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The Benefits of Flax on Your Health

My wife has recently started grinding up flax and giving it to us in smoothies. I've really noticed a difference in how I feel in general- but in particular I've noticed that my stomach pains (I had some pretty severe stomach pains for about a month) have disappeared. My doctor had recommended getting my gall bladder removed-turns out all I needed was some good ol' fashioned fiber in my diet!
Here are some known benefits of taking flax or flaxseed oil:
• Fights cholesterol, including LDL (the bad cholesterol).
• Fights Diabetes (In a study conducted by the University of Toronto, participants who ate flaxseed bread had blood sugar levels 28% lower an hour after eating than their counterparts who ate bread made with wheat flour!)
• Fights Cancer with it's high Lignan and ALA content. The high fiber content helps fight off colon cancer
• Fights constipation a single ounce of flax provides 32% of recommended daily fiber intake.

• Fights inflammation with it's high Omega 3 Fatty Acids. This is great news for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.
• Fights Menopausal Symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, moodiness. This is because it is a phytoestregen.
• Fights heart disease and keeps the arteries clear and pliable.
• Flax's ALAs help to strengthen your immune system!
• Fights atypical depression (the blues). Preliminary research suggests that eating a diet rich in flax could slash your risk of ever feeling "down in the dumps". Follow up studies show that just 2-3 tablespoons of flax daily can help up to 2/3rds of severely depressed women bounce back within eight weeks.
So if you aren't taking flax, start taking it! You will feel the results just like I did.
Thanks so much to our friends at flaxhealth.com for supplying so much great information! You can find out more by visiting their website.
Steve Underwood is a fitness expert, specializing in a healthy lifestyle based upon sound principles. Come visit him at http://www.getfitblog.biz for more info.

Which Raw Food Diet Should You Choose?

My biggest problem when I first learned about raw back in 2007 stemmed from information overload. There was just so much advice out there about raw foods and so many different educators...all providing very different guidelines for living the raw lifestyle. And all I wanted to know was which raw diet was best and what I had to do to implement it!
Fortunately for me, I stumbled upon the healthiest diet of all rather quickly. Fortunately for you, I can explain what that diet is just as quickly, with 3 easy guidelines! So let's get started...
#1: Eat More Sweet Fruit
I want you to think back to a time when you ate some delicious fruit. Maybe it was an exotic mango, a perfect peach, or a juicy orange. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was scrumptious, sweet, and satisfying. And the best part? No guilt! In fact, you probably felt pretty happy with yourself for choosing such a healthful snack over greasy chips or fatty cookies. Now imagine experiencing that satisfaction, both with yourself and your food, every single day... Pretty sweet, huh? How can you experience this? By simply eating a diet based on raw, sweet fruit.

Fruit is full of water-soluble fiber, packed with essential vitamins and nutrients (not too mention the oh-so-popular antioxidants and phyto-nutrients), calorically dense and water-rich, and provides easy to digest healthy sugar in its simplest form.
#2: Don't Forget Your Veggies!
But it isn't all about the sweet stuff. A well-rounded, healthy raw diet also incorporates moderate amounts of mineral-rich vegetables. These include tender leafy greens like romaine and non-sweet fruits like tomatoes and zucchini. Not only do these foods provide some extra variety (and maybe a nice break from all the sweetness) in your diet, they also provide higher levels of necessary minerals than their fruity friends.
#3: Hold It On the Fat
Although many raw foodists eat and promote a fatty diet that rivals any standard cooked diet, this is *not* optimal. While raw overt fats like avocados and nuts are healthier than their cooked versions, too much fat in a diet still results in many health issues, including but not limited to heart disease, arthritis, and even depression.
This is certainly not the makings of the best raw diet. The best raw diet does contain these healthy raw fats, but in a limited quantity. For optimal nutrition, the bulk of your calories should come from low fat sweet fruit, not fat.
Final Words
So there you have it! The best raw diet, in a raw nutshell!
For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Finding God Within - The Path of Yoga

It is generally believed that yoga originated in India over five thousand years ago. Derived from a Sanskrit word that means to yoke, or join together, "yoga" signifies meditation and other practices that help you to experience your soul, or Self, as one with the Infinite Spirit, or God. The postures of hatha yoga, the path of physical discipline, are only a part of the complete science, which explains how to calm the mind and attain blissful states of consciousness. Yoga may be considered a science because, for thousands of years, its meditation techniques have been demonstrated to bring about certain bodily, mental, and spiritual states.

According to the teachings of ancient India, yoga consists of living a virtuous, disciplined, God-centered life and meditating deeply to know God. In order to relax and go deep in meditation, many yogis practice the postures and special breathing techniques, which open energy channels and centers of awareness (chakras), activating them to higher levels of functioning. Also part of the science of yoga is the repetition of mantras: sacred syllables and prayers (usually in Sanskrit) that are chanted mentally or verbally to attract certain blessings. The sage Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, a profound treatise on yoga, identified sixteen elements of yoga, organizing them into eight "limbs".
The first two limbs of yoga include principles of thought and action embraced by most religions. However, the goal of yoga is ecstatic communion and oneness with God, mystical aspects of religion experienced by saints and sages but generally overlooked by mainstream religion. Most denominations emphasize moral behavior, love, and belief as ways to please God and earn a place in heaven in the afterlife, but say little about the exalted states of consciousness that can be reached through love and meditation while here on earth.
As one goes deep into meditation, breathing and thinking slow down and may even cease. An inner world of beauty, ineffable peace, and holy, unifying light is revealed to the yogi. By regular practice of devotional meditation, physical and mental problems are often overcome or alleviated by the healing power of Spirit. One becomes more content, loving, and joyful.

If you wish to practice meditation, books and teachers can help. But, if you long to know God--the blissful, all-knowing, loving, infinite, creative power and intelligence that is the essence of everything--God may lead you to a Self-realized guru. Such a guru is able to enter the breathless state and experience the glory of the soul in union with God. Whether in a physical body or as divine, omnipresent consciousness after passing on, he or she can help a disciple to also experience (realize) the Self as one with God, although the disciple may need additional lifetimes to accomplish this. Keep in mind that some "gurus" haven't yet perfected themselves and still have human weaknesses to overcome, but a Self-realized guru is holy, loving and pure.
- Non-violence in thought, word, and deed
- Truthfulness
- Not stealing what is rightfully another's
- Sexual restraint
- Giving up greed
- Purity of mind and body
- Contentment
- Self-discipline
- Study of Truth
- Devotion to God
The first four limbs discipline, strengthen, and purify the mind and body.
The last four work primarily with one's spiritual being.
When each of the sixteen individual elements is perfected, one attains certain physical, mental and spiritual benefits, described by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.
It is important to note that the last four limbs would today be regarded by most people as stages of meditation, and what is called meditation would be considered very deep meditation, a state of unwavering concentration. As one progresses in yoga, the body and mind become calm, and one is able to enter the silence of the soul. The chakras awaken in a profound way, and one experiences divine beauty, love, and light.
Sitting still in a comfortable posture helps in calming the mind, and the breathing techniques (pranayama) harmonize and regulate the flow of life force in one's physical and spiritual being. They greatly facilitate interiorization of awareness and one-pointed concentration. By regular practice of concentration, meditation, and samadhi, a yogi's consciousness is transformed. Eventually, the yogi experiences all things--the Self, all beings, all creation--as one, in the eternal, unifying light and love of God.

The yogi learns to tame the wayward mind,
Which closes up the portals of the soul
And blindly clings to matter with attachment,
Forsaking diamonds for a lump of coal.
Through disciplines that free the soul from darkness,
And truth, which leads the mind away from sin,
The yogi opens inner doors to heaven
And lets the light of love and goodness in.
In silent meditation, seeking God within,
In loving service, doing what is right,
In time-like Buddha, Christ, or Babaji-
The yogi merges in God's light.
(C)George Johnston, 2009
More about author at http://www.maryann-george.com 

Yoga Bags

So you've signed up for a yoga class and are on your way to becoming a complete addict to this relaxing, healthy venture. You'll need a few accessories to get started, but don't fear that these items will be overly consuming or pricey. All you really need is a basic yoga mat, perhaps a yoga towel, and some good yoga apparel. But, the further you get into it, the more you'll realize that the yoga world is actually quite an experience. There are more accessories that you probably realized existed!
First you'll find the wide array of size and color options for your yoga mat. You can get natural, rubber, cotton, printed, striped, and even extra-thick yoga mats. And, to go a step further, there are rectangular as well as circular yoga mats. Beyond the traditional mats are the mat rolls which are for extended length mats. Then you have yoga straps and yoga belts to increase the benefits of the strengthening and toning exercises.
Furthermore, there are yoga blocks in foam, cork, or wood, and again, in a variety of sizes. You can find yoga blankets and yoga bolsters, yoga wedges and towels. Plus, there are yoga balls for balance exercises and sandbags for extra weight or deepening stretches. You'll have yoga clothing, accessories cleaners, and yoga gifts, finishing the experience entirely with special music and yoga DVDs.

All of this to say, whether you intend to or not, you're going to need to get a sturdy, large yoga bag shortly, because you'll be a yoga junkie in no time.
It is common to find specific bags for your yoga mat, eye pillow, or towels, but you just might need something a little more accommodating. Consider using any typical sports duffel with several pockets and organizational spaces. Yoga accessory companies do even offer a variety of bag products for this need, though you still might be better off hitting the sports equipment aisle in your local department store just to save some money. Choose something that is well-made and sturdy with a strong handle for toting all your stuff.
There is no right sports bag to use for your yoga equipment as long as it holds all of your stuff, keeps items organized and clean, and is something you'll feel comfortable with carrying your yoga bag and from yoga class for a long time. Because, once you start, you'll never be able to turn back!
Mary Simons writes about all kinds of fitness and sports info and you can find more from her at The BestSportsBags.com/ web site.

Pregnancy Yoga DVDs For the Expectant Mother

Anyone who thinks that pregnancy is easy clearly has not gone through a difficult pregnancy themselves. Stop and think about it for a moment. Yes there is the joy of having a new life growing inside of you, but there are also the changes that your body will go through in order to accommodate that growth. Luckily there are many classes that can help pregnant women deal with the changes that they are going through. Some may be more comfortable having help right at hand but depending on the level of commitments you have in your life to things like working, it might be downright impossible to make the extra time for special yoga classes. That's where a pregnancy yoga DVD can come in to help.
It is very important that, as an expectant mother, you remain fit. Not only does the health of your baby depend on it but labour can be quite grueling and you need to ensure that your body and mind are up to it. Of course, the mere fact that you are pregnant limits the type of activities that you can engage in. No one would expect a woman who is late in her second trimester to go cross country skiing, as great an exercise as this would be. Yoga is a good alternative because it can be adapted to suit the needs of each individual. It can be as strenuous as you would like or as relaxing as you need it to be. By and large though, the best pregnancy yoga DVDs tend to focus away from excessively demanding positions.

