having surgery for fibroids report regrowth within a year whereas evidence suggests that the vast majority of women who treat their fibroids with natural methods tend to keep regrowth at bay.
If you want to achieve success, you will need to follow a comprehensive approach which systematically eliminates all causes and if you feel you are ready to go ahead, then visit my website, How To Shrink Fibroids Naturally. There you will find extensive information about fibroids and gain access to a system which gives full details of the natural fibroids treatment.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis - 3 Ways to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor
The truth is that conventional medication does very little to help other than providing symptomatic relief. Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis can be much more effective as they tend to focus on treating the root causes rather than the symptoms. Unless you really get down to what is causing the condition in your case-it will not go, but will lie dormant until the conditions are right for it to flare up again.
One of the problems with treating a condition like bacterial vaginosis is that the causes are often indeterminable in individual cases and it is often impossible to precisely identify the exact cause.
To get you on the road to recovery, there are three excellent natural cures for bacterial vaginosis which will quickly help you to get rid of vaginal odor.
1. Probiotics-These are rich in "beneficial bacteria" - the type which flourishes in a healthy vagina. You can either take these in supplement form, or soak a tampon in live, natural yogurt which is rich in Lactobacillus, a probiotic. This can help restore balance in the vagina.
2. Tea Tree Oil - This is one of the most powerful natural antibacterial substances known. It can be used either in pessary form or 10-12 drops of oil can be added to a warm bath. This will help to kill off the harmful bacterial which are causing the symptoms
3. Cider Vinegar - A normal vagina is slightly acidic in nature. For BV to occur, the conditions in the vagina will have become alkaline. By adding a couple of cups of cider vinegar to your bath, you can help to restore the natural balance
Don't despair though- these treatments will work even if you can't seem to shake off bacterial vaginosis.
Please visit my website to see further helpful information about BV and Natural Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Pilates Home Equipment - Why Pilates and Yoga Mats Offer You Additional Safety While Exercising
It includes a series of controlled movements. This will help you feel refreshed and alert with a feeling of mental and physical well-being. These exercises help the body to become strong and realigned, with movement in the overall posture.
These Pilates exercise programs enhance the quality of life for people of all ages along with their fitness levels. These are very popular methods of exercising all over the world.
The Pilates exercises center around six basic principles which are the foundation for the program. The principles are:
1) Centering
2) Concentration
3) Control
4) Precision
5) Breathing
6) Flowing movement
Supine breathing, cat stretch, sun salutations etc are some of the important steps of Pilates exercise program.
Pilates Yoga mats are a versatile tools which can assist any home fitness program and is an essential item to begin your Pilates Home Equipment collection. They can be used to increase the comfort of any exercise program at home. If you have a hard floor for the floor and stretching exercises, these mats can come really handy. Lightweight, soft mats provide a comfortable cushion which is non-slip.
The beginners will need proper instructions for the proper alignments and techniques with the Pilates method of exercise. They can get these instructions in many different ways. They could do so by attending the classes since it is the best way to understand the techniques. Unfortunately, not many people find this option as a convenient one.
As such, some people would like to do a Pilate mat workout from home. The good news for them is that they can get the live demo and instructions on the DVDs. Pilates workout DVDs are very popular in the market and are available for any skill levels. Look for a Mat Pilates DVD or a Stott Pilates Mat DVD program.
The feature of good Pilates mats are as follows:
1) It has to be made from quality natural rubber material
2) They need to be environmental and it should be manufactured without PVC, hazardous phthalate plasticizers, or other heavy metals
3) It needs to be more convenient carry so that you can easily take it for your gym classes, Yoga classes or Pilates classes
4) It needs to be safe and shouldn't cause any harm to body or skin
5) Warm and soft
6) It should be Comfortable, durable, lightweight and washable
7) It should have Non-slip and sticky surface for safety
The yoga mat is not only safe for your health and our environment but it also guarantees the best performance which your practice deserves. Some companies allow you to print your logo, but only upon your request. These mats are available in different color size and thickness. The thickness may be 1cm, 105mm, 2cm etc. A thick Pilates mat is most important for your workout comfort and safety.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Five Types of Common Yoga Classes
Hatha Yoga
Hatha is a general yoga term, and these classes can actually cover many different types. Hatha classes are paced to be slow, which makes them a great choice for beginners. They focus on stretching with just a few breathing exercises and some meditation is worked into the program. Beginners can learn the basic poses and relaxation techniques in a Hatha class.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa is another term that can apply to several yoga classes. This term means "breath-synchronized movement." In a Vinyasa class, the teacher will help you breathe as you move from one pose to the next. Sometimes this breathing technique is called "Flow."
Participants in a Vinyasa class somewhat resemble dancers as they move fairly quickly, but fluidly, from one pose to the next. Vinyasa classes involve quite a bit of movement, but the pace may be fast or slow. Some include chanting, some do not. This is a highly versatile technique that you may see incorporated in a variety of other classes. Keep in mind that the class will take on the characteristics of its teacher, so you may not like your first class simply because you do not enjoy the teacher. Keep looking until you find a teacher who is more your style.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga, which can sometimes be called Power Yoga, begins with a series of 75 poses that are designed to align the spine, build strength and stamina, and detox the body. These are called Yoga Mala, and this is where beginners start. The second series, for more experienced participants, is called Nadi Shodana, which focuses and purifying the nervous system through energy. It is very similar to the beginning series of poses, but adds a few new ones and some variations. There are four advanced series in Ashtanga, which are called Sthira Bhaga. These are intense and are designed for advanced students only. Sthira Bhaga incorporates arm balances that beginners and intermediate students should not try.
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar yoga focuses on proper alignment for each pose, in order to increase the benefit and decrease the chance of developing an injury. Students who take an Iyengar class will learn to hold their positions for a long time, focusing on proper positioning. This type of yoga relies strongly on yoga equipment and props, such as yoga pillows, blankets, mats, and blocks, to help the body get into the right alignment as the body opens up to the technique. This is a form of Hatha yoga.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga is not a new form, but it has become newly popular in western culture. This type of yoga focuses on breathing and movement to help release the untapped energy (prana) that is trapped at the base of the spine. This energy is said to travel up thorugh the spine during the yoga exercises, until it reaches the top.
The Kundalini yoga exercises are done with breathing exercises and include rapid, repetitive motions. This class is both physically intense and spiritually motivated. Those who are not comfortable with the more spiritual aspects of yoga, including meditation and chanting, would probably not be comfortable in one of these classes. It is only for those who are looking for a spiritual, mental, and physical challenge.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Different Types of Yoga and What They All Mean
If you go to any gym in the United States most of them offer not only yoga but usually a variety of different types of yoga classes. Whether it is for your fitness and weight loss or to try to find an inner spirituality, yoga has many different elements which is why it is such a popular practice and one that can be done for people aging 3-93.
The first type of yoga is Bikram yoga also known as hot yoga. This particular type of class is offered in a room that is usually heated between 95-102 degrees. This is either loved or hated by those who have tried it. The hot room is supposed to allow your body and muscles to heat up more quickly which then results in greater flexibility through the different poses. Bikram yoga also results in a lot of sweating by participants which is said to rid the body of all of the toxins in it.
The second type of yoga is Ashtanga yoga which is based on using eight limbs in all of your poses. It is a set order of poses that you must go through and completing 75 of the poses would take a participant an hour to an hour and a half to complete.
An off shoot type of yoga has resulted from Ashtanga in the 1990's and that is known as Power Yoga. Power Yoga was introduced with the basis of Ashtanga poses but offered in a more power and vigorous workout that appealed to those people that were used to fitness based classes at their gym. There is no requirement of poses in Power Yoga so the classes for this vary widely and are different depending on what instructor you have. Most people who like Power yoga are interested in getting into shape and losing weight versus, relaxation and flexibility.
The last type of yoga we will touch on is Vinyasa which in Sanscrit means breath synchronized movement. This is more about increasing your flexibility as well as learning to relax and quiet your body and its muscles to a great relaxation state. It really promotes deep breathing and the different breathing techniques in a variety of poses more than the poses itself.
Many yoga enthusiasts go on yoga retreats in beautiful locations around the world to learn more about the practice that they love while visiting a beautiful place. Others go on yoga retreats to become certified yoga instructors to return home to teach what they have learned themselves.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Different Types of Yoga Retreats in Our Country As Well As in Other Countries
Depending on what part of the country you live in, yoga centers and classes are either widely available or hard to find.
Depending on how you would like to travel in great comfort with no expenses spared or a much more budget friendly and no frills type of a trip there is a yoga retreat for you. There are many different options in some of America's most naturally beautiful locations. If you want to practice yoga in the solitude of a beach, try Hawaii, California or Florida for a great retreat experience. If you find the calming winds of a mountaintop, then going to Colorado, Wyoming, or Alaska may be the best fit for you. Once you decide on the location you would like, you are sure to find a yoga retreat that will best suit your tastes as well as budget.
Since yoga originated in other countries and has been practiced far longer in different countries than our own, many people that are passionate about yoga choose to travel out of the country for the best experience. One such woman chose to go to Peru for a Yoga retreat that included very rustic camping and hiking from location to location much of it in the rainforest. When they would arrive at each location, they would practice yoga. Because they were traveling on foot and by horseback, they had unique experiences mingling with the local Peruvians that lived in this particular region. The whole experience was one she would not trade for a luxury vacation at all.
Other yogis want to go to another country to study yoga but also choose to be pampered a bit. There are many spa-type locations around the world that will pamper visitors in a beautiful setting, serving the finest of meals in a luxurious accommodations. The important thing to remember is whatever level yoga participant you are and whatever type of place you want to go to learn more about yoga, there are options for everyone.
Friday, July 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
Helpful Tips on How to Gain Weight Healthily
So what are the things that you can do to achieve your weight-gaining goals? First is to eat a lot. Eat those foods rich in calories, as these can turn into fat within your system if you don't have much of an active routine in life. But wait, there are some things that you need to know before you go on eating. Foods may differ in the calories that they contain, so carefully choose those that have the right ones for your body. Dairy products (like cheese and yogurt), as well as fish, muffins, eggs, and some variations of meats can be of great help in adding up more weight into your own body, both in an effective and a healthy way. Never eat more of the fatty foods, as taking in too much of these can clog up your arteries and will result to complications in the heart. Make it a point also that you never eat those foods that are rich in refined carbohydrates (such as pastas and white breads), as these will give you not only an unhealthy weight gain, but also a very unattractive one as well!
The next thing to do is to exercise through weight training. It is a fact that exercising through weights is a great way in stressing the muscle fibers in your body, letting you bulk up and gain muscle mass in the process. But just be sure that you don't get stuck on the same exercising routine; if you feel that your getting used to the same regime, then boost it up by moving up to free and cable weights. It's best that you don't stay on a redundant regime, and go for a versatile ones if you are to gain weight effectively.
So these are the tips that you should follow on how to gain weight both healthily and efficiently. Remember to eat not just a lot, but the right foods as well, so as to make sure that you don't end up with an unattractive and unhealthy figure; and go exercise to put some muscles up and gain more "meat in your bones", so to speak. These tips are sure to help you get the best figure there is!
Get all tips and strategies on how to gain weight healthily from Dori Thompson so you too can have the best body figure there is! Act now by clicking here: Women's Weight Gain.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Tips For Hemorrhoid Treatment - Using Natural Hemorrhoid Cure
There are many factors which can cause hemorrhoids, but basically, it happens when the veins in the rectum enlarge from straining or pressure. This situation happens when you are having constipation condition, which is caused by lacking fiber in your food which creating hard stool. The other factors are like, pregnancy or sitting for long periods of time. However, it is easy to correct this problem. As mentioned earlier, since hemorrhoids are natural, so we should use natural hemorrhoids treatment to cure them.
First, you have to put yourself together. Don't panic if you notice or be sure that you have hemorrhoid. Well, the symptoms you have may seem overwhelming, such as, itching, burning, and even bleeding. But with the following information given in this article, you can take care of your hemorrhoids immediately and get rid of the problem at the same time. There are so many people who are suffering from the same symptoms you have and need to find some hemorrhoid treatment methods just like you do, so remember, you are not alone.
There has been a natural remedy that proven as a great hemorrhoid treatment. It is called witch hazel. Since it is an astringent, so it can be used to gradually reduce the swelling. With the swelling goes down, the pain during bowel movement become much more tolerable. It is important that you need to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement even you don't want to since it causes you the pain. But avoiding this will create harder stool with more difficult to pass and cause more painful.
Having a fiber supplement can fix the solid stool problem. A diet with low fiber is the most important reason for having hemorrhoids. So, having a fiber supplement can make it less painful for your bowel movement.
There is another way to cure hemorrhoid and reduce the painful symptoms. Using a peeled garlic clove is the key to this method. This can be done by inserting a peeled garlic clove into the anus. You don't have to worry about it's position since it will be easily removed from your next bowel movement. You will notice a lot difference after using this method.
Meanwhile, when you are looking for the way to cure your hemorrhoid, there is another way to naturally help you stop itching and burning by applying some aloe vera gel to the affected area.
In the end, for those of you who would like to see your doctor and ask for advice, please feel free to do so. But for those of you who would like to avoid prescriptions and medications, but like the natural way to cure your hemorrhoid problem, the above information in this article has proven effective by many people. Also, it can be done by yourself at your own home.
Don't know what is best for you? Visit our Naturally Cure Hemorrhoid site and find out what's the best for your hemorrhoid treatment.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Choosing Healthy - Choosing a Fitness Gym
There are advantages and otherwise with having a home gym and going to a fitness gym. What about the fitness gym? If you so happen to want to work out in a fitness gym, you ought to consider certain things. These tips can help you with your decision. There are perhaps a number of gyms in your area. There are benefits when you prefer working out in a gym, but of course it would entail expenses. Most people who opt going to the fitness gym are interested in weight training more than aerobics or swimming. If you want to weight train, a primary consideration is the center's equipments.
See if the club has varied and enough exercise equipments. Ask about their weight training programs as well, or other exercise programs you feel would suit you. Decide on your specific needs and see if the club offers what you're looking for. What about the location? Is the club convenient to go to and fro to? Or else traveling can be too much of a hassle that you'd eventually decide not to go. Your enthusiasm and motivation to go to the club would eventually wane. Then the staff and their qualifications- are they credible and can guide you in training properly? Chances are, you wouldn't know what you're doing, so a professional's guidance is well- needed.
What about cleanliness? The exercise area, the locker rooms and the bathrooms? Is health, safety and hygiene assured when you work out in the said fitness gym? The club's operating hours and class schedules-would they fit your time plan? If you have a little tyke with you, then ask if the fitness gym offers child care. Ask for other members' opinion about the club, too. Joining a fitness club means having to shed off your resources- that means spending money. How much are you willing to spend for membership and regular gym workouts? Set a certain budget or limit to your expenses and don't go beyond it.
Exercising is meant to make you a better and healthier person, not broke. Some gyms require that you sign a contract, and when you do, understand all refund and cancellation policies first. Ask questions and know what you are signing. Why join a fitness club- what are the benefits? For one thing, you get to be trained by (qualified) professionals, and would resort to a credible training program. You'd most likely want to get your money's worth, and that proves to be a good motivating factor. Other than these, you get to add more people to your social circle, too.
The fitness club is one of the good means of meeting new people who share your interest in health and fitness, and perhaps many others more.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Stop Blushing Hypnosis and the Problems of Blushing Too Much
Many people relate facial blushing with bashfulness. While many shy people suffer with blushing problems. These two situations may be present separately. It is not necessary for a shy person to be blushed easily. Blushing indicates a person's shyness by nature. Shyness is not necessary for every blushing person.
Societal fear can be indicated by extreme facial blushing. A person flooded with certain circumstances has glowing expressions. For the identification of societal fear blushing is not important.
Socially depressed person shows different indications. For analysis of social phobia, blushing is only one out of many conditions which have to be encountered.
There comes a broad range of strictness in blushing problems. Infrequent blush is not a problem for many people. Such people accept it as a charming feature of their individuality. These situations do not hinder in daily actions.
People suffering extreme blushing may feel overwhelmed. So they try to stay away from social activities which hold up the person's capability to work appropriately on daily basis.
Whenever you wish to look for the ways to stop blushing, there are some methodologies to be reflected on. The gateway is to decide the proper time for finding help. If you feel nervous due to the strong tendency of blushing, then it is the time to seek help for certain situation. There are easy methodologies that can assist to control these conditions so there is no way to be pressurized.
Your day to day actions might be obstructing due to the blushing thoughts. If you are scared with turning red so you may ignore to deal with people. So when the horror of blushing makes you to ignore social circumstances, you are well prepared for searching help.
Few people realize that blushing hinders with their careers, they start looking for help in such situation. High sophisticated statuses need self -reliance. Your confidence can be interrupted by blushing. Through few options you can deal with this problem in which you can choose social treatment. A person who wishes to evade any thing severe cannot be attracted to these methods.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Grow Taller Tips - Exercises and Techniques That Stimulate Growth
There are easily executable, safe, and effectual exercises that have been used to help people all over the world increase their body height reasonably quickly. This is not ALL the information you will ever need to grow taller, but this should be enough to show you that the possibilities of you doing so are seriously larger than you ever imagined.
Each exercise is designed for safety and ease of understanding. They require a few minutes each to perform. They consist of these grow taller tips:
· Learning certain positions lying down to minimize stress or tension that gravity puts us under during every day.
· A well-known and very simple technique to instantly relieve stress in your lower back and lumbar regions.
· Correct the following problems: bad posture, over-tiredness or fatigue, depression.
· Demonstrate how equipment designed to help de-stress your spinal column, relax all your back and neck muscles and restore your posture so that you regain your natural height.
· Show you movements designed to correct your bearing and broaden your shoulders thereby improving your propensity for growth.
· Find exactly how your carriage position has been aching to get release.
· Show you why you must stop frowning or scowling and develop a smiling and sunny attitude.
These are some of the grow taller tips that you need to know in order to encourage your body to operate at its maximum height and for your mind to acknowledge that you really are getting taller along with a new healthier and positive mental outlook.
Hone in on the specifics, cut through any fog and get into thinking taller from now on.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Growing Taller Through Posture and Exercise
Maintaining a proper and healthy diet can ensure that height is not lost especially during those growing years, but surely does not hurt the effort later down the road in life. Plenty of calcium is absolutely necessary to keep bones strong and to allow them to reach their full potential length. Although calcium is an important step in the diet, it is also necessary to receive plenty of other vitamins to ensure proper growth. Vitamins and nutrition play a key role in gaining extra height. If this can not be reached though diet alone, a multi-vitamin or other supplements should be taken after first consulting with a doctor.
At any point in life, exercises can be done to gain extra height. Most of these exercises are stretching movements that allow the body to fully stretch out and encourage proper posture, as posture can also greatly affect height in both the short term and long term. There are numerous exercises that can be done, but one for example is laying on the ground stomach down, feet stretched out behind you, place your hands on the ground in front of you while lifting up your head and upper body, this creates a stretching feeling throughout your back and stomach. Doing that exercise in conjunction with other stretching exercises can lead to increased height.
As stated earlier, posture plays a significant role on growing taller. Sitting properly, regularly exercising, and walking straight up without a slump can lead to an increase of height. Bad posture not only affects height automatically by making one look shorter, but can lead to back problems that will stunt height growth in the long run.
Growing taller at any age is possible. It may take time, but a nutrient rich diet, exercising, and maintaining a proper posture can lead to that little extra height that can lead to being a happier, more confidant person.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Cure Hemorrhoids the Natural and Safe Way
Common Causes of Hemorrhoids
There are many common causes of hemorrhoids and piles. Insufficient liquids in the diet can cause chronic constipation, which can cause hemorrhoids. Increased straining during a bowel movement caused by constipation or diarrhea may cause this condition. Hypertension can cause hemorrhoids. Obesity can increase rectal pressure creating hemorrhoids. Poor posture or poor muscle tone can increase rectal pressure causing hemorrhoids. Pregnancy may lead to increased rectal pressure creating hemorrhoids, a common occurrence in many pregnancies. Cigarette smoking during a bowel movement increases your risk of hemorrhoids. Eating too much processed food creates constipation and indigestion troubles. Sitting long periods of time without stretching to promote healthy blood flow throughout the body creates pressure on the rectal area. The use of processed hemorrhoid medications and creams, even the popular fiber supplements contain processed and artificial ingredients that are advertised to solve the problem of irregularity can create hemorrhoids.
Common Symptoms
Common symptoms of hemorrhoids itching, irritation, burning, pain, swelling, blood covering the feces or stool, blood on the toliet paper, blood in the toliet bowl or bleeding around the lower rectal region. An internal hemorrhoid protrudes through the anus to outside the body. An external hemorrhoid is a painful swelling or a hard lump around the rectum. In most cases, this condition is not usually dangerous or life threatening. Most symptoms disappear in a few days. However, there are many sufferers worldwide that deal with a chronic intolerable hemorrhoid condition that constricts their life on a daily basis.
Hemorrhoid Treatments
Treatments for hemorrhoids vary in their effectiveness and costs. Here are some typical hemorrhoid or piles treatments. Creams or topical treatments are rubbed on the outer rectal area to soothe and relax the blood vessels. You receive temporary relief, but a flare up is almost always guaranteed again. Suppositories or ointments are inserted inside the rectum to lubricate the hemorrhoid and heal without rupturing creating further discomfort or pain. This method works for some, but not others. Warm sitz baths to relax the vessels around the rectum creates temporary relief. Pills prescribed to regulate some blood pressure in the blood system to tighten the vein so the hemorrhoid can heal with fewer problems or flare ups . This method of treatment creates side effects and many pharmacies recommend this method. Once you have exhausted all the common types of treatments, you have options such as laser or surgery. Before you consider surgery, it's best to first try the safer options before going to the extreme measures. Any type of surgery is an extreme measure and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Many of the above treatments have not worked for the majority of the chronic hemorrhoid sufferers. Many treatment methods have only fixed the problem temporarily, but no cure has safely, easily, and permanently eliminated this condition.
Prevention of Hemorrhoids
A small change in the diet and liquid intake will help prevent hemorrhoids. Drink more fluids, increase your intake of dietary fiber (such as fruits, vegetables and cereals high in fiber). A sufficient supply of dietary fiber (20 to 25 grams daily) can help promote good health and help in the prevention of hemorrhoids. Minor changes in a person's daily diet can help prevent hemorrhoids and in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Exercise more often and avoid remaining sedentary for long periods of time. If sedentary for a long period time, stretch frequently to keep the blood flowing through the body. Chronic suffers should avoid the use of laxatives and reduce straining during a bowel movement. Avoid wearing tight clothing and underwear which can create irritation.
Natural Cure for Hemorrhoids and Piles
The H Miracle system has a consistent 96.4% proven success rate at eliminating hemorrhoids safely, powerfully, naturally and easily. You are simply wasting time and money on hemorrhoid products that do not work and prolonging your suffering. The H Miracle is series of natural procedures to eliminate this condition permanently in worldwide sufferers.
Are you truly ready to stop wasting hundreds of dollars on stuff that just doesn't work?
People pay a lot of money for surgery to be rid of hemorrhoids, and you don't have to be one of them. When you compare all your options, the H Miracle system is actually extremely inexpensive for the lasting, 100% safe, natural results people are achieving.
"Isn't your own relief & peace of mind worth giving yourself this chance?"
Stop wasting your hard earned money and time on quick fixes that do not solve the root of the hemorrhoid problem. H Miracle offers a two month unconditional risk-reversed definitive results guarantee. Give H Miracle a chance.
Letitia Pope is a stay home mother of four children. Her husband is disabled.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
What Do I Need to Know About HGH Side Effects?
Minor vs. Major HGH Side Effects
Some HGH sideeffects are minor inconveniences and will go away over time, while others can become more severe the longer you use HGH. The less troublesome side effects may be tolerable for some users depending on whether they outweigh the many benefits of HGH therapy, which may include increased stamina, improved immune system protection, less body fat and increased lean muscle development.
Minor side effects may include fluid retention or mild bloating, mild joint pain or swelling that can come and go, and slightly elevated blood sugar. If you work with your doctor or homeopathic specialist, you may discover that these mild side effects are quite manageable.
More serious side effects, however, could be a sign that HGH therapy isn't right for you. More severe HGH sideeffects include Acromelagy, which causes overgrowth of certain facial bones and the connective tissues of the body. If you develop Acromelagy, you can develop a protruding jaw line and pronounced eyebrow ridges as well as overly large hands and feet. Any time this happens, you should see a doctor immediately and stop any use of HGH.
Overburdening the body with too much HGH can also lead to long-term liver damage, or you may develop an irregular heartbeat. This is why you should never take more HGH than is recommended by your doctor or homeopathic practitioner. They are familiar with how to balance the potential benefits against possible side-effects. Stronger, leaner muscles and youthful skin are not worth it if you develop other health problems along the way.
A final concern is the potential for HGH sideeffects if you are diabetic. In general, HGH in any form will elevate blood sugar and can lead to insulin resistance. It's best to avoid HGH use if you're diabetic.
Does Everyone Experience HGH Side Effects?
It's important to remember that not everyone experiences any side effects when using HGH. The severity and likelihood of side effects also depends on what form of HGH you are using and how often you use it. The longer you use HGH and the more intense the dosage, the more likely it is that you may have an adverse reaction.
Those who receive daily injections from a medical doctor, for instance, may be more likely to experience HGH side effects because they are receiving a high concentration of Human Growth Hormone injected directly into their body. If the pituitary gland is already producing some HGH, adding so much from an outside source could put stress on the liver and other body systems, which is why injections must be carefully monitored by a physician.
