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10 Surprising Benefits for Water You Need To Know

Your body is comprised of 70% water, and every system in the body depends on water. Not only is drinking water essential to your health in so many ways, but it is probably one of the easiest things you can do for yourself. By choosing filtered water, you're doing something even better for your health. You're protecting yourself from contaminants, such as lead and mercury. So grab a glass and enjoy these benefits of drinking filtered water.

Helps Protect Your Family from Lead
By filtering your water, you can help protect your family from lead and other contaminants. Not only will your water taste better, but it will be better for the health of your family, too.

Keeps You Hydrated
You lose about 2.5 liters of water a day, so be sure to replenish constantly. For proper water nutrition, most adults should drink eight 8-ounce glasses a day. But your intake needs depend on your individual physiology, age, gender and level of physical activity.

Fuels Your Routine
Drinking water can help keep you energized. Mild to moderate exercise can deplete a surprising amount of your body's fluid reserves, making you feel fatigued. Power through your routine with adequate water intake, replacing depleted fluids with clean, filtered water.

Clears Your Head

The reason your head is pounding could be dehydration. Drink water to help ward off headaches. Plus, it can help you think more clearly. Research has shown that mild dehydration can lead to significant impairment and affect cognitive function. Even in children, if they're not properly hydrated, dehydration can affect how well they perform on a school test.

Transports Vitamins and Nutrients
Water is essential to your health. It helps deliver vitamins and nutrients to different parts of your body. It also helps the body flush out harmful toxins.

Aids Digestion
It is essential to eat enough fiber for digestive health and to prevent constipation, but fiber cannot do its job without adequate intake of clean water. There are digestive benefits of drinking filtered water. It's essential for digestive health because it helps prevent constipation.

Lubes Joints and Muscles

Water makes up a large part of the fluid that lubricates and cushions your joints and muscles. Proper water intake before, during and after exercise can help reduce muscle cramping and premature fatigue.

Cuts Caloric Intake
There are weight-loss benefits to drinking water. Water is the original zero-calorie beverage. Replace at least one soda or fruit beverage with filtered water each day and you can cut up to 200 calories from your daily diet. You'll cut sugar from your diet, too. Drink filtered water instead of a typical 12-ounce soda and you cut out the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar.

Reduces Risk of Infection
Water can help prevent kidney stones and reduce your chances of getting bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections. Drinking water cleanses these organs and keeps them functioning properly. Make sure your body doesn't take in contaminants by drinking only filtered water.

May Reduce Risk of Heart Attack
Your heart may benefit from drinking water. Researchers at Loma Linda University in California studied more than 20,000 healthy men and women and found that people who drink more than five glasses of water a day were less likely to die from a heart attack or heart disease than those who drank fewer than two glasses a day.

Reference Source: www.webmd.com


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