This is a very important factor to consider when investing in a pregnancy yoga DVD. Any reputable yoga instructor will know that an expectant mother has limitations on the types of body poses which can be done. Anything which will result in inversion, compression of the abdomen, or the restriction of normal breathing is to be avoided, for obvious reasons. It is essential that you do not overwork yourself, especially at this particularly vulnerable time. Understand that some changes in your body are just par for the course and accept them.
It's not just your body being affected though. While it is true that these physical changes may cause a great deal of mental stress, expectant mothers are often plagued with other anxieties, from fear of the impending labour to concern over parenting skills, or the possible lack thereof. The best prenatal yoga DVDs will focus on the mind as well as the body. In many cases, a series of meditative poses are taught, along with instructions on relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. This can go a long way in keeping the pregnant woman firmly grounded emotionally and is not restricted to use during pregnancy. It is always good to know how to relax and ease the tension that your day brings, especially in the formative years of your child's development when you can look forward to more than a few sleepless nights.

The key when choosing a good prenatal yoga DVD is ensuring that the tutor is a reputable individual. You can do this by checking on their on line reputation as no legitimate teacher will be without qualifications from an accredited institution. In many cases, your doctor or prenatal instructor will have some suggestions and you would do well to heed these. Pregnancy yoga DVD's are a great way to keep your body and mind healthy during this stressful time and, if you haven't already, you should give them some serious consideration.
Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For more great tips on finding the very best Pregnancy Yoga DVD for you, please visit http://pregnancyyogadvd.net/

The Best Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners Are Easily Found on DVD

Yoga is an ancient art, first practiced in India and then making its way to the rest of the world. Traditionally yoga has been about achieving a balance between the tangible and the spiritual planes. That's why it incorporates aspects of physical exercise, meditation and enlightenment techniques. In the Western world at lot of emphasis tends to be placed on the asanas or postures themselves. However, more and more practitioners are discovering the benefits of relaxation techniques as well and are starting to understand the reasons behind the poses. A good beginners yoga DVD should explain all this to the novice.
Every type of yoga has its own distinct set of poses, each stage having a greater level of difficulty. There are a few basic yoga poses for beginners though and you must ensure that you are familiar with them. These are what form the foundation for more advanced postures so you need to practice and be certain that you can do them properly. If you can't, you will either not be able to get into the more complex poses properly or you will most likely over stretch yourself and possibly injure your muscles and or body. The only way to really learn these postures is through an experienced instructor but let's try to go through a description.
There are two main yoga postures for beginners that you will find on the best beginners yoga DVDs and they serve to introduce one to both the standing and the seated poses. The first is referred to as the 'Mountain Pose'. Standing yoga poses are meant to help with strength and balance, and also to aid in feeling more grounded. What can be more grounded than a mountain? You start off with your feet together and your big toes touching each other. It is important that your weight is distributed evenly or you won't gain the full benefits of improved posture and stronger thigh muscles. Tense your thighs so that your kneecaps are raised and keep your body fully erect with your spine straight. If you have tendency to slouch you may feel some discomfort initially but this will go away with time.

The second of the basic yoga poses for beginners is the 'Staff Pose' and can be thought of as a seated version of the previous posture. You start this pose by sitting, preferably on an exercise mat so you minimize any potential discomfort. Keep your legs straight in front of you and again tense your thigh muscles and flex your feet. This might result in your heels leaving the floor but that's okay. While doing this make sure to keep your spine erect. The main purposes of this pose are to align the body and strengthen the legs.
While not technically one of the yoga poses for beginners, there is a third pose, known as the 'Corpse Pose', which any student of yoga must know. Granted, the name doesn't sound particularly appealing but if done right this will be one of the most relaxing experiences of your life. The posture involves simply lying on your back with your arms and legs on either side, palms up, and your eyes closed. This pose is typically used as a cool down at the end of a yoga routine or as an integral part of meditation exercises and usually involves deep breathing.

Yoga is a great discipline to get into for people of all ages. There are a huge number of benefits and you can go at your own pace. Yoga poses for beginners are not particularly difficult, although you may be a little uncomfortable if you muscles aren't used to being stretched. One thing to remember is that there are a lot of very fine points to doing the beginners yoga poses right. The best beginners' yoga DVDs will demonstrate to you what these fine points look and feel like. As with any form of exercise, it's important that you know your limits and don't try to overdo it. Just ease yourself into the positions slowly and you'll find that you'll be ready to move on to the more complex postures in no time.
Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For more great tips on finding the Best Yoga DVD for Beginners please visit http://bestyogadvd.net/

An Intense Workout For Obese People

Most workouts for obese people involve a lot of walking. Walking is great, and it should be done, but there is something more important that needs to be taken into consideration: strength training. I'm not talking about lifting weights.
I'm talking about lifting your own bodyweight. Yes, you need to perform push-ups, pull-ups, and bodyweight squats, even if you can't do them. You see, as an overweight individual you most likely suffer from a lack of mobility.
There are numerous simple exercises that you can perform that are 20 times easier than push-ups, pull-ups, and bodyweight squats. What you need to do is find exercises that you can do within your own range of motion.
The problem with just walking and dieting is that it's boring and very few individuals will see significant weight loss with walking and dieting alone. You NEED to incorporate some form of resistance exercise, and in my opinion, bodyweight training is the way to go.

Where do I Start?
Good question. You can start with a simple exercise know as the chair squat. A chair squat is not a full squat, but instead mimics the simple act of stand up off of a chair, and sitting back down. Your hip and lower back muscles are one of the most important muscles in your body.
Even many supposedly healthy individuals see lower back and hip problems as they age, simply because they have not been able to keep these areas healthy and strong throughout the years. And the extra weight puts even more stress on these muscles.
If you're looking for some high intensity home fitness workouts, check out my site ShahTraining.com

Burn the Fat - 10 Tips to a Great and Effective Workout

Some people just waste their time at the gym. You can see them in every workout. It's almost as if they're doing someone a favor that they're there. But other people make the most of each workout. They make each visit to the gym count. These select few usually get faster and more permanent results. Those who take their training seriously develop more muscle and burn more fat than others.
Here are some great tips to maximize the effectiveness of each workout you do:
1. Warm up - At the beginning of each workout make sure to take 10 minutes to warm up and do some light stretching. A lot of people neglect to do this, anxious to get on with their workout and get to the weights. This is a massive mistake. Warming up gets the blood flowing and the muscles hot and loose. Make sure to do some light stretching on those muscle groups that you plan to work on. A good warm up and stretching session at the beginning of the workout will significantly lower the chances of injury and will also make for a more effective workout.

2. Rest between sets - take a 1 - 1.5 minute break between each set you do. This will allow your muscles to relax and get ready for the next set. Otherwise, you risk injury and also not making the most of each set. Bodybuilders take shorter breaks, but that is a special case. Stick to a 1 - 1.5 minute break.
3. Work on two muscle groups on each visit to the gym, one major muscle group and one minor. Major muscle groups are chest, back, legs. Minor groups are triceps, biceps, shoulders. Abs can be worked on nearly every day.

4. Working on two muscle groups will keep your workout to about 1 hour. Don't spend too long at the gym. You're just wearing yourself out. Keep it short and effective.
5. Do 12-15 sets of weight lifting on major muscle groups and 9-11 with minor muscle groups. More than that is just straining the muscles. This will slow your development and can even bring on muscle inflammation.
6. Drink a lot during the work out - Drinking during the workout is very important. You burn a lot of energy during a workout and you get very hot and sweaty. If you're not sweating, it just means you should work harder. Drinking water or an energy drink will keep your body at it's performance peak and will help you to do an optimal workout.
7. No chatter - You're at the gym to work, not to talk. If you've joined the gym to get dates, I wish you good luck, but this article isn't for you. Talking too much will hurt your concentration. Some people even talk in the middle of their sets which is disastrous. Talking too much will also cause you to take too long breaks between sets.
8. Save abs for last - finish with the weight lifting and then get to abs. Abs are usually done on a mattress. Your heartbeat slows done during your abs routine. If you do abs right after the warm up, you'll be cold by the time you get to the weights. Do abs right before final stretching.
9. Stretch - at the end of your workout, before you hit the shower, make sure to do some stretches. Flexibility is very important. Your muscles will look longer and fitter if you stretch them after a workout. They will also be healthier and will be less likely to develop injuries.

10. Rest 72 hours between workouts - The muscles need time to rest and recover from your workout. That's why you need 72 hours of rest before working on the same muscle groups again. You can work on other muscle groups in the mean time.
Follow these 10 tips, and you'll have a great and effective work out and burn more fat.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an advocate of safe dieting and fitness. To read more about safe diets that just plain work visit this webpage: Burn Fat - Feed Muscle For reviews of many more diet plans go to http://WorldOfDiets.com

Quick Workouts For Fat Loss

Trying to lose fat does not mean that you spend hours upon hours on a treadmill or stair climber trying to see how many calories you've burnt. All you need is a lesson in intensity.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary online defines intensity as "extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling. The second definition states that intensity is "the magnitude of a quantity per unit."
My definition of intensity is simply work/time. Work can be measured by total reps, weight used, or simply the absolute time that the workout was completed in.
* In my definition, time and work are the primary players. Do more work in less time, and you've got yourself an intense workout.
But what does this have to do with fat loss?
Let me make a bold statement here: Fat loss is not about burning calories, it is about boosting your metabolic rate.

I just wish more people knew this. I'm not sure if this is a closely guarded secret in the fitness marketing world, or if all those people selling their products on infomercials actually believe in their useless products.
Think about it, when you increase your metabolism, what you are doing is increasing the rate at which your body burns energy, as measured in calories. And so to burn more calories, it would make more sense to increase your metabolism.
* Your metabolic rate is directly linked to the intensity of the exercise that you perform. So, most likely you will not be running full speed on a treadmill for an hour straight (if you can do this, then you are Superhuman). If you want to boost your metabolic rate, you're better off running a few sprints.

The sum total of the energy you burn throughout the day is known as total daily energy expenditure, or TDEE. Approximately 60-75% of your TDEE is used to maintain the resting metabolic rate, or RMR.
* RMR is what supports a variety of bodily functions, such as those associated with your heart, lungs, and brain.
* Physical activity only accounts for 15% of TDEE. This is one of the reasons why it is inefficient for you to be spending the entire day at the gym.
Who or What is EPOC?
EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is where your body continuously needs oxygen at a higher rate than before exercise.
Three Reasons Why EPOC is essential to Fat Loss
1. After your workout, the phosphagen system, comprised of creatine phosphate and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) need to be replenished. Lactate converts to pyruvate for fuel utilization. Lactate is a molecule that is produce during intense, quick workouts.