HGH Supplements or Enhancers that are homeopathic tend to produce fewer side effects. This is because these products (usually an oral liquid that is absorbed through the membranes of the mouth) aren't focused on replacing HGH; they encourage your own pituitary gland to produce more HGH on its own. Because they encourage your body's own ability to produce pure, natural HGH, these products have far fewer side effects and are gentler on your body as a whole.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Should I Worry About the Side Effects of HGH?
Are All Side Effects of HGH Bad?
These days people assume that every side effect of a medicine or supplement is automatically bad. The truth is, many medicines have unexpected sideeffects that can be quite pleasant and beneficial to your health. In the early years of HGH therapy, the goal was to enhance growth, particularly height, in children and teenagers whose pituitary gland didn't produce enough natural Human Growth Hormone. Over time, researchers and doctors discovered that these patients often lost excess weight and seemed to perform better at athletic tasks.
These positive effects led to new research into how HGH could improve the lives of people who, as they aged, had experienced a drop in their HGH levels. The theory that HGH could improve their lives by increasing lean muscle mass, decreasing body weight and enhancing the immune system proved true, with the greatest positive impact on individuals over the age of sixty. Many of these patients experienced pleasant sideeffects such as an increased sex drive, more stamina and a better overall mood.
Of course, there can be negative side effects to HGH enhancement as well. These are often less noticeable if an individual uses HGH enhancers rather than getting the daily HGH injections sometimes given by physicians. The science behind the reasons boils down to a simple truth - daily injections force high levels of recombinant DNA HGH into the body, which can shock the system or trigger side effects because the body may not be ready for the sudden, increased surge of growth hormone.
On the other hand, homeopathic HGH enhancers actually stimulate your pituitary gland to stimulate more of your own HGH. Your body isn't "surprised" by the increase because it is naturally occurring within your body, not being artificially introduced. If you look for HGH enhancers that are time released you can reduce the chance of sideeffects even more. A slow release formula that is absorbed into the blood stream at a steady rate won't lead to spikes in HGH that can lead to side effects. The higher the quality of an HGH formulation, the less likely it is you will suffer from the unpleasant side effects of HGH such as joint pain.
So what are the negative sideffects of HGH? The joint pain just mentioned is one that is often felt during the first few weeks of use, but this usually fades as your body adjusts to the increased levels of HGH. Fluid retention, another mild side effect of HGH, also usually decreases as time passes. If these are the only side effects you experience, you'll probably agree that these are more like minor inconveniences compared to the many advantages of increased HGH production.
The few serious sideeffects, such as bone overgrowth, severe joint pain or an irregular heartbeat, are often the result of misusing HGH injectable replacement therapy. Be sure you understand how much HGH enhancer you should take and how often, and avoid the temptation to take more than necessary on the theory that "more is better." This isn't true and can turn an otherwise wonderful health benefit into a potential health problem.
If you compare brands and find the most trusted HGH enhancers available, you will be able to enjoy improved health and vitality without suffering from any serious side effects of HGH.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
What is the HGH?
The truth lies somewhere in between. There is no fountain of youth that will magically take twenty years of aging away, but neither is HGH dangerous or harmful when used properly. In fact, HGH does improve weight loss, encourage development of lean muscle mass and can boost the immune system's function. The key to successful use of HGH is understanding how it works, why the body needs it and how to avoid the side effects.
A Brief History of HGH
The human body has always produced human growth hormones. HGH isn't something new or novel. In fact, you couldn't grow to adulthood or survive for very long at all if your pituitary glands didn't produce HGH. The reason this hormone has been the focus of research, news reports and lots of Internet chatter is because scientists discovered a way to produce recombinant HGH in the laboratory, making it much more available for medical use. Before this, HGH had to be harvested from the glands of cadavers and use was limited to when it was deemed medically necessary.
Examples of medically necessary use of HGH included stimulating growth in children and teenagers who were obviously not going to reach a normal height on their own. Many doctors also used it to treat Prader-Willi syndrome, an illness characterized by excessive weight gain and short stature. HGH treatments promoted weight loss in these patients, which was essential to improved health, since patients with Prader-Willi invariably become obese as they age.
Is HGH a Fountain of Youth?
During clinical studies of HGH, it was discovered that treatment with this growth hormone also improved lean muscle mass and improved the body's immune system function. Also noted were improved liver function, increased calcium retention and bone density and the stimulation of improved cell growth, which aided the healing process. This was where the "fountain of youth" tag became mainstream.
The truth is, HGH doesn't literally make a person younger, but it does give a person a better overall physique, more strength, the ability to recuperate from illnesses and heal from injuries more quickly. All of these traits are those of a younger individual, which is way some see it as a wonderful anti-aging treatment. Think about it - if your bones are less likely to break and you are less likely to get sick than others your age, won't you feel and act younger?
Is HGH Right for You?
The most important thing to ask yourself when considering using HGH is not how much it costs, how you will be taking it or how much younger you'll actually feel. You need to find out if HGH is right for you. There are a few instances in which HGH therapy isn't advised; one of these is if you are diabetic. The changes in insulin levels that sometime accompany the use of HGH can cause complications in diabetics, so it probably isn't right for you if have diabetes.
There are many instances, however, when HGH is an excellent way to improve your overall health. If you are overweight, HGH can help you lose some of those stubborn fat deposits and retain more lean muscle mass. You'll not only be improving your appearance, you'll be improving your overall health, since being obese frequently leads to health problems ranging from high blood pressure to strain on the heart.
HGH is an excellent way to boost your immune system response and improve bone density and strength. If you're over sixty years old, these are important considerations. HGH can give you a stronger, more reliable body so that you can continue an active, healthy lifestyle much longer. Keep in mind that the older you are, the more the pituitary gland's production of HGH drops off, so the older you are, the greater the benefit of using HGH.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Flotrol Vs Defeat Incontinence - Which is the Best Incontinence Treatment
Incontinence is still a taboo topic, and most people are reluctant to admit that they suffer from it. This is a shame because there are ways in which you can alleviate this condition if not cure it completely. And no, it doesn't have to involve risky surgery.
Two natural urinary incontinence treatment options which are gaining popularity are the Defeat Incontinence guide by Grace Emerson, and the Flotrol supplement. Which is the better cure for you?
Flotrol Review
Flotrol is a natural supplement which helps to strengthen the muscles which control the bladder. By making these muscles stronger, you can reduce the risk of bladder leaks and achieve a much higher level of control over your urination frequency.
As this is a natural supplement, Flotrol has no reported side effects that I'm aware of. All you need to do is take these capsules so the treatment is very easy and can produce impressive results.
Defeat Incontinence Review
Defeat Incontinence is a natural treatment guide by Grace Emerson, a health researcher, who studied incontinence and produced these comprehensive guide to help men and women deal with their incontinence issues.
Defeat Incontinence includes exercise tips, nutrition guidelines, behavioral tricks, and additional treatment information, all of which is targeted to help you alleviate or cure incontinence completely.
It is difficult to say which of these 2 products will help you more. Flotrol is easy to use. However, it is more expensive and has to be taken over and over again.
Defeat Incontinence can help you develop a better lifestyle which can help you better deal with incontinence for many years to come.
For a review of 2 treatments visit
Victoria Clancy is a health writer.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
New Way to a Healthy Living - Part 2
Your life as it is affects every aspects of your health. So, carefully think about yourself for a minute. Are you living the life that you dreamed of, and are you accomplishing something for a better future for all?
If at the time you are reading this, you are in the middle of an affair, a broken relationship, a family struggle, work difficulties, or anything else, you must understand that as long as you have not resolved the issues affecting your life, you will not be able to achieve a healthy living!
As humans we tend to jump from one hoop to the other and hope for the best!
It does not really make sense but we are so used to go by in our lives without taking care of our scars that we do not realize how hurt and beaten our bodies are!
Anything gone wrong in life leaves a mark. It starts with your childhood, your relationship with your parents and family can be sometimes sour, your relation with other kids at school might be hurtful and violent, your first love might be the worst of them...
Usually we just put all those experiences in a box and forget we have ever been kids! The thing is, the scars from that time never go away. They stay right there until you properly treat them.
So, I urge you today to have a good look at your life.
Where are you? And where did you wish you would be at this time? What made or did not make it possible? Was it for the best or for the worst? Are you satisfied with your relationships? Why did you have so many of them? Do you even know what you are looking for?
Think about things that hurt you, and make peace with them and yourself... This is an important step in your life and I want you to make sure that you resolve all those issues you have been ignoring!
Once you have walked through this step, you will be ready for the next step. Your mind
I hope our views will help you improve your chances for a better life.
From the same author:
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - You Can Beat It!
You see it's not just an occasional bout of tiredness that they experience, no it can be full blown exhaustion, a complete inability to make one's muscles work for you. I should know, I had it seriously!! In the Eighties I was so ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that I couldn't do such simple things as sit up or stand, walk to the bathroom, lift a mug of tea to my lips or pull a blanket closer around myself without assistance.
For months we searched for a cure for this Chronic Fatigue but none was to be found. One sympathetic doctor kindly jabbed my thigh with a Vitamin B12 injection every week in the hope that my immune system would beat this big bad ogre but all that it succeeded in doing was giving me a very painful leg in addition to the already painful joints and muscles that I suffered. Eventually I was hospitalized for about 10 days and given intravenous Vitamin C drips every day, and eventually in time I was able to sit up and walk slowly unaided. Little did I realize then that there was an easier way to take in this wonder of all Vitamins. Soon after this a friend who herself had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, had been advised by her doctor that it was possible to beat Chronic Fatigue by following Leslie Kenton's raw food and juice diet, explained in her book, 'Raw Energy'. Well I felt I had nothing to lose, life just couldn't be much worse could it?
To put the whole thing in a nutshell Leslie Kenton explains that a diet high in raw foods and fresh vegetable and fruit juices puts the entire body through a very thorough spring cleaning. Within a short space of time wastes and toxins are eliminated while at the same time the sodium/potassium and acid/alkaline balance are restored. Raw foods and fresh juices supply and restore the level of nutrients that are so essential for optimal cell function. Added to that the efficiency with which cells take up oxygen increases, thereby releasing the energy that is needed for optimum health. In short raw vegetables and fruits are simply powerhouses of energy.
From time to time cleansing the body with fresh fruit and vegetable juices do all the excellent things that solid raw foods do but in a way that relieves the digestive system of much work. Fresh juices speed up the body's ability to destroy dead, diseased or damaged cells and feeds the body with concentrated nutrients that renew the body's flagging immune system.
I found that to be so true. The results were nothing short of miraculous!! Within weeks my body was responding to the high raw food and fresh juice way of life. Slowly but surely my body shed those eternal aches and pains, that incessant exhaustion and gradually that feeling of hopelessness was replaced with a longing to enjoy the good things in life once again. Oh! How good it was!! Just being able to do those little things in life that most of us take for granted each day were a real milestone for me and brought such great pleasure to be able to accomplish them. As time went by my health improved to such an extent that I was able to function normally as a wife and mother, running my home and family successfully without the help of others, even homeschooling our three children. Today I run a successful business from home, enjoy a wonderful social life, love regularly visiting my 3 grown up children and 2 grandchildren who all live about 2 hours drive away. Proof that the raw food and fresh vegetable and fruit juice way of life really works and that you can beat Chronic Fatigue successfully. Adopting the high raw food way of life has been worth all the effort. I highly recommend it to anyone suffering exhaustion or a lack of energy whether it be due to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or any other reason.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Chronic Farting - Causes and Cure of Excessive & Chronic Farting
Top Two Solutions for Chronic Farting Relief
At Least Two Bowel Movements Per Day
The first thing you need to know is that if you are not experiencing at least two or three bowel movements per day, there is something wrong. Ideally, you should experience a bowel movement for each meal eaten. If this isn't the case, excess food remains in the colon longer than it should.
What happens then is that the food will begin to rot. Unhealthy bacteria and other nasty organisms will then begin to develop and grow in your intestines. The end result will be gas and other more serious conditions.
Incorporate Probiotics Into Your Diet
Probiotics are healthy bacteria. They serve two functions. First, they provide much needed nutrients for then body. And secondly, they work to destroy the unhealthy bacteria and other organisms that take up residence in the colon.
But, you can't rely on probiotics alone to solve the problem. If you are not experiencing at least two bowel movements per day and are eating a diet full of unhealthy and toxic processed foods, you can only expect so much from the probiotics.
The Primary Cause of Chronic Farting
Candida is the number one cause of this condition. But what is Candida? Candida is something that is present in almost every person and is a factor in almost every disease known to man - including the development of cancer.
Candida remains dormant in the body. It waits for an ideal environment to develop and grow. That happens when you start to eat a toxic and unhealthy diet, or take antibiotics or prescription drugs. The yeast will then begin to colonize and multiply.
As a result, gas becomes trapped in the digestive tract. And if food is already trapped and rotting in the colon, this will increase the amount of gas in the digestive tract. What is then experienced is quite of bit of bloating and discomfort.
The flatulence caused by the cycle Candida fermentation is only stopped when the colonization and multiplication of the yeast is destroyed.
And there is not just one single thing that can be done that will accomplish this. Many factors contribute to the overall cure, including proper bowel movements and eating a healthy diet.
But, once you destroy the overgrowth of Candida, not only will you take care of the chronic farting, but also you'll also significantly lower your odds of developing more serious illnesses and diseases. This is because the steps taken get rid of Candida also help to promote overall health and vitality.
If you would like to know how to end Chronic Farting for good, all you have to do is check out the 12 Hour Yeast Infection Cure NOW!
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
The Benefits and Advantages of Eating Healthy Food
Eating healthy food may become a struggle, especially when there are so many fast food restaurants everywhere we turn. Often people make excuses like they don't have time to get healthy food, it's not that accessible, or that they don't know how to prepare it. However, there are just as many supermarkets that stock fresh produce as there are fast foods outlets, so accessibility is a poor excuse.
The rate at which obesity in children is rising is more shocking than that in adults. But what is the root of this problem. One cannot really blame the children as they learn from their parents. Children are more likely to eat unhealthy foods if their parents do.
The benefits of eating a healthy diet include living a longer life, feeling happier, gaining vitality, weight loss, and a healthy appearance. Processed food decrease the quality of our lives, so eating healthy foods means we can better fight diseases and live longer. When it comes to happiness, studies have shown that eating healthy foods is an excellent natural anti-depressant.
When you eat healthy your energy levels tend to rise. Because fatty foods cause weight gain you will also have a better chance of losing weight with a healthy diet. You will not only feel healthier but will look healthier. You'll be surprised at how much healthier your skin, hair, and nails will become.
Sometimes it is not enough just to eat an apple a day. To really gain the benefits of eating healthy foods you need to plan an entire healthy diet and stick to it.
The best time to eat healthy is the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so keeping at least your breakfast healthy is a good start. Drinking a smoothie in morning is a good healthy option. It is packed with goodness and tastes delicious. Yogurt also makes for a healthy breakfast but stick to low fat, unsweetened yoghurt. Eating plain yogurt with freshly cut fruit pieces may be an even healthier option. Eggs and whole wheat bread or bran muffins is more filling. Eating cereals or oatmeal is also better than eating a fatty breakfast or even no breakfast.
During the day you need to eat meals that contain loads of starch because they contain energy. Breads, cereals, rice, potatoes and pasta will do the trick however, stay within the limits. Do not over eat; just eat enough to sustain your energy.
You should also try to eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible throughout the day. One should at least pack in 5 portions. Avoid eating a lot of meats; rather choose fish as a healthy alternative. Stay away from a lot of fatty and processed foods but do not cut it out completely. Lastly, drink loads of water.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Are You Hungry Or Emotional?
When it comes to your eating habits, below you will find a list to help you determine if you are hungry or an emotional eater. This list is from Dr. Roger Gould who is a psychiatrist and the author of the best-selling book Shrink Yourself: Break Free From Emotional Eating Forever!
1. Emotional eating hunger comes on suddenly while physical hunger develops slowly. Physical hunger begins with a tummy rumble, then it becomes a stronger grumble, and finally it evolves into hunger pangs, but it's a slow process, very different from emotional hunger, which has a sudden, dramatic onset.
2. Unlike physical hunger, emotional eating hunger demands food immediately, and it wants immediate satisfaction. Physical hunger, on the other hand, will wait for food.
3. A difference between physical and emotional eating hunger involves mindfulness. To satisfy physical hunger, you normally make a deliberate choice about what you consume, and you maintain awareness of what you eat. You notice how much you put in your mouth so that you can stop when you're full. IN contrast, emotional hunger rarely notices what's being eaten. If you have emotional hunger, you'll want more food even after you're stuffed.
4. Emotional eating hunger often demands particular foods in order to be fulfilled. If you're physically hungry, even carrots will look delicious. If you're emotionally hungry, however, only cake or ice cream or your particular preferred indulgence will seem appealing.
5. Emotional eating hunger often results in guilt or promises to do better next time. Physical hunger has no guilt attached to it because you know you ate in order to maintain health and energy.
6. Emotional eating hunger results from some emotional trigger. Physical hunger results from a physiological need.
7. When you are feeding physical hunger, you can eat your food and savor each bite, but when you eat to fulfill emotional eating hunger you stuff the food in. All of a sudden the whole pint of ice cream is gone.
According to Dr. Gould attempting to attack emotional eating hunger by counting calories is almost like trying to run a marathon while lying on your couch. It just doesn't make any sense. You need to go deep within to control emotional hunger, because as real as the hunger feels, it originates not in your belly, but in your mind.
This is very powerful information that has helped me and my clients pinpoint the motivation behind their eating. In order to better serve clients that may be emotional eaters, I am partnering with other professional that can help them with their mental fitness as I sincerely do my part in enhancing the quality of their lives through food and nutrition.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Oats For Breakfast - No Other Cereal is More Nourishing
The strongest mineral in oats is manganese. A one cup serving of cooked oats will provide you with 68 percent of your required allowance needed. Manganese is needed in the body to process all of your essential nutrients like biotin, and also thiamin. Biotin is what helps the body process fatty acids, and also blood sugar, (glucose).
The next best micronutrient contained in oats is selenium. Oats provide a little over 25 percent of your daily requirement for selenium. Selenium is responsible for activating antioxidants in your body to work for you, fighting against viruses and other illness.
Next on the list is tryptophan. Oats provide us with at least 24 percent of our daily tryptophan needs. Tryptophan helps our amino acids to work for us, as well as giving our bodies the right balances of nitrogen. Nitrogen is part of our chain of amino acids, which we need to have daily.
Phosphorus is needed for bones since it transports calcium and vitamin K where needed. With a cup of oats daily, we receive about 18 percent of our daily requirement.
Oats will give us vitamin B1, which is Thiamin. Thiamin is a vitamin which is water soluble, breaking blood glucose down into energy. Thiamin helps us to process various enzymes that are responsible for brain function. We will get about 18 percent of thiamin daily from oats.
Fiber is another daily mineral which we need for gastrointestinal health and roughage. One cup of oatmeal,will give us four grams of fiber which is a great start for the day. This is about 15 percent of what we need daily.
Oats contain some magnesium. A one cup serving will give you 15 percent of your daily allowance. Magnesium plays a big role in the health of bones as well as your blood sugar, blood pressure, and metabolic functions. Magnesium also has compounds that will help to prevent heart disease and lower your cholesterol.
Last of all, oatmeal is a source of protein.You get about 11 percent of protein from this food, so vegans take note. You can fulfill part of your daily protein needs this way. Proteins are what makes up our amino acids.
There are many healthy ways to enjoy oatmeal. A couple of ways are to add cut up fruits such as bananas or apples, or just plain cinnamon and Nutra-Sweet. No breakfast food is better, more fulfilling, and nutritious than oats!
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
A Guide to Health and Nutrition
Nutritional Requirements
The human body requires six types of nutrients. These are carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals and water. These must be included in the daily diet in order to be healthy. A healthy food chart and a well-balanced diet should include food containing these nutrients in the right amounts. Fruits, vegetables, beans, lean meat, fish, dairy products and cereals should be a part of your daily intake.
Food requirements and habits vary from country to country and culture to culture. A balanced healthy diet is mandatory for good health. Thus, in spite of differences in methods of food preparation and food consumption, balance should be maintained. Paying attention to what you eat is important. More and more people are recognizing this fact and trying to eat right; after all, you are what you eat.
There are people who are vegetarians, non-vegetarians, vegans, and so on. Eating your food of choice is everybody's preference, but eating the right amount of food, including the necessary nutrients in correct proportions, might still be a daunting task. Nevertheless, it should be attempted with every meal consumed in the course of the day. Try to follow idioms like never to overeat, drink plenty of fluids and water, avoid over-consumption of simple sugars like those in desserts and sweets, reduce intake of fatty substances and eat lots and lots of fruits, vegetables and fiber-rich food. To sum it up, eat right and eat only to satisfy appetite and not to satiate longings.
Nutrition Fact
One of the most important, but largely neglected, nutrients is water. Most of us eat well but forget to drink enough water. About 50 to 70 percent of total body weight is water, so it has to be regularly supplemented in the body. Water is essential for all body processes, growth and maintenance. It is the medium through which biological and biochemical reactions are carried out in the body. Water is regularly lost from the body as sweat and urine. Therefore, care should be taken to maintain a healthy level of this life-giving substance in the body. Chronic dehydration can lead to death.
A healthy balanced diet should include a minimum of two to three liters of water daily. Hot weather and physical exercise can increase the need for water in the body, so be aware and take care of your body. Fluid lost from the body should be replenished continuously. Health and nutrition are important aspects to a healthy and happy life.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Foods That Burn Fat and Foods That Make You Fat
- Fried foods are high in calories and high in saturated fats.
- Refined sugars and refined carbohydrates can make you fat. Foods such as white sugar, candy, and sweets are all very calorie dense, and can lead to a variety of health problems - one of them being obesity.
- Refined carbohydrates such as white bread have very little nutritional value due to their processing methods. Avoid white bread and instead opt for whole grain breads
- Fast food - most fast foods are high in calories per serving, and high in saturated fat.
- Fatty foods such as bacon and sausages. Foods such as bacon and sausages are high in calories, and most of the calories from bacon and sausages come from the fats in them
There are also foods that you can choose to eat that will actually help you burn fat and lose weight. Many of the foods listed below will have "negative calories" - meaning your body uses more calories to process and absorb these foods than the amount of calories the food provides.
Bell peppers
The above is a list of just some of the foods that help burn fat. The important thing to remember is that you need to enjoy the foods that you prepare, otherwise, you will not be able to stick to your diet plans. Avoid going to fast food restaurants, and avoid eating junk foods that make you fat as we listed above. If you are looking for effective ways to help you burn fat, take a look at Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program, which has been proven to help increase fat burn and weight loss.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Pomegranate Health Benefits
The reason behind the pomegranate's power is the fact that it contains one of the highest amounts of antioxidants in a fruit.
Nutrition of the pomegranate includes some of the most important vitamins a body needs to maintain good health. Crucial amounts of vitamin C, E and A are all present in the juice. Because of these high levels, another health benefit of pomegranate juice is being able to fight the common cold. This happens in a couple of different ways.
Other serious diseases and conditions can be looked at to benefit from the pomegranate as well. Because of the restorative properties of the fruit, it may help to fight the progress of damaged brain cells from Alzheimer's. Cancer is another degenerative condition that may be slowed and treated by pomegranate, including prostate, skin and breast cancer. Additional health issues that may be treatable with pomegranate health benefits are high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Heart disease is another area where pomegranate benefits may make major improvements in. Plaque in the arteries can be lessened by the continued use of the juice, which would help with blood flow and that results in better heart health. Another factor that assists in this process may be the blood thinning properties that the nutrients in the fruit provide.
Other benefits may include treatment of osteoarthritis, fighting plaque on the teeth promoting better health in the mouth, and the prevention of infection due to viruses by stopping them in the mouth. Dental and mouth health can greatly impact the health of the person overall, so any measures that can help to increase the health of the mouth area will be of benefit to the whole person.
With so many pomegranate health benefits, it is no surprise that more and more people are becoming interested in finding out how their bodies can really benefit from the fruit. Since the demand for the fruit and its juice is rising, anyone can find more information about how the benefits can help them. There are many sources on the Internet as well as in a person's local library about pomegranate health benefits.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Diet to Lower Triglycerides
Triglycerides are naturally occurring fats that come from both dietary intake and are manufactured within the body. When present in high levels in the bloodstream, they are blood vessel clogging fats. Triglycerides are considered to be largely responsible for diseases such as atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and venous and arterial occlusion in areas such as the lower legs, heart and brain.
The first step to improving the diet in a person with high triglycerides might be to avoid refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates such as white sugar, corn syrup, white flour and foods containing large amounts of these products are a major contributor to high triglyceride levels. Many think that fat content in the diet is the most important factor in reducing triglyceride levels but experts agree that the biggest problem is refined sugar and other simple carbohydrates. Instead of eating processed white flour, one should consume more whole grain products, fibrous foods and other carbohydrates with a low glycemic index such as vegetables, fruits and nuts. Total carbohydrate consumption should be approximately 50% of the total caloric intake.
The second step in controlling the triglyceride levels through diet might be to limit fat consumption to no more than 20 to 30% of the total caloric intake. These calories should be composed of healthy oils such as olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil and peanut oil along with eating foods high in unsaturated fats such as avocados and nuts. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids are present in large amounts in oily fish and have been proven to aid cardiac health. Fish is a healthy substitute for other meats with saturated fat such as beef and pork. Eating fish on a regular basis has been proven to lower cholesterol and triglycerides and to improve cardiac health by as much as 40%.
Losing weight by reducing total calorie consumption and exercising is also important step for reducing health risks of high triglyceride levels in overweight individuals. Obesity is a common contributor to type II diabetes which is known to increase the risk factors and frequency of diseases commonly caused by high triglyceride levels such as arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis as well as the end results of stroke and heart attack.
