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Panic Attack Cures - Here's Four Tips to Consider

Panic attack cures can be sorted into four areas of your life and any one of them, or a combination of them, could be just what you need to stop these pernicious, anxiety caused, episodes of panic.
I suffered from panic attacks for six years! I now know that I could have gotten rid of these life wrecking things in the first part of the first year.
I'm also assuming that if you are reading this article that you may have panic attack and anxiety issues yourself, or you know someone who does.
Either way let's look the four areas of life that can stop panic attacks or, conversely, make them worse. In any case, when compared to the suffering they cause, the relief from panic attack cures are actually easy to achieve.
First thing up - exercise is very good at reducing stress and anxiety in general, not to mention all the other good things that come from improving your fitness level.

Take a walk! This is serious therapy. Get a pedometer and star measuring your walk. Think about the good things you see along the way. Be there, right then, in your walk. Don't think about anything that upsets you or makes you anxious.
Try it this way. Say to yourself, while walking, something like this..."I'm on my walk. Walking is good for me. I get better with every walk. I don't think about bad things on my walk. I look at the beauty all around me. I don't have panic attacks out here. Walking is good for me. I get better and better every day."
You will be amazed at how much better you'll feel after a good walk while repeating your little positive mantra over and over again. Works for me! Believe it. More importantly, just do it.

The second thing is diet. Cut back or kill off caffeine entirely. That's big! By it's very nature caffeine makes you anxious. Eat well rounded diets and get some good sleep. This second tip is big, but when you combine it with a little exercise, it is HUGE!  Do it for yourself.
The third thing is diversion and distraction. You may have generalized anxiety at higher levels than usual and concentrating on something you are very interested in, or that you are very good at is wonderful for lowering anxiety.
The fourth is the best of the Panic Attack Cures. It's the one that saved me. I credit the diet, exercise, reading books and going to movies for a lot of my recovery from panic attacks for making it easier in a lot of ways.
But, I ended my panic attacks and anxiety by accidently changing my way of thinking. But it had been six years. I could have done this shift in thinking i the first weeks of my six year odyssey!  It was changing my way of thinking that was the panic attack cure for me. The other things helped, too.
And, you can too. You don't have to have panic attacks for years on end. You can get the kind of help you need right away!

I know how awful it feels to suffer from these hyper-anxiety bouts, but I also know the the cure for these things is strong, swift, and easy!
You can get your life back!  And when you do it will be the happiest day of your life!
You want you life back, don't you? You bet you do and you are going to get it back!
The internationally acclaimed panic attack cure is available for you right now, and it won't be long before you are free of this demon!
Join us and the thousands of ex-sufferers who cured their panic attack and anxiety bouts forever.

PTSD Treatments - Out With the Old and in With the New

PTSD treaments have changed rapidly over the last two years. No longer are the victim's of PTSD gravely shackled by the outdated modes of treatment from the early 1900's. In today's society and technology, everything has begun to move rapidly and that includes the technology of treatment of moods disorders. Maybe you haven't heard of what is new because you are now only beginning to look for answers. When you find what is now available, compared to what was available in the past, you will be very surprised.

If you are ready to learn a series of simple mental exercises that are guaranteed to help you deal with any traumatic life experience, we can send out the old and usher in the new. It is no longer necessary to spend thousands of dollars on long time table therapy techniques that have been outdated by new discoveries in how the mind works against you and how to get it to work FOR you.
Out With The Old:

1- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CB)-Requires a mental focus on the problem of PTSD and the anxiety that always accompanies it. Well, we now know that the neither of these happening are consciously performed. You do not wish yourself to be anxious, right? NO, it happens subconsciously, and therein lies the problem with this type of therapy. By the time you have had time to think about the anxiety as it happens, it has already happened. What you are really looking for is a way for it to never happen again, and that is only possible by changing the way the subconscious mind perceives the past and behaves when the past comes back into your mind.
In With The New:

2- Since we now know that PTSD and anxiety are subconsciously driven, MENTAL PERCEPTION, of what is going on, we know that if we change that perception we automatically change the manner in which the mind reacts to a certain stimuli. So, the answer is as simple as identifying what stimuli causes the LEARNED perception then change (relearn) the response (the mind's reaction). And, over a very short time, your mind will begin to respond to the same stimuli with less intensity until you reach the point where you will no longer remember why you were anxious in a particular situation in the first place.
Rather than read the same old drivel all the psychologists who write books you can't understand that tell you nothing more than you already knew, why not try something new and discover what's new in the treatment of PTSD If you are looking for a way to get PTSD out of your life, do yourself a favor and look to the future of PSTD treatment.

Panic Disorder Symptoms - Have You Got Symptoms of Panic Disorder? Don't Despair, Here's What to Do

You've heard about panic disorder symptoms and you believe you might be experiencing them. Here are the most common panic disorder symptoms to look for --
  • Sudden, unexpected and intense anxiety
  • Pain in your chest area
  • Rapid, accelerated heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • A feeling of lightheadedness
  • Pain in your abdominal area
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands or feet
  • Cold sweating
  • The feeling that you're having a heart attack
So now you've established that you suffer from panic or anxiety disorder, what kind of cures are available, you ask? Your options are quite limited, basically you have the following two choices --

1. Medication in the form of pills
If you went to a doctor with any of the above symptoms, the doctor will give you pills. This is not your best solution. Taking medication can have several side effects that can only harm your health. In extreme cases, you might even get a heart arrest (heart attack). In addition, the pills will essentially make you numb, you won't feel anything one way or the other. The bottom-line is medication will deal with your symptoms but not the real cause of your panic attacks.

2. The natural way, through therapy-based techniques
The better way to deal with attacks is to learn to deal with them through techniques based on therapy principles. Breathing exercises and focusing are just two of such methods. These are perfectly safe and require you to learn to deal with and control your panic disorder symptoms at the root cause, ultimately decreasing attacks and even eliminating them from your life forever.

Curing Panic Attacks - Overcoming Panic Disorders Before They Wreck Your Life

If you are suffering from panic attacks you will know that medication does nothing for curing panic attacks. All it does is to reduce the symptoms.
So what can you do to for overcoming panic?
Preventing these attacks can be performed with natural remedies, which treat the cause of these attacks. By doing this they will stop them. There are many causes of panic disorders and every individual has a different trigger or cause.
They can be narrowed down to phobias, stress and fears. Stress is by far the biggest cause of these panic disorders and by treating it you can gain relief from it and stop it. Reducing stress is not as hard as you might think and there are several ways to approach this.

Meditation and yoga are two ways of reducing stress. Yoga works through a mixture of exercise and breathing. Meditation uses breathing techniques and other techniques to relax and reduce stress. Any exercise is good for reducing stress and the more exercise you get the better it is for reducing stress.
When you feel the symptoms of a panic attack coming on using the same breathing exercises can help you to avoid a full-blown attack.

Homeopathic remedies treat the causes of these attacks stopping them where medicines fail. Anyone who suffers from panic attacks will realise that medications and drugs just mask the symptoms and are only a temporary solution and are not the answer for curing panic attacks.

Curing Panic Attacks - Overcoming Panic Before it Decimates Your Life

Panic attacks are becoming more common now and people are becoming more aware of them. Even though there are medications and drugs available to treat them they are only meant to treat the symptoms and not the cause and do nothing for curing panic attacks.
For many people these episodes appear out of nowhere and can strike at any time or anywhere. As they become worse they can destroy your social life and even prevent you from working.
There are many different causes for these panic disorders but they can be narrowed down to several main reasons. These are phobias, stress, deep rooted fears and hereditary.

If you suffer from a phobia such as a fear of flying this can cause panic attacks to occur. The more you fly the more frequent the attacks will become. Treating the cause of phobias can help prevent attacks.
Some people have a fear or dislike of something, such as a fear of speaking in public. Being constantly exposed to what you fear can trigger panic attacks and turn this fear into a phobia.
There are hereditary reasons for these attacks as well. If someone in your family has suffered them you can suffer them too. Whatever the reason taking medicines and drugs will not stop these attacks. All they do is to give you some relief from the symptoms, such as palpitations and shaking and nothing for curing panic attacks.

There are homeopathic remedies and they will help you overcome phobias, overcome fears and will finally help you to overcome panic forever. They work because they target the causes of the attacks and treat them. Drugs and medication only reduce the symptoms and carry side effects and are also addictive.

If you are looking for cures for panic attacks use homeopathic remedies. They are guaranteed to stop panic disorders permanently and give your life back.

Learn How to Handle Panic Attacks

If you are looking how to handle panic attacks you have come to the right place. Who better to learn from that someone who actually experienced them several times over, tried hard and came out the other side. I experienced them for years but my last one was 2 years ago and it was so intense that I wanted them over by any means necessary. Here are a few of my top tips to learn how to handle panic attacks.
Talk About Them - This is a huge problem for lots of people who have anxiety attacks or even problems in their life for that matter. You have to talk about things with others for several reasons. If you do not, you will get a feeling of being alone which is terrible. Others can also sometimes see things wrong with you that you cannot. They do say two heads are better than one. People can give you strength in the hard times when you need it most.

Awareness - This might sound a little too spiritual but bare with me for a second. When a panic attack arises in you what do you usually do? Get nervous about it happening and this amplifies the suffering. What I started doing on recommendation of a friend is to view the attack without judgement because my thoughts were just making the pain worse.
This also creates a huge shift in the way you interact with the attacks. You go from being a helpless victim of them to being a viewer of it happening to the body that you live in. The episodes finish much quicker and this tip is vital to learn how to handle panic attacks.

I will tell you one thing from experience. Anxiety attacks affect your whole life. Your career, your relationship with those closest to you. I have come on leaps and bounds in all areas since my episodes stopped. Imagine what it could do for you. Do those close to you and more importantly you deserve this? You owe it to yourself.
How differently would people look at you if you got over your anxiety attacks completely? Imagine feeling the eyes in the back of your head as they would see you walking down the street and think to themselves "What has changed about them? They seem so peaceful, I could do with what they have".
Having total peace of mind is a gift that anyone owes to themselves don't you agree?

To banish the stress from your life that affects 3 million Americans and learn in a FREE video some surprising techniques

Using an Incentive Spirometer

If you have had surgery or problems with your lungs such as asthma or COPD (the condition known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), you should choose an appropriate spirometer. Despite looking scary or complex, they are important if you want to better your health. This is the information you will need for the use of an incentive spirometer after your surgery.
It is important to understand what a spirometer is capable of doing. An incentive spirometer is a tool for measuring how much volume your lungs fill up when you breathe. It also helps you to keep you're the alveoli in your lungs healthy. (Alveoli are the tiny little air sacs in your lungs where the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.) Incentive spirometers are a must have for anyone with unhealthy lungs that need monitoring.

You should be ready to use the spirometer. Most doctors do not go into too many details when instructing their patients how to use the spirometer so these tips should help you understand it better. Begin in a sitting or lying position that is comfortable, preferably on a bed or in your favorite chair. Take the spirometer by both hands and make sure it stays upright so that no liquid will spill out of it. You can find the indicator on the left side and can move it to the level of your choosing. Many people begin with 1250mL and gradually work with larger amounts each time, but always talk with your doctor before doing this.
Always be sure to understand how it works and use it correctly. Now that you have prepared it and you are in the right position begin to use it. Keep the mouthpiece in your mouth & tightly seal around it with the help of your lips. Next, inhale deeply and slowly, and see the spirometer device go toward the top of the shaft. Try to hold your breath for 3 seconds after slowly and deeply inhaling. Then, the piston should drop down again to the bottom of the column. This is understood as a set of breathing.

Make your lungs clear. You should clear your airways after each set of breathing with the help of spirometer. It is common for them to be congested with mucous. Coughing a couple of times should be a good remedy. Only after you have coughed a few times should you go back to the incentive spirometer.
Do this repeatedly during the day. Once you clear your respiratory passage, you may return to using the it. Breath deeply and slowly, holding it for 3 seconds and then let your breath out. Every time, watch how the piston moves. With the help of coughing clear your airways.

When using your it, be sure to listen to your doctor's directions about how often to use it. During the time immediately following the procedure, patients are obliged to use the machine 10 times during each hour period. Sleeping hours aren't included in this time period. You should always use the incentive spirometer the recommended number of times, when you are awake post-surgery.

Life is Better With a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

After surviving a serious and complicated cancer operation, my stepfather nearly died from lung failure. As with too many people who stopped smoking some fifteen years before, the damage had been done.
This meant having to live with long term oxygen therapy. Many people need additional oxygen to survive. It can be all the time, as in 24 hours a day, or for shorter, specific periods - at night or when exercising, for example. In this case it is 24 hours a day.
We all take breathing for granted but for a large number of people, and each day there are more, this isn't the case.
Many times oxygen deprivation symptoms are there you just don't recognize them or perhaps don't want to acknowledge them or simple you haven't yet had the check up you need. In other cases the crisis appears after major surgery, as was this case.
The following is a brief and simplified look at the stages my stepfather went through.

The First Stage:
Shock, fear, tension. The unknown is a frightening place. There are mixed feelings - times when you feel heroic, when you feel small and lost, when you feel despair and when you feel hope.
You imagine that the changes that are coming into your life will be so limiting that you wander about the point of it all. It takes courage to say "yes" to life.
At this stage most of your waking thoughts revolve around oxygen and breathing. This includes having the equipment nearby, learning to use it, making sure you have reserves on hand, getting used to the nose cannula, learning to set the flow and reading your oxygen saturation.

The Second Stage:
You have been home for a time and you are managing day to day activities. The oxygen tanks are a permanent company. At this stage you are coping.
You are coping with the oxygen supply. Your home unit and your mobile unit.
Although you still have thoughts of the before and now the after, your life is getting back into shape. Your social activities are coming back. Your friends and family have gotten used to your new look and are supportive. Sometimes this can get on your nerves but on the whole you feel you have adjusted. In fact life is much better than you thought it would be.
You can drive, although you still worry about running out of your supply. And this worry will probably be with you always.
You now have a routine but you still feel constrained in your movements.
The Third Stage: A portable oxygen concentrator.
This does make a great difference. Oxygen tanks have supplied you with oxygen for a couple of years now and though they have done a great job it is not easy to carry them around with you, to have them refilled continuously.

But (and this was a some time ago) new designs in portable oxygen concentrators are now available. Your life style is now much more complete as you can now go just about anywhere you want.
  • If you travel by plane the battery option can give you 8 hours or more (depending on the oxygen flow and obviously the type of concentrator).
  • Long distance travel is now an option.
  • Going out at night with friends, to a restaurant, a cocktail party, a movie - just about anywhere.
  • Work-wise it also makes a difference. Meetings, long sessions, presentations and so on.
  • You can even exercise.
All in all, quality of life is higher and the most important part is that you are freer than before and this is perhaps the most important part, you feel free to pursue your life.
As they say, even if it does sound corny, long term oxygen therapy is no longer a sentence, it is a lifestyle.

Salvia Divinorum - Disease Fighter

Salvia Divinorum is starting to garner attention as an herb that can have an impact on a stunning array of diseases. Researchers are starting to take a look at this Mexican herb from the mint family that can help both patients of cardiovascular disease and cancer patients. Salvia is also gaining interest as a potential cure in Alzheimer's disease, as well as patients suffering from AIDs, alcohol addiction, chronic pain, schizophrenia, and insomnia. Some studies indicate that Salvia Divinorum is both non-toxic and non-addictive, and can have some benefits in psychotherapy as well.

Chinese herbalists have used Salvia to treat and prevent heart disease. Salvia can also improve blood circulation in the myocardium, which acts as a preventative measure against cardiovascular diseases. Hot skin conditions like acne and boils can be treated with Salvia as well. In these applications, Salvia acts to clear out toxins from the skin and soothe inflammation. Other Chinese herbalists have had success treating issues arising from menstrual problems such as painful or irregular menstruation.
There are several ways to administer Salvia Divinorum. Ancient methods included crushing the leaves of this plant to create an extract from leaf juices, then mixing these juices with water to create a tea for oral consumption. Modern users of Salvia Divinorum often either smoke dried leaves in a regular pipe or water pipe (to cool the smoke). Chewing is also a popular method of using the plant; however, this must be done with care since it is believed that the active ingredient in Salvia Divinorum is deactivated when it enters the digestive system. Chewers will hold the plant for as long as possible in the mouth in order to absorb the maximum amount of Salvia into the bloodstream. This method does require more of the plant for consumption, but is also considered to provide the strongest and most long-lasting effects. And there are commercial herbalists who prepare capsules of Salvia Divinorum as a medicinal supplement.

Some psychedelic effects have been reported with the use of Salvia Divinorum. Some of these effects, while somewhat subjective, have been described as consisting of:
  •     Intense recall of past memories
  •     Uncontrollable laughter
  •     Trancelike introspection
More research in controlled environments is needed to fully measure these effects. Some researchers have found positive results in treating certain behavioral disorders, including:
  • Alcohol and drug addiction
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  •  Attention deficit disorder
  •  Depression
  •  Anxiety
There is also promising research on the medicinal properties of using Salvia Divinorum, since it is considered to be generally not habitual. As such, it may be a source of safe and non-addictive antidepressants, analgesics and anesthetics. Salvia Divinorum's unique properties may lend itself to certain applications in psychotherapy - it has shown to create a state of self-reflection in its users; it aids in the retrieval of childhood memories; and it creates a mental state that allows psychotherapists access to often difficult-to-reach areas of the psyche.

Prakash Balaji Researches and Reports on Salvia divinorum extracts and leaves. For more information about how to select and buy salvia divinorum leaves and extracts visit the site at FreshSalvia.com. You can also shop for best salvia divinorum leaves at fresh salvia divinorum packages available in the market.

Kidney Infections Require Immediate Treatment

Pyelonephritis is the medical term for kidney infections. It leads to sever complications that affect the day to day activities. Hence, the patient undergoes sever pain during the disease. It is mainly found among women due to their anatomy which makes them susceptible to the infections.
The infection occurs due to presence of kidney stones or kidney abnormalities. These factors hamper the functioning of kidneys that transport the urine to the urinary bladder through the ureters. Hence, the decreased activity initiates the formation of bacterial microbes that worsen the situation.
It can also occur as an after effect of bladder infections. Sometimes, the doctors fail to cure bladder syndrome, hence the bacterium creeps to the kidneys and leads to kidney infections. Initially, the bacterium resides in the bowel and moves to the urinary tract due to improper toilet hygiene.

This infectious disease leads to severe fatigue and illness. The patient is unable to work for long hours or conduct his day to day activities. Moreover, one can experience sever pain while passing the urine. Sometimes, the pain is unbearable and accompanied with blood or pus in urine. However, the symptoms may vary from person to person.
Hence, it is necessary to undergo treatment to heal the disease. The patient is asked to undergo a urinalysis or urine culture to detect the exact cause behind the infection. These tests detect the bacterium responsible for the kidney infections. Hence, the doctor should subscribe a suitable medicine for the treatment of the disease.

Usually, an antibiotic medicine is recommended for the infectious disease. A patient suffering from the Kidney Infections is asked to maintain proper hygiene and drink adequate water for proper functioning of urinary tract. So, undergo proper treatment so that the infection doesn't damages your kidneys or lead to kidney scarring.
About the Author:

Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on Kidney Infections, symptoms and cures of the disease. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.

Acai Berry Scam Reviews - Find Out!

The way the Acai berry has gained popularity in the weight loss and health market is nothing short of remarkable. But along with this there has also been an inevitable growth of scams that are fraudulently conning the consumer, and most of these are online. The intensity at which these are growing can be ascertained by the vast amount of site results that would come up when searched with the key words 'Acai Berry scams'. A review of these product help to ease the complexity and that's what this article would hope to do.

Product information and where to start
To begin reviewing process one should be able to distinguish between the so-called independent review sites out there as fake or genuine. The ones that are out to steal your money tend to provide reviews of the whole 'Acai berry scam' claiming that the fruit and its products are useless. However, on close examination, these sites can be found to contain affiliate links to other sites that offer 'better' weight loss products. A consumer must be prudent not to fall for these scams that claim to offer you with false scam information.

A good amount of knowledge about the product can also help understand the presence of these scam sites on the Internet. There are disparate qualities of the Acai berry products that the companies have to offer. The level of the quality depends on the manufacturing techniques that the company employs. The fraudulent sellers' Acai products are often of the lowest grade.
Thus basis to measure the merit of the concerned product is the oxygen radical absorbance capacity or the ORAC level. Any company that does no provide you with the reading on this scale of the Acai berry product is obviously a dirty pool.
Reason for the Scams
The Acai berry is product that has gained a huge amount of acclaim in no time. Many celebrities including Opera Winfrey have declared this super food the best in its class. Where there is popularity there will be an equal amount of negative scheming to exploit it.