2. The body burns energy to return the body back to its core normal body temperature after an intense bout of exercise. It expends further energy to return the body back to it's normal breathing rate.
3. After such a high demand for energy, caused by an intense workout, food substrates need to be broken down to provide this energy. It is large amounts of oxygen that are needed to perform this task.
So, does it all finally makes sense? The higher the intensity level, the greater the fat loss.
If you're looking for some high intensity home fitness workouts, check out my site ShahTraining.com
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

The Magic Lunge

It seems that 1998 is the year of the "buns". Every time I turn on the television there is some other informercial touting the latest contraption that can (in less than three minutes) firm and tone your glutes.
When talking to most trainers (especially female trainers) the lunge seems to be the exercise of choice.
So let's examine the lunge.
There is the walking lunge, the stationary lunge, the side lunge, the dynamic lunge, the barbell lunge, the dumbell lunge, the backward lunge, the Smith machine lunge, the forward lunge and the step lunge.
Which is best?
If you think about it, the lunge is nothing more than a one-legged squat. Your other leg is just helping out for balance. Then why do so many people "feel it" in their other leg? Well, we know the rectus femoris is a two- joint muscle. It not only crosses the knee but the hip as well. The majority of activities we do as humans are in a seated position: driving, sitting at a desk or watching TV. So, when we put our clients in this extreme hip extension, the rectus femoris starts "talking" to them. But we all know the real "work" is done by the front leg.
Since we are standing on one leg, then stabilizing the pelvis is going to be more challenging. Instead of two struts (your legs) spread apart with a wide base, the majority of the weight is now being supported by one strut, over a very narrow base of support.
The same goes for the foot and ankle. Is your client able to stabilize their foot and ankle or are they wobbling all over the place?
Is it better to destroy their hip and ankle joint in order to firm up their glutes?
Here are some things to consider:
The walking lunge:

Before you add weight to the exercise and have your client's walking around the gym make sure they can:
- stabilize their pelvis each and every rep. Their pelvis should not dip on either side as they lower or raise themselves.
- make sure that the knee tracks over the appropriate toe for each and every rep.
- is the ROM for the knee excessive?
- watch the foot and ankle. Can they control this motion?
Remember any time you walk there will be some momentum moving forward. Every time your knee bends, there is a certain amount of shear force occurring as the femur rolls forward on the tibia. These are the natural mechanics of your knee. However, when you increase the load, the shear force will increase as well. Not to mention the extra stress on the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).
Why are you walking with a load? What is the purpose?
If you have to walk, concentrate on all the motion going up and down or vertical instead of forward.
The same concerns apply to a barbell lunge.
The barbell lunge:
If you are lunging forward with a barbell on your shoulders, the only thing stopping the bar from cutting your neck off is your cervical spine!
I was at a physical therapy clinic at the Veteran's Memorial hospital and the physician told me that most of the spinal cord injuries occur in the cervical portion of the spine. But hey, at least they'll have tight buns.
If you're going to have clients perform any kind of lunging with a load and there is any kind of forward motion, you better have a specific reason for doing so; otherwise just use their own body weight. If you have to use a barbell, make sure the motion is vertical.
Remember, the force is not going through the heel but through the ankle. Your tibia does not sit over your heel but over your ankle, so cue the ankle! If you need weight, then try dumbbells instead.

The dumbbell lunge:
The mechanics of the lunge are the same, but now the load is off of the spine. The limiting factor will be the amount of weight a client can hold in their hands. Straps might be a solution. If the dumbbells aren't too big, sometimes it's feasible to rest the dumbells on the client's side. Be careful though, this isn't very comfortable for a lot of people.
The step Lunge:
It seems all trainers know the 90' rule when squatting: You should never lt your knee move in front of your toe or let your knee go down any further than 90'.
But then I see the same trainers have their clients lunge on a step so they can go further than 90' in an effort to increase their range of motion (ROM).
Any time you go below 90' with a load, you increase the possibility of wearing out cartilage, bone, or the joint itself. Using the floor will prevent you from going into hyper-flexion which could help save your knee. But hey, they might need knee surgery, but at least they'll have a tight rear end!
The side Lunge:
I can see many reasons for performing this exercise, all of them sport specific: football, tennis, baseball, racquetball, basketball, volleyball, etc, etc.
All the mechanics are the same. The knee is a hinge joint, it only bends one way. You must be extra careful with momentum out to the side. Lunging violently with a load to the side will incur a ton of shear force to the joint and a ton of stress on the medial and lateral ligaments of the knee, not to mention all the stress on the ankle.
When you lunge to the side in sports (with maybe the exception of football or wrestling) you rarely have a load on your back. Be careful with this lunge when it is loaded.

You might want to construct a small platform at a 30-45' angle. Place it against the wall and have your client lunge onto this small platform. This will decrease the amount of shear force, as well as the stress to the ligaments.
The dynamic Lunge:
You definitely have type II fibers in your glutes and legs. Therefore, it might be beneficial to train explosively, especially for sports. This is where that 30 - 45' platform will really come in handy. All the same rules apply to stabilizing the pelvis, foot, ankle and ROM at the knee. Be aware of the amount of weight as well. Have your client lunge forward or to the side with momentum. Without hesitating, use the elastic energy stored from the SEC of a muscle (Series elastic Component; kind of what happens when you pull on a rubber band) and bound back to the starting position. Balance will be a real challenge here.
You'd better have a good reason for loading this type of lunge.
The backward lunge:
When alternating from leg to leg, the backward lunge sometimes works better than moving forward. Most people are a little leery of "throwing" their leg backwards. They can't see where they're stepping, so they move slower and place the foot instead of bounding. This works out great, but why are you alternating?This brings me to the last but not least.
The stationary lunge:
If the goal is to work glutes, then the stationary lunge is my first choice. Every time you alternate legs, one leg is resting. Well, as Tom Purvis taught me, " if your set takes 2 minutes, then one leg rested for half the time (or one minute)". Transfer that into 2 days a week, 8 times a month, 12 months a year and you end up resting half the year. Why not just concentrate on the one leg? You have slow twitch fibers in your glutes as well. Remember your glute "fires" every time your heel strikes the ground in gait. Work one side hard, then let it rest.
Compare it to alternating dumbbell curls. The only time I do alternating dumbbell curls is when I'm warming up, or trying to isolate with a heavy weight and need to rest the bicep in between each rep.
If you have to add weight, think about a Smith machine.

The Smith machine lunge:
This is also a stationary lunge. It works best when you're not alternating legs. Remember, you still have a load on your spine. Control is key here. Balancing the weight is not such an issue anymore and the weight being used is not limited by the strength of your grip. The machine will also prevent that unwanted forward momentum.
For anyone with a problem stabilizing their pelvis in a stationary lunge while using dumbbells, the Smith machine is a perfect solution.
Don't forget to demonstrate the safety collars to your client.
In conclusion, the lunge is a phenomenal exercise. It works the quads just as well as the glutes. It might, however, be an advanced exercise. As you've just read, there are many variables, many things to consider and many things to monitor.
What is the goal, what can your client control and what limitations does your client have?
Lunges are not magic. They are what they are.
Respect the body and it will respect you.
John Platero is the founder and owner of Future Fit, Inc. a successful multi-faceted fitness company that manages personal trainers, provides fitness products, services and educational services for the consumer. He is also the Director of the N.C.C.P.T. (The National Council of Certified Personal Trainers) which has certified thousands of personal trainers at its intensive, two-day workshops held throughout the country. For more information please visit http://www.nccpt.com

Belly Fat Burning Exercise Tips That You Have to Know

If you have just decided that you need to lose some serious amount of fat and if you have started a exercise program, then you really have to congratulate yourself because this really is a very important big step. Seriously, most people never get this far and if your exercise program is built the right way, then your fat will melt away very fast indeed. But I believe in order to make a good exercise program, you first need a few tips.
Belly fat burning exercise tips you need
Of course including some type of a cardio workout into your exercise program is a very good idea. But my advice is not to do those long and low intensity cardio workouts, that most people are using to lose fat. The reason why they are not so good, is because they don't speed up your metabolic rate. So you only burn calories during your workout, but not after that. Now more intense cardio workouts will speed up your metabolism and you also burn more calories that way, and most importantly spend less time in the gym.
Another very important part that your exercise program should also include is strength training. Because strength training unlike cardio, speeds up your metabolism, so your body burns calories, way after your actual workout has ended. Of course with strength training you also build muscle. As you may already know, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is.

A 200 pound lean bodybuilder with single digit body fat has a metabolic rate of 4400 calories a day. But a 200 pound fellow with 25% body fat has a metabolic rate of only 3600 calories. So that is a 800 calorie difference in just 24 hours. Bodybuilders have so much muscle mass, that they can eat almost anything and still stay very lean.
Do you want to find out what are the top 5 fat loss programs that are guaranteed to work? Are you tired of all the junk diets and fat loss products that never ever work? If so, then CLICK HERE

Low Impact Workouts and the New Mom

Pregnancy, although a natural and beautiful thing, is never easy on a woman's body. Weight gain, so necessary for a healthy pregnancy, can be extremely difficult for some women to lose. Moreover, the bladder control once generally taken for granted becomes, for many, a wistful memory. Although a healthy diet and regular pelvic floor exercises will help the new mom recover, a number of fitness programs previously enjoyed may not be possible. Fortunately, low impact workouts offer an effective solution.
What are Low Impact Workouts?
It is usually defined as cardiovascular activities during which one foot is always in contact with the ground. While they can include aerobic and anaerobic exercises, the term is typically applied to aerobic programs which are designed to increase the heart rate and burn calories while avoiding unnecessary impact on muscles, joints, and bones. From power walking to yoga to exercise videos, the are available in a variety of formats. While they may vary in intensity, they undoubtedly offer an array of specific health benefits.
Advantages of Low Impact Workouts
It is a common misconception that this form of aerobics are naturally less intense than high impact activities. In actuality, low impact workouts have the potential to increase heart-rate levels, burn calories, and improve endurance just as effectively as other exercises. The focus on improving flexibility, muscle control, and strength are extremely well suited to toning and shaping a post-pregnancy body. Moreover, low impact workouts eliminate jarring, reducing the risk of joint injury and, for new moms, minimizing embarrassing bladder control issues.

How To Utilize the Benefits of Low Impact Workouts
In order to make the most of any exercise program, be committed. Give your full attention to your workout, concentrate on your movements, use large motions, and engage your entire body. Try to work out three to five times a week, in segments of no less than 20 minutes. Most importantly, investigate your options and choose a series of low impact workouts with which you can really connect. You are more likely to continue a program you enjoy.
Using Outdoor, Indoor, and Online Workouts
Low impact workouts are versatile in a nature and can be appreciated in a variety of forms. For instance, walking and power walking are excellent workouts for women who love the outdoors. For those who love to socialize while getting in shape, a gym offering low impact workouts may be the answer. If you prefer to exercise in the privacy of your own home, workout videos may be what you need to do, since many companies let you download exercise videos direct from their websites.. Workouts like these are usually available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Online workouts may also be a fitting choice for the busy mom, due to the convenient access of most online workouts.

Whatever fitness program you choose, make your well-being a priority. Know that having a baby doesn't need to result in lower fitness and comfort levels, and that the better care you take of yourself, the better you will be able to care for those around you. Through healthy eating and a regular exercise program, you will find yourself gradually feeling like you again - healthy, strong, and in control
Pascale Vandenbroucke is the Creative Director of Workouts On Demand. They offer instant access to over 110 exercise videos that can be downloaded to your computer for only pennies a day. From yoga and pilates, to kickboxing and toning, to salsa aerobics and low impact, Workouts On Demand offers something for everyone.