In conclusion, many people will benefit from a diet to lower triglycerides. The three best options to accomplish this appear to be reducing refined carbohydrate consumption, limiting fat intake to healthy oils, and losing weight by reducing total calorie consumption.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
How is Acai Berry Juice Beneficial?
Juice of this fruit has become one of the major beverages of many families in the US which includes
several Hollywood stars as well. It can be taken any time of the day, but you must make sure not to drink it in excess quantity. Some of the benefits of Acai berry juice are as following.
• It is full of fibers which keep your digestion in perfect condition. If you are suffering from constipation you feel relief within a day or two.
• Like several other fruits, this is also full of vitamin C and beta carotene. It help you improve you vision and collagen formation. It keeps your skin healthy and wrinkle free.
• Acai berry has been found to be helpful in curing arthritis because of its rich calcium content.
• This fruit has ample quantity of potassium which regulates the liquid balance in the body. it also keeps blood pressure and acidity under control.
No matter what form you take it in, Acai berry is going to benefit you. Though you do not get the taste of this wonder fruit in pills form, it is always more convenient and easy to take. Juice comes with an added task of measuring the correct quantity every time you want to drink it. It goes without saying that juice bottle also takes a lot of space in your refrigerator.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Vitamin B, C, D or K - Which One Will Help You the Most?
So, which could help the most?
The four vitamins most talked about at the moment are B, C, D and K and there are some really good reasons for that.
In general health terms vitamin B helps you create energy and produce red blood cells, C keeps your immune system in good shape and helps with healthy tissue development and healing, D helps you build healthy bones and teeth and finally, K helps your blood to clot.
Which one helps the most? The answer obviously depends on which area is the most important to you... energy, immune system, bones, or blood. You have to decide. Personally I think that you should make sure that you get the right healthy balance across all areas.
But, the burning question here is whether these supplements can actually do other things, like help you lose weight as well as keep you healthy. Let's investigate a little more and see what the professionals have to say...
- Vitamin B -- a lot of people target this when they are dieting because it helps give your body the energy it needs to deal with calorie conversion and fat burning. More energy, better performance. A big tick for for the big B!
- Vitamin C -- a study at Arizona State University found that people with good levels of this could potentially burn 30% more fat than those who had low levels. Go C go!
- Vitamin D -- a University of Minnesota study demonstrated that people with high D levels before they started a diet lost more weight than those with lower levels. So this one really rocks too!
- Vitamin K -- this has a strong antioxidant effect which can help deal with the fatty acids in your body. Deal with fatty acids? And K's on the winner's list too!
The chances are though, if your diet has been junky till now, that you are low on these and other essential minerals. So, maybe the first thing to look at is finding the right balanced dieting solution that helps you get back on track. Simply eating a healthy diet (without the extra vitamin focus) could well help you restore your levels over time anyway, so you might not need the supplements at all. It's always a matter of choice.
H Woolston
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Great Benefits of Nuts
Nuts also help you in reducing the bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood. LDL is mainly responsible for causing various heart disorders. It also helps in minimizing the risk of developing blood clots, and thus reducing the risk of heart stroke. Some of the nuts are also found to have Omega-3 fatty acids, which help in reducing heart ailments. Nuts mainly reduce the risk of an unsafe heart rhythm related with heart strokes. Several nuts such as almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and pecans contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Peanuts, which is not a nut technically, is also found to be a healthy nutrient for heart.
Nuts also contain a substance called argentine, which amplifies the production of Nitric Oxide. Nitric oxide helps in keeping the arteries healthy by keeping them flexible and less prone to form blood clots.
The guidelines on healthy eating prescribe having at least 1 to 2 ounces (equivalent to a small handful) of nuts every day. By eating nuts, you can not curb various health problems even when you don't cut down on saturated fats found in many dairy products and meat.
Nuts have a good level of Vitamin E present in them, which helps in keeping your heart healthy. They also prevent body cells by averting the risk of developing cancer. The fiber content present in nuts helps you keeping heart diseases and diabetes under check. A diet rich in fiber and nuts helps in preventing colon cancer too. So, don't delay! Get yourself ready for a nutty treat!
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism - Solve That Problem Once For All
Briefly explaining. Having a fast metabolism makes your body burn more calories than the normal. So that is directly related to fat, energy and carbohydrates. The first thing you should realize is that having a fast metabolism doesn't stop you from getting weight.
The first step here is to know the amount of calories your body spend per day. There are those called Daily Calorie Needs calculator that will estimate that for you. What you want to do is to eat something from four to six hundreds more calories than that. If by the end of the first week you don't gain weight, you might want to increase the number of extras calories to one thousand.
Just eating more will help you, but you want to take care of some other things too. For example, make schedules for your eatings. You should know, for example, the time interval between each meal. Normally people will eat at the end of every three hour interval. That is what most skinny guys will do, and you can go and do that too. If it's not enough, decrease that interval to 2 and a half hours.
And the last thing is: no one want more fat in their body, so you want to make sure you're going to a gym and have your muscle building scheduling right too. Because getting more calories might get you more fat than muscle mass if you don't take that care.
Learning "how to bodybuilding" is something that takes time and if you want to do that, you'll need a lot more than reading articles on the internet - I'm saying that by pernal experience, I was a starter too. I've written my personal journey on muscle building, it's kinda my story. If you want to check it out, click here so you can go to my website - - and read it. It's small and is worth, it also can give you some insights on the subject.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Choose Healthful Fats For You and Your Family
Good Fat and Bad Fat For health purposes, there are two types of fat: those that raise your beneficial cholesterol level, known as the HDL cholesterol, and those that have a negative effect on your HDL cholesterol level. Fats get around in the body by being attached to protein. High density lipoproteins (HDL) have a larger portion of protein than fat. They are better for your heart because they clear the vascular system of harmful fats, like a trash collector, and let blood flow freely.
The low density lipoproteins (LDL) are made up of more fat than protein. They get stuck along the way, clogging arteries and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke. Choosing the right fat, especially for your children, will help set them up for a lifetime of health and wellness by reducing their risk of debilitating diseases. In a nutshell: Choose fats that raise HDL and lower LDL.
Three Types of Healthy Fats There are three types of HDL or "healthy" fats. They are the monounsaturated, polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids. All of these fats will be liquid at room temperature and they have been shown to raise HDL cholesterol levels and lower LDL levels. So how do you tell them apart? The monounsaturated fats come from plants. Canola oil, peanut oil and olive oil are rich in this fat. Other sources include olives, cashews, almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, avocados, peanut butter and almond butter. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are mainly found in coldwater fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring.
A good way to remember this list is with the acronym SMASH. Other fish also contain these beneficial oils and they are halibut, lake trout and albacore tuna. Other sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated are flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil, leafy vegetables, purslane and grass fed animals. The American Heart Association suggests eating at least two 3-oz. servings of fatty fish per week. It is very important to understand that large fish can also contain heavy metals, so choose smaller fish. Pregnant/nursing moms and small children should check with their health care providers for recommendations. Visit and for pocket shopping guides, sustainable practices and health information regarding quality seafood.
Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats are contained in high amounts in corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. Other sources are liquid or tub soft margarine (best to buy one that states it is trans fat-free), walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soy "nuts" (roasted soy beans), soynut butter and tofu.
Boost Your Omega-3 Intake Most Americans eat plenty of omega-6 fats. That's why you often hear about increasing your intake of omega-3 fats. Read food labels to see what type of oil you're eating and feeding your family. The goal is a ratio of 1 to 4, omega-3 to omega-6.
So this brings us to the less desirable fats, those that clog arteries and can lead to coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke and chronic medical conditions. They are saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats are found in all animal products. They will be solid at room temperature and tend to raise both the LDL and HDL cholesterol levels. Foods especially high in saturated fats are found in full-fat products such as whole milk, butter, cheese, cream, cream cheese, sour cream, ice cream, chocolate, coconuts, coconut milk, coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, cocoa butter, lard, fatty cuts of beef, pork, lamb, poultry skin, chicken wings, and dark meat chicken.
Limit the intake of saturated fats - they should make up no more than 7 to 10% of the total calories eaten for the day. Choose lean cuts of meat and low-fat dairy products such as ice milk, Neufchatel cream cheese and mozzarella or farmer cheese. Children under the age of 2 are an exception. Whole milk is recommended as a child is weaned from the breast or bottle. Switch to low-fat choices when your child is 2 or 3 years old.
Avoid Trans Fats Trans fats are the worst offenders in our search for healthful choices. They are manufactured by using cheap oils that are then chemically altered to become a solid, like shortening. They are often used commercially because they increase the shelf life of foods and are inexpensive for the food industry. Trans fats are solid or semi-solid at room temperature and have the negative effect of raising LDL and lowering our helpful HDL cholesterol level. Harvard's School of Public Health states that "even a small amount daily can put your health at risk."
The main sources of trans fats are most margarines, stick and some tub margarines, vegetable shortening, most commercially baked or prepared foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, such as crackers, cookies, cakes, pastries, microwave popcorn and other snack foods, deep-fried chips, and many fast foods. Buy foods with packaging that says "Trans Fat Free," and become familiar with food labels. If partially hydrogenated describes the oil used in the product, choose another.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Drink Green Tea For Food Health
It is a healthier version of tea, helps in maintaining good health in more than one ways. Polyphenols catechins, which is the main component of green tea, helps in lowering cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It works as an important anti-oxidant and destroys virus and bacteria. It also reduces the risk of developing tumors. It contains Vitamin C, which helps in reducing stress and improving immunity system.
It also contains Vitamin B-complex, which helps in absorbing carbohydrates and Vitamin E, which is an effective antioxidant to prevent ageing process. It toughens your blood vessels and prevents cavities and tooth decays.
This tea helps in controlling cholesterol levels in the body. Various studies indicate that the presence of epicatechins in green tea prevents absorption of cholesterol. This tea promotes the production of bile salts that contain cholesterol and fatty acids. So, if you are trying to reduce cholesterol levels in your body, try green tea.
If you are a diabetic, high levels of glucose can produce free radicals in your body. These free radicals can in turn cause oxidative damage to your body cells, causing diabetic neuropathy. Green tea contains natural antioxidants, which averts the process of neuropathic damage. Other than this, it lowers the glucose levels and helps in preventing cataracts, which is a common problem experienced by diabetic people.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Whole Grain Foods - Health Benefits That Could Save Your Life! A No Brainer Choice!
Today's Western diet largely consists of many unhealthy items including excessive amounts of saturated fats from red meat, sugary desserts and beverages, and refined grains. The consumption of more whole grains could help to alleviate some of the health problems associated with this poor diet.
Whole Grain Variety
Whole grain products contain everything except the outer most portion of the grain, the husks. The outer protective coating, the bran, the endosperm which is the largest edible portion of the grain containing starch and protein, and the vitamin and mineral-rich germ or seed make up a whole grain. Eating more whole grain foods could benefit you more than you think. Whole grains include more than just wheat. Choose from a multitude of whole grains for almost limitless nutritious, tasty variety. The list of common whole grain foods includes these nutritious grains:
- Amaranth
- Barley
- Brown Rice
- Buckwheat
- Flax Seeds
- Corn
- Millet
- Oats
- Quinoa
- Rye
- Spelt
- Whole Wheat
- Wild Rice
Whole Grain Contents
Whole grains supply many helpful components and deliver comparable benefits. The healthy fats found in whole grains largely separate them from other foods. This aspect contributes to some of their most favorable benefits. A lack of healthy fats in the body from whole grains directly relates to increased risk of degenerative disease. Whole grains contain many vital nutrients and substances including:
- Fiber great for digestive health and reducing constipation
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Complex carbohydrates
- High levels of antioxidants
- Healthy fats
- Other healthy phytochemicals or plant-based nutrients
Low Intake Risks
Whole grains provide numerous health benefits. For example, if children include whole grain food in their diet, the risk developing asthma decreases by half.1 Research shows that even the risk of pancreatic cancer, the most aggressive fatal cancer in the US, reduces by up to 40% by merely eating two or more servings of whole grains a day.2 Studies show whole grains have the ability to reduce the risk of
some chronic diseases and other health problems. These include:
- Acne
- Asthma
- Cancer such as breast and colorectal cancer
- Type II diabetes
- Gum disease and tooth loss
- Heart disease and heart failure
- Hypertension
- Inflammation
- Macular degeneration
- Obesity
- Premature death
- Stroke
Whole Grain Benefits
Eating a minimum three servings of whole grains per day may help with weight reduction, lower BMI (body mass index) and significantly decreased abdominal fat. Studies indicate whole grains may lower triglycerides and slow down the formation of plaque in arteries. Other studies indicate whole grain consumption benefits include:
- Healthier blood pressure levels
- Lower total cholesterol
- Improved blood sugar control from certain whole grains
In conclusion, considering the many varieties from the list of whole grains to choose from as well as the risks connected to a diet low in whole grain foods and benefits of higher intakes of whole grain foods, deciding to eat whole foods is a no brainer. Choose to eat nutritiously and enjoy the associated health benefits starting today.
1Thorax, December 2006; 61(12):1048-53
2The American Journal of Epidemiology, November 2007; 166(10):1174-1185
Judy Dolan has studied nutrition and health for over 27 years. She has a Bachelor's degree in Dietetics, knows medicinal herbs and aromatherapy, and is owner of For a wide selection of healthy-living products and free information, visit the site that focuses on helping people obtain and maintain health.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Overcoming Your Sugar Cravings
Phasing sugar out of your diet is made easy with the nourishing support of whole foods and a wide array of natural sugar alternatives. Once the sugar is gone and the withdrawal symptoms pass, your body will find a new balance and health. Without the sugar your immune system will be stronger, your energy and moods more stable and your cravings will fade away. You won't miss the sugar or the bothersome symptoms it was creating.
Sugar Addiction
Sugar is physically addictive. Studies at Princeton University find that sugar consumption leads to all of the identifying symptoms of addiction in rats; increased intake, withdrawal, cravings and relapse. And many experts believe that breaking the sugar addiction is more challenging than getting off of nicotine or even heroine.1
Of course, nicotine and heroine aren't ingredients in almost every food on the super market shelves. In addition to being the main feature in candies and desserts, sugar is also included in products from crackers and cereal to bread, condiments and soups. Unless you have made a very conscious and diligent effort to avoid sugar, you have probably eaten it every day of your life. And with every serving, your addiction has been triggered.
"Refined sugar passes quickly into the bloodstream in large amounts, giving the stomach and pancreas a shock. An acid condition forms which consumes the body's minerals quickly. Thus calcium is lost from the system, causing bone problems. The digestive system is weakened and food cannot be digested or assimilated properly. This leads to a blood-sugar imbalance and to further craving for sugar"2
Paul Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods.
Phasing the Sugar Out
Although freeing yourself from a sugar addiction can be challenging, it is also deeply rewarding. Phasing the sugar out of your diet will improve your immediate and long term physical health, stabilize your moods and energy levels, and help you enjoy the pleasure and tastes of nourishing natural whole foods even more.
It's important to approach phasing sugar out of your diet as an act of self love and self care, rather than an act of deprivation or punishment. Humans have a natural preference for sweetness (in their food and relations). Use this experience as an opportunity to adjust to and appreciate different forms of sweetness. As your sugar addiction subsides, your body will reestablish its own natural harmony.
Here are some important tips you can use for phasing out the sugar:
• Adjust to Milder Sweets
Excessive use of refined sugars has likely increased your tolerance and desire for sweets to unhealthy levels. Choosing milder natural sweeteners will allow your body to readjust and free you from the sugar cycle so you can begin to enjoy naturally sugar free desserts as a special treat once again.
• Eat Sweet Veggies and Whole Fruit
The sweetest whole food is fresh ripe fruit. When eaten in this form, the natural sugars of the fruit are accompanied with the exact combination of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and fiber that your body for healthy digestion and optimal utilization. Naturally sweet vegetables, like yams, parsnips, carrots and beets offer the same benefit. When eaten regularly, their mellow sweet flavor can help to curb sugar cravings.
• Chew Well
When whole grains and other complex carbohydrates are properly prepared and chewed well, they release a natural sweetness that calms the nervous system and alleviates the desire for excess sweets.
• Balance Yin and Yang
Your body always seeks balance. In the Chinese tradition the main elements of this balance are called Yin and Yang. Everything you eat affects your Yin/Yang balance. Eating foods from the extreme ends of the spectrum causes cravings for their opposite. Eating foods from the middle of the spectrum supports a steady balance.
Salty foods, meat and cheese are on the far Yang end of the spectrum. Sugar, coffee and alcohol are extremely Yin. Many people struggle to maintain balance while flip-flopping between the two ends of the spectrum.
Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans all fall in the middle of the spectrum. A steady diet of foods from these categories will support your body's Yin/Yang Balance and free you from your cravings.
• Balance Protein and Carbs
Protein and carbohydrate metabolism regulate one another and its important to keep them in good balance. When you eat concentrated proteins (like meat and cheese) in excess, you'll naturally crave excessive quantities of concentrated sweets. On the other hand, if you don't get enough protein you may also find yourself with sugar cravings.2
The first issue is the result of the main stream diet and the second issue commonly occurs in vegetarian diets that rely on processed, rather than whole, foods. Whole grains and beans have a balanced amount of protein and carbohydrates. Again, eating a whole foods plant based diet with only modest amounts of animals products (if any) is a great tool for avoiding sugar cravings.
• Take Micro-algae Supplements
Micro-algae are an excellent source of easily digested protein for quickly regulating sugar metabolism. Spirulina, chlorella and wild blue-green are highly effective in reducing sweet cravings. 2
• Drink Lots of Water
Dehydration is a common cause of cravings. Whenever you feel the urge to grab a sweet snack, drink a glass of water instead. This is a great way to intercept your cravings, re-hydrate, and bring your body back into a healthy balance.
• Exercise and/or Breathe Deeply
Cravings can also be caused by an overly acid condition in your body. Exercise and deep breathing change your PH to a more alkaline state. These no-food techniques are helpful in getting your blood moving and taking your mind off your cravings
• Enjoy Home Cookin'
Most processed foods and restaurant fare is loaded with sugar, even when it's not "sweet." When you prepare your own food at home you decide exactly what goes into it. Enjoy preparing and eating delicious sugar-free whole foods using our nourishing Detox Diet Recipes to avoid the sugar from eating out.
Cravings are your body's way of telling you that something is missing or out of balance. Given the state of our modern food supply it's no wonder so many of us struggling with cravings...especially for sugar. The key to moving through any craving is to understand it and see it for what it is. Just because you can't stop thinking about ice cream doesn't necessarily mean that your body needs it. Consider the other factors at play and, most importantly, feed your body nourishing whole foods to keep it healthy and satisfied.
2. Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford; copyright 1993, 1996, 2002 North Atlantic Books
Your personal health is vitally important to the quality of your life. Clearing built up toxins from your body is a great way to start feeling healthy, alive and free from troublesome symptoms. The Whole Body Detox Diet is all about feeling great and caring for your precious body without deprivation or self judgment. Learn to eat delicious whole foods, relax, enjoy yourself and clear the toxins out with love!!
Visit today to sign up for your own FREE Detox Detox Diet Start-up Kit, complete with delicious recipes, customized detox diet planner, menu planner, and detox diet journal.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Reasons Why You Should Visit a Spa
Spa services are able to incorporate and cater for all your needs. The most popular spa service is a massage.
MASSAGE There are so many kinds of massages offered by different spas all around the world. To mention a few, there are hot stone massages and deep tissue massages. Different spas have their signature massages in which they personalize to offer their customers only the best.
FACIALS They are also one of the services that is usually sold out. Experts at different spas are able to analyze individual skin types of clients to offer them rejuvenation that is befitting to them. If you have cracked skin or you just need to look like a million dollars, it is worth checking out different facial services available at a spa near you.
PEDICURES AND MANICURES Our nails speak volumes about us and at a good spa, you will be in a position to have the best treatment that will not only leave you healthy but looking good as well. These services are much more than treatment to nails; they are about caring for your hands and feet in a deeper way. Again, different spas will offer different services and packages.
BODY WRAPS They are a great way to provide relief to your aching body. It involves concentrated pressure to the body and many spas will offer a body mask to go with it. There are different kinds of body wraps and they include chocolate bliss mud wrap, Lavender and mango aroma wrap and the list goes on and on. Different spas will offer different body wraps that are personalized and you will have many options.
WAXING AND OTHER COSMETICS Waxing is popular when it comes to hair removal in spas. There are many other cosmetic services that a spa will offer just to leave you satisfied and happy.
Keep in mind that spa packages keep the customer in mind by offering good things. For example, couples can enjoy themselves with spa services as they share quality time. The same goes for friends and family members. Some spas can prove to very expensive while others are affordable and cheap. Search for good spas near you and let the Internet be your guide. There are so many reasons why you should visit a spa after all.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Omega 3 and Your Healthy Heart
Studies have shown that omega 3 may prevent heart attacks because when your arteries are free of plaque your blood can flow freely and you are less likely to experience heart complications. There is also less likelihood that you will experience a stroke because your blood is less likely to clot.
Patients who have had heart attacks and take Omega 3 seem to have less severe heart attacks than patients who are not taking Omega 3. Because Omega 3 aids in making the blood flow more freely it may aid in lowering blood pressure. This in turn, may prevent thrombosis.
Not all Omega 3's are the same
The three main forms are: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). EPA and DHA are both found in fish, fish oil supplements and algae extracts. ALA is found in plant sources like walnuts, flax seed, canola and to some degree, green leafy vegetables.
Now that you know how important Omega 3 is to your health, I'm sure you would like to know how to find the supplement! It's not hard to find, but you want to make sure that you purchase pharmacy grade Omega 3 supplement. Otherwise you may be taking a risk that some brands may have contaminants in them such as mercury.
Chances are, you are in the 99 percentile of people who have a deficiency of Omega 3 in their diet. It is an essential fatty acid that your body needs but can't create on its own. Getting an Omega 3 fish oil supplement may be more preferable to you than eating a lot of fish, so try a supplement and remember, get the pharmaceutical grade!
To learn more about the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and where to find the best source of omega 3 visit
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Diabetic Socks - The Key to Preventing Foot Complications
Those suffering from diabetes are aware of the many health complications that come with it. Complications of the feet are the most prevalent among diabetics. Diabetes raises blood sugar levels and can cause ailments that include poor circulation, a loss of feeling, abrasions that are slow to heal, and an increased risk of foot ulcers. That is why it is essential to provide your feet with proper comfort and support. The best and simplest way to treat diabetic foot problems and to promote proper foot health is to wear diabetic socks. It can make a world of difference.
Diabetic Socks Help to Prevent Infections
These socks feature moisture prevention that can cause infections and bacterial growth. Most of these socks are also made from special anti-bacterial fibers that help to prevent formation of bacteria. In addition, diabetic socks, such as Physician's Choice brand come with smooth seams that decrease the pressure and blisters that may be cause by wrinkles in the socks.
Diabetic Socks Help to Improve Circulation in the Feet
The ability of the diabetic sock to stretch gives additional support to the foot and arch as well as providing compression to minimize swelling. This support is essential to maintain a good posture and joint health. A good pair of loose fitting diabetes socks will fit comfortably without feeling too tight. Socks that feel too tight can hinder blood flow to the feet and cause additional foot complications. Those suffering form edema can also find relief with extra loose socks.
These socks are also characterized by their softer feel and also cater to those with sensitive skin. These cotton blend socks are usually hypoallergenic and allows your feet to breathe. Yet, they are also thicker to provide more cushioning and the space in the toes tends to be wider. These special features are especially crucial to diabetics due to the fact that even minor aggravations can turn into serious foot problems. Many Americans suffer from diabetes. However, proper dieting, exercising, and caring for your feet with diabetic socks will make diabetes more manageable.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Type 2 Diabetes - Recognizing Signs and Symptoms
As I recall, my highest blood pressure reading was 180/130 or thereabouts. However, I have no recollection of what my blood sugar level reading was back then but I do remember going to a clinic one time to have it tested and the nurse told me it was high. How high I don't really know. I didn't care because I did not feel ill at all. Even when they told me I should check my blood pressure, I still continued with my unhealthy diet, sedentary life style and worse, smoking. I was kind of proud actually thinking that even as my blood sugar was high and my blood pressure too, I wasn't feeling sick and I did not experience anything bad or life threatening. Little did I know that diabetes and heart disease were already lurking within my body, just waiting for the right time to manifest themselves.
The signs and symptoms were there although I chose to ignore them. Looking back, I should have known that my feelings and behavior exhibited classic symptoms hyperglycemia, a blood sugar imbalance where blood sugar is high. Now, I am suffering the consequences of that ignorance.
In type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels slowly rise so that the symptoms develop throughout the years or they may not show at all. In my case, the signs and symptoms that I concretely remember were my repeated trips to the bathroom, frequent thirst, and fatigue. I would wake up several times at night with the urge to urinate but I associated it with the glass of water I drank before going to bed. During the day, I remember that I needed to drink water a lot although I thought it was only because of the heat. I was easily tired but I thought it was only because I lacked exercise. It's true what medical books say about diabetes. The signs I ignored developed gradually on me so I tended to overlook them.
I have an automatic blood pressure monitor at home that I can use. It was a gift from a cousin who lives in California. I also have a blood sugar monitor that I do not use because that thing where you have to put the blood on is quite expensive here in the Philippines and I rather spend my money on medicines. Instead, I usually go and have an Hba1c test every three months, which doctors say is more reliable in indicating whether I am controlling my diabetes or not.