But as long as you as a conscious and aware consumer have your analyzing skills intact, the scams are just passing phenomena.

How to Prevent Prescription Drug Errors

Doctors and physicians have the education and experience to write prescriptions for common drugs to help patients recover from illness, reduce pain, and help treat injuries.
Unfortunately, prescription errors may occur and the effects can range from mild discomfort to severe illness or injury to the patient. Some instances of prescription drug errors have even resulted in the death of the patient, and many of those cases were the direct result of missed allergic information or improper prescriptions.
Although the average patient is usually not qualified or experienced enough to write medical prescriptions, there are a few things individuals can do to ensure they receive the proper treatment. Proper education, communication, and double-checking received information may help avoid tragic errors in your medical care.
Steps to Take to Avoid Errors

• Always be forthcoming with your doctor about any previous medical treatments, allergies, and medicines you are currently taking. This information may be essential in ensuring your prescription does not include harmful ingredients.
• Clarify instructions if you are unsure of the doctor's orders. Many patient injuries are the result of over-dosage or other misuse of prescription drugs.
• Ask your doctor any questions you may have about possible side-effects and alternate medicines if you are uncomfortable with the prescription being given.
• Get a second-opinion if you are unsure if the plan of action is going to be effective for you.

• Make sure that the prescription given to you by your physician is legible for the pharmacist. Doctors are notorious for handing over scribbled prescriptions, but any error in spelling or readability may spell disaster at the pharmacy.
• Make sure your pharmacist is comfortable with the prescription assigned and make sure he or she contacts the doctor directly if there are any questions or uncertainties with the type of medicine, instructions, or amount of medicine ordered.

• Take the time to examine labels before taking anything. Read instructions carefully and make sure you know what, when, and how to take the medication.
• Contact your doctor immediately if you feel ill or if you suspect something is wrong. Seek immediate medical help if the symptoms get worse or if new symptoms appear.

Numb Hands and Fingers

Many people have experienced the symptoms of numbness in the hands and fingers. The normal symptoms are described as pins and needles and most people describe it as if their fingers or hands have gone to sleep. This usually occurs during sleeping, after sitting for prolonged periods, or when someone holds their hand above their head during activities such as changing a light bulb. Most people will self diagnose themselves with either carpal tunnel syndrome or with something much more dire. But for most people, neither assumption is true.
If you look at the anatomy of our hands you will notice that all the nerves and blood vessels come from further up. They don't start at your hand and end at your hand. They actually start at your neck and end up in the tips of your fingers. They must travel through your shoulder, below your pectoral muscles, through your elbow, underneath your forearm muscles, through the 8 bones in your wrist and then into each one of your fingers. That's a long way to travel. It also presents numerous opportunities for an obstruction to occur.

Think of the nerves and blood supply in your arms as being a river. And think of your neck as being the reservoir. Now, normally the river runs from the reservoir out to the surrounding areas(your fingers). However, sometimes a tree falls across the river and prevents most of the water from running down the river. So the areas at the end of the river(your fingers) don't get much water(nerve and blood supply). At this point most people notice that they have numb or tingly fingers and decide that they have a hand or wrist problem. But most of the time the problem lies with the tree that fell over the river, not with the areas downstream. Let me explain.

There are numerous places that the nerves and blood supply that go to your fingers can become restricted. These places are your neck, shoulder, pectoral muscles, elbow, forearm, 8 bones of the wrist, or the muscles of your hand. Therefore, you should never assume that your problem is in your hand just because you feel symptoms in your hand. To get the best diagnosis for your tingly hands you must find someone who will inspect all the areas between your neck and fingers.
One of the most common places for a restriction is in your neck and pectoral muscles. This is because most people sit at a desk for a living. This causes us to roll our shoulders forward and stick our heads out, usually to see a computer. When our shoulders roll forward our pectoral muscles shorten and eventually become extremely tight. This then presses on the nerves and blood supply that run directly underneath your pectoral muscles. If these muscles get tight enough we start to feel numb or tingly hands. Stretching of the pectoral muscles can usually prevent this problem. As I've stated in other articles, you must hold the stretch for 3 minutes for this to work.

Even though one of the most common sites for a restriction is your pectoral muscles there are many other places where you may have issues. I urge your to have a qualified practitioner look at your entire arm for restrictions. Since your wrist has 8 different bones you should have a chiropractor make sure that each one is moving properly. If there is a bone that isn't moving correctly it can put pressure on a nerve and give you carpal tunnel syndrome. A chiropractor can make sure that the muscles and bones of your arm are moving properly and allowing the nerves and blood vessels to flow freely.
Luke Piretti is a Chiropractic Physician, Former Personal Trainer, and Nutrition/Weight Loss Expert. He specializes in Nutritional Healing and Pain Management. He is the author of "Imagine A Healthier You. Your Guide to Self-Healing.

Carpal Tunnel Exercise

I decided to write an article about carpal tunnel syndrome and subsequent treatment of this condition because I myself began to develop it years ago, and after doing a bit of research on it was able to rid myself of the pain I felt.
Also, I had some colleagues that developed similar wrist and hand pain, which most likely was carpal tunnel syndrome as well and I was able to give them some helpful information and exercises which worked for me to help relieve the pain. Being that I blog online and write articles as well I realized I could help more people by sharing the information that I have.
The sad part though was that some of the people that I knew that developed carpal tunnel syndrome had done so to a much greater degree than I had. I was able to 'nip it in the bud' so to speak as my hand and wrist pain was intermittent and since I worked in an office and typed a lot it hit me that I might be developing carpal tunnel since I heard this was a common complaint. Apparently, like most other medical conditions, the earlier you can begin to treat carpal tunnel the quicker the results and healing will be.
So even if you are in advanced stage of pain with carpal tunnel syndrome, I do not mean to alarm you, I am just saying it will most likely take longer to heal yourself than someone who is just starting to feel the symptoms that come with this condition. Strangely enough the medical community is still in the dark about what exactly causes carpal tunnel syndrome, and there is a lot of debate over the exact cause. This fact itself causes people who have carpal tunnel syndrome to have a difficult time getting a proper diagnosis.

Various theories on the actual cause of this debilitating condition range from trauma, genetics, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis to repetitive motion at work. So although there is no exact agreed upon cause, what you should do first if you think you may have it is know what it is and what are the symptoms. The medical community defines carpal tunnel syndrome as the impairment of motor and/or sensory function of the median nerve as it traverses through the carpal tunnel. Some of the common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
- Hand and wrist pain resulting as an effect of repetitive movements.
- Tingling, burning sensations in your hands or even the feeling of numbness.
- Weak hand strength, the result of which can be dropping objects often.
- Waking up at night with your hands curled up and stiff.
- Clumsiness and difficulty relating to picking up simple objects and doing simple tasks.

As I stated earlier, I began experiencing some of the common symptoms attributed to carpal tunnel syndrome, most of which was the tingling, burning and numb sensations in my hands, especially in my right hand. This alarmed me to say the least so I looked into it to see what it could be and what I could do about it. I decided that getting cortisone injections or taking anti-inflammatories (which some doctors recommend) was out of the question. I eventually discovered some great carpal tunnel exercises over time which helped me dramatically.
One useful carpal tunnel exercise is taking a sheet of newspaper flat in your hand and gradually crumbling it up into a small ball as tight as you can and squeezing it hard for about 5 second and then releasing opening your hand up wide. Perform this exercise over and over again for both hands. You can do reps of 8-12.
I also found that stretching the tendons and muscles in your hands and wrists can have a powerful preventative and healing effect as well. There are various stretching exercises you can do, one thing to keep in mind is that holding various stretches for extended periods of time while breathing deeply increases effectiveness of the exercise. This goes for both assisted hand/arm exercises and isometric carpal tunnel exercises.

One great exercise for carpal tunnel is holding your arms out straight in front of you (elbows almost locked) with your palms facing outwards/away from you, fingers splayed as much as possible. Breathe deeply while holding this position. You can repeat this position with arms out to the sides (palms facing away), above you (palms facing the sky), and finally down (palms facing the ground). You can do this standing or sitting moving smoothly from one posture to the next while breathing deeply. After a while holding these postures you should feel the energy in your hands and possibly heat even moving to your palms.
Another effective stretching carpal tunnel exercise is placing one of hand against a wall with fingers facing the ground and then grabbing your thumb to stretch it out even further with your other hand. You can hold this stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, gradually building up. Follow this stretch with this one: bring all of your fingers to a point (like a bird's beak) with your arm outstretched and hold this hand posture. You can even grab your hand in beak position with your other hand and press inward to increase the pressure. After doing this with both hands shake them out for a few seconds.
You should always stretch out both arms and hands even though only one side may be giving you problems. One last carpal tunnel exercise which I will mention here that helped me a lot and I enjoy doing because it's actually fun and very therapeutic is moving Chinese health balls (also known as baoding balls, therapy balls or exercise balls) clockwise and counter clockwise in your hand. I recommend the solid chrome steel balls as they give your hands and forearms more of a workout and a faster healing effect.
These Chinese health balls are said to stimulate the energy (or chi) your hands and body, and so the positive effect they have as a carpal tunnel exercise is pretty dramatic. It takes some practice to do well, but as I said it's fun and you can practice anywhere you go. I used to bring them to work with me, and still do on occasion when I am going to a friend's house or wherever. They are not very expensive and you will use them for the rest of your life. You will feel the difference in your hands and forearms after you play with them for a few minutes. One last tip is to do these exercises/stretches everyday consistently and you will notice positive changes with your carpal tunnel condition.

Preventing Hand and Wrist Problems For Senior Adults

After age seventy human muscles begin to lose their strength and thus, older seniors need to be careful with their hands and wrists. To prevent injury it makes sense to pay attention and make wise choices. Many hand and wrist injuries occur from golf, tennis, bowling, and other senior sports, and yet a good many of these injuries occur from seniors breaking a fall with their hands, slipping on stairs, or carpal tunnel from high repetition.

Still other injuries occur in the kitchen, doing gardening or trying to lift or move something. So, many of these injuries are totally preventable with just a little understanding of ergonomics or the purchase of smarter tools with special handles that are properly engineered for human hands. Let's face it a can opener is a lot easier than trying to put all your might towards opening a stubborn jar by hand or opening a can with a defective tool.

Perhaps it makes sense to consider these most common types of accidents and do what you can to make things easier for yourself as you get older or for older adult seniors in your life. A little prevention goes a long way. There are companies that specialize in easy to use tools for the yard, kitchen, and bathroom. And there are new high tech golf clubs, and tennis rackets that are lighter weight and much easier to use.

So, why not make your life easier and the lives of those you truly care about and do a little extra research on this right now on the Internet. I bet that when you are done you will have solved the problem in advance of any potential injury. Please think on this.

Is Pain on the Outside of Your Hand Caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Have you had pain on the outside (baby finger side or ulnar side) of your hand and wondered whether it was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
I was contacted by a massage therapist who was having pain on the ulnar side of her hand. She wondered whether it was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. She contacted me because she was afraid her massage career was going to be over. She was very frustrated. She couldn't make her hand pain go away and stay away.
Here's a little background about your body:
Trigger points are areas in muscles (or other soft tissues) that trigger (cause or refer) pain or symptoms elsewhere. When trigger points are pressed into, the symptom or pain will appear where the area of complaint is. Trigger points cause symptoms. (But what causes trigger points? That's another article.)

A Syndrome, like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, is a collection of symptoms. Symptoms are pain, numbness, tingling, etc.
I wrote to the massage therapist and explained that pain in the ulnar area of the hand is caused by the following muscles: serratus posterior superior (in the upper back), latissimus dorsi (on the outer side of the upper back), pec major and pec minor (the pectorals are the chest muscles and attach to the upper arm).
Since she uses her arms and hands extensively as a massage therapist, I know that her chest and arm muscles are probably "tight" and need to be released, or relaxed. The muscles in her chest and the front of her arms also need to be stretched in the opposite direction of their usual movement. Another area that often gets tight when doing massage are the "lats"--the latissimus dorsi--below the armpit.

Here is what the massage therapist wrote back to me:
"Wow, thanks a lot. I have tried to find a few spots on myself under the armpit and the pain shot to my scapula, deltoids, pecs, biceps, triceps and wrist. It's really amazing! So, if you were me would you just make sure to get worked on weekly? Thanks so much. You really do know a lot! You're a big help. I will tell all of my massage friends about you!"

When I wrote back, I reminded her that prevention is very important, too, so she can continue to do the work she loves. It's important that she develop a strong back as well as stretch the muscles which get tight while working. Stretching between every client will be a big help. So will figuring out which moves she makes cause her muscles to get tight so she can avoid those moves.
Everything happens for a reason, and when you understand the reason(s) for the pain or other symptoms in your hand, wrist and arm, you can get rid of your carpal tunnel syndrome.

Can You Have Instant Relief From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Naturally?

You might see ads that promise to cure your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome instantly.  Can you get instant relief for your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Maybe.  Maybe not.
There are many, many different causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  The primary cause is usually NOT at your wrist!  The cause(s) can be in your whole body or in your neck or in your arm.
Surgical treatment is generally performed at the wrist, but that doesn't mean that is where the problem starts.  That's just where the symptoms--pain, numbness or tingling--seem to come from.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is actually caused by vitamin B6 deficiency, posture, work habits, the muscles in your neck, and diabetes as well as other things.

Last week a lovely clerk was helping me.  While she processed my paperwork, I had the opportunity to watch and observe her.  She was quite short, she had short upper arms, and she was very much overweight.
She used a keyboard with a soft wrist support in front of it.  Because of her weight, she couldn't hold her elbows close to her waist, as I advise.  She typed with her wrists on the support, rather than holding her straight wrists over the rest support (it's supposed to be used when resting, between actually typing.)
Because of her weight, she couldn't place the keyboard closer to her body, as I recommend.  Because of her height and size and the shortness of her upper arms, she had to stretch to reach her keyboard.  Stretching aggravates muscles in the arm, back and chest that cause carpal tunnel symptoms.

Since there are so many different reasons for carpal tunnel syndrome, and since everyone is built differently, there is NO one-size-fits-all cure.  Each of us must be our own best doctor and physical therapist and figure out WHY we are having carpal tunnel symptoms.  Once you understand WHY you have symptoms, you can work toward eliminating the causes of your carpal tunnel syndrome.
If you are overweight, learning what to eat to normalize your weight will have a lot of benefits for your whole body.  Normalizing your weight will also allow you to work in positions that won't aggravate your muscles, because you will be able to work in more neutral positions.  You'll feel so much better.
If your back is weak and aches and easily gets strained or "knotty", getting a strong back will give you lots of benefits all over.  Did you know you can actually get stronger in bed?  It's true.  There are movements you can learn how to do in your bed that will help you feel better.
So, to answer your question, "Can you get instant relief for your carpal tunnel syndrome," I'd have to say, "Maybe.  Maybe not."

The answer depends on how long you've had symptoms and how severe they are.  You might be having symptoms due to simple muscle strain or a vitamin deficiency.  Or, you might have symptoms that are caused by tight muscles in your neck pressing on nerves that go to your hand, and then you have to find an appropriate muscle therapist.  That can take time in itself.
So, you might have relatively quick relief (but not instant) because the causes of your symptoms are simple to correct.  But, if your carpal tunnel symptoms have multiple causes, it will take longer for you to get rid of them.
Can you do it?  I have faith in you.  And, you do deserve to feel better.

Aches and Pains in the Hand - Consider Hand Reflexology

Hand reflexology movement is an interesting area of study in its own right and is becoming an increasingly important topic as a result of the abundance of computer keyboards.
The contraction and extension of the anterior muscles and posterior muscles of hands, fingers and wrists play an important role in movement of the hand as do the intrinsic muscles located in the palm of the hand.
There are several problems that occur in the hands, which prevent complete movement and/or pain in the hands and arms. In many cases, hand reflexology can help alleviate this associated pain.
Here are some of the more common ailments -
Repetitive Strain Injury

For those working for long hours at a keyboard, this injury is becoming very common. It is only within the last few years that the medical profession has accepted that this injury is related to the type of work we do.
The cause of the injury is the restriction of muscle tendons of each finger by having the heel of the wrist placed on the top of a desk. The result of this is inflammation and pain to the hands and arms.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by the entrapment of either the median or ulnar nerve at the wrist. The bones of the wrist are bound together by a membrane forming a tunnel. Through this tunnel pass the median and ulnar nerves, which carry messages to and from the hand and the brain. When these nerves become trapped, the messages become confused and mobility is painful and restricted.

Raynaud's Disease
Raynaud's disease affects the fingers and toes and is not a very common disease. It is a circulatory disorder that causes the small arteries to become hypersensitive to cold. Blood supply through the arteries becomes restricted due to contraction from the cold. This in turn causes the fingers and toes to take on a bluish appearance due to the lack of oxygenated blood. This disease can cause pain and is cosmetically disfiguring.
The joints of the fingers become stiff and swollen as a result of flaking of the smooth lining of the bones of the finger joints. As this flaking continues, the breaking-down of the cartilage reveals the underlying bone, which thickens and distorts. This results in a restriction of movements and pain.

Commonly known as triggerfinger. The membrane, that protects the tendons of the fingers and thumbs, becomes inflamed and swollen, causing it to tighten or narrow. This results in restricted movement of the tendons and straightens of the fingers. The area over the tendon becomes tender to touch, making the affected finger or thumb painful. A cracking noise can often be heard when the finger is moved.
Dupuytren's Contracture
Dupuytren's Contracture is a common condition in men over the age of forty and is also hereditary. Only the little and ring ringers are affected by this disease. Through the thickening and shrinkage of the tough, fibrous tissue under the skin on the palm of the hand, the fingers remain permanently bent at the knuckles.

DeQuervain's Syndrome and a 3-Pronged Approach to Relieving DeQuervain's

DeQuervain's Syndrome happens because of "something." All pain happens because of a reason or cause.
I remember Becky, a hospital worker who ripped lots of bandage packages open every day. Her wrist started to hurt and she thought it was carpal tunnel. Turns out, a lot of other people who work with her had also had this problem. On my suggestion, she started cutting the packages open instead of ripping them, and her pain went away.
So, you see, pain doesn't happen unless there is a reason.
What might your reason be?
You may know that I'm a soft tissue expert. I give full responsibility to the muscles and soft tissues (that means not bones) that cause probably 90% of our pain. And, I am a firm believer in doing the most natural, least invasive therapy possible.

I KNOW that bodies can heal when they are given what they need to be well and when the things that make them unhappy are removed.
I KNOW that pain like this is a warning sign that we are doing something our body does not like.
One doctor discusses anatomical variations (differences in bones & muscles) between those who have deQuervain's and those who don't, and that could be. Regardless, the tilting movement seems to be the demon here. The tilting motion stretches, pulls or aggravates and irritates the soft tissues on the thumb side of your wrist.
Here's a 3-pronged approach you can use to help heal your deQuervain's Syndrome.
1. If you can manage to quit doing that tilting movement, in time you will heal, settle down, and stop having pain. Sometimes, awareness is enough to help you quit doing a movement. If you didn't realize you were doing it, how could you stop doing it?

2. If you pinch the soft tissues around the base of your thumb, and on the thumb-side of your lower arm near your wrist, you'll find they are tender. Very tender. You can ice this area, heat this area, massage this area of your lower arm. You can pinch the tissues, twist the tissues, or go to a massage therapist and let them do it for you.
3. Do all of the same massaging, pinching, prodding, poking and playing with the muscles and soft tissues on your thumb and in the web of your thumb, too.
Those tissues have become irritated because of the tilting movement.

They've become tight and are a little less happy than they used to be. Massaging them and pressing into the tender areas will help get the circulation going again and relax those tight tissues. Manipulating, icing and/or heating the tissues around your thumb and lower arm will help them become more pliable, healthier and happier.
There you have it: My all-natural, do-it-yourself 3-point system for getting rid of your deQuervain's Syndrome.

DeQuervain's Syndrome - Causes and Cures

Have you been diagnosed with deQuervain's Syndrome?  If so, that means your doctor has found a name for the pain and tenderness on the outside of your thumb.  The pain might feel sharp, like a stabbing pain, and happens when you move your hand a certain way.
DeQuervain's may also cause difficulty for you when you are making a fist or trying to grip or grasp something.  A syndrome is a collection of symptoms.  Since DeQuervain's can have several symptoms (pain, gripping difficulty) it is a "syndrome."
Arthritis of the thumb can have similar symptoms.  It's possible that arthritis and DeQuervain's have much the same cause.  Muscles cause arthritis (some muscles too "tight" and some too "weak--they pull on the joint and cause bony changes.)