Gearing Up For the Healthy Life - Working Out and Heart Rate Monitors

Being fit is not always easy. In fact, most of us would need to exert more effort just to stay fit and healthy. This is especially true to for those who are getting past their youthful years. However, despite the age, it is quite necessary for us to live a healthy lifestyle that is touched with a proper exercise routine and a healthy diet. If you are aiming for a healthier lifestyle, then you are not alone as more and more people are more conscious about how they fare in the looks and health departments. Some people want to get fit and healthy primarily for their physical looks while others want it for health and medical reasons. Either way, being fit as well as gearing for a healthy life is always one's best option.
If you are determined to lean towards a healthy life, then the first thing that you should do is to incorporate a healthy diet to a workable exercise program. The healthy diet program should be best made with the help of a doctor or a nutritionist especially if you have health factors and conditions to consider. If you are diabetic or hypertensive, for instance, you can not just alter your diet for the sake of losing weight without guidance. Consult your doctor first so as to create a healthy and safe diet plan.
After you have created a safe diet plan that suits your medical condition best, it would be the time to start creating a workable exercise program. An exercise program need not be too strenuous especially if you have medical conditions or a simple busy daily routine to consider. But one thing for sure: there is and there always will be a possible exercise routine that can be suitable for you and the lifestyle you lead.

Exercising can definitely take a toll on your body. Let it be known that while you exercise or while your body exerts effort, your heart as well as other body organs also do some work. There is a proper way to exercise and there is a proper limit to your particular body and heart condition. One way to know if you are just on the right track is by using tools such as heart rate monitors during exercise.
Heart rate monitors now come in various shapes and sizes. Needless to say, they also come in different price ranges. You can be sure to find an accurate heart rate monitor without draining your budget as many of them are reasonably priced without sacrificing functionality. There are heart rate monitors that can be worn as watches for ease and convenience during physical activities ad exercise. These heart rate monitors are very useful especially if you want to exercise well but would not want to put too much strain your heart, your muscles and your body. There are even such heart rate monitors which also have built in calorimeters for measuring the calories burnt during an exercise session.
Working out coupled with a healthy diet is the best way to lead a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you have a personal exercise plan that is specifically made for you and your specific health condition. Make use of heart rate monitors so you can easily and safely conduct your exercise routine without any fears of overdoing it or overstressing your body. With such tools, staying fit and healthy becomes much easier.
Looking for the best products and lowest prices on Calorimeters? We compare the best products and show you the lowest prices online at the Heart Rate Monitor Center

Lose Your Belly Fat! A Workout You Can Perform at Home

If you have been trying to lose belly fat for quit some time now, you know how difficult it is. Weight loss is becoming even more difficult due to the slumping economy. You need to make the cut somewhere, and I suggest you get rid of your gym membership.
You do not need to run on a tread mil or lift weight for hours per week in order to lose belly fat. You can do it in the comfort of your own home using bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. The key is to use high intensity techniques to boost your metabolic rate.
One amazing high intensity technique is known as supersets. This is where you perform two exercises back to back with little to no exercises in between, and is an amazing tool to boost your metabolic rate. The best part about it is that you can perform it anywhere and at anytime.
Most people are wasting their time and money at the gym. You do not need to be one of these people. However, there are certain things you must consider before stating a home fitness routine. One of these is that you need to make sure that your workouts are fun and challenging.

My high intensity superset workouts are fun and challenging. This motivates me to stick to my program longer. Consistency is the real key to success with weight loss. If your workout is boring, then you will not stick to it.
Training at home is one of the best decisions I've made when it comes to improving my health and fitness. I can just wake up in the morning and start performing pushup and pullup supersets right there in my room!
If you're looking for some high intensity home fitness workouts, check out my site ShahTraining.com
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In Home Workouts That Will Bust Open Your Abs

If you are just plain confused on how to target your abs, then you should try using some of these in home workout routines. These abdominal workout routines are definitely advanced, so they are not for everyone. If you are looking into getting a six-pack, then you might want to try one of these insane workouts.
The ChaLean Extreme
ChaLean extreme has a couple of abdominal workouts that will help burn away that excess fat and reveal your abs. ChaLean Extreme has an Ab burner and Extreme abs workout. The reason why these workouts are great is because they incorporate dumbbells into the abdominal routine. The exercises are unique and challenge every region of your abs.
Insanity With Shaun T
This is a new workout that is going to take off like a rocket ship. You might have heard of Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs, well the Insanity workout is going to blow Hip Hop Abs out of the water. Shaun T's Insanity is going to be his best and most intense workout yet. This is the type of workouts that professional athletes use to get their bodies and abs into shape. You will experience some great core workouts and speed up your metabolism for some great looking abs.

Those are just a couple of workouts to try, but whatever workout you end up doing, make sure that you target every part of your abdominal region. Rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, and transverse abdominis, if you want six-pack abs then you must target everyone of these areas, and eat healthy.
Steven is passionate about living a healthy life, and helping other people find ways to improve their own health. Hiking, running and sports are a normal part of Steven's life. Steven also enjoys finding new exercises to incorporate in his daily workouts. Steven has done in home workouts like P90x which has a great ab workout routine, and Chalean Extreme.

Home Fitness Workout to Lose Belly Fat

Are you trying lose belly fat without going to a high priced gym or purchasing expensive products? Then you may just want to try out exercising at home. Without even performing long, boring cardio, you can easily drop fat with 2-3 high intensity workouts at home using just your bodyweight and a pair of dumbbells.
Studies prove that high intensity training is better at burning fat than traditional weight training and cardiovascular training methods. I like high intensity training because it saves me money. I usually organize my workouts into a superset fashion.
Superset is where you perform two exercises back to back with little to no rest in between. For example, try to perform a set of pushups followed by a set of pullups. Notice how elevated your heart rate is. What this kind of training does is boost your metabolic rate.

Boosting your metabolic rate is more important than focusing on how many calories you burn with a particular exercise. This is because you burn calories on a daily basis, regardless how much you exercise. People with fast metabolic rates are naturally lean because their fast metabolism helps them burn off a lot of calories and prevents fat gain.
So this is the real key in losing fat = boost your metabolic rate. So you don't need to go to a gym and run on a treadmill for an hour a day, nor do you need to lift heavy weights for hours per week. All you need to do is perform high intensity workouts that raise your heart rate, thus boosting your metabolic rate in order to lose a lot of fat.
If you're looking for some high intensity home fitness workouts, check out my site ShahTraining.com
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Top 5 Equipment Free Exercises That Burn Belly Fat

Gone are the days of the thought you need fancy equipment to lose weight. The best machine is your body and always has been. But I understand, training with your body can be boring and you may feel you aren't getting any work out of it. I know I used to think that way. Another challenge a lot of people face is the thought that you have to go to a gym to exercise and reach results. However, that is not the case. All you need is your body and a small amount of space. Perhaps the best part is that training with your bodyweight is free!
Our program uses bodyweight training as our foundation in our programming. 99% of our workouts have at least one bodyweight exercise implemented and many use nothing but our bodyweight. And that isn't a compromise for anything, it will yield the most quality work both for results and for overall health. What it boils down to is bodyweight training completely eliminates any and all excuses not to exercise. You can do it anywhere, so no travel or paying for membership, and there is no cost or anything to buy to train with your bodyweight, and it is suitable for all fitness levels.
To get you started on your bodyweight workout, I've compiled the top 5 fat burning exercises you can do anywhere. These five are staples in our training program and have yielded amazing results, not to mention you can do them in your backyard, basement, living room, or anywhere you wish.

1. Push ups
Push ups are very well known but aren't used all that much as a training tool outside the military. The fact is push ups are the best tool for training your upper body to get stronger and to shred pounds of fat without the use of any equipment. There are hundreds of different types of push ups so that any fitness level can be challenged by them. Some variations include: kneeling push ups, pushups on wall, spiderman push ups, T-Stabilization push ups, One arm push ups and many others.
2. Squats
Squats are another well known exercise but what is perhaps not as well known is the   variations of squats there are. There are literally almost as many variations of the squat as the push up, so again any fitness level can be challenged even without the use of weight or resistance. Some examples of different types of squats are: ½ squats, split squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Single Leg Squats, Prisoner Squats and many more.
3. Burpees
Perhaps one of the most popular and most feared exercise in our program is the Burpee. Burpees force the entire body to work as a unit to complete. There are also many variations to the burpee so once the traditional burpee is mastered (which is tough to do), you can try another variation of the burpee. You may be asking, what the heck is a burpee? Well, think of it as having to get to the floor as quickly as possible from the standing position (down into push up position so your chest is facing the floor), then getting back up as quickly as you can. You can also use burpees as a replacement for running if you need to get your cardio workout.

4. Planks
Planks are a stability exercise that also have many variations to satisfy all fitness levels. Planks work the abdominal area and train it to stabilize which is its primary job. It will also shred fat off your body superfast, but also deliver better posture. To perform a plank, get into a push up position and hold, or you can get into a push up position but rather than propping up on your hands, you can drop to your forearms so they are positioned on the ground. Be sure to keep the stomach and glutes very tight for maximum benefit.
5. Speed Rows
Speed Rows are an exercise that very few know about or perform. The benefit of speed rows is three fold; lots of stomach work and tremendous cardio benefit, and also the work it makes the upper body perform (pulling motion), which many are weak. To do a speed row, get into a push up position and quickly pull one arm up toward the side of your body and quickly return it to the ground. Repeat to the other side. While performing speed rows you must prevent your hips from moving as much as possible, as this will give you tremendous benefit and work in the stomach. Those two together cause the body to undergo a great cardio benefit.
There you have five exercises with hundreds of variations for your training. No equipment necessary and huge fat burning potential to make your training doable and highly effective.
For more articles on fat loss, exercise, and nutrition, go to http://www.bensbootcamps.com - You can also pick up your free report: The Torrid Twenty: Twenty Exercises that will ignite your inner furnace for optimal fat loss.

3 Reasons Why You Should Workout at Home

I wasted a lot of time working out at a gym. Not only did I waste a lot of time, but I also wasted a lot of money. Especially in this tough economy, it's time for you to forget your gym membership and switch to working out at home.
The first reason why you should start working out at home is fairly obvious: it'll save you money. Gym memberships can cost up to $400 per year. Instead, you can start training at home with with your bodyweight and a pair dumbbells for under $100.
The second reason why you should start working out at home is that it's more convenient. You don't need to drive down to a gym. You can just wake up in the morning, and pump out a few pushups. Or you can come home from work, walk into you garage, and start lifting some weights.
The third, but certainly not the last, reason that you should workout at home is that it saves you time. We've already eliminated the need to go down to a gym, so that'll save you at least 30 -60 minutes of travel time.