There is no cure for diabetes; you can only control and manage it by medication, proper diet and exercise. Without these three things, untreated or poorly managed diabetes can lead to further serious and life-long complications. My heart disease was exacerbated by diabetes and until now, I am still battling against both on a daily basis.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Diabetes Cure - Announcing a New, Scientific Method That Works
* people just got fatter and fatter
* obesity and diabetes rates increased dramatically
* no one connected the dots to see that it's actually carbohydrates that cause diabetes
Yes, that's right! It never was cholesterol and fat, it was always carbohydrates that were doing the damage in diabetes. Let the shouts go up, the screaming and gnashing of teeth begin. How was this missed? It's because medicine works mostly by belief systems and not by facts.
What was the logic in its thinking? Bone simple: eating fat would lead to fat accumulation in the body. But... the factual biochemistry is that carbs become the fat on your body, not fat.
Are you shocked? We've all been deluded because no one took the time to understand the basics. It was known by 1950 that the body aggressively converted carbohydrates to fat.
Since 2002, new, young researchers really looked into the low-carb diet. What did they find:
* fast reduction in body weight and body fat
* dramatic stabilization and lowering of blood sugar
* reduction in the dangerous fats
* low-carb simply whipped low-fat!
The low-carb or carb-restricted diet will help diabetics dramatically improve their health. And it works fast because your metabolic systems begin to change in as little as six hours. Your body switches very quickly into a fat-burning mode and decreases its reliance on blood sugar as a source of fuel.
Metabolic Syndrome is a common health problem today. It's characterized by several major abnormalities including:
* obesity
* diabetes
* cardiovascular disease
* high blood pressure
Recent studies show that carbohydrate-restriction might sensibly be the "default" diet to be tried FIRST for patients with Metabolic Syndrome. In the case of normal weight people with this condition, carbohydrate restriction may be the only effective non-drug approach for treating it.
Now, scientists are realizing the hazards of the standard recommendations of a low-fat diet, and believe it's inconsistent with good health. The low-fat diet, if high in carbohydrates, raises blood triglycerides, lowers good HDL cholesterol, and worsens blood sugar control.
A more disastrous combination could not be conjured up by Satan himself. Learn all about low-carbohydrate nutrition and whatever you do, don't use Dr. Atkins's plan and don't do the South Beach Diet -- it's not even close to being a low-carb diet.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Omega-3 Treatment For Diabetes - Its Therapeutic Potential
Type 2 diabetes, typically lifestyle related, was once seen as a disease of adults but today, it is growing at alarming rates in children and adolescents. Diabetes amongst adolescents and children globally is increasing by 3% each year, and as much as 5% per year among pre-school children. So, what is it we're doing wrong?
A day rarely goes by without some mention on the news of increased rates of obesity, reduced activity levels or excessive alcholol consumption. What's significant is that each of these factors is associated with diabetes risk in the general population. It's easy to dismiss the advice we hear about making small lifestyle adjustments to improve our health and reduce our risk of illness. But changes in exercise, diet, smoking habits and alcohol do affect our propensity to certain illnesses, and particularly diabetes. Perhaps it's time for us to take responsibility for our health.
Treatment for diabetes centres on managing blood glucose levels, of which the diet plays a huge part. Avoiding blood sugar highs and lows is crucial, thus avoiding simple sugars in sweets, fizzy drinks and cakes is imperative. Intake of whole grains, fibre, fresh fruit and vegetables is a necessary part of a balanced diet and is especially important for people with diabetes.
An essential part of every diet which we hear often about in relation to heart health, are the good fats in the diet, especially omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish. Diabetics tend to have very low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood because insulin plays a vital role in the body's metabolism and use of these essential fats. When insulin is absent or activity is impeded, often the case with diabetics, the enzymes needed to process these fatty acids cannot be produced. The result is often a deficiency of the long-chain fatty acids which play a role in electrical messaging, the formation of cell membranes, the regulation of blood pressure and clotting, as well as a host of other functions.
Extremely effective for cardiovascular disease, the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy (which leads to blindness), cholesterol levels, nephropathy (damage to the kidneys) and macroangiopathy (fat and blood clots in the large blood vessels), increasing intake of long-chain omega-3s such as EPA is easy and simple when supplementing the diet with a highly concentrated and purified omega-3 fish oil supplement.
Diabetes sufferer Derek Beatty, Chairman of St Albans and District Voluntary Diabetes Support Group (a branch of Diabetes UK), recommends trying an omega-3 fish oil for two to three months if you suffer with painful neuropathy, to see if it improves your well-being. Thirty years of insulin treatment for Type 1 diabetes, with almost 22,000 twice daily insulin injections, led to his suffering severe muscular cramps with extreme pain when waking in the morning, with one acute episode each month. These experiences were very distressing for both him and his wife.
"I started taking a low dose of OmegaForce [high dose omega-3 fish oil], last October after having studied the potential clinical benefits in an effort to reduce the discomfort associated with diabetic neuropathy.
"I can confidently say that I think OmegaForce has significantly minimised the incidence and severity of painful neuropathy episodes I previously experienced. I also am of the opinion that the OmegaForce supplement has assisted in keeping me feeling positive and emotionally stable in difficult times."
OmegaForce a purified and concentrated omega-3 EPA-rich supplement, is ideal as part of the daily diet for managing the symptoms associated with diabetes. Actively repairing existing nerve and cell damage from blood sugar complications, the fatty acids in OmegaForce also help to reduce the risk of diabetes-related conditions. Whilst supplementation can go a long way towards improving the health of a diabetic sufferer, it is by no means a solution. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly, as well as removing from the diet foods high in sugar and starch which pose a threat to blood sugar levels, can make a significant difference to one's health.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Normal Range Blood Sugar - What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you still have an opportunity to change your lifestyle habits which might have put your body in this condition. Keep in mind also, that what are normal blood glucose levels for one person may be different from another based on their family health history, whether or not the exercise as well as what their current body weight is.
If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes you will first want to discuss, with your physician a plan of action. Discussions about current as well as recommended exercise programs, diets as home blood glucose monitoring should all be covered.
You should try to understand what are normal blood sugar levels for your particular case and eliminate (or at least greatly reduce) any foods in your current diet that are contributing to the higher than normal range blood glucose levels in your bloodstream. If you begin a diabetic diet program right away and try to exercise on a daily (or frequent) basis, then you have a good chance at reversing your pre-diabetic condition and avoiding the unpleasant possibility of future insulin shots. Keeping a food diary and learning about foods that lower your blood sugar will be critical information for you to know when analyzing why your blood sugar levels might elevate - you will learn to understand the connection between food and normal blood glucose levels.
Normal range blood sugar levels can also vary based on age, the quantity of food that you eat, how long it has been since you have last eaten and how much exercise or physical activity you are involved in. Work with your doctor as he or she knows best what your normal range blood sugar levels should be as everyone is truly different. This is one of the primary reasons you should create a diary of your food intake, exercise and blood sugar levels. You soon become an expert at understanding what your normal blood glucose range is and what steps you need to take to keep it there.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Five Cheap Ways to Prevent Type II Diabetes
Which of the 5 are the most important? They are all important and they all work together to help keep your body healthy. Of the 5 you've probably heard much about smoking and alcohol.
* Smoking
We all know and have read the reports of how smoking will kill us. Plugging our lungs with black tar hurts the exchange of oxygen into our blood stream. It can also effect our cells ability to absorb and transmit. Just suffice it to say, nicotine can do a lot to our fantastic bodies and it ain't good. Diabetics do not need to add more stress to our bodies by smoking.
* Alcohol
One glass of red wine a day will keep the doctors away. Packed with antioxidants and all this other good stuff except the fact that it can create a yo-yo with our blood glucose levels. Did you know by drinking that one glass before ordering dinner it can influence your food choice? Good healthy choices for a great diabetic dinner can quickly go out the door when you are feeling "happy".
* Rest
Our American lifestyle has us running around with our heads chopped off most of the time. Others are so focused on advancing our careers we forget that rest is needed for our bodies to re-charge themselves. if we don't do it, then the body will do it for us. Rest of at least 7 hours of sleep has been found to be the most beneficial for diabetics.
* Diet
The stabilization of blood sugar levels is greatly influenced by our diet. Eat the wrong foods and your sugar levels will spike really high. Eat the right kind of foods and you can easily stabilize your blood sugar levels. The one place we spend a lot of time at is glycemic index (GI). There you can learn a lot about the good and bad carbohydrates and this applies to diabetics and heart disease along with many other ailments. Follow these guidelines to help you prevent diabetes:
* Eat more smaller meals a day and cut out the snacks
* Eat whole wheat products
* Eat low fat dairy products
* Eat more fish and low fat meat. Fish contains oils and are rich in omega-3 oils.
* Eat lots of vegetables
* eat lots of fruit
* Stay away from high calorie drinks and limit diet soda. Water is much healthier
* Stay away from fat free food because it can create a yo-yo effect with your blood sugar levels
* Exercise
Exercise prevents sugar from accumulating in the blood, helps the body's ability to use insulin and helps control weight. If you think about it, we all move during the day. The amount of time spent moving is the problem.
Your ultimate goal is to incorporate aerobic exercise, strength training and flexibility exercises into your overall fitness enhancement program.
Here is a list of exercises you can incorporate during your week that will greatly influence your "fitness level".
- walking up and down hills
- jogging
- bike riding
- stationary bike in the home
- tennis
- swimming
- yoga
- bowling
- dancing
- low impact aerobics or water aerobics
- ice skating
- strength training
- daily flexibility exercises or stretching exercises before activities
We are a product of our environment. The choices we make or don't make can greatly influence our lives and when it comes to health, you don't want to hear the word "diabetic". You can prevent diabetes and it's the choices you make today that will help you stop it dead in it's tracks.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Yeast Infection Symptoms Diabetes - Another Warning Sign of Diabetes
There are plenty of bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract; some of them are good others are bad. The unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits can break this fragile balance. A name of one of these bacteria is yeast.
The over growth of yeast is the primary cause of this type of infection. The basic reason is the excessive consumption of sugar. This excessive intake not only produces infection in vaginal area but also diabetes. If a person is experiencing repeated vaginal thrush even without eating extra sugar he must check his level of blood sugar.
It is important to note here that diabetes is not the only cause of this infection. The sugar content of our diet feeds the yeast within our body. The yeast infection can be the outcome of increased level of blood sugar or excessive consumption of sugar.
If a person is suffering from diabetes; he has to fight a constant battle with yeast infections. In the advanced stages of diabetes the sign of diabetes may include not only vaginal infection but also fatigue, body rashes, dizziness, constipation or diarrhea etc.
The treatment of people suffering from yeast infection symptoms and other warning sign of diabetes start with the screening and diagnosing tests of diabetes. Whatever the case is the diet which is low in sugar is a pre-requisite.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Symptoms of High Blood Sugar
Signs of high blood sugar
1) Fatigue
Fatigue occurs when your the glucose in your body is not properly being converted to energy. The result is that the loss of energy in your body makes you tired.
2) Increased urination
When there is excess blood glucose in the bloodstream, and the body cannot convert the blood sugar to energy, it is processed through the urinary tract. Increased urination can be a symptom of high blood sugar and is usually a result of the person consuming more fluids due to increased thirst.
3) Vaginal Yeast Infections (in women)
Increased glucose levels also affects the urinary tract. Not only is yeast infection a sign of high concentration of blood glucose, someone with high glucose levels in their body is also at risk for urinary tract infections, kidney infections, as well as kidney stones.
4) Increased Thirst
This is due to the brain's response to the excess sugar. It reacts by making the body thirsty so that the bloodstream can be diluted, resulting in an attempt to lower the blood sugar concentration.
5) Blurred Vision
Blurred vision as a result of increased glucose levels can lead to more serious diseases of the eye such as diabetic retinopathy which results from damage to the retinal blood vessels from prolonged periods of high blood sugar.
Note that these symptoms of high blood glucose may or may not occur in any combination. The root cause of these signs is that the excess glucose in the bloodstream has thickened, resulting in various organs responding to the excess sugar.
Untreated high glucose levels (or hyperglycemia can result) can result in in the hardening of the arteries due to the excess levels of glucose in the blood which causes damage to vessels. The longer the signs of high blood sugar go unchecked, the more potential damage that is done to one's organs (and body). The good news also is that if you are able to get your blood glucose levels under control, you may be able to reverse any adverse affects that prolonged periods of high blood sugar have had on your body.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
What is a Normal Blood Sugar Level?
Normal blood glucose levels have a range between 70 and 150 mg and are generally lower in the morning (when you wake up) and rise after food is consumed. Blood glucose sugar levels that fall above the 150 mg range are normally considered to be signs of high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia. Chronic or frequent low levels, falling below 70 mg. are indicative of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia.
Persons who experience symptoms of high or low blood sugar should take a blood glucose test which will measure the amount of glucose present in the bloodstream. Physicians who perform testing for glucose levels are usually checking for the presence of various diabetes diseases, including type I, type II or gestational diabetes. There are many types of glucose tests available. The fasting blood glucose test is administered in order to check glucose level amounts following an 8 hour fast. Normal levels for this test are considered to be between 70 and 99 mg. There is also a postprandial blood sugar test that is administered which measures blood glucose levels within the blood two hours following eating a meal. Normal glucose levels in the blood for this test are considered between 70 and 145 mg. Another type of test, called random blood sugar testing monitors glucose levels at random intervals throughout the day - independent of the time or whether or not meals have been consumed. Normal glucose readings for this test are considered to be between 70 and 125 mg. There is also the oral glucose tolerance test which is frequently administered to women in the mid-stages of pregnancy. With this test, glucose levels are measured following drinking a sugary drink which contains glucose.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Learn How to Stop Excessive Sweating
First of all, before we look at how to stop excessive sweating, it's important that you are able to tell what is normal sweating and what excessive sweating is. Everyone normally sweats. This can occur in stressful situations, when engaged in strenuous activities, or in situations where the temperature is very warm. Sweating is very normal in these situations.
But people who have an Hyperhidrosis have problems with sweating when they aren't nervous. They sweat when the temperatures are cool, and just regular daily activities cause a lot of sweating for them. These are the people who really want to end the embarrassment.
In essence, when you want to stop Hyperhidrosis, you have to be able to determine the difference. While this may be true, it's also important to know the cause of the issue at hand. Truth be told, it may not be anything you did, but an actual hereditary problem. It can be isolated in certain areas like the underarms, behind the knees, face and waist line.
As we mentioned, there are other physical problems that can cause excessive sweating to occur. A few of these problems can include cancer, heart disease, or thyroid problems. It's important to rule out these problems before you try methods to stop excessive sweating. This is why it may be a good idea to see a physician about the problems that you are dealing with.
The doctor may give you prescriptions, specific orders, or any sort of possible solution. The only problem is you'll have to make sure to ask about side effects. Anytime you take medication, it's important to figure out what you're actually giving your body. While it may help with excessive sweating, it could cause other issues down the road.
You'll probably end up with a stronger antiperspirant at some point. Obviously you want to go about your day without feeling as though everyone is looking at you, so this alone may do the trick. However, you could get an irritation or rash from using it, so make sure you ask about or read about what is in it.
You may not think about this, but changing the way you eat could make all the difference as well. Grab a pen and pad, then write down your weekly food intake. Also keep track of the times when your sweating is out of control. When you compare the two you may find that a certain food may need to be taken out of your diet.
We could go over all sorts of different scenarios and solutions to help you end your suffering. However, if you really want to end your excessive sweating, we recommend looking at the all natural treatments available. It will keep you from using nasty chemicals and other treatments that can be dangerous to your health in the long run. If you really want to stop excessive sweating, then read more at my blog below to see how I cured my Hyperhidrosis once and for all.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Seasonal Tips For Staying Cool
In Ayurveda we know that the heat of the summer can also be a negative source of stimulation, especially if we are experiencing a heat wave. During warmer periods we are typically much more active because of our increased energy levels. All this action produces heat within our bodies (fine as long as we don't overheat!). What's more, the general race to get as much done before going away on holiday can easily result in hot tempers etc.
The good news is that we can use Ayurvedic nutritional knowledge to keep cool.
Let me share my 9 top nutritional tips to keep both body and mind refreshed and alert this summer.
- cooling spices and plenty of fresh green herbs, for example, fennel and coriander seeds, mint, basil
- more green or pale (white) fresh fruits, vegetables and salads
- cereals and grains like rice, barley or millet
- plenty of (non-sparkling) water (at room temperature or slightly warm) throughout the day to hydrate even more quickly. Keep a bottle of water with you so you can take a sip when you need to.
- at least one glass of water for each hour you are in the air on any flight to and from your holiday destination. This will help you recover from jetlag
- lots of refreshing herbal teas such as mint and fennel
Cool down
- by avoiding coffee, alcohol (especially on flights!)
- with a refreshing rosewater face/body spray
- by practising gentle yoga, walking or breathing exercises
I invite you to discover what you need to know about nutritional strategies now. Visit to get your free e-course that will help you understand how simple holistic strategies can boost your energy levels and leave you feeling free to enjoy life and be with the people important for you.
Janet Gomez is a nutritional consultant specializing in teaching busy professionals a holistic approach to food so they experience fuller health with improved energy levels now.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
10 Ways To Stop Underarm Sweating
1. If you like drinking coffee and other caffeine rich drinks, stop it. These stimulate our body to produce more sweat than the normal levels.
2. You should remember that anxiety and stress will trigger excessive sweating. Thus, you should take some relaxation exercises such as yoga so that your tension level will be reduced.
3. Herbs such as lemon balm and catnip are also helpful as well as those products that claim that they will lower your sweating levels.
4. Like caffeine, when you drink or smoke often, your body will really sweat excessively. So you have to stay away from these kinds of vices since they are not good for you and your health.
5. A well balanced diet always helps you in your objective to stop underarm sweat. You should eat foods and vegetables in each meal. This is one of the most important things that you have to remember.
6. Proper hygiene in the armpits can help as well. Take a bath regularly and shave your underarm hair.
7. Refrain from working in an air conditioned area. When you are exposed to a normal atmosphere condition, you will surely sweat a lot because of the sudden change in temperature.
8. Processed foods and those that come from cans are not good for anyone especially those who sweat in the pits a lot.
9. Water helps. Drink plenty of it to replace the fluids that have gone out of your body. It is also a cure for those who are quite sweaty.
10. Visit professionals who specialize in this field. You can go to your doctor and he will be able to advise you on what you should do for this problem.
Sweating is not something we can avoid but the excessive level is what we should look out for. As long as we have a good diet and healthy standard of living, there will be no problems in fighting sweat.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Working When You Are Sick - 3 Healthy Tips to Energize Your Decisions About Working When Unwell
1) Determine if you have sick time off allotted. Not getting paid while you are at home sick is a huge stress creation. Knowing you have say 24 hours of sick leave available. Also knowing that you must get a doctors ok to come back to work if you are out more them three days in a row, gives you an idea in advance on how to use your sick time wisely. There is no stress if you use this benefit sparingly and with common sense. Be aware to that some employers will dock you in your performance evaluation if you take too many "unexcused" sick days.
2) How sick are you? Would you be mildly contagious to others as in having a cold? Can you take a cold medication and still function properly at your job? You knew your job and you know your tolerance to medications, choice wisely again. Is your illness an irritable non-threatening allergic reaction, lets say, or a light case of nausea? As long as you are not a threat to the health of others around you, you should feel comfortable about working. Remember always use great hand washing techniques, no matter what!!
3) Your responsibilities: Could you do some work from home? Can you postpone meetings, or get notes from someone else? Is there enough people to cover for you? Remember life does go on even when you are not there, the world as you know it will not end because you took a day off because you were unwell.
Your ultimate responsibility is to yourself. Your self nurturing of your mental and physical well being is paramount.
You can't give 100% to others when you are 100% depleted yourself. Think about it, you must decide your priorities. Looking out for yourself is at the very top.
You can handle and reduce stress much better when you feel good and have a well rested body. Wellness and stress reduction go hand in hand. You owe it to your self to release stresses and promote relaxation and gain health in your life. Remember only you can control this.
Ellen R. Norman is a Life Coach who specializes in stress management. I use my 40 plus years of Nursing background and life experiences to Coach others to Win in this Game called Life.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Have a Healthy, Happy Heart
Get happy!
Music's affect on the heart.
A years-long study by Dr. Mike Miller of the University Medical Center in Baltimore shows that being happy can improve your heart health. It has been proven long before now that laughter can actually open up blood vessels and up the blood flow to the heart. Dr. Mr. Miller focused his study on music. If watching a funny movie can open up those vessels, why shouldn't music that makes a person happy have the same affect? After a simple set up to monitor the hearts reaction, the result of a participant listening to music, or even playing an instrument themselves, was not surprising. Not only did the vessels open up and allow more blood to flow through, chemicals were also produced that are beneficial to the heart. When the participants listened to music they didn't enjoy, the chemical production stopped and the vessels began to close.
What else can I do to have a healthy heart?
We have mentioned before that listening to up beat music during a work out can keep you motivated. This recent study shows that the music not only keeps you moving, it also keeps your blood flowing! Exercising will help you lose weight and that will lessen the strain on your heart. Working out can also increase the production of chemicals that help you feel happy and content. Double that up with music that makes you happy, and you are well on your way to having a happy heart! Miller does suggest to change up your music selection often as listening to the same songs over and over again actually decreases their affect on your vessels.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Is it Possible to Stop Excessive Sweating?
However, when things get way out of hand, it is time for you to find ways on how you can stop excessive sweating. This is a problem that you have to find a solution for and many of you will wonder if this is indeed attainable.
For the majority of people, they tend to sweat in particular areas in the body such as the underarms. In this section, sweat becomes unbearable when it causes body odor. What happens here is that when we perspire in this part, the drops of water do not evaporate quickly and this causes the bacteria to multiply. When this occurs, it will spread out and naturally brings about unpleasant body odor.
The sweat glands in the underarms are called apocrine glands, which tend to allow the people to secrete sweat in higher levels. In order for you to effectively stop sweating in the underarms or in the other areas of the body, you must know what factors contribute to excessive sweating. Among them are stress, unbalanced diet and just about any type of dysfunctional metabolism.
Now, if you have heard about deodorants, surely you know that they are the most common ways to fight body odor. They work by means of deactivating the germs that are responsible for body odor. Most of them come with an antiperspirant feature that helps you control sweating in the underarms. Bear in mind though that these deodorants are not the only solution for your body odor caused by excessive sweating. There are a handful of other means that will help you get a solution for this problem.
You can visit professionals and seek for their help. Most of the time, they will recommend electrical shock treatment as well as botox injections. These methods generally help people reduce sweat and because they are recommended by many experts, it is safe to conclude that they indeed work. However, if you do not like the idea of lying in any hospital room, you can search for natural ways that contain organic compounds, which you can simply apply on your underarms or in sweaty areas in your body.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Treatment and Prevention With Simple Hemorrhoids Remedies
The blood clot may be the size of a pea and because of accumulation of blood it may appear blue or red in color. Normally you would not see bleeding with thrombosed piles. This type of piles problem can be internal or external. The external type is painful and causes a lot of discomfort. If the problem is internal then it would be much less painful.
A visit to the doctor may result in you being recommended surgery as a thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment. However the recovery time from surgery is often several weeks. And surgery has its own problems like pain, discomfort and being bed ridden for some time. So before you decide to go for a surgery weigh all the options and then proceed.
Before going in for surgery it will be a good idea to try some of the natural thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment options. These options would be like hot water bath, application of astringent like witch hazel, including green vegetables and fiber in your diet, drinking sufficient water, passing stools on time, avoid lifting heavy items etc. Most of the times you will be able to cure hemorrhoids using these simple natural remedies.
For preventing formation of thrombosed hemorrhoids you will have to take some important steps like - not applying pressure to pass stools, avoiding constipation and hard stools, not holding on to the stools when there is an urge to pass stools, avoid lifting heavy objects without help, weight reduction, not sitting in the same position for very long, regular exercises and a balanced diet that helps in soft stools.
If natural remedies are unable to cure hemorrhoids blood clot then you may consider surgery as the last option. However remember that surgical thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment may not prevent other colts from developing. So it is important to follow the preventive measures even if you decide for surgery. Bottom line is that this is natural problem and you should prevent and treat hemorrhoids naturally.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Intolerance to Gluten May Contribute to Weight Gain
Some other symptoms that I noticed included 2 cavities that formed which is odd since I've always had healthy teeth. As well as depression and exhaustion to the point of having to either nap or drink coffee to be productive. So after searching the internet, I have compiled a list of symptoms that accompany Gluten intolerance and this is what I have found:
Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance
Weight loss or weight gain
Nutritional deficiencies because of malabsorption
Bloating, pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea
Aching joints
Irritability and behavioural changes
Infertility, irregular menstrual cycle and miscarriage
Cramps, tingling and numbness
Decline in dental health
Foods that contain Gluten (condensed list) - for the long list go here
Certain types of flour
Brewers Yeast
These foods are certainly not bad by any means, but with a person who has Gluten Intolerance they can cause some nasty symptoms. Everyone is different, so while some of the foods may cause a reaction in one person it won't necessarily in someone else. It's basically the process of elimination until the culprit is found.
If you think you may have a Gluten intolerance, you can take this test here and they will send you an email letting you know what you scored. Unfortunately, it says that I am most likely Gluten Intolerant based on my answers. By no means am I taking this as medical advice, but most Doctors will tell you that if you suspect a Gluten Intolerance, then it is best to eliminate Gluten Foods from the diet for 60 days and see how your body reacts.
Which is exactly what I plan on doing. I will be updating periodically (most likely daily) -i.e. my weight, energy levels and my mood and see if the Gluten is in fact the culprit in my case. This is a great site for living a gluten free life here - I may be using some of these recipes soon.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Being Fit and Healthy, But How?