Arthritis is caused by using the body in an out-of-neutral position and DeQuervain's is caused by excessively tilting the hand at the wrist, which would also be out-of-neutral position.
Apparently, this syndrome is not a true "itis" or inflammation of the tendons, although many doctors call it "tendonitis."  More likely, it's an irritation of the tendons at the base of your thumb.  The tendons pass through a tough band of tissue.  According to David Nelson MD,  restrictions occur while the tendons are passing through this band.  This may possibly be due to thickened tissues and increased blood flow (inflammation.)
Does a brace help?  There are some braces which prevent the thumb from moving and the wrist from tilting.  They may help by keeping your wrist from being able to tilt from side to side, but when they are no longer being used, your pain may come back.

If a brace can "train" you to do a movement correctly, rather than tilting, then perhaps it's good to wear for those times when you do the "wrong" thing.  They cost approximately $23 to $30 and it looks like they do keep your thumb from moving, too, so you'd just have to try and see if it would work for you.
What about surgery?  Surgery is available, of course.  The surgeon cuts the band of tough tissue so the tendons can move freely.  Apparently, sometimes they can move TOO freely because sometimes when a patient flexes or extends their wrist fully--and at the same time does forceful movements of their thumb--the tendons that are no longer contained by the band of tough tissue can pop out of position.  Any surgery can have side effects, and even though this one is usually done on an out-patient basis, many patients report quite a bit of pain afterward, much more than they expected.
Dr. Nelson says that steroid (cortisone) injections (shots) are helpful in about 82% to 95% of the patients.

How is it diagnosed?  Easy.  If you tuck your thumb into your hand, and tilt your hand in the direction of your baby finger (toward the outside of your arm) and it hurts, you have just made the diagnosis.
What causes deQuervain's?  There are 3 movements your wrist can make.  1) bending forward, or palm-ward, 2) bending backward, or toward your elbow, 3) tilting side to side or from the thumb side to the baby finger side (and baby to thumb.)
Doing fairly equal amounts of the 2 bending movements is okay.  The wrist is called a "hinge" joint.  That means it's made to move in those directions.  But the tilting movement, well, it's not built to move that way too often and therein lies the problem.
Some people have a job that causes them to tilt their hand a lot and that aggravates those tendons.  Some people do things in a way that they don't have to, and that causes tendon irritation, too.

The Natural Cure For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Most treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome involve physical therapy machines like ultrasound and muscle stimulation that help reduce inflammation. Stretches and exercises are also usually recommended. These treatments can temporarily reduce the inflammation and pain but do nothing to eliminate what is causing the inflammation.
Sometimes, stretching the tight muscles and strengthening the opposing muscles will help take some pressure off the median nerve but the cause is still there. If this is done long enough it will eventually create other tight muscles that compensate for the problem. An illusion of being cured occurs but, as the condition worsens, the carpal tunnel syndrome usually returns. Treating the problem this way requires ongoing stretching, exercise or treatment; but as the problem progresses, more time is required to treat the symptoms and eventually these methods stop working.

Some doctors prescribe pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and even anti-depressant drugs for carpal tunnel syndrome and numerous other problems. These also just treat the symptoms while doing nothing to eliminate the cause. Many of these drugs have negative side-effects and some (cortisone injections) may even weaken your tendons or ligaments leading to even worse problems. These doctors are attempting to mask the problem until the body uses other muscles to compensate. This sometimes works in mild cases, but as the problem progresses the body finally runs out of things to compensate with and the pain returns. At this point, some doctors tell people to train for a new job that puts less stress on the wrists and to just live with the remaining pain. Not a great option if you ask me.

 Surgery for CTS usually involves cutting the flexor retinaculum in half and allowing it to heal with scar tissue in the gap. This makes the ligament longer, and the carpal tunnel larger so there is less pressure on the median nerve. This may help for a while but, once again, as the problem progresses, the condition worsens until the pressure in the larger tunnel becomes high enough to cause the pain to return. Every person I have met who had the surgery and continued with the same job had their problem return. Most of those who quit doing the job that caused the muscle damage had relief. In these cases, however, it will just be a matter of time before normal daily activities will cause the problem to progress into pain again. As you can see, none of the typical treatments for CTS do anything to eliminate the cause.
The Natural Cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is difficult to treat if you do not understand the progression of this unique condition or how to eliminate the cause. This is why conventional therapies rarely help much. You now understand the cause and there is a way to eliminate the cause naturally.  The way to eliminate it is to remove the fibrotic adhesions from the muscles which are causing the cts.  Targeting the exact muscles which affect the carpal tunnel will allow the pressure on the median nerve to ease and the syndrome will dissipate as I have seen many times.  No drugs, no injections - just natural relief at the heart of the problem.

Then the chronic tendinitis-neuritis cycle and how to eliminate what I call the "cause of the cause", or what you may be doing that over-stresses your wrist and forearm muscles, must be assessed.  If all done correctly, you will restore your damaged muscles back to their normal lengths, and your wrist and hand will then be essentially as good as new. There will not be a need for expensive treatments or time-consuming activities to constantly treat your symptoms. Proper instruction of exercise, stretching, and lifestyle choices will also prevent the condition from returning by taking the pressure off of the important weakened areas.
Dr. Ric Alexander runs the Institute of Precision Muscle Balancing in North Hollywood, California. He is the esteemed author of Victory Over Fat, and has made a video series named Treat Your Own. He is an expert in pain management, and has successfully treated thousands of patients in his clinic for a broad range of conditions. His effective self-treatment video for carpal tunnel syndrome will teach you the best way to naturally heal your syndrome as is explained in this article.

Reiki Training - 3 Simple Exercises For Reiki Healers

Reiki training after the attunement process is very important for the development of the healers. Most people think after the attunement, they automatically become a good healer. The fact of the matter is, just like any other skill, reiki needs consistent and committed training. During the attunement, one's chakra is activated to access the reiki energy, so he or she could channel it. If he or she does not do follow up training after that, the chakra, which is the gate of the energy, becomes not active. Chakras which are not active and not balanced will not be able to access energy very well. The more time you put in to do these trainings, the better reiki healer you will become.

Reiki training that you could do every day:
1. Reiki Meditation
Take time to meditate at least 20 minutes a day and channel the reiki energy to your body. You could do this by sitting down, and intend the universal energy comes in through your crown chakra ,fill your body and goes down to mother earth. The energy will make it easier for you to enter meditation state.
2. Grounding Exercise

After meditation, your body will be full of energy. Too much spiritual energy is not good for your physical body. Grounding exercise will take care of this. All you have to do is intend that the excess energy will flow out of your body and grounded to mother earth. By doing this your spiritual and physical energy will be balanced.
3. Self healing exercise
A reiki healer must do self healing exercise everyday. By doing self healing, he or she is actually cleaning up his or her energy channel. The cleaner his energy channel, the better healer he is.
Reiki training should be fun and simple. You will get great benefit if you are doing the training in heart full of unconditional love. Unconditional love is a form of energy that connects you with The Source.

Debby Law practices Reiki Healing and hold Shamballa Reiki Master since 2003. Reiki is the best and easy way for you to get health naturally, especially if you are a Reiki Master.

Reiki Symbols - Reiki Master's Sacred Tools

Reiki symbols have been used by reiki masters ages ago. These symbols are used to give reiki attunement or for healing. In the past, there were more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a few are known to the public. Among these, 3 symbols are widely known to general public. These 3 symbols are:
1. Cho Ku Rei (pronounced as cho koo ray)
Cho Ku Rei is known as power symbol. The basic meaning of Cho Ku Rei is placing the power of the universe where you want it. This symbol can be used to activate chakras, increase the power of reiki energy or other symbols. Some healers consider this as a power booster to channel the reiki energy. Other than energy booster, this symbol could also be used for protection by directly draw Cho Ku Rei on the person or object you would like to protect.

2. Sei He Ki (pronounced as Say Hay Key)
Reiki symbol Sei He Ki is commonly used as cleaning purpose and considered as mental, emotional symbol. General translation of this symbol is the unity of God and man. Reiki healers use Sei He Ki to clean mental and emotional problems such as fear, depression, sadness, as well as physical health problem. Other than that, Sei He Ki could be used to improve memory and to help heal drugs, alcohol or smoking addiction. Healers usually draw this symbol directly to the person and the body parts during the healing session.

3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced as hon sha zee show nen)
This is the distant healing symbol. The basic meaning of this reiki symbol is there is no limitation on time and distance. Reiki healers use this symbol to do distance healing, without meeting the person he is treating.
Reiki symbols are powerful tools that work on your intention. The symbols will well with drawing or visualization.

Debby Law practices Reiki Healing and hold Shamballa Reiki Master since 2003. Reiki is the best and easy way for you to get health naturally, especially if you are a Reiki Master.

Akashic Records - Where Are You and Where Do You Want to Be?

The Akashic Records hold the vibration of your thoughts, words, and deeds. They are a record of everything your soul has signed up to do, and everything you have achieved in all of your lifetimes.  Many times we wish we could be somewhere else in our life.  The Akashic Records can help an individual get unstuck so they can get to where they want to go.
What Can You Find Out From Your Akashic Record?
  •  You can find out your soul purpose
  •  The cause of your problems
  •  How to resolve your situation so you can move forward
  •  How to improve your relationships
  •  Who you truly are
  •  And much more.
How Can The Akashic Records Help Me?
  •  You can get guidance about all areas of your life, including
  •  Your career, relationships
  •  Health concerns, and finances

The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones provide you with a fresh perspective. They show you your true essence. Each one of us has an essence.When you are living in alignment with this essence you are in harmony with yourself. Your life will reflect this by being in harmony as well. You will feel light, joyful, and loving most of the time. You will enjoy abundance in all areas of your life from relationships to your finances.
As you may have guessed, if you are out of alignment with your true self your life will reflect this as well. You may feel stuck, or could have any number of problems from finding a mate to generating income. The beings of light who communicate your Akashic Records do not judge. They show you your highest self. This next part is written by the Holders of the Records, and I wholeheartedly agree: You are love. You are God. To us, each one of you is perfection. We help you undo your blocks by showing you who you truly are.
How Does It Work?

Healing energy is transmitted from Your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to the person doing the reading into your crown chakra down to your heart chakra. The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones show you a new perspective in which to view yourself. Once you are able to hold this new vision of yourself, you experience a shift in energy. This is how a deep and permanent healing occurs.
What Else Can You Use The Akashic Records For?
  • To heal a pet.
  • Have a reading for your business
  • Have a reading for your  home
  • Have a reading about a city, town, or an historical landmark
What Types of Questions Would I Ask?
If you were having  a reading for your business, you could ask the Akashic Record questions such as
  • What can I do to help my business grow?
  • What type of product should I create?
  • How can I better serve my employees?

 How Long Does It Take To See Results?
That depends on where you are. Many times, one thirty to sixty minute session will be all that is necessary. It is possible that it could take more than one session.

Chinese Medicine - Five Phase Theory and Application

Interrelationships of Organs
This article shows the reader how to understand these different relationships. Please refer to the table at the end of the article.
Each organ interrelates with a number of other organs.
Similar function
Organ proximity
Channel Proximity
5 Element - Sheng Cycle relationship
Mother and son relationship
5 Element Ko cycle relationship
5 Element - Reverse Ko Cycle relationship
Organs, their Qi type and Organ partners
Organ                          Qi              Partners
Heart, H                      Yin             KID, SI
Small Intestine, SI      Yang         H, BL
Bladder, Bl                  Yang        KID, SI

KID                Yin            H, BL
Pericardium, P             Yin            LIV, SJ
Sanjiao, SJ                  Yang         P, GB
Gall Bladder, GB          Yang         LIV, SJ
Liver, LIV                    Yin           P, GB
Lungs, L                     Yin           SP, LI
Large Intestine, LI      Yang          L, ST
Stomach, ST              Yang          SP, LI
Spleen, SP                  Yin             L, ST
Similar Function
Organs with a similar function.
Filters Blood: Liver, Kidney, Lung
Secretes/Makes fluids: Gall Bladder, Liver, Spleen, Stomach
Excretes Waste: Large Intestine, Bladder
Nutrient absorption: Small Intestine, Kidneys, Liver
Physical Organ Proximity
Lungs - both sides of thorax
Liver, Gall Bladder - right thorax, at lower half of right lung
Spleen - left thorax
Stomach - just left of centre thorax
Small Intestine - centre of abdomen

Large Intestine - square pattern over entire abdomen - ascends from Small intestine on right abdomen, moves across abdomen to left, descends, moves to right at sigmoid and descends to anus.
Heart/Pericardium - centre of chest
Bladder - lower, centre of abdomen
Kidneys - centre, right and left just under floating rib approximately in the L2 area
Sanjiao - not an organ but a convention of expression for three functions of the torso area - upper, middle and lower torso.
Channel Proximity
Anterior - Lungs/lateral, Pericardium/centre, Heart/medial. Similar pathways from chest to fingertips.
Posterior - Sanjiao, Small Intestine/posterior & medial, Large Intestine/lateral.
Anterior, anterior torso and head - Stomach
Lateral and posterior torso and head - Gall Bladder
Lateral and anterior torso - Spleen
Medial and anterior torso -Kidney, Liver
Posterior and Posterior torso - Bladder
Five phase Analysis - the Sheng, Ko, Reverse Sheng and Reverse Ko Cycles
Sheng Cycle [Phase] (Mother nourishes son) - Generating, produces, strengthens, nourishes, feeds, engenders
Therapeutic when path is yin-yin or yang-yang - see Element/ Organ Qi in table.
Ko Cycle [Phase] (Grandmother restrains grandson) - Controls, dominates, destroys, restrains, weakens

Therapeutic when path is yin-yang or yang-yin.
In both Sheng and Ko cycles or phases, alternative paths are pathologic. Organs are either yin or yang within a phase and the yang organs link together to form a circuit as do the yin organs.
An organ with an issue within a phase( Sheng or Ko) can be rebalanced through the complementary organ in the same
phase or through an organ in another phase but in the same circuit (yin or yang).
Balancing - refer to the table.
Balancing Yin Element
Example 1 - Sheng Phase(yin-yin) - if there is a liver issue where liver is in deficiency then balance liver with heart.
Example 2 - Ko Phase(yin-yang) - if there is a liver issue where liver is in deficiency then balance Liver with Stomach.
Balancing Yang Element
Example 1 - Sheng Phase(yang-yang) - for a Gallbladder issue balance Gallbladder with Small Intestine.
Example 2 - Ko Phase(yang-yin) - for a Gallbladder issue balance Gallbladder with Spleen.
Clinical example: Numbness in the leg - treat Liv 3 and GB 34 (Ko phase energetic balance, yin-yang) and also in the same treatment needling ST36 (but not a spleen point, as this would contravene therapy rules - Liv3,yin ST36,Yang = Ko Phase relationship energetics as yin-yang. However I would also use SP6 in the same therapy to strengthen the immune system and reinforce = Sheng Phase ie Liv3,yin ans SP6, yin which gives a yin-yin relationship and I feel supports the basic relationship to the two phases. Of course many other points are possible.
Moxa and Shingle pain: I would also recommend to mix modalities and use moxa wherever possible, especially with Shingle pain as it is very effective, produces rapid pain relief from the viral attack on the nerve and requires little expertise other than care with the moxa stick.
In five phase theory the focus is on maintaining energy distribution. Any excess or any stagnation is interpreted as a blockage of energy flow and needs treatment - this can be said to be the focus of acupuncture.
Case Studies
1. Robert has been diagnosed with hepatitis. According to the liver organ interrelationships, what could
go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of hepatitis and why?
Response: Weakened Liver causes H/P to behave in excess yin causing yang partner Small intestine to go into excess yang. Low Liver yin causes excess Liver yang flaring into the Heart and manifesting in the tongue as a red spot on the front of the tongue and in the throat as obstruction. The mother, Kidney will go into excess yang affecting the Bladder channel resulting in either lumbar pain or sciatica.
2. Joanne comes into your clinic and informs you she has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The Chinese might view this as a kidney imbalance since the kidneys govern the reproductive system.
According to your Kidney organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and why?
Response: The Kidney yin will go low causing the Bladder Channel to balance with excess yang. However, the Ko cycle relativity will likely result in a Spleen/ Stomach imbalance resulting in digestive disorders. Lung will go into excess yin to try to balance energy which may result in extra disorders and Bladder disorders.
3. Peter has been diagnosed with Diabetes, a Pancreas disorder. In TCM the Spleen is the organ that represents the Pancreas.
According to your Spleen organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Diabetes, and why?
Response: Spleen function is impaired. Heart/P tends to balance, resulting in Liver/Gall Bladder problems. G/B attack is likely and could occur. Lung function is impaired with shortness of breath.
4. Jim has been getting treatment for Heartburn and Acid Reflux, a Stomach complaint in TCM.
According to you Stomach organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Heartburn and Acid Reflux, and why?
Response: St(yang excess) produces too much acid. Puts pressure on the Pancreas to adjust Small Intestine pH and affects Li function probably resulting in loose stools.
5. Urinary Tract Infections are often caused by Urinary Bladder problems.
According to your Urinary Bladder organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Urinary Tract Infections, and why?
Response: Bladder yang is affected going low, resulting in excess Kidney yin to compensate. The excess salts delivered by Kidney imbalance causes burn at urethra. Lungs will be damp and mucus results in cough.
6. Cholecystitis is inflammation of the Gall Bladder.
According to your Gall Bladder organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Cholecystitis, and why?
Response: GB dysfunction results in bile blockage causing fats to pass into Small Intestine results in bowel sluggishness and constipation due to compromised bowel.
7. A friend of yours has come back from trekking through the Nepalese Mountains. She has not eaten well because she was worried about gastrointestinal problems. As a result she has developed Malabsorption. In her case it is due to a Small Intestine imbalance.
According to your Small Intestine organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with other organs in the body as a result of Malabsorption, and why?
Response: Small Intestine will lose yang resulting in deficiency of nutrients and perhaps lower water reabsorption causing diarrhoea.
8. Paul has been getting treatment for Diverticulitis (a Large Intestine complaint).
According to your Large Intestine organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Diverticulitis, and why?
Response: Diverticulitis can result in bleeding and inflammation of the sigmoid. Inflammation translates to low Large Intestine yang resulting in increased Lung yin to compensate. Dampness could result with mucusy cough.
9. A patient of yours is recovering from Pneumonia (a Lung complaint).
According to your Lung organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Pneumonia, and why?
Response: Results in lowered Lung yin (increased yang) causing inflammation and mucus. Stomach and Kidneys are affected as impaired function.
10. A patient of yours has a Heart rhythm problem called Tachycardia.
According to your Heart organ interrelationships, what could go wrong with the other organs in the body as a result of Tachycardia, and why?
Response: Impaired Heart function results in low yin, high yang causing the abnormal ryhythm. The Liver yin is affected causing impair Liver function. However the cause is due to the Ko cycle organ/Lung. Due to stress and shallow breathing, the body is not removing toxins correctly, high cortisol levels result in adrenal overload (high levels of adrenalin) mostly likely causing the Tachycardia. Bring Lung into balance by regulated breathing to metabolise cortisol and a cure is likely.
Chinese Philosophy, AIAS
Five Phase I Ching - Sheng and Ko Cycles, members.iimetro.com.au/~lofting/myweb.icfiveA.html
Five Element Acupuncture, Theory and clinical applications, Yin Yang house, yinyanghouse.com/theory/chinese/five_element_acupuncture_theory
Five Phase - Element and Phase (cycle) interrelationships
Element    Yin Qi Organ     Yang Qi Organ      Mother    Son     Sheng phase     Ko phase    Reverse Sheng      Reverse Ko    Reinforces
Wood.........Liver..............Gall Bladder..........Water.......Fire........Fire..............Earth.............Water................Metal............Wood
Fire...........Heart/Per........Small Intestine......Wood.......Earth.......Earth............Metal.............Wood................Water...........Fire
Metal..........Lungs..........Large Intestine........Earth......Water.......Water...........Wood.............Earth...............Fire...............Metal
Authors note on this table: Sheng and Ko phases may be yin or yang within the phase. When calculating relationships to the primary element use either the yin organ or the yang organ. eg starting with Yin Qi Organ: Sheng Phase: liver/heart  Ko Phase: Liver/Stomach eg LIV3, ST36 (yin-yang) and Reverse Sheng: Liver/Kidneys Reverse Ko: Liver/Large Intestine eg 4 gates, LIV3,LI4 (yin-yang). Ko cycle is therapeutic when yin-yang, see below.
Sheng Cycle [Phase] (Mother nourishes son) - Generating, produces, strengthens, nourishes, feeds, engenders
Therapeutic when path is yin-yin or yang yang - see Element/ Organ Qi in table.
Example: Wood is mother to Fire. Fire is mother to Earth etc.
Authors note: Strictly speaking, this should be termed either Mother/daughter or Father/son to keep it in line with correct Qi cycle energetics such as yin-yin and yang-yang respectively. This has not been addressed in texts and may lead to confusion. Just remember the Qi type you are dealing with and follow the rules for each cycle. That is for the Sheng Cycle it is always the same Qi eg yin-yin or yang-yang. For the Ko Cycle it is always yin-yang or yang-yin. It always starts from the primary Qi organ ie Yin Qi or Yang Qi as in columns 2 and 3 in the table, and goes from there. I hope this makes sense. Needling follows suit ie use appropriate Qi type needle point and you won't go wrong.
The same applies to moxibustion - after all moxa follows the same rules, however can be therapeutic when needling fails. A case in point is when treating for Shingle pain - moxa is used around the lesions and will eliminate all pain by treating the immediate area whereas it will be useless to needle an inflamed area and painful as well and will not eliminate the pain. Moxa heat destroys the virus lying on the nerve but it must get quite hot at each point. See my article on Moxa for Shingle pain but this explanation should help.
The energetics must be of the same type, yin-yin or yang-yang but not a mixture eg yin-yang. This is opposite for the Ko Cycle.
Ko Cycle [Phase] (Grandmother restrains grandson) - Controls, dominates, destroys, restrains, weakens.
Therapeutic when path is yin-yang or yang-yin but not when yin-yin or yang-yang - this applies to needling points.
Example: Wood is Grandmother to Earth( grandson). Fire is grandmother to Metal. This is termed correctly as Grandmother/grandson, yin-yang or yang-yin depending on the starting reference for the Qi Organ circuit eg Yin or Yang Qi Organ Circuit as in the table, columns 2 and 3.
The table above is very useful in making the connection across organ relationships. The reader can use the data and insert it into a Word table for future reference.
A most useful combination is the relationship between the Liver and the Large Intestine. Reverse Ko: Liver/Large Intestine eg 4 gates, LIV3,LI4 (yin-yang). This remarkable combination shows the usefulness of the five phases in diagnosis and healing.
Ron Campeanu MRACI Chartered Chemist
Ron Campeanu - Industrial Chemist, studying an Advanced Diploma in Acupuncture, designed the Q10Sport formula in 2003 in Australia. It is a Listed Medicine and a very potent energy formula. Actives are naturally occurring in the body. The formula helps rebuild cells to allow the body more energy capacity when needed - in times of stress, training, work.