However, what about the time it takes you to wait for piece of equipment? Most people go after work or during their lunch break. During rush hour,every one's using everything! If you go to a popular gym such as Golds or LA Fitness, then you'll probably end up waiting another 30-60 minutes just for the equipment to free up.
So with home workouts, we're talking about convenience, time saved, and most importantly, money saved.
If you're looking for some high intensity home fitness workouts, check out my site ShahTraining.com
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The 3-Step Blueprint to Prevent Hemorrhoids

Are you worried that you may suffer from painful hemorrhoids (also known as piles) because you have a family history of this condition?
Maybe you have seen some bloody stools and are wondering if you could possibly have hemorrhoids?
First off, let me assure you that the causes of hemorrhoids are mostly within your control. In fact it's more of a lifestyle condition that can be avoided if you modify some of your risky behaviors.
Hemorrhoids are a pretty common condition in the industrialized countries. In fact one in four adults will suffer from hemorrhoids at some point of their lives. Hemorrhoids will hit an adult of any age, gender and profession (although some professions are at greater risk).
Being an industrialized country used to be a badge of honor at one time and now we know that being industrialized means we have embraced health-plummeting lifestyles.
Now, what exactly is a hemorrhoid? Have  you seen someone with varicose veins in their legs? Well that's exactly what hemorrhoids are - varicose veins in your rectum. It can be present internally, i.e. inside your rectum, either near or inches away from your rectum. External hemorrhoids protrude out of your anus and are also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids.

So what cause hemorrhoids then? Although the Harvard University Medical International Journal states that a lack of fiber is the major culprit or one of the contributing factors, it's only part of the story. Note that the Harvard University doesn't say that genetic factors are involved.
There are 3 mistakes that the majority of hemorrhoid sufferers do that makes them have hemorrhoids.
Mistake #1 - Eating too much processed foods.
Included in this category are the no-surprises - canned food, food packaged in boxes or cartons (including burgers), refined sugars including high fructose corn syrup and white flour (derived from any type of grain).
Mistake #2 - Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Yeah, go ahead and blame the TV or computer.
Mistake #3 - Taking artificial medicines.
These include the following drugs:
  • aspirin, which is used for many different types of diseases and especially in heart diseases
  • drugs to treat ulcerative colitis. These include drugs with the following scientific names - mesalamine, balsalazide and olsalazine.
  • a drug specially made to treat women who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome - alosetron
Interestingly, all these drugs are known as anti-inflammatory agents and one of their side effects is hemorrhoids, which is also an inflammatory condition! Just picture that - an anti-inflammatory agent causing inflammatory conditions. Doesn't it inflame you (couldn't resist the pun)?
So, now that we know what causes hemorrhoids in most people, isn't it easy to prevent hemorrhoids? Let's go through the 3 steps to prevent hemorrhoids.
1. Eat whole foods that are loaded with nutrients
That means you should dump processed foods as much as possible and eat fresh food either exclusively or most of the time. Lots of fruits, veggies, meat and seafood will help greatly.

Don't for a moment think that all those packaged foodstuff that the manufacturers claim have been fortified with nutrients are nutrient-rich. These are still processed food that have been artificially pumped with nutrients because they were bleached of nutrients, in the first place, during the manufacturing process.
2. Lead an active lifestyle.
Don't remain seated for more than a hour at a stretch. Move around every hour to make sure there is good circulation of blood in your rectal area.
3. Switch to natural alternatives to treat whatever disease that you have, that needs the drugs listed above. Discuss with a medical doctor who is well versed in natural medicine.
Although James T Pereira has never suffered from hemorrhoids, his wife (Carol) did, just months after she gave birth to their second child. She had to unfortunately undergo surgery that fixed her hemorrhoid but took more than 2 years to recover fully.
While researching how he could help Carol, James stumbled upon a natural method of curing hemorrhoids naturally, safely and fast. Now you too can discover how to cure your hemorrhoids naturally, safely and fast and save a load of cash too, at http://www.CureHemorrhoidFast.com

Hemorrhoid Treatments That Can Help You Get Rid of Piles

Hemorrhoids are a common problem experienced by many people during their lifetime. This problem basically affects the anus and the lower rectum area. Many a times this problem may get corrected without any treatment. And when the problem continues for a longer period, you may have to look for hemorrhoid treatments that really work well to get rid of piles.
This problem can be internal in the lower rectum area or external in the anus area or partly protruding out from the rectum. This problem happens when the veins in the rectum and anus get swollen due to excessive pressure applied while trying to pass stools or due to the pressure of sitting in one position for a long time or due to the pressure created by lifting heavy objects or any other reason.
A sufferer needs to look for proper hemorrhoid treatments as early as possible before the problem worsens and bleeding is seen. The best way to start the treatment process is to visit a doctor to get proper expert opinion. Once you know the exact nature of the problem and the severity, you can accordingly select a hemorrhoids remedy to get rid of piles quickly.

There are several hemorrhoid treatments that can be used like - rubber band litigation, surgery, homeopathic remedies, drugs and medicines, natural remedies etc. However a simple pill or a cream or a surgical removal is not going to solve the problem permanently. This is because you may still not be correcting the root cause of constipation and strain when passing stools.
To get best results you will have to make changes to your diet, lifestyle, bowel habits, body weight and some other simple day-to-day things. If your problem is not very severe then the best way to get rid of piles is to make changes to the above-mentioned factors and go for one of the natural hemorrhoid treatments.
Do you want to solve the problem of hemorrhoid permanently? There is an excellent natural treatment for hemorrhoid available, which can be implemented easily without any side effects. This natural remedy will free you from hemorrhoids permanently. Discover the excellent insider secrets for getting rid of hemorrhoid naturally by clicking - hemorrhoids remedies

Determining Your Body Type

Your body and its features are greatly determined by your genetics. This is why certain people can have a real hard time loosing weight and others have a real hard time gaining weight. To understand why your body acts in certain ways you needed to learn more about your body type. Doing so will help you determine the best manner to achieve your goals of a healthier body.
Most people can be placed into three categories of body types. Each body type has its own unique characteristics and genes have a lot to do with that.
THE ECTOMORPH: "Ecto" refers to the slim/thin body type. People with this body type are usually the ones that have the hardest time putting on weight. They can eat anything they want and as much as they want without gaining a single pound. People with this body type are naturally skinny and have been skinny throughout their entire lives.
Ectomorphs are the most fragile of all three body types. They have long, slender limbs with small, thin bones and joints along with the very little fat and muscle mass.

Ectomorphs are also known as "hard-gainers" as they have the hardest time of all three body types to gain weight. This is due to the incredibly high metabolic rate of their bodies. This is why they can eat whatever they want without gaining a single pound. This is good if you are not trying to gain weight, but for most ectomorphs that is not their goal.
Ectomorphs have the hardest time of all to put on muscle and this can become very frustrating. I know this because I am an ectomorph. All throughout my childhood I had been very skinny. In face when I started college I was about 5'11'' and 127 pounds. So when I decided to start working out and put on muscle, it was an extremely difficult and frustrating task. I had to eat a constantly (and still do) and a lot in order to put on weight. Eventually, however with patience and hard work I have been able to put on quite a bit of muscle.

As an ectomorph, you just have to remember to stay eat constantly, maintain a good workout routines, and most importantly remain patient to achieve your goal of your ideal body type.
Key Features: Skinny, lean, fragile, fast metabolism, hard-gainers.
Famous Ectomorphs: Kiera Knightly, Johhny Depp, Paris Hilton, Bruce Lee.
THE ENDOMORPH: "Endo" refers to the large/heavy body type. People of this body type have the easiest time gaining weight and hardest time losing weight. Their bodies are naturally inclined to store more fat which makes losing fat incredibly difficult for them.
Most endomorphs have a majority of their weight focused at the centers of their body giving their bodies a round look. Also due to their weight, they gain the appearance of being stocky and can be described as having pear-shaped-bodies.
Endomorphs can literally eat a minute fraction of what Ectomorphs eat and still gain weight. This can become extremely frustrating when trying to loose weight. Endomorphs have a hard time losing weight due to their extremely slow metabolism rate and are essentially the complete opposites of ectomorphs.
If you are an endomorph, you will have to be patient just like ectomorphs to achieve your goals of weight loss. A steady, healthy diet of small meals along with regular exercise should help you achieve your ideal body type. But like with all goals, discipline and routine are the keys to success.
Key Features: Large, big-boned, slow metabolism, easy gainers.
Famous Endomorphs: Jack Black, Queen Latifah, Cedric the Entertainer, Kirstie Alley.

THE MESOMORPH: "Meso" refers to the strong/muscular body type. People with this body type can consider themselves to be lucky. Basically they are a combination of all the good traits of ectomorphs and endomorphs without any of the bad traits. Unlike ectomorphs, they can easily gain muscle mass and unlike endomorphs they have no trouble loosing weight. They essentially have the ideal muscular and athletic body type that ectomorphs and endomorphs envy.
Mesomorphs have well built bodies with well-defined muscles and strong bones. They are broad in their pectoral regions and narrow in the abdominal regions.
Mesomorphs do not need any special routines to gain or loose weight. As long as they maintain a healthy lifestyle with a combination of weight training and cardio, they can achieve the body they want.
Key Features: Hard-bodied, well-defined, muscular, strong features.
Famous Mesomorphs: Lebron James, Halle Berry, Anna Kournikova, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Most people do not strictly have one of these three body types, but rather a combination of two or all three. Your body type is determined by your genes and your goal when trying to determine your body type is to use that information to figure out the best workout routines. You can not change your genes, but you can change your body. All it takes is hard work, determination and discipline and then anything is possible. So go out there and make it happen!!!
My name is Ronek Bhatt. I am 22 years old and a fitness enthusiast. I started working out 5 years ago and since then have dedicated numerous hours learning and researching about fitness, bodybuilding, diets, and other sources of healthy living.
Recently I created a website to share what I have learned with the general public. I hope to reach out and help others reach their fitness goals as I have done for myself. So for more fitness and bodybuilding tips and information, feel free to visit my site.
Visit  http://www.bestfitnessworkout.com

What is Thrush?

If you're unsure what thrush means it's a fungi infection in the mouth and is also known as Candida fungi. If you have thrush then you will need to make sure that you treat the fungi infection immediately so that you can limit the disease from spreading through your mouth. If you don't treat thrush then it could spread through your esophagus and throat which could cause further implications. Make sure you treat the thrush when it develops so you don't need to worry about the infection spreading and causing more damage.
Typically thrush will occur with individuals who have weak immune systems. With a weak immune system you're unable to battle a lot of the common infections that occur in humans and therefore you're more prone to having the infection. Typically Candida won't cause infection to humans as it's an organism which lives inside the body, but it potentially can in weaker immune systems.
When you have thrush you will notice that you will have white build ups inside of your mouth which is from the fungi building up inside of your mouth. If it isn't in the white build up stage yet then you may only notice redness in your mouth which results in soreness. If you have any soreness at all from the thrush then you may need to seek medical attention although there are treatments out there that you can use on your own.