But keeping fit can sometimes be frustrating, there are people who want to attain immediate results but do not follow their diet programs; that is why they easily get disappointed; if you want to stay healthy, you have to work hard for it. Experts say that people who get quick results usually get bigger again, this is because of the drastic body change that happened, you have to know how to maintain a healthy weight, or else you will certainly get fat again.
Having a thin body does not automatically mean that you are healthy, a lot of people will do anything and everything just to get slim; they do not mind if what they are doing is good for them, this is a bad practice. There are several ways of losing weight and being healthy at the same time, the best way to get and stay fit is eating the right kind of food, you need to have a healthy diet, this could be easy even if you don't have time to cook, for example is a website that sells pre-packed meals for those who want to follow a healthy diet, they also have specially diet intended for people who have diabetes, you can try browsing the site to know more about their products, if you plan to purchase one of their packages, try to avail of their medifast coupon discount codes and get a good price.
Aside from eating the right kind of food, exercise is also needed to attain a fit body, you will get slimmer if you get involve in physical activities; there are a lot of ways you can exercise, it does not have to be in the gym, you can do brisk walking in the morning, go jogging for an hour, or you can simply walk your dog; anything that will make you sweat or move your body, it is helpful. Exercise can be a form of detoxification too, the toxins in your body will be washed out.
Having a positive outlook in life can also make you look healthy, you do not want to see your face exhausted or stressed every time you look at the mirror, do you?. Some say that what you feel inside can be seen on your physical appearance and it is true, that is why if you feel happy, you will look good, if you are always grouchy, you will definitely look terrible; so try to be happy and see the bright side of life!
Staying fit and healthy is not an easy task, you need to have the right attitude to succeed; you can start by having a healthy diet, visit websites that give ideas on the right food to eat and look for offers, such as medifast coupon discount codes and eating healthy will be a lot cheaper. Do not delay give yourself a chance and you will see results.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
The Benefits of Drinking Water
We can go days, weeks and maybe even months without food, but without water we can only survive a few days at most. The human body is between 55-70% and NO bodily function takes place without the use of water! I cannot stress enough how important it is and how we must all concentrate on saying to ourselves MORE WATER PLEASE! If your throat is dry, or you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Those are signs to get water into your body...and fast!
Water not only quenches our thirst, it also has many other responsibilities. It carries nutrients throughout the body, flushes out waste, adds moisture to our tissues, helps cushion our joints, and aides in the regulation of body temperature....just to mention a few! We lose water every day through daily activities, urination, respiration and just plain evaporation through the skin. The only way to get the water back in is to drink it. Plain and simple. We must create a constant supply of water to our bodies. During vigorous exercise more than 8 glasses is needed. Another benefit to drinking water is that it aides in weight management. Drinking water washes our bodies of toxins and harmful products. I challenge all of you to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day for a week. Let me know how much better you feel! Also, I know some of you are saying....does tea count, does soda count, how about that flavored water?
Again, the answer is simple...WATER is WATER! Spring is fine, distilled is fine but that's it! No exceptions. As for the flavored water question...if you can find flavored water without artificial sweeteners, like Splenda in it, then that would be ok....other than that stick to plain water. And for those of you who don't like water...try adding a squeeze of lemon in it for flavor.
Thursday, July 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Free Diabetic Supplies Are Within Your Reach!
There are certain companies who are committed to helping these types of people to get the supplies that they need to control their condition. Many widespread insurance plans are accepted. They even offer to handle all of your insurance or Medicare claims in full, which means that you do not have to fill out any complicated forms. These companies will also supply you with diabetic testing supplies free of charge.
Once your information has been processed, you will be sent the free diabetic supplies that you need to continue your blood sugar level monitoring, which we know is a necessary task when you are diabetic. Once you are registered with these companies you can also re-order supplies such as lancets, syringes and testing strips. There is no need to pay anything upfront and there is no need to wait in a queue at the pharmacy.
The products available are all names that are synonymous with the diabetic testing supply trade and an abundance of information is available to support diabetics using these products. It is also common to find tips on how to use items such as glucose monitoring kits effectively.
If you do not meet the criteria needed to receive free diabetic supplies, then using a natural cure for diabetes may be an alternative option. Many alternative therapies and medicinal practises such as Ayurdevic methods claim to be able to cure diabetes.
Using products like Karela, which is also known as bitter gourd, is claimed to be able to reduce blood sugar levels. Another option is to take ten Tulsi leaves, ten Belpatras and ten Neem leaves in a glass of water. This needs to be taken first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach. There are many other natural cures and remedies that can be tried in an attempt to reduce or eliminate diabetic symptoms.
Supplies of items relating to a natural cure for diabetes are not free of charge and this is something to be considered before deciding on this option. Suppliers for these natural remedies are available on the internet and can ship the products free of charge direct to your door.
If you are accepted to receive free diabetic supplies you will have peace of mind that you can control your monitoring and treatment for the symptoms of your Diabetes, without having to incur mammoth charges.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Facts About Diabetes - The Basics You Need to Know
Diabetes is a condition which means that the body has problems producing or controlling the production of glucose, which is a type of sugar. The glucose that is produced can clog up the bloodstream and result in a rise in blood sugar levels. Another of the facts about diabetes that is often misleading is that it is not necessarily hereditary and can happen to anyone in any situation.
There are two types of diabetes, namely Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes, is where the body stops producing insulin altogether. Insulin is a hormone that is necessary to help use the glucose found in foods. Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes, means that the body still produces insulin but not enough. It can also mean that it is not using the insulin it does produce effectively.
Symptoms that may indicate the onset of diabetes include excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, extreme tiredness, blurred vision and wounds that will not heal. If you are diagnosed with diabetes you will be required to frequently test your glucose levels to make sure they are adequate. There are many products available to help you monitor your condition everyday.
There are many items to choose from when it comes to diabetes testing supply options. Most products can be bought over-the-counter in pharmacies, with the exception of insulin, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Glucose meters, testing strips, syringes and lancets are all available from drug stores or online suppliers.
Some stores also offer diabetes testing supply options for you. They can conduct initial tests to see if you could be diabetic, or provide you with free testing kits if you meet certain criteria. They will always advise you to visit your doctor if you have any concerns about your condition.
Are there any ways to prevent diabetes? Well the answer is certainly in the case of Type 2 diabetes. Improving your lifestyle by eating the right foods and exercising correctly are sure-fire ways to prevent the possibility of diabetes affecting you.
To find out more facts about diabetes, a quick search on the internet will provide you with a myriad of information. Diabetes is not a disease but is a serious condition that is not to be taken at face value. It requires constant monitoring and may affect you for the rest of your life.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Is There Already a Cure For Diabetes?
Having said this, several experiments involving people with Type 1 diabetes have suggested that it can be cured already. Type 1 diabetes sufferers have a pancreas that is not producing any insulin at all. Several patients with Type 1 diabetes have had pancreas transplants that have proved to have been effective at preventing their diabetes and allowed them to be insulin independent. It has not been successful in all cases and the logistics of providing every Type 1 diabetes patient to a new pancreas is unsurpassable.
Another method which when developed further may prove to be a cure for diabetes, is the transplantation of beta cells into the patient. This method has been carried out on both mice and humans but with disappointing results. It was found that the immune system was attacking the transplanted beta cells. This result was also found in a test involving the transplant of stem cells into both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients.
Some people may argue that there is already a cure for diabetes. Many alternative medicine and therapeutic practitioners believe that their treatments prevent or disrupt the symptoms of both kinds of diabetes. You can purchase products that are designed to protect the beta cells from harmful symptoms and exude an insulin-like action.
These products can be found online and can be shipped directly to you. Most of the products are quite expensive and so you need to decide if this is the right option for you. It could end up being a waste of money if it does not work for you.
Until a scientific cure for diabetes is found you may wish to keep using the various diabetic supports already available. You can access diabetic supplies in a number of ways. Firstly, it is worth noting that insulin can only be prescribed by a medical doctor and will be dispensed to you by a pharmacist.
All of the other supplies you need can be bought over-the-counter at pharmacies and drugstores; you can also access diabetic supplies via the internet. Items such as syringes, glucose monitors, lancets and testing strips can be ordered online and delivered to you. There are several companies who can provide you with what you need, when you need it.
Diabetics are well supported and there is a lot of information and products available to help control the condition. With the scientific studies getting nearer to a cure for diabetes it may not be long before the condition is eradicated.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Access Diabetic Supply Methods - Quick and Easy
To access diabetic supplies is relatively easy. You can find all the supplies you need at your local drug store or pharmacy. Another popular method is using the internet to source diabetic medical supplies. This way you do not have to wait in line at the pharmacy.
There are many companies who can provide you with what you need. You may also qualify to receive diabetic medical supplies free of charge. One of the most recognized companies is called Access diabetic supply based in America. They can provide you with any of the items you need to control diabetes and to test your blood sugar levels daily.
Access diabetic supply can deliver the products you want straight to your door. They provide many recognizable brand names associated with diabetic supplies. They also have well trained staff who can give you any information you need about the items they supply, as well as tips on how to control your condition.
Some of these companies can also accept insurance claims to provide you with the diabetic supplies that you need. Several of them will even fill out all the paperwork for you so that you do not have to compete with long and tedious forms. Once your claim is accepted you can re-order supplies as you need them.
You may also like to try natural methods of controlling diabetes. You can find a wealth of natural products from alternative health practitioners on the internet. The items that they sell claim to be able to help eradicate or limit the symptoms that come with diabetes. You can order these products and they will be shipped direct to you. The price of these natural items may be more than the standard diabetic supplies that you can get.
If you decide to try the natural methods of controlling diabetes you will need to discuss this with your doctor. They will listen to you and give you their advise. It is basically down to the individual as to whether they wish to go down the path of natural products or not.
Being able to access diabetic supply products is important as without these testing supplies, diabetes can become very serious. If you have diabetes or have just been diagnosed with the condition you will find supplies are easily accessed by these main methods.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Numbness Or Tingling in Hands and Fingers - Symptoms of Diabetes
Here we'll explore that why feet are important in diagnosing diabetes.
Diabetes is a disorder that affects the pancreas. The disease causes the beta cells of the pancreas to either malfunction or destroy. The basic responsibility of these cells is to produce a hormone termed "insulin". The insulin is used for the regulation of glucose level in the blood. The lack of insulin in the blood is the basic reason of inability of cells to convert glucose into energy. This condition if left untreated poses serious health related problems.
Sometimes the insulin has to be injected to control this condition. The diabetics have to personally manage the blood sugar levels as the nature betrays to do so. It is thought that high-level of sugar in blood leads to many complications. The body gives different signs and symptoms to tell the person that things are going wrong.
One such complication is numbness and tingling in hands and fingers. The first complication in the feet arises when blood circulation is impeded because of diabetes. It has been researched that high levels of blood sugar affect lining of blood vessels thus making it rough. The rough lining of blood vessels allows the accumulation of fatty deposits and leads to arteriosclerosis. It becomes difficult to push blood in the body and the extremities or the outermost body parts are the one that suffer most.
This is the reason that feet are the body parts which are most liable to pick bruises and cuts and take maximum healing time. With the passage of time poor blood circulation starts to affect small blood vessels and capillaries. These vessels are responsible for providing blood to extremities and nervous system. Eventually the poor circulation of blood starts to affect nervous system. This complication of diabetes is termed diabetes neuropathy.
The diabetic neuropathy that causes numbness and tingling in hands and fingers is termed peripheral neuropathy. The person suffering from peripheral neuropathy loses the sensation in hand and feet. It appears in the form of needles and pins or numbness.
This is the reason that doctors advise for a special feet care to diabetics. If ever a person feels Numbness Tingling In Hands Fingers or feet he must contact doctor as it is the Warning Signs Of Diabetes Gathering reliable information about other Signs Of Diabetes also help to detect and resolve the issue.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Juvenile Diabetes and Vitamin D
The current FDA recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 400 units of vitamin D per day for adults, 200 units per day for adolescents. For a healthy adult to get a minimum daily recommended amount, they would need to drink four 8-ounce glasses of milk every day. You can also get vitamin D from the sun. For 400 units, that would be about thirty minutes of peak hour sun, four days per week. But there are many factors that can affect how much vitamin D you actually get and use from these sources.
Relying on the sun or milk for vitamin D may not be feasible. Taking vitamins and supplements is usually necessary. People with hyperparathyroidism, kidney disease or liver disease should not necessarily take vitamin D supplements because of their inability to convert it to an active hormone form, so speak with your endocrinologist if your child has any of these conditions. Furthermore, you should be aware that the darker your skin is and the higher body fat percentage you have, the less vitamin D you will absorb from the sun. Also, if your child eats a diet low in monounsaturated fats or if they have a condition that causes a reduction in fat absorption, they will also have a hindered ability to absorb vitamin D and may need to supplement.
Complications with diabetes are often brought on by stress. Stress levels in general are kept in check by vitamin D. Additionally, blood sugar levels affect mood and cognition. Mood swings and lack of cognition brought on by blood sugar fluctuations can be lessened and even eliminated by maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D in the body in some cases. This is because vitamin D increases the serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that controls moods in the brain.
Adequate vitamin D translates into adequate serotonin. Serotonin regulates stress, anger, depression, aggression, appetite, behavior and more. Since stress aggravates and worsens diabetes symptoms and risks, controlling the serotonin levels in a juvenile diabetic, type 1 or type 2, may help reduce health risks. These risks include psychosis as a result of sleep deprivation, depression, long-term high or low blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
Have your child's vitamin D levels checked by their doctor. If levels are low or deficient, try to work in food sources of vitamin D, such as shrimp, salmon, cod liver oil and vitamin D fortified milk. You may want to ask your doctor about the use of vitamins and supplements to increase vitamin D levels. Have levels regularly checked to monitor absorption and proper dosage for your child.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Hair Care and Skin Care Products Right From the Kitchen
Well here is my favorite skin care and hair care recipes that are eco-friendly, inexpensive, work, and there is absolutely no animal testing involved!
Skin Lightening - We have all heard of Cleopatra's infamous milk baths and her beautiful skin. Here is today's version: add a pint to one quart of buttermilk to your bath! The buttermilk will soften and lighten dark patches. For an aromatherapy treatment too, add your favorite essential oil, such as lavender for relaxation.
Dry skin - try this exfoliate to scrub away dry patches. 2 cups of Epsom salt with olive oil. Be careful in the shower, olive oil can be slippery!
Cellulite - There is a lot of products that claim they can reduce cellulite - are they working for you? How about coffee grounds? Apply the grounds directly to affected area then wrap with kitchen wrap, much like a body wrap. Leave the wrap on 30 minutes and rinse. Repeat regularly until cellulite is gone. I think it is the caffeine in the grounds that stimulate the fat cells under the skin that makes this recipe work.
Dull hair - To add shine to your hair, apply a nickel size amount of olive oil in your hands and rub together, work your hands through your shampooed hair, then comb to distribute evenly. Allow oil to sit for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water, dry and style as usual. This is as good as any hot oil treatment to add shine to your hair.
Hair Product Buildup and overload - Vinegar is a natural choice to remove hair product buildup. Hairspray, mousse, gel, etc. leave behind residue in hair. Mix equal parts vinegar with water and after shampooing and conditioning, work the vinegar solution through hair and rinse. Vinegar also detangles.
Anti-Aging Mask -to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Mix together 2 tsp. plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp. lemon juice and 3 capsules vitamin E (equivalent of 300 units). Combine all ingredients. Open the Vitamin E capsule and fold contents into the mix. Gently apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and follow with a toner and moisturizer.
Lavender Sugar Scrub -
1/2 cup of jojoba oil
3/4 cup of white cane sugar
1 teaspoon Vitamin E
1/4 cup almond oil
6 drops of lavender essential oil
Directions: Combine all ingredients in large bowl. Mix until combined, and then pour into desired container.What a wonderful scrub, and also a great gift!
Blackhead remover - Much like the strips you can buy in the store but less expensive and eco-friendly. Mix 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin and 1 1/2 tablespoons milk. Warm the mixture in microwave. Warm nose and/or chin with warm cloth to open pores, apply mixtures to nose and chin area. Do not use around eyes or other delicate areas. Allow mixture to dry on nose and chin for 15-20 minutes, or until a stiff film appears. Peel off the film and there you go, all the debris in your pores has surfaced to the top. Follow with a cool toner to close pores and restore pH balance, then follow with a moisturizer. Note: this does not smell the best when taking it out of the microwave, but this recipe actually removes blackheads!
Dry or damaged hair - avocado has wonderful nourishing properties. Cut up an avocado and blend, mix with 1/2 cup mayonnaise or a few tablespoons olive oil. Wash and towel dry hair and apply treatment, thoroughly working down the shafts of the hair to the ends. Wrap hair in shower cap and allow nourishing for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse and style as usual.
Carol Belanger author of 300+ Skin Care Recipes
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Make the Most of Hair Extensions
Hair extensions can be used to:
- Add length
- Increase Volume
- Change Color
- Add Highlights
- Add Lowlights
100% Remy Hair
The best quality hair extensions that money can buy are 100% Human Remy Hair. Remy hair comes from India and is very similar to European hair in regards to texture. This type of hair is extremely manageable and soft because Indian women rarely go to salons or chemically process their hair. They consider their hair a symbol of beauty and honor and therefore, take meticulous care of it. Most Remy hair is collected at temples because Indian women view cutting their hair as an offering to their God. Remy hair looks completely natural and because it is real hair, it can be dyed and styled in any way that you would normally dye or style your own hair. Remy hair dries the same way as your own hair dries, so oftentimes there is no need to style it.
Synthetic Hair
Synthetic hair is not as manageable, nor as soft as real hair. Synthetic extensions do not last as long as 100% human hair either. Fake hair has to be handled very carefully with styling tools to prevent over-heating or burning them. Most synthetic extensions will burn or melt when exposed to heat. Also, they cannot be color treated at all; if they are, the results are irreparable. Although synthetic extensions have some downfalls, they are still a great inexpensive alternative to purchasing human hair, and for the most part look just as real as 100% human hair.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Groom Eyebrows
Be Careful
In grooming your eyebrows, remember to be careful. Just like the hair on your head, a bad haircut can also happen to your eyebrows, and it's hard to camouflage that. Keep in mind that your eyebrows are the frame of your face so you need to make sure to groom them properly. Below are some tips in grooming your eyebrows. You will need the following items: tweezers, eyebrow brush, and pencil.
Follow Natural Line
The best way to groom your eyebrows is to follow the natural line of your own eyebrow. For first timers, it is always best to go to a professional to have the hair plucked or waxed. This process will make maintenance much easier, since it will leave you with the proper shape to follow.
If you are doing it on your own, start by determining the natural shape of your brows. Use a long stemmed brush or a pencil, place it on the side of your nose and align it with the inner corner of the eye pointing upwards. Your eyebrow should start where the brows meet the brush. Pivot the pencil or the brush to reach the outer corner of your eye, that point is where your brows should end.
Plucking Eyebrows
Now that you have established the correct eyebrow shape, you can start plucking those stray hairs. With a good pair of tweezers, pluck the hair below the brow. You can use you index fingers to press gently and lift your skin upwards going to your hairline. Avoid plucking above the brows to not misshape them.
When tweezing, remember to pluck out one hair at a time. This can really be uncomfortable and can leave you teary eyed. In order to soothe the pain, you can try placing ice on your brows to numb them or place your tweezers in the freezer before using them. You can also try dabbing a very small amount of cleanser or moisturizer to soften the brow area. A place where there is natural lighting is the best location to pluck. This will aid you in seeing the individual hair. As you pluck, make sure to take a break and check your progress - keep in mind to balance on both eyes. You may need to brush them once in a while to make sure that you are not over plucking.
Shape Eyebrows
The outside of your iris is your guide in determining the highest point of your brows. You can pluck in an arch if you must. Just make sure that you do not overdo it or you'll end up looking like you are always surprised. You may also trim with a facial scissors, if your eyebrows are very long. Brush it flat and carefully trim to adjust the length.
In order to maintain this well-polished look, get the habit of plucking newly grown hair everyday.
Merilee Paige is a Face Makeup enthusiast. Visit Makeup to Die For for more expert advice on how to shape eyebrows and other tips you can use right now to put on your very best face.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Easy Tips - How to Boost Metabolism
Speeding up your metabolism will mean that you can literally lose weight throughout the day and even when you are sleeping. However, the way to do this is not by falling for a crash diet or any of the latest fads that is so popular these days, but by doing it completely naturally.
Although you will need to be prepared to make some changes to your habits, it is not actually that difficult and any requires a degree of dedication and desire to lose weight. The most important factor in speeding up your metabolism is in fact quite the opposite to what you probably think it is; to eat more frequently.
This certainly does not mean that you should be buying junk foods. While there food that you eat should still be healthy and high in nutritional value, it is important that you eat regularly and do not skip meals. Many people are trying to lose weight think the skipping meals is good for them but in fact the opposite is true.
It is also perfectly fine to have snacks but these snacks should be healthy and full of fibre and other nutrients that can benefit your body. For example, fresh fruit and other market produce is full of natural products which are good for you and there is absolutely no harm in snacking on these at regular intervals throughout the day.
However, when it comes to mealtimes, you should make sure your portions are not excessive. They should be fairly small but you should simply eat more often as this is the whole key to speeding up your metabolism.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Speed Up Metabolism Easily
The fact is, if you want to speed up your metabolism, then you need to make sure you are eating enough. If you do not eat enough, then your metabolism will be extremely slow and will have an adverse effect on your general health. On the contrary, you should eat frequently.
The important thing is that you do not eat large portions each time. Skipping meals is extremely bad for you and can have the complete the opposite effect to what you were intending. Speeding up your metabolism means that you should not skip meals and make sure that you have three meals a day at average portion sizes.
It is also perfectly fine to have snacks occasionally but these snacks should be healthy and preferably full of nutritional value. Eating junk food such as chocolate bars or packet of chips is not a good idea here.
If you are going to enjoy snacks throughout the day, then you should consider fruit and other various low-fat snacks which contain a high quantities of fibre and other nutrients that your body needs. Once you have sped up your metabolism, your body will naturally lose weight and you will not be taking any risks to your health.
It is very important that if you want to speed up your metabolism, you follow these simple rules and avoid any fad diets and start to realise that these do not work and even if they do help you to lose weight, they may be dangerous to your health in general.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Metabolic Syndrome - 5 Frequently Asked Questions
What is metabolic Syndrome? It is not a disease but a collection of measurable changes in various systems of the body. Though it does not cause a specific disease, the collection of symptoms occurs in obese individuals with regularity and predictability.
What causes Metabolic Syndrome? In a word, obesity. When an individual accumulates enough intra-abdominal fat, certain metabolic processes are not able to be regulated normally. The abdominal fat produces a number of different chemicals that contribute to a number of abnormal responses in our body.
How do I know if I have Metabolic Syndrome? The easiest way to detect the possibility is with a Body Mass Index calculator or a tape measure. Body Mass Index is a ratio of height to weight. It is expressed as a number. Below 24 is usually considered normal. 25-29 is Over Weight. BMI of 30 or more is obesity. With a measuring tape, measure your waist at the umbilicus (belly button). If you are a man and your waist is over 40 inches or a woman with a waist over 36 inches you fall into the category of overweight or obese. People in this category are very likely to have metabolic syndrome.
How do you know if you have metabolic syndrome? Measure the possible abnormal processes. Evidence is mildly elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugar of above 105 but less than 120, high triglycerides - a blood fat, and low HDL cholesterol. Over time one or more of these systems will fail and diabetes with hypertension will occur.
If I do not act, what are the possible consequences? Diabetes and Hypertension are risk factors for heart disease. This is a slow silent killer that is fatal 30% of the time when it first occurs. Spending the remainder of your life on a cocktail of medications for diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, neuropathy, and heart disease is the consequence of ignoring it.
So many people are not ready for change and then get hit hard by disease. You need to find as many reasons as possible for you to take action. Find out reasons that make the difficulty of change worth the effort.
If you are interested in these opportunities, go to and sign up to start receiving your 20 podcasts on the subject of health and wellness.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Protein Requirements - The Three Factors That Decide How Much Protein You Need to Leap Higher
Several monitored research studies have been completed to decide the exact amount of protein required for weightlifters and other athletes to attain nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance takes place when the amount of protein that enters the body is equal to the amount that exits the body, whether through urine, sweat, or feces.
In these studies, protein intakes were evaluated and the resulting nitrogen balances were accounted for. The results stated that endurance athletes need at least 0.54 to 0.64 grams per pound while strength athletes need at least 0.77 to 0.82 grams per pound to reach nitrogen balance.
Many athletes are convinced that even higher amounts of protein consumption beyond the minimum recommended will positively influence performance as well as muscle mass.
Besides protein, getting enough total calories is important as well, since protein requirements are shaped by several aspects including:
1) the sort of training that you participate in, endurance or strength
2) your training history and
3) your full calorie intake. Essentially, the fewer calories you consume, the more protein you must have to stay in equilibrium or to reach positive standing.
It's a probability that some supplements need a protein intake beyond existing suggestions to create observable results. Any drugs or supplements that could influence anabolism may necessitate a greater protein intake.
Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical leap program called The Jump Manual and is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical leap training. Jacob says, "No matter who you are, I can help you add at least 10 inches to your vertical, guaranteed."
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
What is the Difference Between Hospice and Palliative Care?
While palliative care addresses patients with life-threatening illnesses, anyone, regardless of life expectancy, can receive this type of care. Hospice, meanwhile, provides for patients who can no longer benefit from regular medical treatment, per a doctor's determination, and are in the last stages of a terminal illness. Hospice and palliative care share the philosophy of maintaining and managing the patient's quality of life. Palliative care programs generally address the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs and expectations of a patient with a life-threatening illness, at any time during that illness, even if life expectancy extends to years.