The Tao of Sex and Disease Prevention

According to ancient Taoist texts, a state of weakness or susceptibility to disease occurs when one of the body's systems, or more precisely, one of the seven glands, is deprived of energy. The task then becomes trying to reestablish the body's Chi flow in order to raise those energy levels to their proper balance for maximum efficiency. Balancing the body's (internal) energy is the Taoist "way" of strengthening and recharging the immune system.
Increasing the energy level using Taoist sexual practices can reverse existing weaknesses and enable us to heal ourselves. The sexual glands create the basis for re-balancing this Chi energy. The seven glands; the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal and sex glands can then be thought of as a storage area for this life-giving Chi. The proper balance of the Chi is the difference between maintaining good health and long life, or disease and cell deterioration.
The energy which circulates through a person's glandular system used to produce optimum health is generated in the sex organs. Keeping the sex organs strong and healthy are therefore critical to the proper functioning of the glandular system. When the sex glands are not kept healthy through the Tao of sex practices, the whole body suffers.

As the body's glandular system is referred to as the "oven," the body's hormones and sexual fluids are the source of the "fire" that heats the oven. Another alchemical term is "water." The term "water" includes all the body's secretions from the kidneys, bladder, adrenal glands and sex organs. The sex organs and kidneys are recognized as interconnected "sister" organs and are related to the water element as their proper functioning is interdependent upon each other. It is through the sex organs and a process called "rebirth" that the Taoist may enter the "Kingdom." The process of "rebirth" is a means of increasing one's energy level and as a result, prevent aging. The "kingdom" refers to immortality.
"In ancient times, the immortals breathed through their heels. It is the "way" that you seek."
~Lao Tse~

Sleep is the primary process of elevating a person's energy level. During the sleep state the universal energy is free to enter and exit the body along the meridian lines and is in itself the body's own natural process of rejuvenation. Sleep disruption, insomnia or blockages on the meridian pathway prevent the rejuvenation process from being successful leading to what is known to the Taoists as "energy depletion."
Every aspect of a person's daily life in some way depletes this life-force. Watching TV, energy is lost through the eyes. Vital energy is also lost through the tips of the fingers, toes, the top of the head and the back of the neck. Cold weather speeds up this loss of energy. It is the practice of wearing gloves, hats and scarves in cold weather that is meant to stop this excessive energy loss. As the natural energy is lost, the aging process is accelerated.
Aging also occurs during non-Taoist methods of intercourse depleting the body's energy and increasing the level of tension. Increased tension will block the body's ability to receive and absorb another's energy transferred through the sex act. If one of the participating partners is experiencing a low energy level they will drain the energy from the other person. Chi energy travels from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration similar to the natural path of water as it always travels fastest to the lowest point.

Even if a couple's energy level is equal, enormous amounts of energy are drained from the body during sexual intercourse commonly resulting in a feeling of exhaustion. The exception is of course, when the Taoist methods of sexual intercourse are used, they actually increase the vital energy flow to both partners strengthening the glands, hormone production and the sex organs. This method acts to recharge lost energy and slow the aging process.
The philosophy and practices of Taoist Sexual Health are just one of many natural Penis Enhancement Methods designed to improve both sexual potency and performance.

Healing Energy From Crystals

Crystals have long been considered objects of great beauty and power. People have used them for thousands of years for healing and protection. Priests, rulers and shaman wore these powerful gemstones as spiritual and temporal authority. The rulers of Egypt were buried wearing gems to help their soles reach the "other world."
Gemstones are valued in many ways. People often wear a piece of jewelry that has particular stones in it to provide the wearer with protection or improved health.
For many of us wearing gemstones is thought to be a visual attraction. Perhaps you like to wear the stone that represents your birth month? While others look at their birthstone and feel no attraction to it whatsoever.

So the question is, why are some people attracted to stones that others are not? The answer to this is simple. Yes, some people are visually attracted to stones, they like their color or shape, and are not connecting in any way to how they actually feel when near the stone. While others can hold their hands over a particular stone and can feel whether the stone should be worn by them or not.
What is this `feeling?' Here is a simple exercise to try. Lay out your stone jewelry across a table in a line. Any stones are fine for this exercise whether they are faceted, polished or are in their natural state. Let's just say that you have 10 pieces of jewelry (this can be anything that has gemstones on it). With slightly cupped hands, hold your left hand slightly above piece number #1 and your right hand slightly above piece #10. Leaving your hands over the stones for a minute or so, focus and pay attention to the feeling in your hands.

You may feel nothing at all, or you may feel heat, cold or a tingly feeling. Your right hand may feel nothing, while your left hand may feel hot. Now move your hands to the next stones working your way to the inside of the line. Every stone that gives your hands a sensation, pull the piece out of the line. At the end of this exercise google "metaphysical properties of stones". Once you find a site, you can look up the stones that resonated with you, and see what the properties of those particular stones are. Chances are very good that you can relate to these properties within your own life/health. These are the stones that you need to consider wearing more often. As your need for them lessens, so will the `feeling' you get from them.

I work with energy and teach different kinds of healing modalities such as Reiki, Quantum Touch, essential oils, sound healing and the metaphysical properties of stones. My home is in SLC, UT and I also live part of the time in MT. I love teaching in both places as the energy of the people is clearly different. I also enjoy designing and creating one of a kind pieces of jewelry. I am the artist behind Style in Stone jewelry http://www.styleinstone.net and you can find many of my pieces on my web site. You'll find my class schedule there too. So go ahead and check out my site and sign up for a class, a healing session or contact me and tell me how you feel about my new spring collection found in the Jewelry Gallery. Suzanne McPherson.

Aromatherapy and the Use of Essential Oils For Healing and Health

Aromatherapy is one of the popular holistic healing practices that can be easily incorporated in your daily life. If given a choice, many would prefer to live a pure and simple lifestyle. In order to achieve the most favorable health condition and well-being, we have to consider the combination of mind, body and spirit, and the balancing of all these areas.
Aromatherapy includes natural elements that provide a wider range of therapeutic characteristics and effects on the body. It mostly composes of natural, organic, unadulterated aromatic extracts and aromatic essential oils that are usually sprung from plant origins. Most of the aforementioned essential oils have an important function in many occasions of our every day life. For instance, the things we use and the food we eat may contain one of these essentials. Some examples are toothpaste, mouth wash and baked goods that use oils as a form of shortening.

This therapy pertains to the use of essential oils for body healing and health purposes as a form of alternative treatment. It is also known as the art of using the scent of essential oils coming from plants that functions as treatments for mild illnesses of the mind and body.
The wonderful fragrance of these oils stimulates various responses. They awaken the olfactory and other sensory organs that control emotions and sensations coming from the areas of the brain. This actually implies that the components of these essential oils are substances that comprise a part of the mind and body.

In the process, a chain of chemical reactions takes place -- a stimuli is introduced and this results to different physical and emotional changes inside the body.
It is a method that incorporates the principles of stimulating the mind and body to enhance our life force. The therapy focuses on using various scents and oils that are compatible with each and every individual.

The beautiful, natural healing of aromatherapy is a form of alternative therapy which is also a pleasurable experience.

Why Your Workout Without Weights Stopped Working

There is a problem that must be overcome when performing a workout without weights if you want the fitness, fat loss and physique building results to continue. Once you know what it is, and more importantly how to overcome it, there is no end to the performance, health and appearance benefits you can get from just bodyweight calisthenics. But if you don't take measures to fix this problem, your advancements will come to a screeching halt sooner or later.
Don't get me wrong, you can get an excellent workout without weights. You do NOT need weighted resistance or a room full of expensive equipment to improve fitness, burn off belly fat or build a strong, athletic body. As a matter of fact, bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent place to start your fitness journey, and should remain a part of your overall workout program... even if you do use weights.

However, there is one problem with bodyweight workouts that people don't talk about. You see, when you are performing a workout without weights, your own bodyweight is the resistance. And everyone knows that to improve you need to make your workouts a little bit more challenging over time. So the big question is... how are you going to make a workout without weights more challenging when the weight of the resistance remains the same, or even gets lighter due to fat loss?
The obvious answer is to increase repetitions. Do more reps of an exercise than you did previously. And yes, this is one form of progression. Unfortunately, using this as your only form of progression has its problems. After all, you can't just keep increasing reps until you are doing hundreds of reps per bodyweight exercise without make the workout time excessively large or risking overuse injuries.

Fortunately, there are more creative ways to progress and make your next workout without weights more challenging than the one before. And frankly, I think that using your imagination creates better workouts in the long run. Let me give an example of what I mean...
When you use weights to workout, you can add weight. Adding weight and adding repetitions are the cornerstone of most weighted workouts. But relying on these two methods alone is not enough to keep the workout progressing over the long haul. Eventually, the exerciser reaches a point where they can't add any more weight or reps. So, learning different progression strategies aids every exerciser, regardless of whether they do weighted exercise or use only bodyweight exercises.

Progression is the key to success. Most people exercise because they are not satisfied with their fitness level, their health or their appearance. And the only way to force your body to make the necessary CHANGES you seek is by making your workouts progressively more challenging. If you are not happy with where you are now, learning how to overcome this problem with bodyweight workouts could be the secret to success you've been missing.

Treating Hair Loss And Keeping It Natural

Hair loss can be devastating no matter what your age or gender. For those who suffer from hair loss, not much will stop them from seeking out a hair loss remedy. While there has yet to be found an ultimate cure for hair loss, there are certain things that can help combat the effects.

First and foremost, if you are experiencing hair loss then it is imperative that you see a doctor to ensure that there are no hormonal deficiencies at work. A simple blood test should be enough to ascertain if your hormone levels are to blame for your hair loss. If this is the case, there are certain hormone treatments that have proven successful as a hair loss remedy.

Hair loss can occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance; correcting the hormone imbalance can stop the hair loss. Some mycotic infections can sometimes cause massive hair loss. Traumas such as chemotherapy, childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and severe stress may cause a little-known hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium.

In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from a person's maternal grandfather; and while there's some basis for this belief, both parents actually contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder, also known as "spot baldness", which can result in hair loss ranging from just one area to every hair on the body. Hair loss can occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes.

Massage the scalp with the fingers daily. Garlic oil remedy for hair loss - at bedtime, puncture a couple of garlic pearles, squirt the oil on the scalp, massage, cover with a cap, shampoo and rinse in the morning. Saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be cheaper and have fewer side effects than finasteride and dutasteride; unlike other 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its effects without interfering with the cellular capacity to secrete PSA (protein specific antigen).

Others have had success with consistent scalp massage as a hair loss remedy. A five minute scalp massage several times a week will go a long way to stimulating hair follicles. There are a number of oils that you can use for scalp massage including almond, coconut, and castor oils.

Depending on the culture, there are many different oil combinations that seem to have had success as a hair loss remedy. The Internet is a wonderful resource for finding some of these hair loss remedy “recipes.” You can also find an online community where you can check in with people who have tried several options. They will be able to tell you what their experience was; just keep in mind that not every person reacts the same to each hair loss remedy. Success is on an individual basis and depends largely on the particular person’s body chemistry.

Hair loss can be frustrating and upsetting. But it doesn’t have to run your life. Experiment one at a time with each particular hair loss remedy. You may find that you’re not far away from stopping hair loss

in its tracks.

Quit Smoking via Hypnosis

Most  people know that by stopping they will save several thousand dollars a year.  Most people know that they could add years to their life. And most people know  that if they stop smoking right now, they could save their health - before it's  too late. So, why do people continue to smoke? With more than 20 years combined  experience in dealing with the mind, both in the USA and in the UK , we have  found the answer to be the same all over the world. It all comes down to one  thing...FEAR.
Fear that you'll have to give up your crutch or pleasure.  Fear that you won't be able to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear that you will  put on weight. Fear that you'll have to go through an awful trauma to get free.  Fear that you'll never get completely free of the craving. All of these fears  are just examples of one overriding fear. The one simple reason that you have  not stopped smoking is that you: Fear that it is going to be too painful and  too difficult! But guess what.

hypnosis makes it Easy. In fact, our unique hypnosis technique  makes it so easy that after only one hour you'll leave a happy non-smoker - not  feeling deprived, not feeling that you've made a sacrifice, and not feeling any  pain.

Instead, you'll have a huge sense of relief and elation that you have at  last achieved what all smokers long to achieve, you have become a happy,  permanent, non-smoker.

When smokers try to stop with other methods they suffer  misery and depression caused by the feeling that they are being deprived of a  pleasure or a crutch. The beauty of hypnosis, and the way we use hypnosis in  particular, is that it removes this feeling of deprivation. It removes the need  and the desire to smoke. You won't need useless aids, gimmicks, or substitutes.  No nicotine gum or patches. No inhalers or nasal sprays. No needles or lasers.  All that you have to do with hypnosis is sit back in a nice comfortable chair,  and relax. It doesn't get much easier than that!
Nothing to Fear and everything to Gain as Hypnosis is  possibly as old as mankind. The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis  have given way to proven, scientifically sound applications. Today the use of  hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields including: medicine, dentistry, law  enforcement, professional sports, and education.

Weight Loss via Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy

Every  individual nowadays is certainly going gaga over their diet. More and more are  becoming very much particular with the various types of foods that they eat,  the amount of calorie they intake, the number of hours they exert in exercising  and in coming up with different ways on how to effectively ensure that their  diet is the one that is best for them.
However,  not everyone realizes that their diet differs greatly from that of others. This  simply means that even if a person reads through various online articles, books  and what other resource materials those are up for grabs, they are still  required to come up with ways on how to address their own eating issues and  habits. It is especially important for everyone to realize that their diet  should solely be dependent on the types of foods that they eat and no one  else's which can also helps in reducing weight.

This means  that in order for your diet and eating habits to work best for you, it might at  one point of another be necessary for you to consider seeking the help of a  registered nutritionist dietitian who can help you monitor and regulate the  types of foods that you eat without having to make you think and feel deprived  of the good but highly fattening foods that you normally enjoy.

Your diet  is important not only in order for you to look great and feel great about  yourself but also for you to be able to make sure that you will have a healthy  and active life even more when you get older. This will help you realize that  diet is something that you should have done way back.
Todd Stofka, founder of Philly Hypnosis and  developer of The Stofka Method is a certified hypnotist and master practitioner  of

onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" target="_parent" title="Neuro-Linguistic
Programing (NLP)">Neuro-Linguistics Psychology. In addition to his work with weight loss, he  also uses The Stofka Method to help people achieve a myriad of other goals from  those who want to be smoke free from cigarettes, actors / business  professionals and athletes who want to excel. www.PhillyHypnosis.com Todd  Stofka with offices in Doylestown, King of prussia and North East Philadelphia.  Phone coaching is also available. 

Treatment of Migraine and Related Headache

Most people who suffer from migraine can deal with mild-to-moderate migraine attacks at home. The following measures may help in relieving migraine headaches to a certain extent. You must:

  • Use a cold compress to the area of pain
  • Rest with pillows comfortably supporting the head and neck
  • Rest in a dark, quiet place
  • Avoid pungent odours
  • Withdraw from stressful surroundings
  • Sleep
  • Drink a moderate amount of caffeine

In addition, a variety of drugs have been specifically designed to migraine treatment. Medications used to combat migraines fall into two broad categories. They include:
  • Pain-relieving medications: Also known as acute or abortive treatment, these drugs when taken during migraine attacks, can stop the symptoms that have already begun.
  • Preventive medications: These drugs are almost always meant to be taken regularly, on a daily basis, to help reduce the severity or frequency of migraine headaches.

Pain-relieving medications: These drugs must be taken as soon as the signs or symptoms of a migraine are experienced. Sleeping or resting in a dark room may also help. These drugs are:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These medications help relieve pain. NSAIDs must not be taken for a long period of time or else it may lead to ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and rebound headaches.
  • Triptans: For severe migraine attacks, Triptans are the drug of choice. They effectively relieve migraine associated pain and nausea as well as sensitivity to light and sound. Side effects of triptans include nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness and, rarely, stroke and heart attack.
  • Ergots: Ergotamine, a common prescription for migraine, was in use long before triptans were introduced.
  • Anti-nausea medications: Since migraine attacks are often accompanied by nausea with or without vomiting, medication for nausea is appropriate and is usually combined with other medications.
  • Butalbital combinations: These medication combinations are sometimes used to treat migraine attacks. These medications, however, have a high risk of rebound headache and withdrawal symptoms and must therefore be used infrequently.
  • Opiates: Medications containing narcotics, particularly codeine, are sometimes used to treat migraine pain in people who cannot take triptans or ergots. These drugs are habit-forming and must be used only as a last resort.

Preventive medications: These medications often help in reducing the frequency, severity and length of migraines as well as increase the effectiveness of symptom-relieving medicines. Preventive medications are generally recommended for daily use, or when a predictable trigger like menstruation is approaching. Some preventive medications include:
  • Cardiovascular drugs: Beta blockers commonly used to treat high blood pressure and coronary artery disease can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. These drugs are generally considered as the first line of treatment. Calcium channel blockers another class of cardiovascular drugs, may also be helpful. In addition, antihypertensive medications are useful in preventing migraines
  • Antidepressants: Certain antidepressants can effectively prevent all types of headaches, including migraines. These medications reduce migraines by affecting the level of serotonin and other brain chemicals.
  • Anti-seizure drugs: Although the reason is unclear, some anti-seizure drugs, seem to prevent migraines. In high doses, however, these anti-seizure drugs can cause side effects, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, hair loss and dizziness.
  • Cyproheptadine: This antihistamine specifically affects serotonin activity. Doctors sometimes give it to children as a preventive measure.
  • Botulinum toxin type A (Botox): People receiving Botox injections for facial wrinkles have noted improvement in their headaches. Although the mechanism itself is unclear, the drug may cause changes in the nervous system that modifies the body's tendency to develop migraines.