The 12 hour yeast infection cure is a product that is highly regarded among people with Candida and it has helped hundreds of people cure the infection in the past. You can purchase this product online and you will have it at your house within a couple days so you can begin the treatment. If you don't get rid of your thrush using the product then you'll be able to get a full money back guarantee.
If you suffer from Oral Thrush then I would recommend using the 12 Hour Yeast Infection Cure.

How to Get Rid of Nail Fungus Effectively

If you suffer from a nail fungus infection, you know exactly  the embarrassment that your yellow  nails can cause. It's of course easier to hide them when they affect your toes but once the it spreads to your fingernails, you would most likely want to learn how to get rid of the nail fungus as quickly as possible.
So how can you cure a nail infection?  Listed below are some natural cures that you can do to get healthy nails again.
Boost Your Immune System
A person with a low immune system is an easy target of a fungal infection.  If you've got one right now, it is very likely that giving your immune system a boost will help greatly in your quest to stop the fungus from spreading.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil, a natural antiseptic is known to be one of the most common home remedy that you can start using right now. It is used by many sufferers and is said to be effective when used regularly

Apple Cider Vinegar
Oh yes. The humble vinegar. Many have reported positive results using vinegar, especially Apple cider. You can either brush it right straight to your nails or soak them in a basin full of a mixture of vinegar and water. Soak them for at least 30 minutes.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Next to Tea Tree oil, this is  one of the most common and effective home treatment. Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antimicrobial and disinfectant. Make a mixture of the extract with water and then brush it on to your nails 2 or 3 times a day.
All the four treatment above will help get rid of nail fungus. They will probably take weeks or months, depending on the severity of your case, but they will get rid of it.
Alternatively, you can use a nail solution which is specifically made to cure nail fungus problems. These solutions usually have a combination of many of the natural herbal oils that can get rid of the fungus for quicker results.
Visit this website and see effective nail fungus solutions that can cure your problem in only a few weeks.

How to Cure Palm Sweating

If you are one of the many people in the world who lives with excessive palm sweating, then you know that it is time that you did something about it. You don't want to have to live like this any longer. Currently, you are constantly worried about the sweat that is dripping off of your hands. You fear meeting new people and having to shake someone's hand. If they felt that sweat get on to their hand, they would be completely disgusted and you would be so embarrassed.
All you want is a solution. You want to cure your palm sweating for good. It is time to get out of this stage and move forward. A lot of the treatments out there consist of surgery. The doctor operates on your hands, removing the sweat glands so you will live sweaty palms free. However, this procedure is very costly and you don't have that type of money. You have more important things to buy, even though you really want this treatment.

There are some things at home that you can do to cure palm sweating. They are easy and effective. For example, rubbing talcum powder on your hands rids them of that excess sweat that you are too familiar with. Plus, the powder leaves your hands feeling silky smooth, so anyone would be impressed with a handshake from you. If talcum powder is not in your reach, cornstarch is another option that you can use that has the same effect as the talcum powder as a cure for palm sweating.
Although these treatments will give you short term relief, you are looking for a long term solution to your sweaty palms problem. You want this problem to be gone for good. If you are tired of being embarrassed or ashamed of your sweaty palms, then there is a solution that you can trust. Find out everything you need to know from this informative site.
It's time you made the change. Get rid of your sweaty palms forever.

How to Lower Blood Sugar and Return to Normal Glucose Levels

How to lower blood sugar is something that is frequently (if not constantly) on the mind of someone who is afflicted with diabetes or diseases related to excessive blood glucose levels. In order to learn how to lower glucose level amounts, you need to first understand exactly what causes high blood sugar to begin with. Let's explore what causes high glucose levels and learn some ways to reduce sugar and return to normal glucose levels.
Blood sugar is found in the bloodstream when someone eats food that is high in carbohydrates. If your body is producing sufficient amounts of insulin, the hormone will perform its job and convert the sugar in the blood to energy. When excessive sucrose amounts are present for extended periods of time in the bloodstream, the sugar can create damage to the internal organs of the body - including the eyes, heart, kidneys and urinary tract, just to name a few. Anyone who has been diagnosed as diabetic, prediabetic - or having any diseases related to high blood glucose levels needs to learn how to lower blood sugar. If they cannot do this naturally, then they will most likely have to live a live which includes medicine - with the worst case involving taking insulin shots to keep your blood sugar in check.

Here are some tips to reduce blood glucose on your own:
1) Eliminate sugars and any foods high in carbohydrates from your diet. When eating any carbohydrates, avoid the 'white' ones - including anything made with white flour.
2) Get 8 hours of sleep every night. The human body needs 8 hours of sleep per night to operate at its best. This is especially important in order to maintain a hormonal balance which could help your insulin to perform its job.
3) Reduce your stress. If you cannot eliminate stress from your life - seek out ways to counterbalance the stress - such as taking walks and meditating. Most people who are trying to learn how to lower blood sugar are surprised to learn about the affect that stress has on attaining normal glucose levels.
4) Exercise is a great way to reduce blood glucose levels. Particularly if you are overweight. The combination of weight loss and cardio benefits are a winning strategy for diabetics or pre-diabetics.
Click here to get more information on how to lower blood sugar.

Blood Sugar Levels - What Can You Do to Lower Them?

For those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the term "blood sugar levels" becomes part of their everyday vocabulary. However, the term is vaguely understood maybe because of its seemingly technical slant.
To make it easier to understand let us start at the beginning.  What is blood glucose?  First, blood sugars are natural and everyone has these. They are, in fact, necessary for normal functioning since glucose is the principle fuel of the body and brain.  Your body makes glucose by breaking down other types of sugar, carbohydrates, and protein.  Fat serves as an alternate fuel for several organs.
Many vegetables and fruit contain fiber also, (low-GI) and this manages to slow down the digestion of starches and sugars, leading to a gradual increase in blood sugar.  This slow rise in blood sugars is accompanied by a moderate insulin increase and is classed as normal and healthy.
Simple sugars or pure sugars, (high-GI), are digested very quickly and lead to fast and high increases in blood sugar levels.  When levels rise rapidly your body responds with a surge of insulin which often reduces your blood glucose level to below where it was originally, making you even hungrier.  Starches in white bread, pasta and macaroni, pizza, bagels, muffins and potatoes are also digested quickly.

Therefore, some foods help to slow your glucose level, while others result in levels that rise very quickly.
So in order to keep stable blood glucose levels:
1.  Favor foods with a low glycemic index (low-GI).  These include beans, zucchini, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables eg. spinach, broccoli, bean sprouts, asparagus, and lettuce.  Nearly all fruits, exceptions are watermelon and pineapple, are low-GI.  Pumpernickel and rye breads also have a lower-glycemic index value.  Some breakfast cereals include old-fashioned oatmeal and bran cereals.
2.  Eat meals and snacks at consistent times each day.   And eating consistent amounts of low-GI carbohydrates in these meals and snacks helps to manage your blood glucose also.
3.  Reduce or eliminate sweetened or naturally sweetened beverages.  Avoid regular soda and fruit juices because liquid carbohydrates cause a rapid spike in your blood sugars.
4.  Eating smaller meals three times a day plus two snacks, rather than two or three large meals will also help you maintain stable blood sugar levels.  And your pancreas will not need to go into overdrive to produce high amounts of insulin.

5.  Increase your physical activity.  This improves your muscles' sensitivity to insulin almost immediately making it easier to store sugar in your muscles rather than have it in your circulation.  The impact of physical activity is best when performed at least three to four times per week.
Meals will always cause a temporary rise in blood glucose; what you are looking for is a gradual trend downwards as your insulin sensitivity improves.
A very common reason for the person with type 2 diabetes to have a rise in his blood sugar levels is infection, so do not hesitate to contact your health care provider as he may need to adjust your medications. 
Lower blood glucose levels and a reduction in medications and the risk of complications is achievable. Research has shown that it is possible to heal type 2 diabetes although it does start with adopting a healthy lifestyle. This includes measures to improve insulin resistance, such as weight loss, a low-fat, low-GI, high-fiber diet and regular exercise.
If you would like some information to help you with your type 2 diabetes, click here now to download my free E-Book: Answers to Your Questions
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your Type 2 Diabetes.

The Ideal Body Weight Formula

"You've put on some weight, Laura. I think you're getting fat!"
How many times have we heard this and agreed with the statement above? Did you know that putting on weight does not necessarily mean that the person in question is getting fat? You can tell if you are overweight or not by calculating your Body Mass Index. This ideal body weight formula helps determine if you are overweight simply by dividing your weight with your height in meters squared.
Check your results. If you achieved a BMI result of 18.5 or lower, then you are underweight and need to pack on some pounds if you don't want to look like a skeleton. If your BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9, then your body weight is ideal and you just need to keep up the good work. Bad news though, for people with BMI between 25 to 29 as they are deemed overweight and will need to hit the gym for some serious fat burning.

If hitting the gym is not your cup of tea, you may want to opt for several belly dancing sessions. Youngsters would perhaps prefer other dance classes such as hip hop and capoeira, but either way, these lessons are rather vigorous ones and would help in crafting slimmer waist lines and legs minus the chunky rolls of fat. You may also want to start taking the stairs instead of using the elevators. This will help you tone your muscles and shed away the bulk of your fats.
When seeking the ideal body weight formula, you need to try out a few techniques before combining the best methods and see what works best for you.
Losing body fat is not really as difficult as it may seem. In order to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, it takes a punch out of you, but following a specific diet with the aid of a very special type of fruit and vitamins from the Amazon rainforest it has been made possible to ordinary individuals like ourselves.
You just have to know which foods to eat during your short diet period and which simple exercise routines to follow. 2 weeks and I can personally guarantee that you'll lose fat pounds faster than you could have ever imagined! Click on the blue links just above, in this paragraph for the special iron clad, weight loss procedure. It's as easy as 1-2-3...