Palliative care does not preclude aggressive treatment of an illness, and provides comfort to patients and their loved ones. Patients receive palliative care from a team of doctors, nurses, social workers and clergy in their home or a hospital, but also in nursing or assisted living facilities. Hospitals, hospices, skilled nursing facilities and health care clinics provide these services, which may include a monthly visit to a doctor, or weekly home visits from a social worker or nurse to help manage pain and symptoms. The goal of hospice care is to keep pain and suffering of a person with a terminal diagnosis to a minimum, and not to cure the illness. Provided in the patient's home or in hospice centers, hospitals, skilled nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, hospice is based on the belief that every person has the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and with family and friends nearby.
Like palliative care, a hospice team is comprised of doctors, nurses, caregivers, social workers and trained volunteers who manage the patient's pain and symptoms; assist with the emotional and spiritual aspects of dying, provide needed medications and supplies, coach the family on how to care for the patient, and, provide bereavement counseling to surviving loved ones. While Medicare, Medicaid, most private insurance plans, HMOs, and other managed care organizations provide hospice coverage, Medicare or Medicaid does not currently cover palliative care.
Some private insurance companies cover the costs of care, but it is important for you to ask the palliative care provider how or if the services will be covered and what, if any, costs you will be asked to pay. The goal of hospice care is to keep pain and suffering of a person with a terminal diagnosis to a minimum, and not to cure the illness. Provided in the patient's home or in hospice centers, hospitals, skilled nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, hospice is based on the belief that every person has the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and with family and friends nearby.
Please visit the Gilbert Guide for the very best in Hospice Care and for more information about Palliative Care.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Most Common Causes of Fatigue Discovered - Beating Tiredness and Fatigue
In an effort to determine the causes of these conditions, many causal-candidates have been discussed by doctors and the public alike. In the late 1800's the name "neurasthenia" surfaced as the primary descriptive term.
The first World War marked a time where chronic fatigue was a major complaint for millions of American and European citizens. It was such a major problem that the medical community tried to find out why so many people were tired all the time.
The Late 1800's Name of Neurasthenia Encompassed Many Diverse Symptoms
That gradually gave way to attempts to define the condition more narrowly and provide specific names:
* Fibromyalgia
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
* Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
* Post-Viral Infectious Fatigue
The Medical Establishment doesn't understand the underlying causes of fatigue. Without a knowledge of the causes, no effective therapies are provided to help people alleviate their suffering.
All conditions of fatigue, however, consist of a similar symptom picture that's remarkable in its pattern:
* fatigue
* muscle weakness
* inability to cope with stress
* gastrointestinal disturbances
* gastrointestinal disturbances
* balance difficulties
* balance difficulties
* inflammation
* balance difficulties
* and many other debilitating symptoms
The complexity of the symptom picture and the failure of medical tests, such as blood work-ups and MRIs, to detect anything wrong has led to a wasteland of continued suffering.
The Specific Causes of All Forms of Fatigue Remain a Mystery to Modern Medicine
The best that anyone can say about this whole syndrome of chronic fatigue is that it arises because of multiple agents acting at the same time. Naturally, this befuddles medicine who is used to the idea of "one cause/one disease."
With medicine frozen in its tracks, many people turn to alternative ideas and alternative treatments. This road is also fraught with danger because the alternative arena is filled with quick-buck artists and marketers.
That being said, the only hope for fighting chronic fatigue is in the arena of alternative medicine. This includes the use of multiple plans of attack:
* appropriate exercise
* the judicious use of diet
* the most appropriate diet is low-carbohydrate
* yet this diet is maligned by the medical community
* the use of selected vitamins, minerals, and herbs
* unfortunately, the public is not trained in choosing these
* of course, medicine knows nothing of this due to its reliance on drugs
Many people will tell you that they were able to beat chronic fatigue because of alternative treatments. Medicine offers up nothing much more than some ineffective advice and it realizes that it has no effective therapies, a point made in all medical journal articles.
But because of medicine's need to squash any competing methods to health care, it ridicules any alternatives to what it offers. The only hope, therefore, to the public is to find effective alternatives. They are out there but one needs to be careful in discovering what works and what does not work.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Healthcare With Natural Remedies - Nutrition, Exercise, Water
People who smoked, drank, were obese, unhappy, who failed to exercise or drink five glasses of water, who failed to get 7-8 hours of sleep and who ate no breakfast lived 30 years less than those whose habits were the opposite of the above. We look at each briefly.
Nutrition: fruits and vegetables are known in nutrition as the protective foods. The dark greens are among the highest in vitamins and minerals. Sprouted whole grains, barley and wheat grass are exceptional. Uncooked food has enzymes that some cancer survivors say are helpful. Beans and peas balance the protein in whole grains to make it more complete, but even a potato has more protein per dollar than most meats which also are high in cholesterol, fat and no fiber.
Exercise: Outdoor exercise of a practical nature like gardening is great. Aerobic exercise like jogging, hiking, racquetball, soccer, basketball and swimming are better than tennis or bowling. I like stair climbing, chin-ups, pushups, sit-ups (no gym membership needed). Daily is best.
Water: 5-6 glasses a day are the goal unless you are overweight; then an extra glass (8 oz) for each 25 lbs overweight. Vegetarians need less because high protein works the kidneys.
Sunlight: When cholesterol was discovered as a cause of heart disease (Framingham Study), they thought people would not give up meat, so they changed the fats from butter to margarine and from lard to Crisco. The polyunsaturated fats lowered cholesterol, but those fats went to the skin where the sun then became a risk for skin cancer when it never had before. We now know sunlight is beneficial; it converts cholesterol to Vitamin D which prevents osteoporosis.
Temperance: This means abstinence from harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, but not so obvious are a long list of potential problems from tea, coffee, food additives, flavor enhancer and excitotoxins. A huge overlooked danger comes from prescription drugs which have made medical care, the #3 cause of death in the U.S. Journal of American Medical Assoc, July 26, 2000. People become toxic to medicine that doesn't cure, but relieves their symptoms for weeks, months or years. When they get a headache, they go for another prescription instead of eliminating the drug that caused it, putting them on a slippery slope.
Air: Fresh air is best. Nature not only takes our carbon dioxide that we exhale and converts it to oxygen by a process we know at photosynthesis, but plants put a negative charge in the air that is beneficial. Animal research suggests protection against cancer, for example.
Rest: In Breslow's study, 7-8 hours of sleep at night was best. Recent studies show night shift workers have a higher risk of numerous health problems. And a Swedish study showed heart attacks went up 10% in the spring when daylight saving time meant getting up an hour earlier.
Trust in Nature: "Nature heals, not the physician" said Hippocrates. 45 years of being called Doctor has shown me that many of man's interventions, especially with drugs, but too often with surgery, only made the patient worse off. A Harvard cardiologist, for example, told 60 Minutes that 85% of the patients who came to him for a second opinion did not need heart bypass surgery. It was good for the surgeon, but little if any advantage for the patient.
Trust in God: We say it on our money, but we are entering a time when, without money, our trust in God may be tested. This area of life reflects on our basic attitudes. People tend to be givers or takers. When we understand that God loves us and is benevolent toward us, it helps us "pay it forward" to the next person. And in so doing, we are often blessed with a happiness that we would probably not have otherwise.
His website suggests meaning in current events that are fulfilling Bible prophecy, predicting the economy crash, and that's not all,
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Water is the Bomb
Knowing how bad this habit was for my health, about a year ago I decided to put myself through a water challenge.
The deal was I had to drink 60 ounces of water every day for 6 months straight (with 7 forgiveness days - life is busy so I thought it would be more realistic if I gave myself a few days to slip-up on my daily goal). The reward - laser hair-removal so I would never have to shave my legs again (how awesome is that?)! You had better believe I reached that goal.
I immediately reaped the results of all this water drinking - I had fewer headaches, more energy, my skin was not as dry, and my nails did not break as often. Can't beat that, right?
The benefits to getting your daily-recommended water in do not stop there - here are some other benefits:
1. You can increase your loss of body fat (definitely helpful if you are trying to lose weight).
2. You may experience less back pain and muscle spasms.
3. You will not feel as hungry at meal times (sweet deal for weight loss purposes).
4. You will lower your chance of getting infections.
5. Your skin will be healthier.
6. It keeps your brain working well (that's where the fewer headaches come into play).
7. Toxins will be flushed out of your body better.
8. You may be less likely to have a heart attack
You are probably wondering how much water you should be drinking per day, right? So, here's the deal (according to most experts nowadays):
1. Take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half - this is how many ounces of water you should be drinking per day (140 pounds = 70 ounces of water per day).
2. Drink an extra 8 ounces of water for every 20 minutes of physical activity you do.
3. Drink an equal amount of water when drinking alcohol.
4. Drink 8 ounces of water for every hour you are traveling on an airplane.
5. If you live in the desert, drink an extra 16 ounces of water per day (YIKES!).
The benefits of drinking lots of water are just too good to be true.
So drink up!
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Cardio Exercises You Can Perform at Home
- Burn calories
- Improve your ability to transport oxygen from one area of the body to the other so that you can play with your kids, walk up the steps and take out the trash without having to breath heavily.
Well, you can probably improve your cardiovascular endurance without doing boring cardio. Why not just perform high intensity bodyweight exercises?
The key to using bodyweight training effectively enough to replace your regular cardio workouts, is to perform them in intervals. Intervals are where you perform an exercise for a period of time, then immediately move onto a different exercise. This different exercise can be easier, or harder then the one you just performed. This is completely up to and your fitness levels.
Lets take a look at a sample workout:
3 rounds of:
- Pushups, 30 seconds
- Pullups, 30 seconds
- Bodyweight Squat, 30 seconds
If you haven't realized it already, what you are really doing is resistance training AND cardio at the same time! This is really powerful stuff.
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Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
3 Reasons Why You Should Use a Bodyweight Interval Training Program Instead of Cardio
1) Bodyweight Intervals are Intense
Perform pushups for 20 seconds straight, then rest for 10 seconds. Go again for another 20 seconds, and then rest for 10 seconds. After 6 more rounds of this, or 4 total minutes of working out, you'll be soaked in sweat and extremely tired!
Bodyweight interval workouts are surprisingly intense. They're more intense than intense jump rope intervals, sprinting, or cycle sprints. This is because you're engaging more muscle when you workout. The more muscle you use, the more tired you'll get.
2) Bodyweight Intervals are Fun
Well, at least more fun than long, boring cardio. I remember the day when I used to wake up early in the morning for a long 3-5 mile jog. Sure, it worked, but it was boring as hell. After months of sleep deprivation (remember, I was waking up an hour earlier than normal), and a bad knee (my right knee is messed up to due to excessive running), I've switched over to intense bodyweight circuits that help me melt fat and build muscle and...
3) Bodyweight Intervals save Time
My workouts have gone from 60 minutes to sub-10 minutes. Seriously, this morning I had an intense 9 minute workout. Interval training with your bodyweight is unlike anything else you'll ever experience. You need to try it before you bash it.
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Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Acne Hormone - Hormone Imbalance and Acne
Teenagers usually get acne because of hormonal changes in their bodies during puberty while for adults it still has to do with hormones but not like for teenagers. Stress, poor nutrition and lack of exercise can result in acne for adults. Teenagers are not immune from these too. These 3 factors notably stress can affect the hormones and result in an overproduction of hormones which can lead to acne. Hormone imbalance and acne are closely related. Hormonal changes can be something out of control but nevertheless, if stress is dealt with effectively, proper and healthy nutrition are considered, regular exercise is done and proper skin care is administered, the effect of acne can be lessened and can be cured with time. Same for adults.
Here are some tips to reduce hormone imbalance and acne.
Diet Tips - Avoid too spicy foods and foods which are high in saturated fats. Eat at least 2 fish dishes per week and use healthy cooking techniques eg boiling. Don't forget oily fishes like salmon, herring, sardine and trout which contain omega-3 essential fatty acids. Lack of these nutrients can lead to eczema, an inflammatory condition of the skin causing redness, itchiness and which can trigger lesions outbreak and other skin problems. Don't eat too many chocolates. Drink alcohol moderately. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Try drinking fresh fruit juice and raw vegetables juice to regulate bowel functioning and remove toxins from the body. Drink lots of fresh clean water daily about 8 glasses and more.
Stress Tips - Cope with stress effectively because stress is a major cause for hormone imbalance. When you're stressed out, your system produces more hormones and the oily skin look is inevitable, thus irritating the skin and making it more prone to acne. Engage yourself in relaxation exercises eg yoga, taichi. Do sports like swimming, running, cycling. Sweating is good to reduce stress and expel toxins from the body. Also your body will release endorphins which are natural substances in our bodies to suppress pain and makes us feel good. Don't forget to shower a few minutes after exercising and cooling down to clear your body from the sweat and toxins which can cause acne outbreak. Take a warm bubble bath and relax and forget about your problems for a moment. Make a blank in your thoughts. Take time to do what you have to everyday without always hurrying and stressing yourself. This is possible if you wake up a few minutes earlier say in the morning before going to work. Inhale and exhale deeply because deep breathing techniques provide more oxygen to the brain making you less stressed. Get adequate sunlight as it can revive your mood and reduce stress.
Skin Care Tips - It's important that you take care of your skin and keep it clean from dirt and oil which can trigger acne. Cleaning your skin regularly with mild soap which contains acne healing ingredients like aloe vera or green tea can be helpful plus aloe vera and green tea acne cream application to your affected anatomic areas will also alleviate and refreshes your skin. Using herbs like calendula and herbal teas like dried green tea leaves boiled down and taking the extract have proven to dry and cure acne.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Acne Diet - Acne Cure Diet Treatment
Our bodies contain toxins and by our ways of eating, these can accumulate much more and when food and toxins are not effectively processed by our digestive system because it lacks certain important nutrients, some get released through the skin in the form of acne for instance.
So if you're not paying proper attention to your nutrition, you better do so now. What you need is a balanced healthy diet containing all the vital nutrients your body needs. Opt for natural foods as far as possible including most of the following:
(1) Vegetables
Green beans
Brussel sprouts
(2) Fruits
Water melon
(3) Complex Carbohydrates
Sweet Potato
Wholewheat bread
Wholewheat pasta
Brown bread
Brown rice
(4) Protein
Opt for lean meat.
Skinless chicken breast/turkey breast
White fish
Lean beef
Egg whites
Red lentils
(5) Healthy Fats
Get your intake of healthy fats.
Olive oil
Omega-3 fish oil(Mostly found in oily fish like salmon, sardine, trout, herring)
Canola oil
The above list is in no way an exhaustive list but these foods can form part of your acne cure diet treatment and you will get positive results from your acne problems.
Also, be sure to drink lots of water and add exercises in your daily activities. And limit foods containing saturated fats mostly from animal fats, oily, fried and greasy foods, refined sugars, alcohol, coffee, processed foods eg canned foods. What we ingest in our bodies can have a positive or negative effect because our bodies assimilate it differently. If it's good quality food, it will reward our body and if it isn't, it will have a bad effect.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Get Rid of Facial Acne With This Natural Technique and 9 Tips to Help the Healing Process
Eventually, I decided to try a natural acne cure method which involves boiling green tea leaves with water and taking the hot tea from it. Then I just put it in a small recipient and let it cool down a bit. Afterwards, I use a small clean towel, wet it in the warm tea and gently tap it on my face mostly where the acne is. Then I repeat again and again for about 10-15 minutes. The purpose of the green tea method is to actually dry the acne naturally and green tea has one of these benefits. When the acne dries, it will go off in the long run little by little. I followed this technique everyday for about 3-4 weeks and with time, I've seen my acne starting to disappear. You need to keep at it and don't get discouraged because you won't see instant results. If you can do it longer, the better. What I can tell you is that I've seen just the positive out of using green tea.
While treating my facial acne with green tea leaves, I also did the following for a healthier lifestyle which can just help in curing your acne. Here are 9 tips:
(1) I drank lots of water everyday because water removes toxins and impurities out of your body which can be responsible for the swelling of acne.
(2) I avoid oily and fatty foods which can cause your acne to degenerate.
(3) I get adequate sunlight because when your skin is exposed to natural sunlight, the healing rays of natural sunlight will dry your acne up.
(4) I have a proper diet which includes lots of fruits and vegetables for a healthy and glowing skin.
(5) I exercise regularly like jogging and do simple exercises.
(6) Whenever I have the opportunity, I go to a beach resort and swim in the sea. Salty water and being exposed to the sun at the same time will just do good to your acne problems but don't overexpose yourself though.
(7) I get adequate sleep because lack of sleep can contribute to acne and make you more proned to pimples and zits.
(8) I avoid scratching my acne because there will be times when your face might be itchy mostly when the acne is healing up. Also, rubbing your face and the acne is risky because your hands might have dirt which can worsen your acne. Even if there is no dirt, scratching will negatively affect the healing. By doing all this, all your earlier efforts in healing your acne will be in vain. When your face is itchy, this is a sign that your acne is being cured and by resisting the envy to scratch it will cure your acne faster.
(9) I avoid excessive stress because stress is thought to be one of the biggest contributors to the formation of acne. To understand how stress plays a major part in acne development, picture this. Your body reacts to stress by releasing hormones from your adrenal glands. One of these hormones is testosterone and the latter stimulates your pore to produce more oil. To resume, basically stress helps in the formation of acne because it increases your skin oil production and as a result, this makes your pimples pop out. I still remember how I was stressed during an exam in my tertiary education and after the exam was over, my face was a bit oily :-).
Having severe facial acne can be a frustrating and difficult life experience but if you really want to get rid of it, you need to take action, keep at it and don't lose hope. The longer you wait, the more time it will take you to cure your acne. The above methods have worked for me and there is no reason why they shouldn't work for you if you follow it to the letter. Note that these methods don't only work for facial acne but acne on your body in general. This article is focused on facial acne because that's usually where most people have acne. Good luck in your acne healing process.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Natural Acne Skin Care Treatment
Nature in itself is healing and can purify our body and this is why natural acne skin care therapies are highly recommended. Among them, you have green tea, aloe vera, basil, turmeric which are acne healers. Also available are products which contain natural ingredients to cure acne.
Aloe vera for instance are sold as creams and are very refreshing for the skin and will lessen the acne inflammation. You also have green tea acne cream which is an ideal candidate for getting rid of acne because the green tea extract has amazing healing benefits. It can also refine the pores. By using natural acne products, you will nourish your skin and make it less prone for acne. Also, drinking green tea regularly has the potential to flush toxins from your body and reduce your acne as well.
One other alternative in using green tea is to boil green tea dried leaves which are usually of a brownish-black color. Then let the tea warm up a bit and take the tea to apply on your skin with a towel. Just tap on the affected areas for about 15 minutes everyday for at least 2 weeks. The longer the better. The temperature of the tea should preferably be between warm and hot.
So why not give natural acne skin care treatment a try? You have nothing to lose other than eliminating your acne. It's recommended that you consult a dermatologist first and seek his or her advice before following an acne skin care therapy.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
9 Tips - Proper Skin Hygiene and Care is Key to Eradicate Acne
(1) Always clean your skin everyday which is usually your face as it is more prone to the formation of acne. You can use mild and hypoallergenic soaps containing ingredients like tea tree oil, green tea or aloe vera to remove dirt and oil on your skin. You can clean your skin in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. With time, when your acne is cured, you can reduce your cleaning sessions say once or twice per day.
(2) Hydrate and moisturize your skin with aloe vera and green tea acne creams for instance. Your skin will be in better condition and health.
(3) If you do sports or any physical activity, you will be sweating. Don't wait for hours before taking a shower. After a few minutes after your activities, take a shower and get rid of the sweat and dirt which can stay on your skin and blocking your pores.
(4) Avoid touching your face or other anatomic acne affected areas as your hands can be dirty.
(5) Avoid scratching your skin or squeezing the acne and pimples as this can result in the spreading of acne.
(6) Don't use products which you can be allergic to. Always consult a dermatologist first to ask for advice if you're not sure.
(7) Drink lots of water everyday as water hydrates your body and skin as well and can help in reducing acne by flushing out toxins and impurities from your body.
(8) Get adequate sunlight on your skin as the latter can help dry up acne and heal it in the long run. Don't overexpose though as this can create a negative effect instead.
(9) Make use of fruits and apply them on your skin. Certain fruits like the avocado, banana, grape, pineapple, lemon, citrus and papaya contain natural skin care properties which can cleanse your skin and relieve and cure your acne eventually. You can use fruits like papaya, banana, grape and avocado and mash them to create a sort of paste which you can apply directly on your skin. Then rinse off after a few minutes. Or you can make use of the acidic juices of pineapple, lemon and citrus and drop a few juice in a small bucket of water. Then clean your skin with the water mixed with the juice. The acids found in these fruits can kill bacteria and get rid of the oil on your skin.
Your skin is what covers your body and it's important that you take care of it and keep it in good health. Your physical appearance is something important in different aspects of your life and you should not neglect it as it can boost your self confidence and self esteem.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Acne Sufferer - Home Remedy to Treat, Cure and Clear Up Acne Zits
While you can have resources to all types of latest acne products on the market and follow a treatment with your dermatologist with prescriptions, you have other alternatives too. You can also treat your acne by yourself at home and see the results but providing you make use of natural acne methods because these are safer. If you have to decide on your own for eg what products you can buy to heal acne, it's not recommended to just buy products like that unless they are natural and you know you are not taking many risks. Since you don't have much knowledge about all the acne products, a consultation with the dermatologist is advisable.
But you can have a home remedy acne solution to treat, cure and clear up your acne and zits just by proceeding the natural way. Hence you have to use natural products and see if they work for you. There are great chances that they will work. Nature is healing and it's safe to give it a try.
If you want to get started in taking care of your acne more effectively, make use of one of these 3 things or you might do a combination:
(1) Aloe Vera Cream
Aloe vera is a plant which has been proven to be effective for use as herbal and medicinal purposes. Aloe vera can treat several skin conditions, relieves pain, refreshes and moisturizes the skin and decreases inflammation. For your acne, application of aloe vera cream on the skin definitely has curing benefits. You can also use aloe vera soap for your shower if you have acne on your face, back, chest and legs for instance. There are also other aloe vera based products like gel, shampoo amongst others.
(2) Green Tea Acne Cream
Green tea is without any doubt a healing plant. Just drinking green tea everday can give you a better health, like lowering cholesterol levels, removing toxins from your body and other benefits. But green tea is also beneficial for your skin health. The green tea extract can treat acne skin problems and help drying and clearing up your acne. Nowadays, you have green tea acne cream products for ease of use.
(3) Dried Green Tea Leaves
If you want to use green tea the traditional way, you can buy dried green tea leaves, boil them and use the tea extract to apply to your skin. After the tea is between warm and hot, take it and pour it into a small recipient. Then use a small clean facial towel and wet it in the tea. Next step is to tap the tea on your acne continuously taking more tea by wetting the towel again. Like with green tea acne cream, your acne will dry up with time and heal. Do this everyday for at least 2 weeks, the more the better.
When your acne starts to cure, make sure you maintain your acne free body by following a healthy nutrition with lots of fruits, vegetables, water, lean meat, fish, healthy fats like olive oil, moderate alcohol, chocolate and processed foods and keeping away from high sugar foods and high fat foods mostly saturated like animal fats. Some foods if consumed excessively can trigger acne. Also, proper hygiene, regular exercise and dealing with stress effectively like doing yoga helps to prevent acne. It's important to take a shower a few minutes after exercising and cooling down and not staying with the sweat for hours.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Acne Tips - Curing Your Acne at First Sight
While it might not be an alarming situation at first, it can become a serious disease if not treated properly. It can affect a person mentally as well and can lower the self-confidence of a person.
So it is imperative that an acne treatment is found. The earlier you tackle the acne, the better. Usually acne will become itchy on your skin and you will find yourself scratching it. This is a very big mistake. Scratching will only worsen the skin condition and the bacteria can spread. If your hands are a bit dirty, this can worsen more.
So if you want to cure your acne as fast as possible, avoid scratching it and take actions immediately. Your acne will heal much more faster.
There are numerous methods to get rid of your acne. You can make use of acne lotion, cream, cleanser and all the acne skin care products. Although there are certain risks like skin allergies to these products, they can work for you. You won't know if you don't try. Of course, consult a dermatologist first.
You can also have recourse to natural methods which exist. It might take more time but they have great potential to work and they are natural. The thing is you need to be consistent in your acne treatment and follow it for several weeks before seeing promising results. If not, you will get discouraged because your acne won't cure instantly.
Some people have used aloe vera and their skin problem has been healed. Others have utilized green tea leaves which work wonders. Green tea has the benefit of drying your acne and when the latter dries, it will go away with time. You need to boil green tea leaves in water and take the water after. Let it warm a bit, then apply to your face or other affected parts with a towel. Do this for 15 minutes daily for 2 weeks at least. The more the better. When I was a teenager, I got serious acne problems and blackheads as well and green tea leaves was the ultimate solution. Within 2 weeks, I start to see my acne drying up and it was starting to feel itchy which is a sign that it's being cured. But I didn't scratch. I continue using the green tea leaves for another 2 weeks and the acne was practically cured.
Then when my acne was healed, I paid more attention to what I eat because nutrition plays a role in acne. For instance if you eat too many oily and fried foods, you can get acne. The key is to eat healthier foods, drink lots of water, exercise, get enough rest and adequate sunlight and you can say goodbye to acne. Eat foods which are low in fats and oil and consume lots of vegetables too. Choose a boiled chicken breast rather than a fried one for example.
So now that you know how I cured my acne, why not give it a try? It doesn't cost you much apart from your consistency and persistence. Good luck in your acne healing goal.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Different Types of Acne Skin Conditions - What You Should Know
While acne is more common among teenagers due to hormonal changes, adults have the risk to get acne as well. So the truth is there is no specific range of age where acne will be triggered. Acne can be a frustrating experience and can interfere with a person's self-confidence and self-esteem.