Burberry perfumes for Women

Women are always enamored by the sweet fragrances. Wearing a good fragrance is essential part of the personality of a chic woman. There are many good quality perfumes offered by many companies. Out of all brands, one popular brand is Burberry Perfumes. Burberry perfume for women is among the most popular perfumes. Lunched in 1995/1996, this perfume has created a special place in the fashion kitty of modern women. Across the globe, women love to wear it. It was renamed as the Burberry London in late 1990’s but later in 2005; it was again got its original name as just Burberry.

Burberry, the brand is also popular for other things like designer bags, clothing trends and the popular plaid patterns, designed by the company. Due to success of these products specially targeted to women, company launched its perfume for women.

The Fragrance of Burberry Perfume for Women It is sensuous and appealing perfume. This Women Perfumes is sweet smelling. Top notes of fragrance of this perfume contain the top notes of lavender, mint and thyme. Mixed to it are the middle notes of germanium, sandalwood and cedar. Bottom notes of this perfume are consists of amber and jasmine. Once you wear this perfume, its fragrance can last for more than nine hours. Though it feels strong in the initial hour of applying it but it is not overbearing. Women of all the ages can use it and can be used at any hour of the day casually. The warm and sexy scent of the fragrance of the Burberry Perfume for Women smells like a fresh fruit. This perfume is perfect buy for those who love fresh, warm fruity smell.

Product and Packaging Like its fragrance, packaging of this perfume is equally attractive. It is classy, away from a being a trendy packaging. Ivory colored box has a plaid border at its bottom. Burberry is printed in large across the fragrance box. You will instantly love the shape and size of the clear bottle which is short and round with silver top. Burberry is printed in large across the bottle which contains amber colored perfume.

While looking forward to buy Burberry perfumes, you can also check its gifts sets which include shower gel and lotion in an ivory package. So this Burberry Perfume for Women can be your choice of perfume if you like warm, fresh, fruity scent. It can be the most essential part of your style and you can make a style statement. To buy Burberry perfumes, you can search online. There are many stores offering this perfume at discount prices.

Top tips for beauty

Beauty is such a charismatic feeling which is cherished by all. Everybody wants to look beautiful. Though, all of us are bestowed with natural features but to look elegant and beautiful, you need to make efforts on your own. Here we present top beauty tips which can help you maintain your beauty.

Skin Care Tips Skin care is the most essential part of Beauty Care regime. A clear and glowing skin is the mirror of condition of your health and beauty. Clear skin means it should be free from acne, blackheads, pimples and other skin conditions. Some of the skin care tips are as follows.

Dry Brushing Before taking bath, dry brush your skin every day. It helps stimulates oil glands in the skin. Use a soft bristled brush and start from feet upwards in circular motion. Follow it by warm shower and then massage with moisturizer.

Exfoliate To clear your skin from dirt, pollution, dead cells and other deposition, exfoliation is the best mantra. You can use commercial beauty scrubs or natural scrubs made from natural ingredients. White granulated sugar makes a good scrub for exfoliating skin.

Hair Care tips Hairs on your head are as important for your personality as the skin. Healthy and shiny hairs are essential part of your beauty. If you take proper health care, you will certainly have strong and healthy hair as these are the result of healthy body.

Keep your hair clean It is very important to keep your hair clean whatever be the atmospheric conditions. It keeps your hair free from dandruff and other infections. Use once in week, Apple Cider Vinegar hair rinse to do away with toxins and shampoo build up in hairs. While applying any hair product like hair color, hair dyes or hair sprays, keep them away from your face.

Hair Styling To make your hair look stylish within minutes, you can use hair styling products like Texturizing cream, available in the market. Just rub this cream in your hair after drying them up with a towel after shower. For straightening wavy hair, just apply small amount of hand lotion in your hair and then comb them straight. To maximize your hair style, use a hair spray when using hot rollers and blow dryers.

External beauty is the reflection of inner beauty and health of your body. No amount of beauty products can give you that amount of glow which can be given by few minutes of exercise daily. It increases oxygen intake and blood circulation.

Orthopedic Abdominal Back Support

Back problem is a common and prevalent health issue affecting the large number of people worldwide. There are many reasons for having back problems.
The most common cause of low back problems is the muscle strain. Another common cause of back pain is a ruptured intervertebral disc. It may be Discogenic back pain. In aging population, Spinal stenosis is the cause of the back pain. Arthritis of the spine can also cause it. Other reasons can be Spondylolisthesis, Osteoporosis. To have a good health, you need to protect your spine. You must get your back treated for any pain; you may be having for any reason. Having a constant back pain can cripple you and prevent you from doing any work.

Wearing an Orthopedic Abdominal Back support device is the part of back pain treatment. These are the abdominal belts designed to give protection to the abdominal back region. It provides compression around the abdominal region which in turn protects the lumber back from problems like sprains, strains, and herniated discs. These back support belt devices are made to fit around the lower lumber region and its additional side pulls give increased compression to the lower trunk region.

These belts are of medical-grade and last for years of use. These orthopedic appliances are comfortable to use and are of variable sizes. Besides providing protection, these devices, reduce the compressive load. A substantial relief from back pain is obtained by wearing a back support. It offers increased intra-abdominal pressure, controlling rotation of the trunk, decreasing extension of spinal column and reducing excessive lordosis curvature in the lower lumber. Its braces make abdominal compression which provides pain relief by producing a low load, abdominal lifting effect and reduce shear forces.

Many leading manufacturers like Procare, Donjoy, Hely Weber and more offer these high quality products. These belts are produced from neoprene-free material to deal with skin sensitivities. Also, the material of the belt let the air pass through so that keeping it cool and dry. Orthopedic Abdominal Back Support is advised by the orthopedic surgeons after lumber injuries and any back surgery.

But before purchasing any Orthopedic Abdominal Back Support, it is important to have proper measurement of the patient's size. One can have maximum relief from pain only when, you wear a properly sized belt. A properly sized belt can only give the required back support. You can search and compare for orthopedic appliances online.

Lakme Gift Pack Section of Women

It is said that beauty lies in eyes of the beholder. But you can always enhance your natural features by applying some good quality makeup to look more attractive. The quality and the style of the cosmetics should be such that just helps you enhance your natural features rather than suppressing them. Also, it is important that the beauty products used, do not affect your skin and health in any negative way. In this regards, cosmetics offered by the Lakme, a leading brand name in the field of beauty products, are extremely good. Lakme offer makeup products as well as skin care products.

Lakme is a popular name among all sections of women. Women who use cosmetics vouch for the quality of Lakme products. Besides offering good quality, Lakme products are priced moderately. Because of its reasonable price range and good quality, these products have carved a niche in the market. No other brand of cosmetics has such a large base as is covered by Lakme.

Lakme offers large range of products ranging from color cosmetics to skin care precuts to hair care products. It offers products for women of all ages. For example it has lip colors and

href="http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/lakme-gift-pack-section-of-women-979082.html#" id="KonaLink2" style="position: static; text-decoration: underline ! important;" target="undefined">nail colors
which can suit all ages. There light pastel shades to bright shades to glittered shades. This is the brand even teenagers can use safely. May it be a working woman going to office everyday or a traditional homemaker; there are products to suiting to the taste of all kinds of women. There is special range of lip colors specially designed for working, “9 to 5”, women who have no time in a day to update their makeup once they put it over their faces. These lip colors do not fade away or loose their sheen for long hours.

There are many special occasions when you look for appropriate things to gift to the women in your life, be it your mother, sister, wife, daughter or girlfriend. Lakme gift packs are the perfect item in this regard. These gift packs are the set of cosmetics which are commonly used by the women on daily basis. For example, a particular Lakme Gift Set may contain products like one Lakme compact, Lakme Lipstick, Lakme Lip Pencil, Lakme Kajal Pencil and a Lakme Eye Shadow. Price range of this set is very reasonable and even discounted if you compare to price these Lakme products separately. So, next time, when you plan to buy a gift for a woman, instantly think of Lakme Gift Pack.

How to Prevent Foot Pain from Flat Feet and Overpronation

A poll conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association revealed that a amazing 73 percent of those surveyed reported that they are suffering from foot pain. The question is: why has foot pain become one of the most common complaints in the examination room? Most patients have issues with their feet because of: the kind of footwear they use, what activities they participate in, or the way their feet are formed. Using ill-fitting shoes can turn minor problems into major ones. Athletes are another group who are often affected by foot pain. Factors such as poor support can all be reasons for pain in the feet, ankles, knees, and lower back. Mom and dad can also be the cause of foot-related problems, because genetics play a role how normally a foot is formed. This can raise the risk of someone having pain issues with their feet.

How the Foot Works on the Inside

Flat feet can cause an inward rolling of the feet which can make activities painful. The foot is in charge of balance, stability, and bears the weight of the body. The parts of the foot that help keep this balance are the heel, arch, tarsals and metatarsals provide the body with what it needs to perform optimally. The arch offers the majority of the foot’s stability in the tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

This delicate balance can be interrupted by tall arches or low arches, which can cause the foot to rotate oddly. With high arches, the body’s weight is oddly emphasized on the outer edge of the foot , a condition known as over-supination. Conversely, over-pronation takes place with flat feet because the weight of the body is concentrated on the inside of the foot, forcing the feet to roll toward the inside .

Feet Overpronation Can Lead to Serious Foot Problems
A brief evaluation to see if flat feet or high arches are an issue is to go to a place where a foot impression can be made, such as on concrete. Sink one of the feet in some water and then stamp your foot onto the dry surface. Then, lift the foot off the ground and see the mark that remains. A foot with overpronation will leave a total mark where the entire foot has touched the ground. A high arch will leave just a part of the ball of the foot’s, outer portion, and heel of the foot. Either of these arch conditions can cause painful heel spurs or treatment for plantar fasciitis because the foot takes repeated and excessive pressure on points that were not intended to have impact.

Orthotics Provide Effective Relief for Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Those who have flat feet, heel spurs, or who need treatment for plantar fasciitis can find the pain eliminated with the use of orthotic insoles. They give the needed support to remedy the weakened areas in the arch of the foot. They also give cushioning in areas where repeated and excessive there is excess pressure on the foot in the heel and ball areas. Orthotics are available in many sizes and types and are made to meet everyone’s needs no matter what their activity level.

Few Best Home Remedies for Acne

Acne is not a serious problem, but before using or buying any medicine you should know about your acne conditions and stage. If any one can find out that why and how acne happened and how to cure then this problem can be control in it's earlier stage.

It's not necessary that you should have to go your doctor first. First you should try to use few home remedies and if you feel that you did not not found best treatments then you should go to your family doctor or you can buy best acne medicine Online. Here you should also consider one important point that if possible you should avoid medicine for acne treatment at earlier stage. If possible buy cream or lotion for acne treatment. It is proved by doctors that cream is best treatment for acne.
Before buying any types of acne medicine or cream, you should first check that medicine or cream that you are buying is good for your skin or not. There is lots of medicine present Online but you should have to check that your acne medicine is natural or herbal. If natural or herbal medicine or cream using by you then it will not create any problem to your body as well as your skin.
Acne treatment will take time so you should not hurry that your product or home remedy is not working well on your skin, so for effective treatment you should have to wait few days or may be few months.

Few Best Home Remedies for Acne-
1.Daily wash acne skin more then 4 to 5 times with cold water.
2.Mix gram flour with unboiled milk and wash your acne skin 2 times every day before going bad.
3. Take 2 tablespoon of white sugar and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and wet a little and rub face, really it's a good acne remedy .
4.Eat foods high in beta carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe and other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables.
5.A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times every day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!
6.Take 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Make a paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
7.Clove based face mask or a paste of Fenugreek (Methi ) leaves applied overnight on acne and washed off next morning .

8.Neem posses’ outstanding anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral capabilities. It is either applied on the skin in the form of a cream containing neem oil or is taken in the form of capsules two times a day.
9.Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder. Apply the paste to the face each night at bedtime.
10.Drink lots of water. This help clean the body by carrying out waste.
11.Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

Fat Burning Over Forty

If you are over forty years old and want to burn fat, you probably think you need to do more fat burning cardio workouts. However, the shocking truth is that you need to exercise less and do more intense workouts.
In this article, you’re going to discover the truth about burning fat over the age of 40. You’ll find out it’s a lot more important to do quality, not quantity, when it comes to your exercise sessions. So let’s get started by looking at why cardio fails for fat loss.

In a research study published in the prestigious journal, Obesity, researchers put men and women on an extreme cardio workout program. Each subject had to do one hour of cardio six days per week for one year. That’s a total of 300 hours of cardio.
Now most folks would expect big-time weight loss results from that much cardio exercise, but the results were extremely disappointing (although not surprising to me). The men lost an average of 6 pounds while the women lost only 4 pounds. That’s over 50 hours of cardio just to lose one measly pound!
There’s no way I would keep my job as a fat loss expert if my clients only lost one pound every 60 days. So that’s why I use interval training and resistance training with all of my clients, no matter what their age.
The truth is that someone who is over 40 needs to train using the same fat loss principles as someone who is under 30. Of course, you need to have your doctor clear you for exercise, and you might have some specific areas of muscle weakness that need more work, but other than that, everything else is the same.
Here are my top 3 fat burning rules for folks over forty who want to lose belly fat.

Rule number one is to eat a low-calorie diet focusing on whole, natural foods. We all need to be eating more fruits and vegetables, and it doesn’t matter what age you are. So try to add one extra serving tomorrow until you are up to 10 total servings per day.
The fiber will help fill you up and by reducing processed foods in your diet you will have more energy and you will lose weight. It’s that easy.
The second rule is to use resistance training to sculpt your muscles. As you get older, strength becomes more and more important to your health and well-being. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it, so make sure your exercise program includes total body strength training at least twice per week, and preferably three times per week.

Finally, you need interval training to help you burn belly fat in less workout time than long slow cardio. Research from Australia found that women who did only 20 minutes of interval training three times per week were able to lose more belly fat than women who did 40 minutes of long, slow cardio.
So switch your program to short, burst exercise and you’ll get more results in less time, no matter what your age!

Learn More:

Learn more about fat burning workouts to burn belly fat at TurbulenceTraining.com.

Acne Skin Care Education Effective

For most of us that take pride in the way we look, the thought of suffering with acne or Zits, may at first seem awful; but this is a skin condition that can be treated. This is a skin complaint that affects many people around the world so scientific research to find a cure is fierce; as a consequence, many of these new treatments are very affective. The acne skin care products

available fall into these:

Internet or Drugstore: Treatment that helps prevents condition
Prescription only treatments
Probably the largest part of the skin care market is products that are designed to clean and protect the skin from acne occurring, like skin cleansers. In the real sense, these products are just those that should be part of your daily routine.

More specialized cleaners are designed in the same way as acne skin care products; they clean out the pores to help stop sebum or oil which clogs up the pores. Products like this work by minimizing the amount of oil that stays in the pores which can assist harmful bacteria growth which can lead to acne skin issues.

General skin care treatments
also include special exfoliation products like skin peels. The peels clean the skin by removing all surface pollution and dead skin cells which can block the pores.
There are specialized acne skin care products available over-the-counter, they do not require the need of a prescription. These include products like vanishing creams which extract the excess oil from the skin. Most of these are based on benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, both of which are the enemies of bacteria (and hence acne).
Experts suggest that when you start to use this type of product that the amount of benzoyl peroxide contained in the product be kept to 5 1/2 percent or lower. If this doesn't work then you can always use a cream or cleaner that has alpha hydroxy acid in it. It is not always possible to find an acne skin care product that works first time. You may need to try a few but if none of them seem to be working then you would be advised to contact your skin specialist.
In the case where you need to consult your skin care specialist or doctor they may prescribe a special ointment or antibiotics. In some case your doctor may suggest the pustules are drained of harmful contents under local anesthetic, this is a minor procedure which if carried out by yourself could result in skin damage.
Wrapping It Up
Hormone therapy is an alternative that has been shown to be effective. In many cases studies have shown that hormones can cause acne and hormone based skin care treatments have proved to be effective. Dealing and solving this skin complaint is not the issue it used to be, there are now a large selection of acne products specifically formulated to deal with this. This means that an acne sufferer does not have to put up with this conditi

About The Best Acne Treatment Educating Yourself

The problem of acne can range anywhere from being simply mild and pretty much undetectable to so serious that it hurts a person's self-esteem as well as their self confidence and has the ability to be unbelievably damaging to a persons life generally speaking. Acne is a condition of the skin that is highly common, particularly in the demographic group of teenagers where it is primarily only temporary.
Acne is a type of condition that happens because of an overproduction of oil from the oil producing glands in the skin. This production of oil is typically not out of the ordinary and assists in helping to lubricate the skin yet when it becomes excessive it can end up in your pores becoming clogged and the result is what we know as pimples. Nodules or cysts might also materialize, and what these are is deeper types of pimples within the skin that are longer lasting and frequently even last for an individuals whole life.

Best Acne Treatments
In the case of treatment, there are some in particular that are thought to be the best acne treatment. There are actually an excessive quantity of acne fighting products on the open market nowadays that you can't even count them and the surprising thing is the majority of them don't even work, yet a few of these have been shown to be useful time and time again.

The initial one needing mention of the best acne treatment is Proactiv. This is one of the best acne treatments and also one of the better known. You will see celebrities such as Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Fox campaigning on television as well as other venues and it certainly appears to be helping numerous individuals who were not capable of finding other effective acne solutions that work for them.
Proactive has been featured in many different media forums such as news stories, infomercials, magazines as well as newspaper articles. It is a 3 step acne fighting system that incorporates a renewing cleanser, repairing lotion, and a revitalizing toner.
A second one to mention of the best acne treatments out there is Accutane. This type of product is stronger to a much greater degree than Proactiv, yet it is still relatively safe for use by all ages. The largest problem with this particular type of product however is that there are numerous types of restrictions in regards to who cannot use it.

For instance women who are pregnant cannot use it, or women who are planning on becoming pregnant or even nursing. It has been demonstrated to result in defects at birth, cracked and dry lips and even dysfunction of the liver, and hence it is crucial to consult with your physician prior to beginning any treatment with it yourself.
Additionally, it is also very crucial to bear in mind that simply because an acne treatment is thought to be one of the best, this doesn't necessarily dictate that is it one of the best for you in particular. What you have to do is some basic trial and error to discover what is going to work best for your specific acne condition. Always check with your physician prior to any undergoing any treatment.

Anxiety Heart Attack Symptoms - How My Anxiety Attack Tricked Me

If its your first anxiety attack, and you've never had a heart attack, there is probably no way that you would be able to figure out that what you're actually experiencing is an anxiety attack, and not a heart attack. That was my frightening experience anyway...
Caught in the middle of 5 lanes of traffic in the city in the evening, I suddenly had a 'turn'. My wife noticed and asked what was wrong. I said that I wasn't feeling right and would need to park up somewhere. At that moment I felt 'detached' from myself, not in control of myself, and a bit lightheaded.
Miraculously, I managed to get parked within a few minutes. By this time I was finding it hard to breathe, my heart was thumping fast, I had a slight tightness across my chest, my fingers were tingling, I was disorientated, dizzy, and, I honestly had this real fear that I was going to die from a heart attack!
To cut a long story short, an ambulance was called and I was taken into the back for examination and tests. I was dumfounded -- not to say highly embarrassed -- when they told me I had had an anxiety attack, and not a heart attack.
An anxiety attack? Me, suffering from anxiety? I couldn't believe it! But after seeing my doctor and doing my detailed Internet research, I realized that I wasn't alone, and that it is very common for victims suffering an anxiety attack to firmly believe they are having a heart attack.

You see, typical symptoms of an anxiety attack are; palpitations, dizziness, very fast breathing (hyperventilation), racing / pounding heart, chest / throat tightness, shaking / shivering, sweating, a 'detached from reality' feeling, nausea, etc.
So you can understand how anyone suffering an anxiety attack can be forgiven for fearing that they are suffering a heart attack. And, because they have some symptoms in common, it's vital to seek urgent medical help. Do not self-diagnose.
What I found out through my doctor, was that I was suffering from general anxiety and that something -- probably the traffic -- had triggered the attack. So he gave me a script for antidepressants which is a common approach in managing anxiety.