Small Weight Loss Tips For Big Results

Many people are overweight and more and more seem to be joining the ranks. But good news is that many are taking their health back into their hands and shaping up and losing the weight. Here are some weight loss tips for helping you join them if you are looking to lose weight.
  1. Try eating good old fashioned popcorn. The air popcorn or the light microwavable versions are low in fat and calories and are actually good for you. Don't get eat the popcorn at the movies though. It is loaded with all the bad stuff . Sprinkle some butter bits on it and you have all the flavor that you could want.
  2. When you are exercising do interval training. While running increase your speed for 1 or 2 minutes. Or if you are doing weights decrease your rest time in between sets or do the sets faster.
  3. When eating breakfast, lunch or dinner use a salad plate to put your food on instead of the full size plate. It has been proven that people will eat whatever is on the plate regardless of its size.
  4. When drinking those high calorie fruit juices mix the glass with half water and when you do reach for a drink , drink v8 or something healthy instead of diet cola drinks.
  5. Don't eat and snack without thinking. Chewing a strong flavored gum or eat a couple of cinnamon bears so that the strong tastes will keep your mouth busy and food will taste funny after eating these.
  6. Pick an exercise that you will like . If you like basketball then do basketball. If you like to walk then do that . It is important that you do one that you like or are interested in trying so that you will stick to it and not quit after a couple of weeks. You will have to exercise anyway so it should be one that you will do.
  7. Avoid the trans fat and the high fructose corn syrup if you can. High fructose corn syrup is in almost everything that we eat. The bad thing is that it is cheap and easy to make so food manufacturers love it . It gets your body addicted so that you want more and more when you munch on junk food that has high fructose corn syrup in it. Trans fats have an effect on the blood where they raise the cholesterol that causes heart attacks
  8. Use your mind to help you lose weight. Get a picture in your mind of what you will look like. If you were thin before use that otherwise look on the internet or look at fitness magazines and find a body that you would like. Take a picture of your head cut it out and paste it on the body or do it on the computer with a picture editing program. Look at it everyday and imagine how yourself walking,talking , going places etc with your new body. Say I weigh 115 pounds or whatever weight you would like to be every day several times a day and actually feel like you would feel if you were this thin. Do all this several times a day. It is called visualization.
  9. Use mustard on your sandwiches not mayo. Mayo has lots of fat and calories while mustard has almost none.
  10. Chew your food all the way. Savor the taste and texture and enjoy it. Digestion begins in the mouth.
  11. Last of all be patient. It took awhile to gain the weight and it will take a while to lose it no matter what all the books and weight loss pills say.
Are You Tired of Diets that Don't Work?
For the Ones that Do CLick Here

Holidays and Vacation

The holidays can be a very enjoyable time. They can also be a nightmare for someone making lifestyle changes. We've all heard tales about Christmas or Thanksgiving being the day that "ruined me" or "derailed" the positive progress that was made leading up to them. It is a classic scenario for someone watching their weight to fear the holidays, vacations and any other special occasion for that matter.
Why are the holidays so tough? Well, for starters, the holidays are already putting us in a tricky position because we build them up so much. We've all heard someone say (or said it ourselves): "I wouldn't normally eat that, but it is the holidays, so I have to." Or you've been told (or been the one telling): "You have to eat this because it's just not (insert holiday here) without it."
Which reminds me of the most recent holiday (and inspiration for this week's article), the 4th of July. We have all been to a gathering where there are assorted grilled meats, potato salads, corn on the cob, apple pie, etc. We've all gotten that first whiff off the grill when meal-time was near. We've all had the moment of decision as we filled our plates as well. "Should I stop?" "Is that enough?" We ask ourselves these questions, but we just keep piling the food on. Why? Because it's the holidays and we think we won't enjoy the day as much if we don't eat as much as we can.

Now, when I put it that way, you can clearly see the flaw in our logic. In reality, how do we spend the rest of the day? We spend it uncomfortably full, tired and wishing we hadn't eaten so much! Not to mention the mental game we are playing because we just "undid" everything we had worked for. Why do we know what we want, yet still do the opposite? This is a fascinating thought for me, not only because my clients are dealing with it every day, but because I too have found it to be a challenge.
So what can we do? Well, the 4th of July holiday really made me think this year. I was thinking about our freedom and all of the choices we have now. If we didn't have these choices, life would not be very fun or fulfilling. But, what we have to remember is that we are free to choose. I feel that as soon as a certain day comes around or a certain option is in front of us, we throw choice right out the window.
I think we do this because we have surrendered to the moment. The holiday that we have been waiting for or the vacation that we are finally on makes us feel like we have to splurge in order to enjoy ourselves. When in reality, we don't truly enjoy ourselves because we are physically uncomfortable and more significantly, we feel that we have gone against our natural choice in the first place and done something that we quickly regret.

What is the solution? While there are many steps that can be taken to change these habits, the first thing that needs to change is our mindset. The mindset of "doing whatever I can do to sabotage myself and go against the norm will bring me the most enjoyment right now" is clearly not giving us what we want. We may have a short period of enjoyment, but long term and even immediately following, our actions do not bring us the results we want, and therefore we are really letting ourselves down.
The mindset that will help us succeed is this:
Take the vacation, don't let it take you
Celebrate the holidays with your choices and you will enjoy your results. If you leave it up to chance, you know the possibilities and know how you will feel afterward. When you get away, realize that the choices you make now will impact you now and in the future. We are the same people on vacation that we are at home. There is no way to forget or pretend what happens on a trip and have it somehow not affect us when we return home. Going with a goals and a realistic plan will help you manage the choices you have while still enjoying them, both during and after you make them.
Business Health Expert Joe Byrd uses his passion and expertise to bring business and health together. He integrates health education in lifestyle topics such as Stress Management, Weight Management, and Smoking Cessation into businesses in order to accomplish the following: Improving Employee Health, Decreasing Health Care Spending, Increasing Your Employee Productivity, and Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention. Joe applies his craft in the business world by making health part of business strategy. As he helps companies invest in their employees, together they create healthy and successful cultures.
Web: http://www.ByrdWellnessconcepts.com

Diet to Lose Weight Fast - Without Pills, Supplements, Drugs

Many people would like to find a diet to lose weight fast. Maybe they have a special event coming up in their life or they have some other reason, but they want that weight off as fast as possible - but without resorting to expensive pills, supplements or drugs. So, how can this be done?
Many people will say it's all about "calories in, calories out." By that, they mean that if you eat fewer calories than you expend in energy, you will automatically lose weight. There are a few problems with this idea, however.
First, it is not a particularly fast process. The first few days, you may lose some water weight, but then you will have to settle in for the long haul to see real results. Second, the human body is designed to conserve energy for possible periods of starvation. We tend to maintain body fat during periods of extreme calorie deprivation. For this reason, any low calorie plan will have to be only a little low in calories in order to be effective, which means it will take that much longer to lose the weight. Third, many people have a hard time staying on low calorie plans. You have to count calories. In some cases, you have to count grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Finally, in order to really gain the full effect of the "calories in, calories out" idea, you will have to engage in exercise and figure out how many calories you are burning - you, not some hypothetical "average" person. There is no practical way to measure this with any accuracy. You must go by trial and error - which takes time.

In recent years, an alternative to the "calories in, calories out" school of thought has emerged. It was once thought that all calories are the same - a calorie of food from protein was the same as a calorie from fat, which was the same as a calorie from carbohydrate. However, research continues to emerge to indicate that this is not true. This means that "calories in, calories out" is not the most effective method of weight loss.
The human body does not process proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the same way. It turns out, carbohydrates are actually the macronutrient that is most fattening. All junk foods are loaded with carbs: french fries, potato chips, pie, cake, doughnuts, etc. More and more research is building to show that low carbohydrate diets are actually the most effective for fast weight loss.

When you eat carbohydrates, your body reacts in several ways. One thing that happens is the fat receptors on fat cells trigger your body to store body fat. However, when carbohydrates are eliminated from the diet, your body begins to burn off excess body fat for energy. This is true weight loss.
Nobody can predict how many pounds you can lose and how quickly. Certainly, increasing exercise will help, as well. But if you want a diet to lose weight fast, try the low carb approach - just make sure you are not kidding yourself by eating carbs without realizing it.
For most people, if they get their carb count down low enough, they will start to lose weight at about as fast a rate as their body can manage naturally - without pills, supplements, or drugs or any kind.
To learn more, visit: Diet to Lose Weight Fast.

There Are Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Fast

The one thing that connects nearly everyone in this world together is the need or the desire to lose weight. Whether it is just a few extra pounds so they can look great in that swim suit at the beach, or whether you need to lose several pounds for your own good, it is something millions of people are struggling with doing. There are so many diets out there that claim to have the best results. You give it a shot only to see that you end up gaining weight on the diet. However, there are healthy ways to lose weight fast.
One of the most important aspects of losing weight is actually wanting to do it for yourself. You should not lose weight for other people. You need to want this! A great thing to do is make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight and then keep it with you. Look at it anytime you feel yourself struggling with the diet. You instantly will become motivated because you want to be able to accomplish this for yourself.
One of the healthy ways to lose weight fast is drinking a lot of water. Drinking enough water each day actually will speed up the weight loss process. The thing to know about dieting is that, if it sounds strange to be eating something or eliminating something from your diet, it most likely is not healthy.

If you want healthy ways to lose weight fast, it is best to stick with your gut. No pun intended. You should not be starving yourself because that really is not healthy. You need food to keep your body going. The best thing to do is substitute healthy foods such as fruits and vegetable and foods high in protein for the fried food and junk food you eat now. You will notice a difference so fast. Cut down your sugar intake. Have your coffee with half the amount you would usually take. This action alone will melt inches off your waist. Try it!
Although you probably do not want to hear it, exercising also is one of the healthy ways to lose weight fast. If you exercise a few times a week and combine that with your healthy eating, you will lose even more weight. This does not mean you have to devote your entire free time to busting yourself at the gym. You can start off slow by walking for at least half an hour each day. Then just build it up from there and you will be on your way to a healthier you.
David Nuka
David Nuka is an online business expert, an entrepreneur, consultant and author with a passion in self improvement and personal development. You can read more uplifting articles about overcoming limiting beliefs and cultivating a healthy and wealthy mindset on the Aim High 4 Life Blog-website http://www.aimhigh4life.com

Losing Weight - Tips and Advice For Everyone

Many people try to make commitments with themselves to lose weight all the time but rarely follow through with it for various reasons. Some of them don't even take action to begin the journey. Some rush into it with all their energy and focus, making drastic changes to their bodies in a short amount of time, which in turn makes permanent weight loss even more difficult to attain.
Losing weight tips you can include in your weight loss plan:
1. Get a notepad and write down everything you eat, what time you ate and how you was feeling. This will help you control your dieting and see trends and maybe some relations with foods and feelings. This is a sure way of losing weight !
2. Eat small meals 5 times a day evenly spaced out. Now you need to eat healthy change your menu around and try something different
3. Pick one designated eating spot, chew your food thoroughly and take your time. Keep food out of sight.
4. If you need to snack try taking a glass of water and if that doesn't work eat something healthy like fruit or vegetables

5. Stop eating out, portions are huge and you'll lose control of knowing the calories going into your body.
6. If you get off track , find out why and solve the problem so it never happens again.
7. Keep a track of your weight on a weekly basis and graph your progress so you can see your successes.
Out of diet and exercise the most crucial is your diet. For example , a pound of body fat contain 3,500 calories so if you consumed up to 1000 calories less a day you would lose up to 2 pounds in a week. Now you might think 2 pounds is nothing but if you keep up the diet for a whole year you would lose 50 pounds. Keeping control and knowing what calories you are taking in is the secret to success.
The most important losing weight tip - Motivation is the key and not everyone has it!
This is the drive that keeps you working on your goals and sets you apart from the people who don't. There is no easy way to get the motivation needed but here are a few tips.
1. Write down everything that is a benefit to you and your health when you make these changes to your lifestyle and start to lose weight. Write down all the negative things that will effect you if you just do nothing about the situation you are in now. Then stick the list somewhere where you see and read it everyday
2. Get your friends involved, go to the gym together or join a baseball/softball club so you can actually enjoy yourself losing weight and have a social life also
3. Write everything down, all your goals, expectations, hardships, failures, successes. So you can read and reread all your experiences for inspiration and motivation. Losing weight is not easy to do but changing an excessive lifestyle and a bad diet will help you life a longer healthier life.
Do you need losing weight tips. For help and advice go to I want to lose weight

Acai Berry Burn Boom - The Facts About the Acai Burn Diet

What is Acai Berry Burn, and why should I take it? If that's the question you're asking yourself, then you've joined the rest of the world in discovering the world's number one super food, in the world's best product form.
A few years ago, the antioxidants that were found so abundantly in green tea made the media scream for it. The discovery that oxidation had a profound effect on our body systems and that there were very few compounds out there that would counter that effect got the whole world buzzing.
Then, the world discovered an even better source of antioxidants than green tea. They discovered that Acai berries, like the those in the Acai Berry Burn, had massive quantities of antioxidants in them. The antioxidants found in these berries, once they were freeze-dried and put into a capsule form, stayed stable through transit. This final process has allowed people all around the globe to begin buying these products for their antioxidant, and other, needs.
The first and best reason to take this product at all is for its antioxidant supply. If you're considering any supplement, you should consider Acai Berry Burn first. In addition to it providing a large quantity of the antioxidants that are utilized by your body, it also has specific, rare antioxidants that are only found in a few foods out there. These rare antioxidants have an effect on vision. This product is one of only a couple products out there that have been shown to improve vision and night vision in those people taking it.