Now let's get more details about the different types of acne.
(1) Blackhead
These are caused when the pores of your skin are partially blocked. Dirt is not the reason for the black dots. When your skin cells are dead, they get a melanin pigment, so this pigment is the culprit for generating blackheads.
(2) Pustule
These are spots on the skin and they are red and large.
(3) Whitehead
These are caused when the pores of your skin are totally blocked. Bacteria is the reason behind the white dots as it is found inside the blocked pores. This has a negative effect on the sebum which is converted to fatty acids.
(4) Nodule
These are bumps under the surface of your skin. They are hard and large.
(5) Cyst
These are a bit like nodule but your skin can get deeper infection and inflammation.
(6) Papule
These are spots or bumps and they are soft, small and red.
The 6 acne conditions above are categorized in acne vulgaris which is a term used for acne as well. You also have acne rosacea which is a bit like acne vulgaris like oily skin, pustule and bumps or spots but acne rosacea sufferers experience skin redness and swelling on the affected areas notably on the face and the chest. Other anatomic areas include the neck, back, scalp and ears.
Certain types of food and drink are responsible for this like spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, oily and greasy foods. Stress is also a contributing factor. Nearly 15 million people are affected by acne rosacea in the United States and most of them don't even know about it including how to recognize its symptoms and how to cure it. In contrast to acne vulgaris, acne rosacea lesions outbreak don't get inflammation spots leading to swelling with fluids.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
8 Tips - How to Treat Acne Effectively and Safely
To give you an idea how acne emerges from your skin, you should know that your skin contains oil glands which are also known as the sebaceous glands. These glands produce oil which are necessary for the normal function of your skin. But sometimes, the sebaceous glands manufactures excessive oil due to hormonal changes, poor diet, stress and the excessive oil or sebum covers the layer of your skin. As a result, your skin's pores become clogged with the sebum and blocked. The outcome is your skin will get ripped apart when a pimple will pop up underneath your skin. The end result is acne. So now that you know that there is a relationship with hormone, oily skin and acne, you can think of ways to reduce acne proliferation and even prevent it from occurring.
If you're a teenager, usually there is nothing much you can do apart lessening the effect by following a proper diet and dealing with stress effectively because hormonal changes are part of the teenager's life. On the other hand, if you're an adult, by leading a healthy lifestyle, you can hamper the effects of acne and even prevent it from happening. It's fundamental for you to be aware that while there are certain acne treatments and products which work wonders, there are others that can harm your skin. Some acne products can contain chemical components which your skin can't tolerate as it will become allergic and irritated by them. It's important to follow a safe acne treatment where you can treat your acne effectively.
Here is a list of 8 tips how you can do that:
(1) Never squeeze your acne and pimples. In doing so, you remove the pimple but you will create a hole and you can spread bacteria and germs on other areas of your skin. The action is instant I mean you will see your pimples disappear but there can be side effects. Squeezing will also irritate your skin and can cause inflammation and redness. In the worst case, you will leave scars on your skin which are ugly.
(2) Clean your skin regularly with hypoallergenic soaps and cleansers and get rid of excess oil, dirt and impurities. By paying attention to proper skin care, you're already taking a step ahead in preventing acne from appearing. Avoid touching your face when your hands are dirty. If you do, wash your face afterwards.
(3) Drink plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day. For best results, carry a big bottle of water with you so that you are more prone to drink water regularly. Water is life and don't underestimate how water can help in treating acne and preventing it as well. Water hydrates the skin and flush out toxins and impurities in our bodies.
(4) Drink green tea at least twice per day. Green tea has antioxidant properties which can help eliminate acne. Also green tea is highly recommended for good health. You can use green tea to apply directly on your skin which contains acne. By tapping the infused green tea extract on your skin with a small towel for about 10-15 minutes everyday for at least 3 weeks, you will start to see your acne dried up and healed eventually. This is a totally natural treatment which have done wonders for many people.
(5) Make use of acne creams made from natural ingredients like aloe vera and green tea to moisturize the skin and keep it fresh.
(6) Eat a balanced diet rich in lean protein like skinless chicken breast, egg whites, salmon, white fish, red lentils, cottage cheese and don't forget to get your fiber and vitamins intake from fresh vegetables and fruits. Opt for healthy cooking oils and fats like olive oil and canola oil.
(7) Avoid or be moderate on oily foods, alcoholic drinks and spicy foods.
(8) Deal with stress effectively and try to avoid stressing yourself as far as possible. Engaging in relaxation exercises like yoga, taichi and undergoing a massage therapy will definitely help releasing endorphins and making you feel good and totally destressed. Performing physical fitness activities like jogging, swimming, cycling, walking and practising a sport such as volleyball, basketball or soccer can get rid of stress and make you forget about your problems and anxieties.
Treating acne effectively and safely should not be taken as a chore but rather as a way of life. It's a proper lifestyle in itself and not only will you benefit as far as acne is concerned but you will get a better health. With time, your acne will be cured naturally and you'll be surprised by the results. The above tips will definitely help your acne skin condition but if it's too serious or aggravated, you might need to consult a dermatologist to seek his or her advice. Maybe you will require advanced acne treatments wih antibiotics. Acne laser surgery is an option as well but it's costly.
Lost confidence and self-esteem due to acne? Check out these 11 Acne Tips to help you get back on track with a clear skin.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Treat Your Pimples in 3 Easy Steps
It's true that most acne sufferers still struggling in treating their pimples until this day. I hope you are not one of them. If you want to treat your pimples so that it will not worsen your face condition, read these 3 simple ways about how to treat your pimples safely.
1. Don't Ever Touch The Pimple
I don't care if it's just one pimple in your face or many, you should not touch them. If you do this, you are one step further to make your pimple revenge you. By touching it, did you feel better? Did the pimple disappear? If the answer is yes, then go ahead, touch it. But if the answer is no, then just don't touch it. You'll realize how this simple step can contribute a great help for your face.
2. Do Not Aggressively Apply Skin Care Products
This is another wrong step taken by most of the desperate acne sufferers that experience this kind of problem, especially if this is the first time they had pimples in their face. Maybe some skin care products will work great for some people, but I know many of the skin care products will worsen your skin condition and make you suffer more pimples in the future. My suggestion is that you should not take any skin care products for a while.
3. Watch For Foods You Eat
I know that sometimes there are people saying that there is no connection between foods and pimples. It's simply not true. Foods have a great connection with pimples as most pimples are caused by bad diet. So, try to eat much more fruit and refrain from junk food for a while, at least reduce the frequency.
Those 3 simple steps about treating your pimples are so easy to implement and it surely will get your pimples gone for few weeks or months, depending on how you eagerly implement these steps.
If you like these tips, maybe you will be interested about healing your pimple or acne permanently for just 2 months without any drug, by using natural healing method. This method is proven and you can do it from now. You can go to Share Acne Thoughts for more information.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
4 Fastest Ways to Get Rid of Acne - Tips For Treating Acne Quickly
Are you with me so far? Well, here are the 4 fastest ways to truly battle acne for good...
1. Natural Cures:
There are many forms of natural cures such as homeopathics, eating apples, dieting better, staying away from certain foods, being healthy in general, utilizing organic creams, and so forth. Personally, I always tried to stay healthy and eat healthy, but most natural cures so to speak didn't quite do the job. I've heard that for mild mannered acne it can really make a difference and perhaps in some more severe cases, but in my research those are few and far between. Try them out and combine them with some of the other acne cures we mention below. Just do a search on natural cures and you'll be sure to find plenty of information.
2. Over the counter items:
These are the ones you tend to see commercials for such as Neutrogena or others. Many of these have evolved over time and are getting better and better. Personally, these helped, but only once I found the right combination of timing, amount to apply, and more. It involved a lot of trial and error for me to find the over the counter acne treatment that at least moderated my acne.
3. Infomercial Acne Systems:
These are your Proactiv's, Exposed, and others. Many of them utilize a combination of similar ingredients and according to anything I've ever read, they do a lot of research and development. Honestly, Proactiv is what I used because I didn't have the options that are out there today. It worked for me, but only when I finally combined it with...
4. Prescriptions from my Doctor:
I had bad acne vulgaris on my back so utilizing the above wasn't possible. So, entering a regimen with your Doctor may be the only option or best options when it comes to conquering your acne problem. They tend to start mildly and work their way up to stronger treatments. You can ask about combining the treatment methods as you want to make sure you are staying safe the through the treatment. If you've tried the first three, then perhaps talk to a Doctor as there is quality help there.
In my experience and research these are the 4 fastest ways to get rid of acne quickly and effectively.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Blackhead Treatment - 8 Blackhead Treatment Options That Work
The problem with having so many saying that their blackhead cure works the best, who do you believe? Well, here are eight simple ways to cure blackheads, starting now:
1 - Retinoid lotions:
A good way to remove blackheads and keeping your skin clear is to use a retinoid lotion such as Retin-A. This product gets the skin cells to operate normally, helping to lower the production of sebum and cleanse your pores. The only problem is that this blackhead treatment is a lengthy process.
2 - Exfoliating products and treatments:
Using some type of exfoliation containing benzoyl peroxide can help open up your pores by removing dead skin cells. By using this product correctly it is gentle on your skin, but it still works very well to clear the most difficult blackheads. Another exfoliating blackhead remover is microdermabrasion - but this is usually done at a skin care clinic.
3 - Gentle pushing:
It is possible to gently push the dirt out of a blackhead. In fact, this blackhead treatment works well to help clear up your skin too. It is true that pushing can aggravate your skin, but it is how you push the blackhead out. Being gentle is always recommended. Instead of pushing too hard on difficult blackheads, it is best to try another removal method.
4 - Getting a chemical peel:
If you tend to get lot of dirt and sebum built up in your pores, then any product containing salicylic acid or a chemical peel containing glycolic acid are very helpful at clearing off dead skin cells. But this type of blackhead cure is not advised if you are already using any retinoid lotion.
5 - Eating healthily:
Another good cure is to start eating more healthily. To clear your acne, a good diet will help to slow down the production of sebum, while keeping your skin well hydrated. This can be done by simply avoiding saturated and hydrogenated fats, consuming more water and eating fresh fruits and veggies. Any carbohydrates and oils that have been heated should be avoided, while natural cold-pressed oils (like extra virgin olive oil) are great for this natural blackhead treatment.
6 - Pore strips:
What also helps is to use pore strips, which can either be placed over your face or nose for about 10 minutes. Once placed, they are then quickly pulled off to get rid of blackheads near the surface. This is not a long-term solution to cure blackheads, but the strips work quickly and are simple to use - as long as you use them properly.
7 - Metallic extractor:
A modern blackhead treatment is the metallic extractor. This device has a small, rounded end, that is placed over the blackhead to plug it out. This method should done carefully to avoid scarring.
8 - Make-up:
This tip is for all the ladies out there who use a lot of makeup. Always use products that keep your pores clear, such as non-comedogenic makeup. Some more tips for you - after sweating and before bed, it is best to completely remove your makeup with a good cleanser. And every so often clean your sponges and brushes, so that blackhead remover is never needed.
There is no doubt that using a number of these techniques will help cure your blackheads. But for a permanent blackhead treatment, you should incorporate some of these methods into your daily life.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Acne - The Special Clearing Booster
Our skin consists of layers that have blocked pores that do not allow the oil (produced by the sebaceous glands) to come out. As a result, these pores create an ideal environment for the growth of acne bacteria. The acne bacteria expel themselves out in the form of inflammation thus producing pimples or cysts.
On viewing acne to distract the look of our face irritates us and we squeeze it with the intention that it vanishes immediately. But, in actual scenario it is important to understand that we should never squeeze acne because it just aggravates further by spreading the bacteria to near portion also and thus leading to scars. It is hard to keep your hands off from it but try maximum not to touch it all.
Acne cleansers are very effective and they are known for removing dirt, makeup, accumulated oil, sweat from the skin's surface. These cleansers make it easy for the skin to absorb the acne treatments easily. It is important that you read the label of acne cleansers carefully for number of times it has to be applied. After the pimple is gone, you might have noticed a red mark in the place of the pimple. This is referred as post inflammatory stage of pimple.
There are few steps that can be followed to hide your acne: on application of make up it is important that you use oil free makeup. Oil based cosmetics can actually make acne worse. Along with the usage of acne removable creams, it is important that you wash your face at least five to six times in a day.
This ensures that you remove the dirt from the upper surface of the skin. It is important that you find the right kind of acne treatment creams; the market is flooded with a number of brands of beauty products like acne treatment creams, skin care creams, moisturizers, acne cleansers and many more. Hence it is important that you select the right treatment cream from some of the popular brands different brands like Mario, Cyclic cleansers, and many more. Acne can also be a sign of aging, there are creams that serve dual purpose of improving acne clearance as well as encouraging the collagen production that makes your skin smooth and clear acne scarring.
It is interesting to note that long hair that sweeps your face can be the real culprit; this can cause the acne to breakout. In case you notice this aspect, it is important that you shampoo your hair everyday, do not use much hair gels or hair creams as they can have a harsh effect on your skin apparently.
Mostly pin up your hair in such a way that they do not touch the area where you have acne. We all might have noticed the fact that acne does not just have physical effects, it affects us emotionally causing us self consciousness, anxiety, depression and sometimes it can also go to the extent of social withdrawal. So fight the battle with acne by choosing the apt creams.
Tuesday, July 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Aromatherapy - Evening Primrose Essential Oil
This flower has been used for centuries to treat various skin and muscular system ailments. Our Native American ancestors discovered that the complete plant was edible, and could also be used as a painkiller as well as food. In Europe, it has been a proven treatment for PMS. It is said that there are astringent as well as sedative properties in the bark and leaves of the evening primrose.
It has been effective in the treatment of intestinal disorders, whooping cough and asthma. Evening primrose is a rich source of essential amino acids, such as omega 6. Omega 6 is a fatty acid that when in the bloodstream helps the body transfer oxygen as well as produce electrical currents.
Amino acids also help the body fight allergic responses and inflammation. As stated earlier the fatty acids also produce electrical currents which is vital to the conductivity of the cells. Essential fatty acids also transport vitamins and oxygen to the cells as well as enhance or aid in metabolism. They are basically indispensable, every part of your body needs fatty acids. The brain, the heart,the eyes, main sensory organs as well as many glands. These essential fatty acids act like cleaners to eliminate hardened fat that is stored up in your body.
They are also involved in a healthy heart, they regulate the stability of DNA and RNA and may even help with weight loss.
Here is a list of the components found in evening primrose: Alinine [0.5%], arginine [1.5%], aspartic acid [1.2%], beta-sitosterol [1.2-2.5%], calcium [1.3-1.8%], cellulose [27%], gamma-linolenic acid [0.5-10%], glutamic acid [2.7%], glycine [1%], fat [15-32%], fiber [43%], histidine[0.4%], isoleucine [0.5%], leucine [1%], legnin [16%], linoleic acid [12-22%], lysine [0.3%], methionine [0.6%], phenylalanine [0.7%], proline [0.6%], protein [15-17%], serine [0.9%], threonine [0.4%], tryptophan [1.6%], tyrosine [0.4%], valine [0.6%], as well as many other smaller quantities of compounds.
One of the compounds mentioned, gamma linolenic acid, is known as a polyunsaturated fatty acid. GLA for short, helps the body make energy. Once GLA is introduced to the body it is transformed to a substance called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins have anti-inflammatory properties. Prostaglandins can also act as blood thinners and vaso-dilators.
These hormone like substances are produced in the tissue of the body. A deficiency in prostaglandin may result in a significant decrease in the transmission of impulses from a nerve, increase in clotting time, inflammation and a weakened immune response.
Evening primrose oil is favorable for ailments related to the essential fatty acid family, since it has a high concentration of gamma linolenic acid. It is of benefit in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, high blood cholesterol levels, asthma, allergies, PMS, headaches, RA, skin irritations, anxiety, water retention, breast soreness, depression, coughs, and irritability.
It also is used to stimulate the digestive system, liver and spleen.
Other uses for evening primrose are acne treatment, eczema, hyper-activity, MS and to strengthen nails.
There are numerous other other conditions that evening primrose is being tested on for effectiveness, including breast cancer, heart disease, ADHD, stomach ulcers and some types of bowel disease. Even though the studies have been promising, there is not enough conclusive evidence at this time.
A person with seizure disorders should only use omega-6 supplements under the care and supervision of a licensed medical doctor. Omega-6 fatty acids have been reported to cause seizures in people that have seizure disorders.
Remember when purchasing evening primrose oil, it is important that the bottle states the amount of gamma linolenic acid as well as linolenic acid. The percentage for a quality oil is, GLA 7-10% and LA 40-75% ( more percentage is always better).
If you are ordering from a company, and they do not list at least these two ingredients with the product. It is advisable to contact them and get the percentages of these two compounds.
Evening primrose that contains GLA 10.3% and LA 75% is probably the best one can get, it is available as a carrier oil. Evening primrose can be used all over the body. It may be used as a base oil to blend a favorite mix of essential oils for any specific ailment of your body. To treat or combat acne, dry, scared, discolored or irritated skin. Although you can use it alone to produce therapeutic benefits.
The beautiful flowering plant named Evening Primrose, has a very therapeutic emollient for the general well being of a body.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
3 Ways to Relax With Candles
The first rule to a bubble bath is to make sure there are no interruptions. After the kids are all tucked away and you instruct your spouse or roommate not to disturb you. Take a couple of minutes to set up candles around the tub, and on the counter or the sink. Richly scented candles definitely help set the mood. Turn off the lights, slip into the bubbles, and let the soothing, flickering light from the candles melt away the stress. As the warm scent of essential oils and herbs surround and envelope you. Relax your mind and body and let the aroma of the candles guide you into oblivion.
The second way to relax with candles is to add them to your romantic evening. Is it possible that a scent can make you more mellow and increase dramatically the relations between you and your mate?
Thousands of people have discovered the powerful benefits of aromatherapy. And you can do it to! Aromatherapy is the art and practice of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants and herbs to restore or enhance health, beauty, and well being. Richly scented candles often stimulate the emotional part of the brain. Candles are a warm light that adds that special touch to a romantic dinner or the bedroom while being intimate with your lover. In a recent survey, it was revealed that 35% of Americans agree that a romantic candlelight dinner-for-two is the best way to "get in the mood".
There is just something about candlelight and a delicious home cooked meal that inspire lovers. There is a logical explanation for a scent's powerful effect on romantic feelings. Richly scented candles stimulate the limbic system in the brain. That is the same area that produces sexual desire. So go ahead, set the mood with candles, and take note of how the dancing light can make you feel. Even the simplest lighting effects the mood and the moment.
The third way to relax with richly scented candles is during the holidays. No holiday table would be complete without the warm glow of candles. From the dining room to the kitchen and the family room to the guest room, candles can help to set the mood for your holiday festivities. With the fast pace of the holiday season, with all the shopping, wrapping of gifts, parties and family gatherings, we sometimes find ourselves unable to unwind. I have found that nothing is more soothing after a hectic afternoon than an evening of soft candlelight. Scented Christmas candles typically spark a memory of the holidays.
Discover the possibilities for any season or occasion. Try relaxing with richly scented candles. Whether to unwind from a hard day, set a romantic mood, or relax during the hectic holidays. Richly scented candles are the only way to go!
Heather Lassetter
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
What is the Incredible Aloe Plant Best Used For?
Thanks Jodi M for share this post.
Aloe vera has been used in so many products these days that it is hard to imagine a world without it. But what's the best use for it?
Of course the next best use of aloe vera is going to be in hand lotion, right? Sorry, wrong again. The Aloe plant also works great as a vitamin dietary supplement! It has been shown to contain the following vitamins: A, B (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5, B6, B12, C, E, and also folic acid. All of these vitamins contribute greatly to overall health. Aloe vera also has calcium, sodium, zinc, chromium, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and selenium. These minerals also contribute greatly to overall health in many ways.
OK, now you can say it: aloe vera is GREAT in hand lotion, hand soap, hand sanitizer, and just about any skin product! The reason is much the same as that for dietary needs. Your skin is much like the rest of your organs, it's just a little tougher since it's on the outside. But your skin loves several of these vitamins. Vitamin E protects skin from aging, reduces the appearance of age spots and stretch marks, and helps maintain the skin's oil balance. Vitamin A stimulates skin repair and rejuvenation. Aloe in hand sanitizers is especially useful, since the germ-killing alcohol tends to dry out your skin. Using hand sanitizer containing aloe and taking an oral dose of aloe can greatly reduce your chances of getting sick.
So whether you drink it, eat it, or rub it on your skin, aloe vera is just a great additive! With so many uses, it's no wonder it's become a household plant!
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Negative Ions - The Positive Effect on Health
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ian Patterson is a professional, published freelance web writer and CEO of:
Positive ions have a negative effect. Positive ions in the air make us feel tired and irritable and induce fatigue and depression. Negative ions are the good particles in the air that keep us healthy. To have a healthy environment, it is important to replace positive ions with negative ones.
Where Are They Found?
Negative ions are abundant in nature, such as near waterfalls and mountain. They are especially abundant near fast moving water. They are also known to have positive effects in helping to keep us feel refreshed.
Many appliances in the home, such as hair dryers, generate positive ions. Over a period of time, the positive ions make us fell tired and listless. The answer is to generate negative ions into the air with water movement such as an indoor water fountain.
Their Positive Effect
Negative ions attach themselves to airborne particles such as dust, pollen, smoke and dander, causing them to drop from the air. This improves the air quality helping us breathe better and have less allergy conditions. Air conditioners in your home work more efficiently and the home feels fresh and energized.
The easier we are able to breathe, the more oxygen we are able to take to our brain and into our blood stream. when entered into the blood stream, they improve the delivery of oxygen to our cells and tissues. When close to a negative ion source, we feel the same jolt of clear energy that we get from a few whiffs of straight oxygen.
It has been suggested that negative ions appear to reduce serotonin through the enhancement of monoamine oxidase activity. "Negative ion treatment has proven to be successful in reducing the overproduction of serotonin, and therefore successful in alleviating depression in some cases" (Kreuger, 1957).
Improve the Air Quality with a Water Fountain
The use of a water fountains is probably the most efficient way to generate healthy ions in your home. The effect is almost immediate. Water fountains are portable. They can be positioned in almost any room in the house. Plumbing is not necessary. Water is held in a reservoir. Powered from a main socket, just plug and play. Inexpensive: The value of health far outweighs the low cost of purchasing a water fountain. Style: there are so many styles available to blend or enhance existing decor.
If you are suffering with negative health effects, such as dry eyes, depression or unclear thinking it is almost certainly due to positive ions in the air that is making you feel constantly tired and under the weather.
Ions that are produced by indoor fountains, both in the home and the office are known to have a positive effect on keeping us refreshed and improving overall concentration.
Install a water fountain in you home or office and feel the effect of negative ions.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Diet For Gout - Did You Know You Can Cure Your Gout Through Diet?
Thanks Rosetta Grieco for share this post.
Tip no.1. - Dieting
Most people who have cured their gout have done it by eating a well balanced healthy diet and exercise.
Tip no. 2. - Avoid Purine Rich Roods
Remove foods which are high in Purine, these foods are, red meats, seafood such as sardines, all types of beans and alcohol, especially beer.
Tip no. 3. - Increase your vitamin supplement
You will find that gout sufferers lack the right vitamins and so are deficient in this area. Make sure you supplement vitamin A, B5 & E which you will find in many vegetables and fruit. By keeping your tissues hydrated it will allow water to be distributed evenly in the body, in order for this action to take place you need to be taking vitamin B6 and magnesium, which will aid the absorption of vitamin B6. Another great vitamin you must make sure you are getting is vitamin C - it helps to flush out uric acid from your system.
Tip no. 4. - Water
By drinking water - you can eliminate all the impurities in your body including uric acid - you need to be drinking at least one to one and a half litres per day.
Tip no. 5. - Cherries
Cherries were discovered over fifty years ago by a Dr Ludwig Blau who stated that by eating cherries (about one cup per day) it could naturally cure you from gout. Cherries contain anthocyanocides which is an anti-inflammatory, which allows to reduce the inflammation that is caused in gout.
After having suffered with gout for years and seeing the side effects conventional medication had on friends, for example one friend who took medication that contained colchicines, gave him constant side effects which were bad stomach aches and severe diarrhea. Another friend who's Doctor prescribed him Allopurinol, which caused his inflammation on his big toe to be really acute instead of eliminating it. That's what made my mind up that I was going to go down the natural route of eliminating my gout for good. I decided to follow the Diet For Gout, which did help me cure my gout and give me a gout free lifestyle, if you would like to try this method for yourself, you need to read the diet for gout, it will teach you what foods you should be eating in order to cure your gout, for example it tells you about cherries and how good they are for gout but not everyone likes cherries so it shows you other foods, eg bananas which are just as good as cherries for you. You probably have most of the foods already sitting in your fridge or cupboards!
The Diet For Gout Report will show you how to cure gout yourself once and for all and give you a gout free lifestyle once again.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Aromatherapy Essential Oils - Start an Effective Program
Thanks Anthony Hicks for share this post.
To tell you the truth it is much easier than one may think, getting started in aromatherapy will open a whole new world in effective natural treatments and remedies that will elevate your mood, calm your nerves, and support healing of many common ailments. Once the fundamental concepts of aromatherapy are understood, the basics are simple.
What is aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is in essence - the practice of using essential oils, aromatic compounds extracted from plants through steam distillation. The oils that are extracted act as chemical messengers from the plant it was extracted from. Every different essential oil contains many volatile substances, which are easily evaporated and compatible to the physical make up of the body. The great part of the whole thing is they also work for the human body the same way they work in plants. They act as chemical messengers through our sense of smell via our limbic system, protecting our bodies from foreign invaders by their anti viral and anti bacterial affects.