However, I decided not to start them as I had seen the effects similar medications had on one or two other people I know. And I didn't want to go around in a daze. However, I knew I had to do something fast as I was pretty scared of having another anxiety attack in a similar situation. And I knew that if I did it, it would still be very hard to convince myself that I wasn't having a heart attack. The feelings are just so terrifying.
That's when I successfully researched the Internet for a completely natural way to prevent further anxiety attacks. And the key to it all was to get rid of the 'fear' of having another anxiety attack, which itself often times causes an attack

Living A Natural Life Again - Sunset Malibu Alcohol Rehabilitation Center

MALIBU, CA - Alcohol rehabilitation is a journey towards true healing. Generally, alcoholism is a ravaging sickness because it deprives its prey of their pride and their capability of recovering. Hence, alcohol rehabilitation is very necessary for alcohol addicts. Alcohol treatment is not simple; however, provided they have the willingness to fight their obsession within, they will find and live a life free from alcohol usage.

Speaking of alcohol rehabilitation, you should select a popular center known to be well-organized and is very much committed to facilitating individuals conquer their dependence on alcohol.  One highly recommended institution that helps patients beat alcohol addiction is Sunset Malibu. Sunset Malibu, being one of the most prestige alcohol rehab centers available in all areas in the west coast, has the best alcohol treatment procedures to fight against the evil of alcoholism.

It has been observed that patients in Sunset Malibu who are in need of alcohol rehab are taken care of individually and not as a group. Once a person realizes that he needs help to fight against the call of alcohol and joins Sunset Malibu, he has taken his first step to a journey of true healing. As a matter of fact, to admit that one is obsessed to alcohol is a very difficult decision to make for most patients.
It is an advantage for patients because there are several experts and professional who will discuss with the patient from the start until a rationalized end of the addiction. We all know that alcohol addiction can not be overcome in just a short limited time and Sunset Malibu is sensitive enough to the extent that the institution considers that fighting against alcoholism has to be a lifetime process. You can visit www.drugrehabsunsetmalibu.com
to talk to specialized individuals for alcohol rehab consultation and take a step to a new life free from alcohol.

There is no need for patients to feel anxious since Sunset Malibu employs the perfect individuals and the appropriate environment suited for alcohol rehabilitation. At Sunset Malibu, patients are being walked through the process, step-by-step, from the start of the addiction to the point of beating the obsession of alcohol. The major objective of Sunset Malibu is a long term triumph in winning against alcoholism for all those patients under Sunset Malibu’s rehabilitation center.

Experts and other professionals help in the treatment of patient who experienced alcoholism because they have studied several cases of alcohol addictions. Basically, they have learned what it takes to defeat this kind of addiction through alcohol treatment procedures. We have to remember that an alcohol addict will not be able to totally defeat alcoholism without the help of these specialists.
The Sunset Malibu rehabilitation center offers different kinds of activities for a struggling alcoholic to help him relax and get rid of alcohol in his mind. Some activities that are offered are yoga, massage, acupuncture, and constant discussion with his counselor. You will learn more of these activities by visiting the site http://www.drugrehabsunsetmalibu.com/.

The institution is very much dedicated to terminate the horrible experience of alcoholic addiction. It has been documented that all counselors at Sunset Malibu are chosen due to an excellent contribution and character in the success of alcohol treatment procedure. It is an assurance that no patient at Sunset Malibu is going to leave the center without getting rid of any alcoholic feeling within him.

There is no age preference for any one who is much interested to join alcohol rehabilitation in Sunset Malibu. The center offers various treatments for any range of age not just to alcohol but to other drugs too. Absolutely, every individual who enters Sunset Malibu’s doors will be treated with the best treatment ever in terms of alcohol rehabilitation.

Sunset Malibu has the best professionals and specialists that can deal with any kind of addiction, may it be alcohol, drugs, or any pain killers. Let us give way to individuals who wish to live a natural life again free from addiction.
About the Company: Sunset Malibu

href="http://www.drugrehabsunsetmalibu.com/drug-rehab/drug-rehab-center/" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" rel="nofollow">drug treatment center
is among the leading recovery centers for drug dependents. The company has earned its reputation with the accomplishment of their mission to help drug dependents recover from their current conditions. Every case is dealt with sincerity and commitment.

Emotional Eating - Dare to Dream

Many people who overeat do so to fill in the empty time when they are bored, or they are using food to fill their emotional hunger. The pain of loneliness, the itch of frustration or the adrenaline-burst of anger can be suppressed by filling up with food.
And it's better to do that, we reason, than turn our feelings inwards and hurt ourselves or turn the feelings outwards and hurt others. So food becomes a drug to suppress feelings and all the feelings turn to fat.

Even though we know it doesn't really work, we still do it.
At the end of the overeating binge, our feelings are still there. They may for a short while be lying sulking in the corner, temporarily subdued by the food. But because physical hunger wasn't the question, physical food is not the answer.
And the food we choose to do this is so, so "bad". Whatever your comfort food is, I can pretty much guarantee it's not broccoli. We eat high fat/sugar goodies when we are feeling down emotionally. That makes us feel down physically and it makes us feel guilty!
So we can then feel yuk and bad/sad/mad all at the same time!
So how can you deal with this? In the Food & Joy Coaching Process I talk about having awareness - the first stage of tackling this is to be aware that you are doing it.

Then choosing a time when you are not emotionally hungry, dare to dream.
Dream of eating wonderful, nutritious foods that will fill you with vitamins, minerals and all the other goodies you need for good health.
Dare to dream of all the crispy crunchy salady stuff you could eat and experience the fresh cleansing feeling of eating this food. Feel the crunchiness, smell the crispness and freshness of this food.
Dare to dream of effortlessly making choices that will support your physical body and nourish your soul. See a huge buffet of food in front of you with lots of healthy foods to choose from and you are free to pile your plate high with them. And you know that these foods will nourish and sustain you.
Dare to dream that you are the kind of person who loves food and always knows how to choose the best for your body. So you see yourself choosing food that your body is going to love - you can feel the energy that you will have after eating this food.

Dare to dream of the lightness you will feel when you have made these food choices. You have eaten your fill but are not overfull. You have eaten foods bursting with goodness and the cells of your body have been nourished without being overfed with calories.
Do this every day and if you make this dream as vivid as possible you can eat what you want because what you want will be the most healthy, life-giving food on the planet.
Health and happiness to you!

Orthorexia Awareness

This article is all about healthy and effective diets and related subjects but it turns out there is an extreme form of everything, including the desire to be healthy. It seems like everyone I know is increasingly aware of the importance of a healthier diet and exercise, though everyone implements these changes in their own way and most are far from extreme in their lifestyle changes. But Dr. Steven Bratman has discovered a new and dangerous condition in which people pursue health to the dangerous extreme.

Back in 1997, he coined the term orthorexia which is an unhealthy obsession (as in obsessive-compulsive disorder) with what the sufferer considers to be healthy eating. The person may avoid certain foods, like those containing fats, preservatives, animal products, or other ingredients he or she considers unhealthy. What's worse is that if the dietary restrictions are too severe or improperly managed, malnutrition can result, including emaciation, and this has the potential to reach the extremes seen in anorexia nervosa.
Although orthorexia can reach the extremes that anorexia does, the motivation of orthorexia is quite different; an anorexic wants to lose weight, and an orthorexic wants to feel pure, healthy and natural. So what are the signs of an orthorexic?
He or she may present with the following symptoms:

• Spending more than 3 hours a day thinking about healthy food
• Planning tomorrow's menu today
• Being critical of others who don't eat as well
• Skipping foods they once enjoyed in order to eat the "right" foods
• Feeling guilt when they stray from their "healthy" diet
• Feeling in control when they eat the correct diet
• Feeling virtuous about what they eat, but not enjoying it much
• Experiencing a reduced quality of life or social isolation

So what do you do if you or a person close to you is experiencing these symptoms? Its important to enlist the help of a nutritionist or doctor who specializes in dealing with this type of eating disorder.

Overcoming Binge Eating - The First Steps to End Binge Eating

Binge eating is something many of us face - yes MANY of us. Whether we binge out of intense physical or emotional cravings depends on the individual, but I wouldn't be surprised if we had all binged once in our life.
For some though binge eating is something that takes over their lives. Binge eating can be a regular, daily occurrence. The number one issue causing binge eating is usually emotional repression. In a society that encourages us to repress, avoid and take our mind off our feelings, it can be hard to allow ourselves to actually feel due to guilt and shame. When you keep avoiding or distracting yourself from feelings it can be even harder to move from this to a life of feeling. Binge eating is just one way people use to repress feelings.

Overcoming binge eating is a task that can seem quite daunting but taking a few steps in the right direction can really help prevent binges for good. I think it is important that before we address the emotional side of bingeing we must make sure that our body is getting all it needs nutritionally and physically. There are many aspects to overcoming binge eating but I feel the first crucial step is to stop dieting.
Although having a healthy diet is a good thing, the word diet has been used to describe deprivation eating. When you think of the word diet I am sure the first thing that comes into your mind is that you have to "give up" foods you like. This mentality around the term dieting is exactly why most diets fail and most people are unsuccessful at losing weight and preventing themselves from binging. One needs to reframe their mind around the word diet in order to be successful in eating better and overcoming cravings.

Thinking of a diet as deprivation will also push you into a panic mode, which can lead you into a binge. I know when I tried diets (or specifically the mainstream diets) I would do ok the first day but by evening I would almost go into a blind panic, as though all food was being taken away from me. This would lead me to a massive binge. This mentality is partly due to the way the word diet is used but also because of my emotional eating. I was going to "deprive" myself of my comfort foods.
As a result I found the best way to eat healthier and to keep cravings at bay was to slowly introduce healthier foods and to nourish my body with the right foods to diminish.
Most diets out there do not nourish your body sufficiently, are not healthy or geared towards the optimum diet for us as a species and leave you feeling deprived. They also do not address emotional and physical cravings either. So you are bound to fail by using these programs or getting wrapped in their use of the word diet.

Your Thinking
The biggest reason for failing at diets is the way we think. We think of food as good and bad and if we eat the bad stuff we feel guilty and ashamed. On top of this we see bad food as something we aren't allowed or that we are missing out on.
What we should be doing instead is viewing those foods we consider bad as something we have CHOSEN not to eat. You have chosen not to eat that food as opposed to not being allowed to have it. You can freely choose again to have it but you are choosing not to for your health and weight loss goals.
We need to also take the food off the pedestal we have firmly placed it on because those junk foods do not love you like you love them do they? They leave you feeling ashamed, guilty, depressed, sluggish and awful.
If you stop seeing foods as good or as bad, start taking power of your choices and saying to others and to yourself that you are CHOOSING to eat this way, you are CHOOSING to not eat certain foods, then you will find you will have much more success in eating healthy and not binging.
They are not forbidden foods, they are just foods you are choosing to no longer eat.

Eating Disorders - A Matter of Willpower

The human body is typically designed to heal and recover from disease, illnesses, and disorders that a person may experience in the course of their lives. It may take them some time to do so, but for the most part, people are largely able to recover from most of these illnesses, diseases, and disorders. There are, however, some disorders that tend to affect both the body as well as the mind of the person that is afflicted with the condition. One example of this are the various eating disorders that more and more people all over the world appear to be developing in the course of their lives.

 An eating disorder is a particular point of concern because of the effect it can have on a person, not only does it deprive the person of much needed nutrients needed in daily life, or conversely, it causes a person to eat much more than what is needed by the body and considered to be safe, but an eating disorder also significantly affects the mind of a person, making the person think that the erroneous eating habit that they had developed because of the eating disorder is not harmful to them in any way. In some cases, people do acknowledge the damage that an eating disorder can bring to them, but they feel that they are powerless to do anything about it, so they will continue to give in to the hazardous habit. In some cases, the person is absolutely afraid that people might discover that they have an eating disorder, and they will do their best to try to hide or deny that they are indeed afflicted with an eating disorder. This act only serves to exacerbate the condition, since people will often choose to believe that a person is just indeed having a bad day and that it is affecting the way they eat rather than attribute the change in eating habits to an eating disorder.

In cases wherein people tend to curb the way they eat, like when they are afflicted with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, they will have an irrational fear of gaining any amount of weight, and will often have a distorted view of how they really look, often seeing themselves as being overweight when they are already dangerously underweight. When this behavior manifests, the disorder has already reached such a severity that will already require intervention, since most people already in this stage will not have the willpower themselves to seek medical attention.
In cases wherein people tend to binge or overeat, they are typically afflicted with the binge eating disorder. This disorder is usually triggered by emotional or psychological stress. People with this disorder tend to eat excessive amounts of food when they feel bothered, disturbed, or depressed. In some cases, this disorder is so bad that the person afflicted with it will take any excuse at all to binge on food, thereby making them gain a significant amount of weight. This disorder creates a vicious cycle of its own, since unhappy people who have this disorder comfort themselves by eating, and when they eat they also become equally unhappy, and the cycle goes on.

The issue to address here is how to best help people with eating disorders gain enough willpower to affect a change in their eating habits, and how to affect a positive mind set in them enough to allow them to develop proper eating habits and maintain those proper eating habits.

Eating Disorders - A Silent Killer

Medical science has allowed medical and healthcare professionals to identify most, if not all disorders that plague humanity today. In many cases, the disorders inflict a great many number of people that it actually becomes commonly known, and therefore launches equally common known cures and treatments, which become quite popular with people easily. Some examples are the common byproducts of life today such as anxiety and depression.
The world we live in today can create so much stress for a person that it actually promotes the development of a disorder. This stress may also partially be blamed for the proliferation of the eating disorders among people. Many may not realize just how prevalent eating disorders can be amongst people, since it is not really a disorder that many address, at least not as popularly as depression and anxiety issues are addressed.

A recent study has shown that at least .5% of women and even .05% of men will manifest certain characteristics of anorexia nervosa at one point during their lives, with some of the people bearing the characteristics actually developing a full blown case of the disorder. A greater number of women, at least 3%, may manifest characteristics of bulimia at one point during their lives. Binge eating, however, remains the most prevalent eating disorder of all, being present in at least 2% of all living adults at any given time.
What is alarming, however, is the fact that the number of people suffering from the various eating disorders appear to be rising slowly but steadily over the years. Since first being documented and established as a disorder, the cases of people suffering from one form of eating disorder or another have more than tripled in number. This is quite alarming since there have been immense developments in the methods of treatment of the various physical and mental disorders known to man, and yet the number of people suffering from eating disorders appear to be on the rise, instead of decreasing.

In most cases, eating disorders appear to manifest more commonly in women than in men, as shown by studies in the field, where only about 10% of all patients diagnosed with eating disorders are men. Some contend, however, that this figure may never be accurately validated, since it is an established fact that people suffering from eating disorders have a knack of being totally secretive about it and will deny ever having it, much less seek help for their disorder, which has led doctors and medical professionals to speculate that there may actually be a bigger percentage of people with eating disorders that are unaccounted for, and thus, untreated.
Statistically, there have been much more people which have come out and sought medical help in treating sexually transmitted diseased or venereal diseases than people who have an eating disorder.

Most of people known to have eating disorders usually start manifesting it around the time of adolescence or even early adulthood. This condition is made worse by the fact that the transition between adolescence and adulthood is particularly fraught with much stress for the people going through that period. While there are no clear cut indicators as to what particular events trigger the development of an eating disorder in a person, it is generally attributed to instances wherein the person is subjected to much stress and anxiety, as in instances of violence, intense conflict, great physical stress, burgeoning peer pressure and even a lack of emotional support from the people the person expects support from.

Is Anorexia a Form of Brainwashing?

I have been interested for a long time regarding what makes people change their beliefs, mindset, and attitudes towards things. I firmly believe that most eating disorders are caused by people's wrong beliefs and attitudes towards themselves and others. Genetic predisposition also plays the role too.
Once I was reading an article about brainwashing. Brainwashing is any effort aimed towards instilling in the mind of one person different beliefs and attitudes that eventually make a person behave in a certain way and believe in certain things. Brainwashing was used a lot by communists to spread the mentality of communism. It was also used on war prisoners in the Korean war - when American soldiers after being captured and kept in Chinese camps sometimes ended up taking the side of the communists and considered themselves to be their supporters.
Brainwashing occurs when people join cults or weird religious groups. These change people's identity completely, just like anorexia changes people's identity completely.

So, you see, brainwashing is something that can change your total identity. The media does it all the time too. And not just only the media things like the culture you live in can also brainwash you.
When I was reading this - I thought: How much is brainwashing relevant to developing anorexia! Anorexics really become the victims of brainwashing: their whole value systems and thought-patterns are changed in a matter of months after contracting anorexia.
American Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lipton did a special research project on what's involved in brainwashing. He came up with a list of steps on brainwashing techniques:

1. Assault on identity
2. Guilt and shame
3. Self-betrayal
4. Breaking point
5. Leniency
6. Compulsion to confess
7. Channelling of guilt
8. Releasing of guilt
9. Progress and harmony
10. Final confession and rebirth
I believe anorexia goes through similar stages? I think it really does when you think about it. The only difference is that when people get brainwashed it is done deliberately by someone else. In the case of anorexia, people normally perceive events in their life and what happens to them and take it the wrong way then they become prisoners of their own thoughts and feelings.
I have analyzed the brainwashing steps above in relation to eating disorders and here is what I have come up with:
1. Assault on identity: when anorexia begins after an emotional event or a number of events, the anorexic starts to think that they are not who they should be and who they want to be. The person is under constant self-identity attacks for days, weeks or months, to the point that she/he becomes exhausted, confused and disoriented. In this state, their beliefs seem less solid. They look around for a substitute for their identity.

2. Guilt and Shame: Constant thoughts: "You are bad the way you are." They feel that their body is disgusting, they feel ashamed of their own body. When the development of anorexia coincides with the time of puberty - thoughts of being ashamed of their own body is associated with feelings of disgust about sex and intimacy and this can have dramatic consequences. Associations of guilt and shame about intimacy can end up being a lifelong sentence for many sufferers unless major neuroplastic changes are instigated later in life.
Eating can be also associated with guilt and this is a major reason why anorexia turns into bulimia at later stage of the disease for some sufferers. People begin to feel a general sense of shame, that everything they do is wrong.
Many researchers have shown that feelings of guilt are tightly associated with the development of eating disorders (especially bulimia and binge eating).
3. Self-betrayal: This is when the anorexia starts to tell her/him: "Agree with me that you are bad". And once the person is confused and drowning in guilt, these thoughts force them to withdraw from her/his family, friends and peers who are eating normally and enjoying their life. This betrayal of her/ his own trust in themselves and people close to them increases the shame and loss of identity that the person is already experiencing.
4. Breaking point: The sufferer is constantly asking her/himself: "Who am I, where am I and what am I supposed to do?" At this point the person has her/his identity in crisis, experiencing deep shame and guilt. Also, the person may undergo a "nervous breakdown." This may involve uncontrollable sobbing, deep depression and general disorientation and withdrawal.Not everyone has the same severity of symptoms but lots of people do have this exact reaction.
5. Leniency: The Anorexia then tells the sufferer:" Follow me - I can help you." Anorexics often believe that their anorexia is the only way of life they can follow. Performing anorexic behaviour - like starving, purging which brings them temporary relief of their feelings, although short lived. But then it demands more and more attention until the person becomes 100% consumed by their distorted anorexic thoughts and feelings.
6. Compulsion to confession: "I can help myself."
For the first time in the brainwashing process, the anorexic is faced with the contrast between the guilt and pain of identity and feelings of sudden relief and leniency. The person may feel a desire to talk to other people with the same problems and visit 'thinspiration" sites. (Sites that are set up by other sufferers to try and justify their inability to deal with their anorexia in the real world). They may start sharing their experiences about anorexia, give each other advice on a best diet, on tricks to induce vomiting, make competitions about who has lost the most weight etc. The sufferer starts to confess that anorexia is their life style.
7. Channelling of guilt: This is why you're in pain. After weeks or months of suffering, confusion, breakdown and moments of leniency, the person's guilt has lost all meaning - numbness replaces it all. This creates something of a blank slate that lets the anorexia in deeper and deeper into the soul. The anorexia attaches itself to the person's guilt and belief system opposite what healthy people have. For example, food is associated with guilt and shame.
It is the stage when anorexics start to display bad tantrums when parents try to feed them or persuade them to eat and stop their abnormal behaviour. They start to believe that anorexia is not an illness but it is a life style and associate their own self with the anorexia: they become one with the disease.
8. Releasing of guilt: It's not me; it's my beliefs. With her/his full confessions, the person has completed his/her psychological rejection of their former identity. The sufferer has gradually giving up all their previously enjoyable activities, left their job or college quite their university. All this is just for the sake of practicing the life style anorexia provides. People start joining pro-anorexia groups, forums, looking for justification etc.
9. Progress and harmony:" If you want, you can choose good." - say their "thinspiration" friends.
These "Thinspiration" friends introduce a new belief system as the path to "good." At this stage the anorexia stops to hurt, offering the sufferer physical comfort and mental calm in conjunction with their new belief system. People get a "team spirit "attitude with their friends who practice the same dangerous way of living.
10. Final confession and rebirth: Their mind equals their Anorexia that tells them:" I choose good."
Good is the anorexia. The person has no doubt in the righteousness of her/his choice to be anorexic. At this stage separating them self from the anorexia seems impossible. People continue practicing this dangerous way of living. Thousands of them die as a result of this sooner than later. Some can live longer but still eventually die from severe complications or commit suicide because of their starving and the fact they can't cope with life and can't evaluate things logically.
This is how the anorexic mind gets programmed (brainwashed) to be the way they are suffering from severe anorexia. Most eating disorder sufferers go through similar stages but often these stages happen differently for each sufferer and it is difficult to differentiate between them.
The purpose of this article is to show you what the brainwashing process is all about and that what happens in cults and in prisoner of war camps is similar to what happens in people with anorexia.
Also I want to point out that the phenomenon of anorexia is mainly in the relatively young.
People in the past didn't have anorexia to the same extend we have today. In the past single cases of anorexia was described only in people who starved themselves for religious purposes, cult purposes and the like. There were no anorexic cases reported of people striving to be thin for beauty sake or for prestige purposes.
This all points to anorexia being a modern disease: I believe caused by some beauty product advertisers and the media that promote beauty standards that are impossible to achieve by normal human beings. You can say that it is designed to make people buy more and more beauty and slimming products, making someone extremely rich, built on the suffering of many.
The solution to this problem is to teach young people and emphasise natural and internal beauty. To make young people strive for learning, studying and expanding their minds, not to strive for this unattainable look which some of the media and others portray as beautiful. For many young people to reach for this unattainable level only brings suffering, hardship and death.

