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10 Best Yoga Poses for Women - Page 2

3) Warrior II

Stretches hips, inner thighs, chest; strengthens quadriceps, abdomen, shoulders

1. From standing, step your feet about 4 feet apart. Turn your right foot so the toes point toward the front of your mat. Turn your left foot in 30 degrees.

2. Raise your arms to shoulder height, parallel with the floor, palms face down. Bend your right knee so your right shin and thigh form a 90-degree angle.

3. Gently tuck your tailbone down as you draw your abdomen in. Hold for 5 deep breaths in and out through the nose. Straighten the right leg and repeat on the opposite side.

Why it is good for you
This powerful pose will grant you long, lean, toned arms and legs as well as firmer core.

4) Plank Pose

Strengthens arms, back, shoulders, core, quadriceps

1. From Downward-Facing Dog, press into the palms and bring the chest forward so that your shoulders are directly over your wrists and you are in the top of a push-up position.

2. Press your heels toward the wall behind you and extend the crown of your head forward to form a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Hold for at least 1 minute.

Why it is good for you

Plank is a simple but challenging way to build upper body strength - it works all of the major muscles in your arms, back, and core and requires only your bodyweight.


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