I am going to focus mainly on the emotional and mental effects of aromatherapy. Essential oils are absorbed best when used in two ways: First method is inhalation, in this method the aroma directly affects certain parts of the brain. The second method is topical application, in this method the compounds can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream. (Note: In some instances oral indigestion may be an option, but only under experienced medical supervision. SOME OILS CAN BE TOXIC, and even oils that seem to be harmless should not be used in some conditions. If pregnant , or have other medical conditions or needs, consult a certified knowledgeable practitioner before using essential oils)
Inhaling Essential Oils
There are many benefits to oils, many have been found to help concentration, reduce anxiety and tension and even alleviate depression. Don't you want draw from these great benefits?
To prepare essential oils for inhalation and experience these great effects, can be done in a few simple cost effective steps: the handkerchief method, making smelling salts or making your own aroma therapy mister.
The first method the "handkerchief" is exactly what it sounds like, a drop or two of oil or blend is placed on a tissue and inhale. Be careful not to come in direct contact with the sensitive skin under the nose. Some oils may cause irritation. You may even want to leave the tissue or hankie in your work space so that you will continue to get the evaporating effects of the oil.
In the making smelling salts it is a similar process, it will also last a bit longer. The second method, "smelling salts", is made by filling a small vial (preferably dark) with sea salt and drop your essential oils into the salt. The amount of oil that is used is not that important here, there needs to be a detectable fragrance, don't over do it and completely make the salt wet. Whenever you need a lift, unscrew the bottle and inhale. This vile may also be left open in work space or ect. so the aroma is continuously inhaled.
The third method, "mister", can be used to infuse entire room with fragrance. To make a "mister", use a small spray bottle fill with water and add your essential oils to that. Shake bottle before each use.
Here are a few recipes for the inhalation method ( In all recipes the number of drops of oil and or the amount of carrier oils are used as ratios, which can be increased or decreased by you as needed):
The calming of anxiety; equal parts of Roman Chamomile, Bergamot and Orange or you could use 3 drops of Lavender, 2 drops of Neroli and 1 drop of Bergamot.
A harmonious atmosphere; equal parts of Geranium, Patchouli, and Bergamot or you could use 3 drops of Jasmine, 1 drop of Ylang Ylang and 1 drop of Sandalwood.
Massaging Aromatherapy
Lets now discuss the topical application method. This method is in most instances described as aromatherapy massage. Usually done by a massage therapist, but can be done by self as well. Making a massage oil for yourself is a relatively simple straight forward process. Just dilute 10 to 20 drops of essential oils per ounce of carrier oil. Carrier oils are used to mix the essential oils with, there are many carrier oils that can be used but the best all around carrier oil for massage therapy is Sweet Almond oil.
While giving the massage or self massaging there is no right or wrong techniques involved here, let your gut instincts be your guide. To be more advanced, do some research into how to create synergy with certain essential oils as well as the different acupressure points associated on the human body.
The same blends that were used in the inhalation method can also be used in the massage method. In any case here are a few more recipes:
For sensual massage; add 8 drops of Sandalwood, 6 drops of Rose, 4 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Ylang Ylang per one ounce of carrier oil.
For opening the heart; add 4 drops of Spikenard, 4 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Rose per one ounce of carrier oil.
For total relaxation; add 6 drops of Lavender, 4 drops of Neroli and 2 drops of Bergamot per one ounce of carrier oil.
Creation of your own blends is something you should not be afraid to try. There are definitively certain oils that you will enjoy better than others, that is what is so fun about aromatherapy, you can mix and match oils to find out which fragrances you like best. The oils that a person finds to be most enjoyable are in most cases the fragrances that will be most effective for them. The only thing that is recommended when blending your own oils. Is that, when ratios are changed make changes very slowly. Keep track of all changes added or subtracted till you find your optimum fragrance. Start off with one drop of each oil in a small vile, making sure that it has time to blend well for a couple of minutes before adding more oil to the blend, 1 drop at a time.
A good rule of thumb to go by for oils is:
Citrus oils such as Orange, Bergamot, Lemon and Lime tend to give a calming effect while giving extra alertness.
Herb oils such as Peppermint and Rosemary are invigorating.
Floral oils such as Lavender, Chamomile, Jasmine and Neroli are relaxing oils.
A note to remember this is only a guide, many essential oils have a complex variety of properties that affect each and every person differently. Let your nose guide you.
In Conclusion
To get started with aromatherapy is a relatively painless process, with these simple steps, you will be able to prepare your own aromatherapy regime tailored to your needs.
This tailor made regime can lead to a long term appreciation of the wonders of plants.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Aromatherapy - Chamomile Essential Oil
Thanks Anthony Hicks for share this post.
Chamomile Benefits:
- Mental Benefits - during time of physical or emotional stress, chamomile calms the mind as well as eases tension. It will bring on feelings of peace and patients, and will also enhance calmness and relaxation. Chamomile herb, when used in tea will help treat insomnia.
- Physical Benefits - provides a nerve numbing effect or nervine action, and will relieve nerve pain associated with neuralgia, headaches and toothaches. It is also known for its gentle relaxation effects for menopause and menstrual cramps. Chamomile is also a good remedy for problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This Herb provides relief from gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, peptic ulcers, flatulence, and bowel inflammation. It is also useful for urinary tract problems. Another possible use is for jaundice or liver problems.
With children that are teething or have earaches, chamomile may also be used.
- Benefits for the Skin - Chamomile is is very good for treating problems of the skin. Such as burns, inflamed wounds, ulcers, dermatitis, eczema and rashes. Also good for most skin allergic conditions. Chamomile has been reported to to smooth skin, improving the elasticity and strength of skin. It may also be used to lighten hair that is already a light color.
The Use of Chamomile Oil:
- In a bath - add 10 drops to a warm bathwater for a relaxation soak.
- For headache - dilute with carrier oil and massage into temples.
- For household - it is an excellent disinfectant
- For sore muscles or joints - dilute with carrier oil and give a calming massage of Roman Chamomile.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
The Phenomenal Benefits of Magnetic Stimulation to the Human Body
Thanks Betty Hart for share this post.
After two weeks on the mat, my husband who is partially bald noticed that his hair was growing back on his head. Now after two months on the mat, both our grey hair is slowly but surely becoming black again. The muscles on my arms that had already started to get flabby and limp, were now firming up again, without any exercise! Since that started happening , I was encouraged to go back to the gym and there a big surprise awaited me. After not going to the gym for almost two years I was now able to lift heavier weights than I had ever done when I was attending the gym regularly! I was able to raise the level on the treadmill, to a level that I could never have dreamed of doing two years ago. I felt so strong! My husband also increased his weights at the gym.
Are you now ready for the exciting news? After two months on the mat, I noticed that my cellulite was disappearing and guess what? My love handles were starting to disappear! Something that no exercise or dieting was able to achieve for me for the past twenty five years or so. I am a fairly healthy person, no known diseases or other health problems, so I can't say that any of my ailments have been eliminated, because I did not have any, but what I can say is that I feel so strong and energetic, I feel slimmer, and my muscles feel firmer. My hair is getting darker and much, much thicker, and my face is looking healthier.
So you must be wondering what this "magic carpet" is. It is a whole body mat, with six circular copper coils which produces for you the pulsating magnetic stimulating resonance of the earth's magnetic field. It has no magnets in it. This stimulation literally pours oxygen into your body, going to your 70 trillion cells, detoxifying them of any disease, regenerating your cells, making your cells more porous to take in the oxygen and nutrition that you feed your body. Dr Otto Warburg, the Nobel prize winner said that "Cancer cells cannot grow in an oxygen-rich environment." If fact most health specialists feel that all diseases are a result of a lack of oxygen to the cells of the body. The Japanese name for fibromyalgia is a deficiency of the earth's magnetic field.
When the first man in space Yuri Gagarin returned to earth, he was very ill from osteoporosis and depression, because he spent an hour and a half on the moon completely away from the earth's magnetic field. Now NASA is making sure to make sure that the space suits contain the electro magnetic field of the earth, for we cannot exist in a zero magnetic field for long.
This mat is a wellness mat. It does not claim to cure any disease but is a catalyst to help the body heal itself. It promises to give you a better, healthier and more energised life. It is an energetic approach to wellness. With the invention of electricity 130 years ago, our lives have been exposed to a very high level of electrosmog, bad radiation from electrical appliances and electrical wires. This danger is being magnified everyday by the latest wireless technology. Unnatural vibrations and heavy environment loads disturb the biological balance of our bodies. It exposes the human body to very high levels of electro magnetic radiation which causes most, if not all of the diseases known to man today.
The body cannot live in zero magnetic range. It needs the biological resonance of the earth's magnetic field. In fact it has been proven that the human body cannot live without this magnetic field of the Earth. For the human body to produce energy, it needs outside help from the magnetic field of the earth. Without it no life would be possible. The magnetic field of the earth is the elemental force of life. Resonance, balance and harmony of the body's 70 trillion cells, vibrating at its correct frequency. Cells are then able to duplicate itself more efficiently within that correct frequency. The body needs the magnetic field of the earth because without it bone density is diminished, metabolism is slowed down, perception decreases and depression developed
For more infomation , pls visit
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
High Quality Cross Sectional Images With MRI
Computer monitored, high quality cross sectional images with MRI greatly assist physicians in the diagnosis process. Therefore more and more physicians now recommend MRI scans for a more accurate diagnosis.
MRI Procedure with Sophisticated Technology
The MRI equipment consists of a massive, hollow cylindrical magnet. The patient is made to lie down on the padded table attached. After the patient is completely prepared for the scanning process, the table is moved slowly into the MRI machine. The body part to be examined will be positioned at the center of the machine. The experts or the physicians will place a coil capable of receiving radio waves, to that particular body part. Further, the radio waves and magnetic waves will be directed to the specific body part to be scanned. This will provide a detailed image in different dimensions which will be projected on a computer screen.
Cross Sectional Images to Detect Different Bodily Abnormalities
MRI scans produce clear images of tumors and other disorders of the brain and the spinal cord. Even the soft body tissues are detailed in it clearly. Using this procedure, abnormalities of the following body parts can be identified:
• Bones
• Shoulder
• Knee
• Hip
• Ankles
• Abdomen
• Pelvis
• Breast
Benefits of MRI
MRI is a non-invasive and a radiation free method. You can obtain results of the scanning process within a 24 hour period. Evaluation of body parts from different angles is possible through this method and this gives the physicians a chance for close detection of disorders from the clear and detailed scanning results. Most of these centers accept various medical insurance plans for the convenience of the patients. The possibility of obtaining high quality cross sectional images with MRI has made this technique a popular diagnostic procedure, one that can successfully overcome the shortcomings of other older scanning techniques.
MRI is a procedure used in medical imaging which gives detailed images of the body from any angle. At HealthQuest, you can avail of the best magnetic resonance imaging services. All MRI scans at our clinic are performed by board certified personnel.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Tips For Growing Taller -5 Amazingly Simple Techniques to Improve Height
Are you looking to grow taller? Worried that you crossed the age and won't be able to do it? Don't worry because I grew 3 inches 6 weeks after my 34th birthday.
On this page you will get some free tips for growing taller. They are very effective and simple to follow.
Tips for growing taller
Include these foods - Eat fish and eggs daily because they contain high levels of protein which is important for growth. Drink at least 2 glasses of milk everyday because it provides calcium to your body for strengthening the growth bones.
Small meals instead of large - Try to eat 5 - 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones. This will keep the production of insulin to a minimum and your growth will improve.
Sleep is very important - When you're asleep, your body produces growth hormones. So maintain a proper sleep routine and go to bed early. Sleep for at least 8 hours.
Stop eating junk - Avoid junk and canned foods for sometime till you grow tall. Do not take too much caffeine. Also, try to reduce your consumption of white bread and sugar.
Exercise everyday - Sprinting, swimming, stretching, hanging are some exercises that will make you grow tall quickly. These exercises make your bones strong and healthy.
It is possible to increase height even if you're an adult. Surgeries are dangerous and very painful. I suggest you don't go for a surgery because it results in other health problems too.
You can grow taller by 3 inches in just 6 weeks. Growtaller4idiots is a guide that will teach step-by-step on how to gain height without surgeries, pills, shoes or devices. You can do it from the comfort of your home - Take a look.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Don't Let Jet Lag Jeopardize Your Medical Tourism
Thanks Robert Scheer for share this post
Medical tourism is no longer a small niche. An estimated one million Americans traveled abroad for the purpose of having medical or surgical procedures done in foreign countries in 2008, and the trend is continuing to increase, primarily due to the saving of about 75% compared to the cost of care at hospitals in the USA.
Whether it is for hip surgery in India, cosmetic nips and tucks in Thailand or dental implants in Costa Rica, anyone who is planning an overseas trip for medical reasons should be aware of the negative effect jet lag can have on your wellness.
Although most people who fly tend to be more worried about the highly publicized problem of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), the probability of this happening is quite low compared with the 80% of international travelers who suffer from the effects of quickly moving through many different time zones.
Jet lag is a serious concern for medical tourists because its symptoms, both physical and emotional, can have a long term impact on a person's health. Besides causing insomnia and fatigue, jet lag can have such acute effects as causing nausea, anxiety, confusion and even loss of memory.
Here are some suggestions for ways a traveler can lessen the impact of jet lag.
Maximize your ability to be relaxed and free of stress during your flight by wearing clothing that is loose and comfortable.
A medical study has shown that eating less food helps the body readjust its natural rhythm more quickly. Although you probably will not wish to fast before flying, it helps to eat a meal that is relatively high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates.
Being in an aircraft for extended periods of time dehydrates the body, so apply skin moisturizer liberally as well as drinking lots of water, not only during the flight, but also after you have arrived at your destination.
Avoid the temptation to crash in your hotel in the middle of the day. Instead, take a cold shower to help stay awake, then go outside and spend time in the sunlight without sunglasses on. When it is finally your natural bed time in the time zone of your destination country, a hot bath may be helpful before you go to bed.
By minimizing the effects of jet lag, your body will be much more healthy and capable of withstanding the pressures of whatever medical procedures have been planned for your medical tourism program.
Most travel agents in the USA are not trained to arrange medical tours, so anyone planning on having surgery abroad should contact an accredited medical tourism organizer such as
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Things to Do to Endure the Recession
Thanks David Scient for share this post.
Make time
Make time for relaxation by doing some of the following things. Spend time praying or just relaxing. Do mediations or let nature relax you by taking a walk. You can take time and enjoy a sunset or sunrise. Take your dog for walk a animals have a way of soothing our feelings.
Don't beat yourself too bad
Don't beat yourself up too bad after all it is not your fault. There are many others in the same situation as you. Stay positive and do the best you can.
Visit those you love
Visit those you love and all your acquaintances. Now is the time to spend with the ones you care about. As you spend time with them, you will forget your problems for a while and you are able to release some stress. The enjoyment you get from your friends will do your health much good.
Exercise will do a lot for your healthy living. Exercise will also help you to release stress and make your body more flexible and healthy. You will lose weight as well. Just be sure to find some activity that you enjoy and do your exercise.
Eat a healthy diet
Eat a healthy diet and stay fit. This is a time to keep a healthy lifestyle. Not only is your mental health important but also your physical health. Eat a healthy diet of vegetables, lean meats, and many fresh fruits.
Get plenty of sleep
Get plenty of sleep because sleep will help you to keep healthy. Try to get eight hours of sleep per night and with a healthy diet, exercise, and a positive attitude, you will be able to be in a state of balanced living.
Get help
Get help if you run into trouble with your ability to cope with the hard times. Seek help at a church or from friends or even at a medical institute. However, if you do the above you will have a good chance of coming through this recession with 'flying colors.'
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
Brain and Spine MRI Scans
Identify Your Specific Spinal Complaints
The spinal cord is the major part of the central nervous system; any damage to it will surely affect the proper functioning of the body. An MRI scan is the preferred method to identify any specific disorder of this body part. The examination spans the entire spinal region including the cervical spine, thoracic spine and the lumbar spine. MRI scans of the spine help to find out disorders such as arthritis, stenosis, disc herniations, spondylitis, tumors and spinal infections.
MRI Brain Scan for Detailed Analysis of Disorders of the Brain
The brain scanning procedure may vary in different patients depending on their particular health condition. Whether it is a tumor, inflammatory lesion, meningitis, Alzheimer's disease or hydrocephaly, most dysfunctions can be traced with a brain MRI. Brain scans produce clear cross sectional images of the brain for detailed study. You can get these images projected on a computer and printed on a film. With the unique coil and permanent magnet design of the machine, you are assured of visual precision for the images scanned.
MRI Scan Facilities and Service Providers
New developments in magnetic resonance technology have introduced a number of positive improvements in this service area. The AIRIS II MRI scanner machine we utilize puts the patients at ease. These machines feature open-air gantry that allow the patients access from different sides. Professionally qualified and experienced radiologists in the accredited facility will assist you throughout the scanning process.
Brain and spine MRI scan is extremely accurate and painless, and is useful to detect many abnormalities, especially those associated with soft tissues which cannot be detected with CT scanning and X-rays.
Thanks Igor Stiler for share this post.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
3 Most Common Mistakes People Make When Shopping For Water Softeners
They Don't Get Their Water Tested
The first thing you need to do before even considering purchasing a water softener is to get your water tested for hardness. Ideally, this should be done by a qualified professional that will give you a report at the end of the testing procedure. This report should outline just how hard your water actually is, along with giving some recommendations on which softeners would be best for you to look at, given your situation. If you are unable to find, or cannot afford a professional to do this job for you, the next best thing to do is pick up a DIY test kit, at least you will have a measurement that you can use to aid you in your decision.
They Don't Do Any Research
Some people will just go to the first shop they find, say they need a water softener, and walk out the door five minutes later with the most expensive model tucked under their arm. Unfortunately the model that they end buying is not even the one that they need. If you are looking at spending significant amounts of money, then you really need to be spending an hour or two online looking at what's available. Try and get a good idea of how much different models cost, and look for reviews by actual people that have used these products.
They Don't Get Enough Prices
Once you have done your initial research, and have decided on the model that is right for you, the next step is to get a good cross section of prices for that particular model. You will be amazed at how greatly these prices differ sometimes, and quite often businesses will compete with each other by matching their competitors prices. If you have no idea of what prices are being quoted in the first place, then you will not be able to take advantage of this competition.
Monday, July 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
How to Grow Taller Tips That Will Surely Work For You
It appears that virtually everybody wants to grasp, "How can I grow taller?" If you are one of them and often think that 'how can I grow taller', my article contains easy ways to grow taller that should put you on the way to success. Getting taller doesn't occur overnight, especially once you are past the age of growth process. However, there are some proved strategies.
1. Pay Attention to Diet - Be aware of Supplements and Diet. Minerals and vitamins are an essential part of a balanced diet. These help in the growth process, and also being significant for other sorts of health. So take a nutritious diet rich in proteins like egg, unsaturated meat and dairy foods, together with additions like calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and D. Fresh fruits and veggies contain these elements, but you can also consume them in supplemental tablet form.
2. Do Exercises regularly - Do Exercises that help you to Get Taller!
Particular exercises actually help you in growing taller. Doing some stretching exercises is one of the best ways on "How can I grow taller?" Running, stretching, hanging and even swimming, are all "get taller exercises" which can end up in reinforced strength and length of your spine and legs.
3. Get enough Rest - You must get sufficient sleep, in order to produce enough of the human growth hormone. This crucial hormone controls your body's growth; therefore it is critical to get sufficient rest so that it can do its own work. Ideally 8 hours at night, should be sufficient.
So if you are one of the uncountable millions of folk who has been wondering, "How can I grow taller? Take the help of these 3 straightforward and critical ways, you can learn more, maybe with a private coach and through other strategies, like learning further about better nourishment.
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you grow taller by 2-3 inches in under 6 weeks. If you have been desperately looking around for ways to grow taller naturally then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.
Sunday, July 05, 2024 | 0 Comments
Discover 3 Simple Steps on How to Grow Taller Immediately
If you are reading this article you are possibly rambling if there's a way for you to grow taller. This might appear not possible for most particularly folks after their period of growth, but this isn't true at all. Folks can learn how to grow taller nearly at every age in their lives. It does however take a little bit of backbone and willpower to do what's required, but I can assure you the strategies I describe are safe ways for how to grow taller and don't involve use of human growth hormone injections or deadly surgery.
Healthy Lifestyle - Healthy Lifestyle, to be ready to grow taller at every age you will have to drop any bad habits like smoking or drinking. Don't participate in intense activities since stress will not help you in any way boost your height. Sleeping is also part of a healthful way of life, so be certain to get adequate sleep. Try eating a spoon of honey if you have issues falling asleep.
Proper Diet - Another approach on how to grow taller is to maintain a nutritious diet which will supply you with all the obligatory additions that the body requires to supply growth hormone. Fats and carbohydrates having foods should be eliminated from diet because they slow down the productions of growth hormones. Duck fast food at any cost, and drinks that having caffeine or high phosphorous content, since this could cause excretion of calcium through piss. Be certain to eat foods that contain heaps of calcium, vitamins C and D.
Exercise - Exercise is one of the key elements on how to grow taller. Sports that push growth generally are sports that include stretches. Like basketball, volleyball, cycling and particularly - swimming. I actually saw the most impressive results from swimming. It makes you stretch continually and permits you to lose blubber and stay fit. These exercises will not only enhance your opportunities to increase your height but also make you look more enticing and fit.
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you grow taller by 2-3 inches in under 6 weeks. If you have been desperately looking around for ways to grow taller naturally then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.
Sunday, July 05, 2024 | 0 Comments
Learn 3 Simple Steps on How to Increase Height Naturally
If you are like many out there of small stature, you are not satisfied with your height and are looking for supplements and pills to grow taller. Many online offers tell you to take medications to increase height naturally. These types of offers are scams - but there are natural, proven ways to grow taller, which don't involve harmful drugs and surgery. In this article we offer 3 simple steps to increase height naturally in a very short space of time.
1. Balanced diet is the simplest and one of the most effective ways to increase height naturally. Your diet should be well balanced that includes large amounts of eggs, fish, milk, legumes, fresh fruit and vegetables. All of these foods contain high levels of protein, calcium and vitamins which in turn help you to boost the amount of growth hormones, your body is producing. Avoid eating a large meal prior to sleeping as it suppresses the production of growth hormones in your body.
2. Not only should one be exercising regularly but you also need to make sure that you are getting plenty of rest in order to distribute the growth hormone around your body. Along with balanced diet and exercise if you get plenty of sleep regularly then this will further enable you to maximize your height.
3. Do some yoga regularly as it has to be on one the best. Yoga poses will help you to feel relaxed and to achieve optimal spinal health. Movements of yoga will also help to stretch your body, improves your posture and increase height naturally.
So these are the 3 steps which can help to make you taller. But it will take time so have patience and take them seriously.
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you grow taller by 2-3 inches in under 6 weeks. If you have been desperately looking around for ways to grow taller naturally then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.
Sunday, July 05, 2024 | 0 Comments
Hemorrhoids Help - Hemorrhoids 101
The first thing you need to do in order to get hemorrhoids help is to arm yourself with knowledge about your condition. You cannot expect to get anything done if you yourself don't know the basics of hemorrhoids, so keep these basics in mind before panicking away:
What are hemorrhoids?
Simply put, a hemorrhoid is a bunch of tissue inside or outside your rectum that gets inflamed. This inflamed tissue then clumps up to form a cluster of cells that protrude and get in the way of defecating as well as being highly sensitive to pressure. This sensitivity then manifests itself through a burning and/or painful feeling, and serious cases of hemorrhoids can bring unbearable pain even while sitting down.
What are the symptoms?
Burning and painful sensations in the rectal and anal area are the standard signs of hemorrhoids, while large lumps of skin around the anus are an additional sign of external hemorrhoids. However, one of the most sure-fire symptoms of bad hemorrhoids is blood when defecating. Remember that lumped-up tissue that was discussed earlier? When particularly tough fecal matter passes through it, it gets scrapped off and bleeds. This bleeding while defecating poses serious risks to you, and you definitely need to seek hemorrhoids help from a doctor as soon as possible.
What are the causes?
The primary cause of hemorrhoids is excessive stress to the nerves in and around the rectum. This can happen by a lot of reasons like hypertension, improperly carrying weight, constipation, obesity, and even just sitting down for hours at a time. However, one of the most important things that contribute to hemorrhoids is diet. Without a sufficient amount of fiber, a person's feces will become so tough and hard to eject that the every act of taking a dump can potentially rupture a vein or two. The first way to get hemorrhoids help for yourself is to mix in fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads and pastas and bran in your diet. Do that and you can expect smooth sailing in the toilet.
What can I do?
The most important thing to remember about hemorrhoids is that they do not heal like normal wounds on the skin. The constant pressure on the rectum placed on it by the mere act of sitting or even defecating can only make the problem worse, which is why you need to treat the hemorrhoid as soon as possible.
Symptomatic relief can come from a hot sitz bath, where you only need to submerge your bum in warm water for 15 to 30 minutes per session. If you want faster relief, you can apply a topical cream or some Aloe Vera if you want a natural approach. However, these remedies are only good for relieving the burning, itching and swelling of the hemorrhoid. You need to do see a doctor for professional hemorrhoids help, since hemorrhoids are on a case to case basis.
So there you have it, the basic 101 course of hemorrhoids. Remember to keep them in mind before you go to the doctor, and you'll be well on the way to getting hemorrhoids help without thinking like an ignorant boob!
Sunday, July 05, 2024 | 0 Comments