Discover More About the Advantages of Using Acuvue Contact Lens For Your Vision

As we grow old, we encounter problems regarding our sense of sight. Usually we wear glasses to correct our vision, however wearing glasses makes you four times older than your true age. Fortunately plastic lenses have been one of the best options you may look into instead of wearing those ugly eyeglasses. If you have used contact lenses before, you probably have come across one of the contact lenses that has been regarded for a long time now, Acuvue contact lens.
Contact lenses, ever since it has been launched in the market, have been the best alternative to wearing glasses. Many would say that wearing glasses would make you look like a "nerd," and this may be very aggravating on your part. However, you don't have to live all your life wearing those eyeglasses -- wearing these plastic eye lenses would be able to correct your vision and at the same time make you feel more comfortable at all times.

Wearing a pair of these plastic lenses would help you build more self-confidence when it comes to your physical appearance. And not only that, you can even use fashionable eye lenses which are very popular nowadays. Acuvue contact lens is one of the brands that you can rely on when it comes to fashion. This Johnson and Johnson brand of contact lenses allows you to wear your plastic lenses in a fashionable manner, you may even choose various colors that would fit your preference.
These eye lenses would give you a state-of-the-art experience when it comes to acquiring very good vision, because it can even cure one of the most common sight problems such as astigmatism. It can also lock moisture through one of its components called etaflicon, to make the lenses soft so you can be at ease when wearing them.

You can wear Acuvue contact lens for daily use without having to look for your eyeglasses all the time to wear it. These contact lenses are available in disposable form and for long term usage. The only maintenance you have to do to keep the lenses soft and comfortable for your eyes, is to make sure that you clean them with a liquid solution. These plastic lenses are safe to use and easy to use so they are definitely worth a try.

Tips For Using Folding Specs

Did you know that more than half of the entire populations are shortsighted? There is an ever increasing group of people who rely on reading glasses to see clearly. This isn't really a serious short coming by any means. It is natural due to the process of aging. More often than not people over forty have presbyopia which is the reduced ability to visualize close objects clearly.
• What one must understand is that presbyopia affects the power to see only nearby objects it never affects the ability to see objects at long distance. So you can see that glasses will be needed by these individuals only when they are inspecting close-at-hand objects. For instance doing activities like reading, writing, knitting, or working at the computer. If glasses are not put on while doing any of these tasks there may be headache.

• Now you'd probably want to know about these glasses that you have to put on in case you have presbyopia. Glasses such as the ones used for presbyopia come in both full and half frames. Full frames are generally suggested for people who need to objects close at hand on a regular basis and for a considerable period of time. Then again there are some other considerations that you must look into. For instance if your job requires you to look at long distance objects at the same time as close ones then you might want to go in for half frames rather than full ones because the full frames may cause a problem in focusing on distant objects.
• People who have to look at both distant and close objects simultaneously will have the greatest benefit by going in for the half frames. The lenses in these frames are placed really low so that when you need to look at distant objects all you need is to look above and over the nose level.

• There is one problem in this scenario. You may not want to put on your glasses every time you dine out or have to check any list like the movies. It can be awkward socially.
• If you want to save yourself from such embarrassing situations where every time you have to scrutiny something you dive into your handbag to fish out your glasses you better invest in foldable reading glasses. These are slender and have cases resembling pen holders. They can be carried in pockets. The cases are hard to crack so the glasses do not have any undue pressure that may break them. These are finished in a way that makes them appealing even with your best evening dress.
• The best thing is yet to come. Did you know that you can wear these cases in the shape of pendants? That's not all. Some cases are the size of credit cards so that they can be flipped out at your convenience. The lenses themselves are very strong due to the acrylic frames that they have so you don't need to be on your toe while using them.

• They are very small and sleek and fit into the tiniest of spaces whether in your pocket, clutch or wallet. So you don't need to be wary of using them in public.
The best thing is that both the cases as well the lenses come in a variety of colors and shapes. You don't have to restrict yourself to boring old and outdated ones if you don't want to. Moreover these are made of the best grade material of glass and plastic so that they are long lasting and durable.
Suzanne Hughes is an eyewear style consultant specializing in reading glasses online. For more information about eyeglasses, vision, or great styles such as Scojo reading glasses, visit her online boutique.

LASIK Laser Corrective Eye Surgery

LASIK is the most commonly performed refractive surgery procedure.
Why is LASIK so popular? LASIK has many advantages over other refractive surgery procedures, including little to no pain after the surgery and the patients achieve 20/20 vision the very next day.
An instrument that is used during LASIK called a microkeratome is used in surgery to create a ultra thin, circular flap in the cornea. Another way of making the flap is with a laser.
The surgeon folds the flap and then removes corneal tissue underneath the cornea, using an excimer laser. The excimer laser uses a ultraviolet light beam to remove tiny pieces of tissue from the cornea. The cornea is reshaped back to normal. The flap is put back into place. The flap covers the area where corneal tissue was previously removed.

Farsighted and nearsighted people can really benefit from the LASIK eye surgery procedure. The goal for nearsighted people is to flatten the too steep cornea. With farsighted people, the cornea is steeper and it has to be flattened. The excimer laser also corrects astigmatism by smoothing out an irregular cornea and returns it to a normal shape.
LASIK eye surgery procedure is pretty simple. It only takes five minutes. You go in the LASIK eye center, get the correction and you leave.
The doctor will ask you to lie down, then he or she makes sure your eye is positioned directly under the laser. Each eye is operated at a time. A retainer is placed over the eye that needs correction to keep your eyelids open. The retainer has a suction ring over each eye to keep it pressurizes. This allows the surgeon to cut the corneal flap with more precision.
Before the flap is created, the surgeon will mark the cornea with a marker. The flap is created with a microkeratome or a laser.

The flap is ultra thin. The flap is created on the surface of the eye during LASIK eye surgery. After the laser releases its energy to reshape each eye, the flap is replaced and is used as a bandage.
The doctor uses a computer, that will adjust the laser for your prescription you have. The doctor will ask you to look at a target light for a short period of time. The doctor will watch your eye through a microscope, as the light sends pulses straight to your cornea.
The laser light pulses are painless and it reshapes the cornea. You will hear a clicking sound as the laser is operating on your eye. You are likely to smell a mild odor due to corneal tissue removal. The surgeon has complete control over the laser and can turn it off at any given time.
The surgeon may prescribe medication for any pain you have after the operation. Many people don't feel any pain at all.

LASIK is a surgical procedure, it's very important to follow instructions from your doctor. Get some rest right after the surgery is complete. If you have any problems, contact your doctor immediately. If the doctor prescribed you with any medication, take them regularly. Also, fill any prescriptions that are running out.
Make sure you have a ride from the hospital when the procedure is over. You will need to rest for a few days after you had the LASIK procedure. No strenuous exercise for a week, it could interfere with the healing process of your eyes. Do not rub your eyes if they are dry. Dry eyes is well known side effect with LASIK> Rubbing your eyes can cause the corneal flap to dislodge.
LASIK eye surgery will give patients 20/20 vision or good quality vision. LASIK is painless and only takes about 5 minutes. LASIK eye surgery is the perfect way to get your vision corrected.

Black Contact Lens - A Radically Distinctive and Unusual Type of Lens

Have you ever thought of using black contact lens as one of your fashionable ideas nowadays? You may find using these lenses very unusual but to tell you frankly many have been using it for fashion sense or for creepy occasions such as Halloween parties.
These black plastic lenses usually covers the whole eye which would definitely make your eye look  somewhat frightening. These lenses can be used as effects for a costume party, Halloween party, or even on fright night movies. Having these lenses worn on your eye would frighten the nerves of those people who stare at your eyes.

Let's say that you are going to wear them on a costume party; you can actually wear these plastic lenses together with an alien costume, or a half dead costume, or might as well have them worn behind the mask of  Darth Vader maybe...something like that. Wearing these eye lenses can be both an amusing and a scary experience.
If you find wearing them very appealing on your part, or probably because you need to wear it to scare somebody, you better know how to look for the right lenses for this would be the challenging part on your end.
Since this black contact lens would have to fit your eyeball, you'll surely have to find a size that fits; and to do that, you will have to try them on to see if the plastic lenses fit and feels comfortable to wear on your eyes. To make sure, you should consult an eye doctor to help you determine on which lenses would be safe for you to use. Remember, you will be putting these lenses on your eyes, and you don't want your eyes getting irritated just because you would like to perform a practical joke in front of your friends or scare them away, right?

Even if these are just lenses that you have to put on, you still need to have them measured by a professional eye specialist. Having known that the main purpose of these colored lenses, such as pitch black contact lens, is to enhance or modify the color of your eyes, they should still fit your eyes perfectly for more convenience.
Want More Information And Discount On Contact Lenses Supplies, Rebates And Wholesale Prices?

Improve Eyesight - Take Control of Your Eyesight

There are many things in life today that we have no control over, but it's nice to know that improving your eyesight is not one of them. In this article I will explain to you how you can control improving eyesight.
Let's get started!
In today's economy people have lost their jobs, their investments, their health insurance and even their homes. Insurance costs continue to rise and that's a necessity that we as Americans should not go without. The sad fact is that many American's don't have vision insurance so the cost of your eye appointments, glasses and contacts can put a big dent in your pocket book.

Like many in today's society, I had to downsize my health insurance plan which didn't include vision insurance. Because I wear reading glasses and am on the verge of needing them permanently, I went in search for some information, any information, that might help me find a better way to possibly improve my eyesight.
What I found was that there has been a method of improving eyesight dating back to 1880. It was founded by Dr. William H. Bates and people have been improving his methods ever since. Just some of the things involved include:

* Just relaxing your eyes
* Exercises to build your eye muscles
* The important aspect between stress and strain (big factor)
* Teach yourself when your eyes are tense
* The real cause of mental strain
* How to fully relax your mind and body
* The best ways to protect your eyes
* How to reverse 11 of the most frequent types of visual defects
* And much more
To sum this up, with applying these methods there would be no more eye doctor visits, no more eyeglasses, no more contacts and no more thoughts of surgery. All for about the cost of a good meal! That is something everyone has control over.
Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods, please visit Improve Eyesight.
If you would like to learn about these methods first hand, please visit Vision Without Glasses.

How to Improve Eyesight - Top 4 Questions Answered

Have you ever wondered how to improve eyesight without the need of eyeglasses, contacts or surgery? Is it even possible without the help of these much needed tools? Does it include more than just positive thinking? Here are the answers to the top 4 questions.
Question: Can you really improve eyesight without the help of eyeglasses, contacts or surgery?
Answer: Yes. Dr. William H. Bates discovered the methods to improving eyesight naturally through something as simple as activating your body's natural healing powers to sharpen your visual and mental focus.

Question: Does it include more than just positive thinking?
Answer: Yes. Although positive thinking always can play a big part in any type of healing, there are certain eye relaxation exercises that you can also do in order to strengthen the muscles in your eyes which will relieve a lot of the strain your eyes endure on a daily basis.
Question: Can anyone improve their eyesight?
Answer: Yes. There are people even in their 80's that have been able to heal all types of visual problems as well as defects including astigmatism, cataracts, cross-eye (strabismus), dyslexia, eyestrain, glaucoma, hyperopia (far-sightedness), lazy eye (amblyopia), light sensitivity, macular degeneration, near-sightedness (myopia), poor night vision, presbyopia (old-age sight), tension headaches and much more.

Question: What causes your sight to deteriorate?
Answer: Just like with your health, stress is a number one factor. It's also been proven that your eyes muscles need to be exercised just like your body in order to remain healthy and strong. Besides major eye diseases that you believe are inherited, these visual problems and defects can be healed.
To sum this up, learning and applying these proven methods can improve your eyesight. With the rising costs of insurance, these simple methods can end up saving not only your pocketbook, but also your eyesight.
Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.
Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods, please visit How To Improve Eyesight.
If you would like to learn about these methods first hand, please visit Vision Without Glasses.

The 1Day Acuvue - Are Fresh Contacts Every Day a Good Thing?

After wearing 1Day Acuvue contacts for about three years, I have opinions about these lenses. These are Johnson and Johnson contacts and really surprised me at first. Never would I have thought a disposable contact would have been like this...
See, in the past it wasn't much fun to get new contacts. There was variation from lens to lens and sometimes a lens just wouldn't work. I mean it was just uncomfortable. Not so with the 1 Day Acuvue contacts. Even though you get new lenses every time you wear them, every single lens is comfortable. There's no difference from lens to lens. At least none that I can tell.
I'll tell you, throwing away almost brand new lenses after wearing them just once takes some getting used to. Feels like throwing away money... When you think of it though, it makes a lot more sense.

There's just about no chance of an eye infection for one thing. That's a real plus. There's no more cleaning either. Think of the savings on cleaning supplies, not to mention all the time saved. No more contacts cleaning is a good thing.
Another thing. What if some day you choose to wear your glasses? No problem. Those contacts just sit there waiting on you. Those one or two week lenses are moving toward that expiration, even if you're not wearing them.
I've worn the regular i Day and the Moist version. Now I admit the technical difference is beyond me. But it seems to me that the Moist version does feel comfortable a little longer on my dry eyes. Either type is better than any other lenses I've worn...

The 1Day Acuvue in either model is a convenient disposable lens that saves you time and may not cost you much extra money. That's because you no longer need any cleaning supplies. The Moist version is especially right for dry eyes.
Get the details about what to expect from 1day Acuvue contacts when you visit our website.

Improve Your Eyesight - Can it Really Be Done Naturally

In order to improve your eyesight, the only options we have ever had were to wear glasses, contact lenses, or have eye surgery in order to correct your vision. I had NO clue that you COULD improve your eyesight naturally. Let's face it, that isn't something your eye doctor is going to share with you. That would put him out of business.
So, can you really improve your eyesight naturally?
Up until recently, I thought the only way to actually improve your eyesight so that it can revert back to 20/20 was through having surgery. Eyeglasses just help you see at that moment but what they are really doing is all the work for your eyes. They are just a temporary fix.
Surgery will correct the problem, but once again, another temporary fix. It doesn't mean that you will see perfectly for the rest of your life. If you don't correct the problem, it will always continue to reappear.

You can improve your eyesight naturally and this is not something new. Unless you go searching for answers, you will never find the solution. The methods for improving your eyesight have been around as early as the 1880's.
It has been proven and documented that by doing some simple exercises and techniques on a daily basis, people have improved their eyesight back to its original 20/20 vision. If you really think about it, your body needs exercise in order to stay fit and healthy. Why would your eyes be any different. I just never knew you could actually improve your eyesight through these simple and easy techniques.
To sum this up, you can improve your eyesight back to its original 20/20 vision. It has been proven since 1880 and now is available for all to learn.
Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods, please visit
Improve Your Eyesight.
If you would like to learn about these methods first hand, please visit Vision Without Glasses.

Improve Eyesight Naturally - Proven Methods

Have you ever wondered if you could really improve your eyesight naturally? No more glasses, contacts or that dreaded surgery? In this article I'm going to share with you the proven methods of how you can improve your eyesight naturally.
Here we go!
Back in 1880, Dr. William H. Bates was a well known physician. He conceived the idea that if it was possible to repair broken bones then it must be possible to improve poor eyesight.
He was one of the first to investigate the idea that only eyeglasses could help a person see clearly. By the end of his research, he successfully proved this notion to be a myth.

Dr. Bates experimented on his own patients and discovered that a person's eyesight is affected by many factors. Most of those include their stress level, eye strain, as well as their diet.
He also discovered that in the majority of his cases, the vision was improved by doing well-structured eye relaxation exercises.
Because of his desire to help more people rid their eyeglasses forever, in 1891 he quit his practice as a doctor to do just that.
These methods proved that their eyesight could improve naturally. They also applied to any type of visual problems as well as defects including:
* Astigmatism
* Cataract
* Cross-Eye (strabismus)
* Dyslexia
* Eyestrain
* Glaucoma
* Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
* Lazy Eye (amblyopia)
* Light Sensitivity
* Macular Degeneration
* Near-Sightedness (myopia)
* Poor Night Vision
* Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
* Tension Headache
* And More
This material reveals extraordinary techniques that have helped so many people.
To sum this up, there are proven methods that can improve eyesight naturally. Thanks to Dr. Bates and his desire to help others overcome their dependency with eyeglasses.
Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods, please visit Improve Eyesight Naturally.
If you would like to learn about these methods first hand, please visit Vision Without Glasses.

Can You Improve and Restore Your Vision Naturally?

If you are like many people, you probably cannot stand the idea of wearing glasses or contact lenses. You may find the hassles of cleaning and maintaining your glasses and contact lenses inconvenient; or, you may find that replacing and buying new frames, glasses or contact lenses too expensive - as a result, you put up with substandard vision by putting off upgrades until you have the necessary funds to do so. And, we probably do not need to get into your personal self-consciousness, and how and why most people consider themselves ridiculous when wearing glasses.
But, with all the other conditions which seem to have natural cures, treatments and remedies available, are there any which offer natural vision correction without glasses and/or contact lenses? Most people do not realize that, yes, indeed there are - and they are nothing new - having been around for quite some time, but not publicized all too well.
Before I go into more detail, consider the following facts about using any type of corrective lenses and other facts on vision:
  • All contact lenses and eyeglasses dramatically weaken your sight, by forcing you to use your eyes in an "unnatural" manner, which promotes all kinds of adverse eye conditions.
  • Corrective eye surgery will not restore your vision, but only treats your symptoms. If you undergo eye surgery, you run the risk of having major eye problems later on - any eye doctor will tell you this before you go through the surgery.
  • The great majority of eye doctors and optical specialists do not know much about natural methods of restoring vision. If they do, they won't tell you because they will not make any money that way.
  • Genetics do not determine quality of eyesight. Studies have shown that ALL newborn babies generally have perfect vision at birth.
  • Cultures whom you may consider "uncivilized," such as the tribes of the Amazon jungle, have been able to able to see things with the naked eye, that most people in more technologically advanced societies need a microscope to see.

This remarkable discovery was first discovered by an ophthalmologist, Dr. William H. Bates of New York in 1880. His reasoning was that if it was possible to mend broken bones in the body, then you are almost certain to be able to restore vision.
Dr. Bates decided that he would dispel the notion that only wearing glasses can improve failing vision. By the end of his research, he completely exposed this common misconception as a myth, and proved all of his detractors wrong.
Through experimenting with some of his patients, he discovered that the level of the performance of one's vision is completely determined by stress levels, strain upon the eyes and even diet. He also found that in 99.9% of all of the cases he studied, vision could naturally be restored through a series of simple exercises which promote the relaxation of the eyes.

Finally, in 1891, he quit his practice as an eye doctor, and solely focused on helping people get rid of their harmful eyeglasses.
Due to advancements in medical science, research and technology, a group of bold ophthalmologists are now promoting this method with much success. Taking all of these improvements, and mingling them with the original concepts devised by Dr. Bates, thousands are literally getting rid of their glasses for good, thanks to modern interpretations of Dr. Bates' method - and in case you are wondering, ALL optical problems imaginable can be improved and restored using these enhanced, all natural techniques.
Tired of your glasses or contact lenses? Always forgetting or losing them? Would you like to get rid of your glasses for good using these all natural techniques?
Click here to read my story on how I used these techniques, from Vision Without Glasses, derived from updated techniques of Dr. Bates, to enhance and improve my vision to 20/30 in only a few weeks.

Lutein For Eyes and Macula Health

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible blindness among people 55 and older. As AMD progresses, tiny, fragile blood vessels begin to develop in the retina. These vessels often leak blood and fluids that can cause further damage. Some of the initial signs of macular degeneration may be blurred vision, straight lines appearing crooked, and dark or empty spaces in the central vision.
The macula is in the center of the retina and helps produce sharp vision for reading and seeing clearly. The density of the macular pigment is what protects the retina. Density checks are used to measure the health of the eyes.
Lutein is the predominant antioxidant found in the macula, and science believes it is more important than beta carotene for eye health. So Lutein for eyes makes a lot of sense. There are other vitamins for macular degeneration that are also very important.

There is no known cure for macular degeneration so the best course of action in addition to what is outlined below is in preventing macular degeneration. There are also some specific nutrients that science has shown may help slow and reverse the disease.
First it is important to understand a few things about AMD. Smoking and alcohol consumption reduce the density of pigment in the macula. Excess sun exposure and potentially to much computer time may decrease pigment density. Since the macula receives the most light and is susceptible to blue light damage it is important to maintain the Lutein levels. Lutein has been proven to filter out blue light. Dietary intake of Lutein from a quality source will increase the density of the pigment helping to protect the macula.

There are other vitamins for macular degeneration prevention and healing. Most people know by now that you have to have a superior quality vitamin, mineral, enzyme product such as Sona Rx by Enerex, as well as their famous Omega 3-6-9 made with primrose oil, before you can add specific additional supplementation such as Lutein for eyes. So make sure you are doing what you need for general health in diet, supplementation, water, and exercise before adding the following 4 nutrients.
The 4 critical nutrients to add to your diet for general eye health and preventing macular degeneration are Lutein, bilberry, grape seed extract, and additional vitamin c.
Lutein works as an antioxidant for the eyes. Be sure to use only products that have an ester free extract from the marigold plant as this will have 4 times the strength of regular Lutein, more costly, but worth the money. You need 6mg of this strength, 1 to 3 times a day.
Bilberry contains flavanoids and anthocyanin, which serve to prevent capillary fragility, thin the blood and protect collagen structures in the blood vessels of the eyes. This helps insure healthy capillaries to carry vital nutrients to the eye muscles and nerves. Take 50mg of bilberry extract 1 to 3 times a day making sure that the formula has 25% anthocyanidins.

Grape seed extract with 95% proanthocyanidins and catechins inhibit enzymes that damage capillary elasticity. Keeping the capillaries flexible and allowing blood to flow properly is critical for eye health. Grape seed extract has been used extensively for improving blood flow to the brain, heart, and eyes. Take 50mg 1 to 3 times a day.
Vitamin C is involved in virtually every reaction in the body and is required for the synthesis of the connective tissue such as collagen. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps protect the optic nerves from free radical damage. Take 1 to 3 a day of 350mg capsules.
Mark Schumacher is a 57 year old health advocate that owns a health supplement company. He is a former premed student and EMT that now invests his time in teaching and training young athletes. He also consults with clients on health and weight issues and believes that education along with a healthy diet and the right supplements is the solution to the nations health problem.

FreshLook ColorBlends Contacts

So, you have an interested in these things called FreshLook ColorBlends contacts? If you don't already know what they are, they are contact lenses that change your eye color. You might be thinking, "I've heard of those that change your eye color, but they were instead of that kind of long name, just called plain colored contacts. Are these the same?" Yes, these are the same in the way that these also change your eye color like opaque type of color contacts, meaning that instead of just adding some color to your eye these change it completely. So what makes the difference between those (not just the length of the name)? In every FreshLook ColorBlend contacts they make, they use three different shades of the color to make it look more natural.

Like I mentioned before that these change your eye color completely, like opaque color contacts do, so these are good for people who have dark eyes (because those that are made for light eyes and only add color to it, won't do much if you have originally dark eyes). But by no means they are not only for people with dark, but they are also for those with light eyes.
So, are those then better than normal colored contacts? Well, of course this is something that everyone has to think for themselves, but in my opinion: no. I think you can get just as natural looking eyes with proper normal color contacts, but yes, you can get more variant with FreshLook ColorBlends. It's just that many people seem to be fascinated by the fact that "it has three different shades."

If thinking about getting yourself in a pair of color contacts, you should think whether to get normal or to have these FreshLook ColorBlends.
You can read more about color contacts at Buy Color Contacts Online. You will find there all you need and have to know about color contacts. If you want to know why should you use color contacts or maybe the right color contacts for dark eyes or anything else, you can find it all there. -Janette Damon (Cruuge)

Do Exercises That Improve Your Eyesight Work?

Do exercises that improve your eyesight work? Yes, these exercises do work. They were developed over 100 years ago by Dr. William H. Bates. Dr. Bates conceived the idea that if broken bones could be rejoined then it must be possible to heal or repair a damaged eye. Through his own research Dr. Bates discovered that a person's eyesight was affected by many conditions such as stress, eye strain and even diet. He also determined that through a series of eye relaxation exercises vision could be improved.

Glasses only correct your vision they do not correct the eye problem. Your eyes have muscles in them and around them. These muscles only weaken over time because they are not being used. Your glasses or contacts are doing their work for them. Eye relaxation exercises are like physical therapy to your eyes.
It is important before you start eye relaxation exercises to understand the difference between stress and strain. Determining the difference will help improve your eyesight and your overall health.
Do exercises that improve your eyesight work? Yes they do work. These exercises are like physical therapy to your eyes. They also work for many visual defects and problems such as:

  • Nearsightedness
  • Lazy Eye
  • Cross-eye
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Eyestrain
  • Night Vision
  • Astigmatism
  • Farsightedness
  • Presbyopia
I hope you feel you have learned some basic information about exercises that improve your eyesight and you want to try some of them. The best part about these exercises is that they only take a few minutes and you can do them anywhere.
Over the last month C. Collins has conducted extensive research on eye relaxation exercises and how they

/naturallyrestoreyoureyesight" id="link_79" target="_new">naturally restore your eyesight. To learn more please visit her website.

Why Aren't You Using Black Contact Lenses?

Isn't it great news to have an alternative when it comes to changing your eye color? Instead of actually wearing eye prosthetic effects on a costume party, you can turn your own eyeballs into something that looks scary and shallow, and this is with the use black contact lenses.
Some may think of this as a very weird idea, and that this is the reason why using these contact lenses would be very appropriate on weird occasions such as costume parties or Halloween parties. You can just create your own scary personality with this new look and eye appearance. You can definitely give your friends a shiver on their spine through this.
These black plastic lenses would be placed on the entire surface of your eyeball so you have to make sure that when you purchase a pair of them, they should fit appropriately. So imagine your whole eyeball turning black because of those lenses, isn't that very spooky. If someone looks at you at the far end of the room, your eyes would then look shallow as if there were no eyeballs at all -- really scary.

Since these are black contact lenses, wearing them would be similar to wearing dark shades. So you're probably wondering if you can wear them at night, since parties always takes place at night time. Well of course that's possible. You'll just have to make sure that you are a bit cautious when you are in dark places, your visibility of things would be lesser than normal in this case.

If you are wondering where you can get these black plastic eye lenses, you may try searching online for more options. You will be able to find websites which has their own photo gallery of colorful lenses and you may find these black ones available too. Just make sure that before you avail these lenses, you have to have a professional measure the size and the shape that you would be needing. Remember that these black contact lenses should fit your eye surface perfectly so you can make use of them.

Want More Information And Discount On Contact Lenses Supplies, Rebates And Wholesale Prices?

What is Eye Strain?

Eye strain is a common problem in everyday life. In fact, people experience this form of strain on a regular basis due to the fact that many of our daily activities require our eyes to focus on a certain area for a long time. Essentially, these symptoms occur when you eyes are overworked and thus become strained, irritated, dry, watery or blurred. The good news is that it is usually not serious and quite easy to cure. The bad news, however, is that strain on your eyes can be a part of your daily life, especially in today's computer obsesses society.
Eye Strain Symptoms
Eye strain is, essentially, when your eyes become sore and tired. You may experience itching or burning in your eyes. Some will have watery eyes while others will experience dry eyes. Some even have blurred or double vision which can make it extremely difficult to continue to work, read or drive. To top it off, some people will experience headaches, a sore neck and an increased sensitivity to light on top of the above symptoms of strain.  If you are looking at a computer all day long, you may notice the screen blurring or have color fringes after you look away from the monitor. No, you are not hallucinating- you are experiencing the aftermath of strain on your eyes.

Eye Strain Causes
There are several different reasons why eye strain occurs and most of the time the reason revolves around a computer. If you spend your days staring at a computer screen or video monitor for a long period of time, it's only natural that your eyes will become a little strained- after all, they are working pretty hard! Other causes include reading for a long period of time, driving (and concentrating) on the road for several hours, exposure to a bright light or glare (like the sun) and straining to see in very dim light (in the dark). All of these will cause your eyes to work overtime and thus, become strained.
How to Avoid Eye Strain in the Future
We all want to avoid this type of strain; however, if you work in front of a computer all day long, there really is no way to avoid the computer screen. After all, it's your livelihood. Instead, you can change the lights around you so they are not so intense and bright. Try to blink as often as you can and take eye break throughout the day- close your eyes, breathe deep and try to relax the eye strain away. Consider consulting your optometrist about eye wear or take eye drops if you experience dry or itchy eyes. If you can, try to give your eyes a five minute break from the computer screen every hour. During this time you can make phone calls, do some filing or talk to a colleague about a work related issue. Adjust your keyboard and monitor so they are ergonomically correct. All of these may be able reduce the symptoms your eyes experience over time.

Lindsay Pollard is the co-creator of eye strain software ScreenRest that provides you relief from the eye strain, blurred vision, tired eyes and headaches that are caused by prolonged computer usage. Discover more about the symptoms, causes, and how to avoid eye strain.

Eye Strain Symptoms

Headaches are not fun for anyone. However, unfortunately headaches are a part of everyday life. People experience them for all different reasons- while some feel the pain in their heads due to a cold or flu, others get headaches due to stress, hangovers, dehydration and thousands of other conditions. However, if they are occurring after a long time looking at a computer, then there is a chance that you are suffering from eye strain headaches.

Don't worry - this form of headache is hardly ever serious and quite preventable and treatable. Although there is no actual medical cure for eye strain headaches, there are ways to avoid them and the other symptoms that accompany them.
Strain on the eyes is a common problem for anyone who stares at a certain task for a long time. For example reading textbooks, working on a computer and driving for an extensive length of time can all be the cause of eye strain. It's possible to get this type of strain at the office, at home in front of the television and while participating in your everyday situations.
Many people may be suffering from eye strain and don't realize it. That's why we have made the check list below of symptoms to see if you are being affected.
Symptoms of Eye Strain

  • Do you suffer from sore or tired eyes? If your eyes feel droopy or hurt to blink, then you could be suffering from eye strain. Sore and tired eyes in the most common complaint when it comes to strain on your eyes.
  • Are your eyes dry, itchy or burning? Another common symptom includes dry eyes. Because those concentrating on a task for a long time will usually blink five times less than normal, your eyes can become quite dry. Often an artificial tear drop medication can help with this.
  • Do you have watery eyes causing blurred vision? Another symptom is the complete opposite of dry eyes- watery eyes. Although they may not itch or burn, they can be incredibly annoying.
  • Do you suffer from blurry vision when you do look away from the screen? If you continue to see the shapes and images on the computer screen, even when you look away, then don't worry- you are not slowly going crazy- this is a symptom of eye strain.
Other Eye Strain Symptoms to Look for
  • Apart from the vision and eye concerns, you may also experience headaches at work, as mentioned above. These are classified as eye strain headaches and may be accompanied by any of the other symptoms listed.
  • Do you find your eye are more sensitive to light and have problems with color fringes? This is a good indication that you have been staring at the television or computer screen for too long.
  • Finally, do you have a sore or stiff neck? Finally, do you have a sore or stiff neck? This is yet another symptom of strain on your eyes.
In most instances, if any of these symptoms present themselves while working or at home, it's best to give your eyes a rest and get away from the computer screen/television/etc.

Lindsay Pollard is the co-creator of computer eye strain software ScreenRest that provides you relief from the eye strain, blurred vision, tired eyes and headaches that are caused by prolonged computer usage. Discover more about eye strain symptoms, their causes, and how to avoid them.

Vision Issues and Solutions

There are many kinds of vision related issues. The normal problem is that of the vision being blurred, and apart from that, blind spots, floaters, etc. are other common ones. The vision in front of us gets blurred when the eye loses the power of focusing on the minute details of objects due to a variety of reasons. Blind spots are basically kind of holes in the vision where people just can't view anything. All such eye problems must be diagnosed by a medical practitioner, since these problems may be the cause of some other diseases which may affect other parts of the body as well. For example, let's take diabetes, which causes some symptoms in the eyes but it has more effects on other parts of the body.
Irrespective of the problem, they should never be ignored. A professional should be entrusted with any problems relating to the eyes. Various kinds of professionals render various services for the eyes and they prescribe eyeglasses as well as contact lenses. Some of the professionals and the area where they specialize include:

• Ophthalmologists: They are basically the eye doctors who are trained and who practice in diagnosing eye diseases. Besides, they also provide normal eye check-ups and based on them, suggest eyeglasses or contact lenses.
• Optometrists: Their duty is restricted to checking the eyes and prescribing eyeglasses, but in some cases, they may be involved in the diagnosis of eye problems as well. At times, they may prescribe eye drops for the treatment of a given problem.
• Opticians - Opticians are not trained in the diagnosis of eye problems, and they simple make eyeglasses as per the prescription given to you by the above two professionals.

However, it should be remembered that in cases where other parts of your body are involved, your general physician might be involved in it as well. Eye problems can be caused by a lot of things, including eye fatigue, overexposure of the eyes while outdoors, etc. which causes temporary blindness, apart from other things.
Vision related problems can also be caused by deficiency of vitamins, since they are important minerals required for the proper functioning of the body. Eye problems can occur if the body lacks these minerals. Vitamin A is the most important for the eyes, and more intake of this vitamin will make your vision sharper.
Keep in mind that doing things which would hurt the eyes could make the eyes even weaker. Watching the television from very near, working on a PC for long hours, reading under dim light, etc. are some of the examples of that. If your eyes start getting red and watering, these are signs enough that they need rest. So during these times, you should take measures to prevent their condition from worsening. Remember not to strain the eyes unnecessarily if you can avoid it easily. If you do that, most of the vision related problems would vanish. So take proper care of your eyes.

Suzanne Hughes is an eyewear style consultant who specializes in reading sunglasses. Visit her website for great glasses and styles from top fashion designers such as Clic reading glasses, Scojo Vision, Seeqa and Others.

Trifocals - Have You Heard of Them?

Have you heard of the new trifocals? They are reading glasses that have three lenses. It may sound uncomfortable but it is actually way better than the bifocals.
• Trifocals are aimed at those people who have serious eye sight problem, especially presbyopia. These are recommended for serious sufferers of presbyopia. There is an intermediate correction that one has to get used before going on to using trifocal lenses. Most people suffering from presbyopia need correction of three things: near vision, intermediate length and distance correction. So, by correction one means that if a patient has -4 diopter, as the main problem and is given +3 reading addition, he ends up with having -1, as the power then intermediate rectification is of -2.5 diopters.

• It is easy to understand why trifocals should give you a clearer sight than bifocals. These rectify three areas instead of two and hence you have clearer sight with these.
• The modification that is done to the specs is located near the lower region of it. It is in the form of a semi circular arc. So you have the near vision rectification as well as an intermediate near the bottom part of your lens. The two are in fact clearly segregated by a line.
• Now you would clearly like to know which region is allocated to your main problem area of short sightedness. The answer is the bottom most part of your lens is the region that is assigned the correction of short sightedness.
• Just located above this region is the intermediate rectification which is a special feature of the trifocal lens. This is for objects which are neither too far nor too near. This range naturally has the shortest area under coverage but this can be remedied if needed.

• The upper most specs part is allocated for distant objects. This section can definitely be used to correct other problems that the patient may be say either hyperopic or myopic.
• Many people have presbyopia once they hit forty. It is very common. Reading glasses are generally necessary for people with this condition. It is very different from other eye sight related problem such as hyperopia or myopia because this is caused due to old age. Presbyopia cannot be stopped from occurring but it can be permanently taken care of by having Lasik surgery or by putting on reading glasses or contact lenses.
• Trifocals are the best bet against presbyopia that is available today. It helps to address all the problem areas simultaneously. There is just one spec for all needs. But many people have problem with the line of demarcation that exists in these specs. If you are such an individual it is best to use progressive lenses instead of using trifocals. Power progressive lenses or varifoclas or graduate lenses they have different names but the utility aspect is very much the same. The absence of the line demarcating and segregating the different lenses is a boon that ensures maximum comfort for the user of this lens. So you can be assured of twin benefits of comfort and greatest clarity.

Suzanne Hughes is an online eyewear style consultant who loves helping those new to eyeglasses find the perfect pair of reading glasses. For great styles of eyeglasses, including mens and womens reading glasses, sunglasses, and folding specs, be sure to visit her website.

Contact Lenses - The History in Brief

Contact lenses may strike most people as a modern invention, and it is true that contact lens wearers today have a lot to thank modern technology for. On the other hand, the idea that eventually came to develop into contact lenses as we know them today is very old.
In 1508, Leonardo Da Vinci wrote the essay Codex of the eye, Manual D., when trying to understand the mechanisms of the eye. Just over a century later, Rene Descartes started experimenting with glass tubes, filling them with liquid and placing them on the cornea. He managed to correct vision but was unable to create a device which allowed the wearer to blink.
By the end of the 19th century, devices principally similar to today's contact lenses had been developed, including jelly-filled glass capsules and so called eye cups, and the German physiologist Adolf Eugen Fick finally fitted the first ever contact lens. These have been referred to as afocal sclera shells, and before allowing a small group of guinea pigs to try them, the inventor tested the contact lenses first on rabbits and then on himself. The result was a 20mm hand-blown glass contact lens which could only be worn for a few hours at a time.
The 1930s saw the first ever plastic contact lenses, and by the end of the 1940s smaller, corneal lenses came about, wearable for up to 16 hours. These so called PMMA lenses soon became very popular and made available for the masses, but they had one big disadvantage: they didn't let enough oxygen through to the cornea, resulting in high risks of eye infections and discomfort.

That was when oxygen-permeable contact lenses were invented, first in the form of rigid lenses and eventually as soft contacts. In 1999 silicone hydrogels were launched, offering a unique combination of the comfort of hydrogels and the superb gas-permeability of silicone.
Over the years, contact lenses have gone from expensive health care luxury to affordable eye care necessity. A contact lens which could in the 1980s have cost £200 for one pair can today be found online with the same price tag for nearly a two-year supply. The online market is growing rapidly, and in Sweden in particular contact lens wearers have taken to the web. With 30% of wearers in Sweden buying their lenses online, Germany, the United States and Canada are joining in this trend with about 20% of contact lens consumers hitting the internet shops.

Thanks to a recent addition to the Opticians Act, Opticians are now legally obliged to produce a physical copy of the prescription at the end of a contact lens consultation, making shopping around for bargain contact lenses both safe and easy.
Contact lenses prescribed by your optician can be found online for a fraction of the high street price, yet with the same exceptionally high quality and made by the same manufacturer. Visit Lenstore.co.uk to find your brand of cheap contact lenses and see how much you can save.