The antioxidant effect doesn't stop there, though. If you or someone you know has cancer then a bottle of Acai Berry Burn might be the best thing that you can do for them. It has long been known that antioxidants prevent certain oxidizing molecules in your body from attacking your DNA and forming cancerous cells. A University of Florida study has taken that farther, and published findings stating that leukemia cells that were exposed to the antioxidants of Acai, perished. Yes, you read that right. Leukemia cells exposed to the antioxidants of Acai perished. How's that for an antioxidant effect?
Acai Berry Burn isn't just an antioxidant supply supplement, though it does that well. It also has other positive effects which come from the Acai berry. These include a more regular digestive system, which comes from the fiber content in the berry. The carbohydrate and protein content of the compound is another aspect which promotes good health, being a source of energy for the person taking it. In addition, the Acai in Acai Berry Burn is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals which is something that makes a distinct impact on our bodies but is not often thought of by people.
The Acai in Acai Berry Burn is tried and true. It does what Acai has been shown to do, in a supplement that is easy to take and highly accessible.
Visit the Acai Berry Detox home page for free bottles of Acai Berry Burn. It's got the Acai kick you want, in an easy to take capsule form.

Benefits of a Personal Trainer For Fat Loss

Many people are enlisting the help of a qualified personal trainer to elevate their fitness program and get them on the fast track to fat loss. Decreasing body fat is a common goal for many people but it can be a long road if you have been struggling with the effectiveness of your training program. The first step is to hire a qualified personal trainer. Make sure the individual is nationally certified, insured, and has great references. Seek the help of friends and co-workers and also ask people at your gym or training facility what they think of their trainer. Once you get some good feedback and research the person, seek out their assistance.
The benefits of having a personal trainer are endless. If you are still nervous about taking the step, or are reluctant to spend the extra money, here are a few things to consider.
• Working with a fitness trainer will give you structure. You will know exactly what you are doing each day and that it will help you with your fat loss and health goals
• Accountability. When you are meeting your trainer 2-3 days per week at a certain time, it forces you to go to the gym where you can come up with excuses if you are working out on your own
• Progression. Most good trainers will map out a 3-4 week plan and create progressions through changes in repetitions, sets, weights, and many other factors. This will help you to get stronger and burn more calories, leading to a higher level of fat loss

• Motivation. Having someone there to push you through the end of a training session or to give you guidance on nutrition and recovery is vital. It is much easier to say no to yourself than it is to an outsider
• Fun training sessions. Joining a small group will keep the workouts entertaining and energized. Grab a friend or two, or join an existing group. You get the benefits of individual training plus extra motivation. It is much better than group exercise classes because the workouts are still tailored to you and your goals
• Technique and Safety. Working with your fitness trainer will ensure that your form on every exercise is perfect. This will help with strength development, progressions, and will keep you safe and injury free.
• Results. All of the work you are doing now is great but if you really want to see a change in your body structure, a decrease in body fat, and an increase in strength, you need to develop a higher intensity program with structure, progressions, and motivation. These factors combined will send you on your way to a great physique.

Examine your program now, establish some goals, and do your research to find an excellent personal trainer in your area. Participating in small group personal training is cost effective and motivating. Make an investment in your health and your future by elevating your fitness program.
Callie Durbrow is a nationally certified personal trainer. Her training programs are designed for athletic fitness development, fat loss, and increasing strength through functional and fun training sessions. For more fitness and personal training tips visit http://www.durbrowperformance.com

3 Health Tips to Help You Lose Weight

There are right ways and wrong ways to go about dropping weight and the strategies that I am going to provide you here are going to focus on right ways to drop weight. Aside from looking better on a beach people are trying to lose weight for health reasons so you should avoid trying to game the system.
The first thing you must to do is go out and buy a scale if you don't have one. How are you going to precisely track your success and keep yourself accountable if you have no way of measuring your success or failure? This does not need to be an pricey scale. A simple 15 dollar scale from Wal-mart will do the job.
The next thing you need to do is set up a chart and post it somewhere visible in your house that you will walk by everyday. After that establish a normal schedule of weighing yourself. This should be at least weekly but I would recommend daily or every other day. This will help you stay accountable, and posting it somewhere you see it everyday will prevent you from being able to hide or not acknowledge that it is there.

The second strategy that will help you start the diet process. I am not even going to tell you to alter what you eat. Just do not finish everything on your plate every meal. Eat all the same foods that you have been eating just don't eat as much of them. This will be surprisingly affective while still not changing your diet too drastically. Smaller changes will have a long term affect than if you were to try and drastically overhaul your lifestyle over night.
Lastly, you need to continue to add changes. Yes starting by reducing meals will have a little affect and will only get you so far if every meal still consists of take out. The key is to continually add changes until you are eating completely healthy and it feels normal to you.
Some changes could be cutting carbs out of your last meal of the day, only eating take out once a month, or eating more white meat instead of red meat. I could list health recommendations to you all day here and that will not help you understand my point. The point is start adding all these tips that you probably have already heard about one at a time to your life and you will find that they stay there permanently.
For more health tips go to Healthy weight loss tips

Weight-Loss Comparison General Results

When it comes to losing weight there are three names that stand out in a crowd. Hoodia, Zotrim, and Proactol are great supplements to a diet and exercise plan and they provide ways to get where one wants to be safely and quickly. Using weight loss comparison techniques I have found that these products deliver better results than just good old fashion sweat and fatigue...
Hoodia: This product attacks the appetite and helps keep the eating under control. This is the one area that good old will power and therapy just cannot take care of in a meaningful way. Having tried workouts two times a day coupled with cardio vascular training, I was able to make great strides in weight loss, but I lost focus and found myself with increased appetites and cravings. The more I worked the more I hungered and sometimes that hunger would feel like an animal was eating its way out of my stomach.
Using Zotrim people have found great progress too. This also goes right to the source, appetite, and allows the user to control meal portions and sittings. If the input cannot be controlled then all the calorie burning in the world is not going to produce the results one want. Again the weight loss comparison of exercise alone as to that of exercise with help went in favor of this chosen appetite suppressant.
Proactol is another option for appetite control and it has been clinically proven to work on hunger and cravings. Weight loss comparison studies of people taking this supplement verses just solo training or dieting again support the claims.

When trying to get weight off of the body, there is no reason to use white knuckle techniques with all the safe supplements that are available to the consumer today. Well studied and tested products are available that can return some of the comfort of life to us while still allowing us to reach our goals of a fit and healthy body.
Choosing the wrong weight loss pill could kill you.Before you buy another weight loss pill make sure to check out my Squidoo Lens Weight Loss Comparison NOW to find out more.
I research weight loss pills, their effectiveness , side effects , and overall performance. Please Visit my Weight Loss Comparison Squidoo Lens to find out more on this subject.

Improve Fitness, Lose Weight, and Enjoy a Better Sex Life

There are many reasons why an individual's sexual ability and enjoyment may be at a low ebb.  This can be distressing, especially if you have led an active sexual life. Pressure of work, financial worries or relationship issues, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, cardiovascular related disease, diabetes and obesity are just a few circumstances that can affect your performance. Some are outside the scope of this article, but many can be avoided or addressed by changes to your lifestyle.

Looking after your physical and mental health through regular exercise, good diet and general lifestyle can eliminate many of the problems and knock on effects that cause diminished sexual performance.

There are some very simple things you can do to improve your sex life. To start with if you are experiencing problems don't suffer in silence, I don't mean advertise it on your local radio station but talk to your partner, a close friend or your doctor, up to 50% of men between 40 and 70 experience erectile dysfunction also known as ED.  30 to 50% of women experience some form of sexual dysfunction during their lives so don't think you are alone.

The majority of us are aware that men experience erections, what maybe less understood is that women experience erections of the clitoris and of the tissue surrounding the vulva. In both men and women adequate blood flow is essential for this function, so artery clogging foods such as saturated fats are detrimental to your sexual performance and pleasure.  Unsaturated fats on the other hand are required to produce hormones amongst them are the ones that give us sexual  pleasure.

Obesity can lead to increased ED and other sexual dysfunction, losing weight helps to increase sexual performance. Exercise combined with dietary control increases testosterone and endorphins the latter are the hormones that make you feel all is well. As the quality of an erection is governed by good circulation the consumption of foods high in Omega3 such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables will help your nervous system's performance so aiding your circulation. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables helps to keep cholesterol low in turn aiding circulation, they are low in calories high in vitamins minerals and fibre relative to other foods they will prevent and reduce obesity which is known to affect testosterone levels.

As we all know smoking has a massive effect on an individual's health, but perhaps what you may not know is the effect it can have on your sex life. Apart from bad breath, stained teeth and clothes that smell as though they have been used to smother a bonfire, smoking reduces oxygen levels in the blood and causes blocked arteries, nicotine also restricts blood flow and can damage arteries, as already mentioned good blood flow is essential for a healthy sex life. Just two cigarettes a day can have an irreparable effect on arteries. Carbon monoxide the same that is pumped out of car exhausts and present in cigarettes may have a detrimental effect on the level of testosterone the body produces.

Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, these are your bodies feel good hormones, other sex hormones especially testosterone and estrogens are released following a workout. The type of exercise is entirely up to the individual, swimming, gym, yoga or pilates and a whole host of other exercise routines will produce the desired effect. Additionally exercise helps to reduce stress, combats obesity and so reduces tiredness; it stimulates circulation and the immune system.  With regular exercise comes improved physique, self-confidence and esteem, your contentedness with your inner self will be apparent to others this in turn will make you more attractive, it is to do with mindset and attitude. This is known as the law of attraction successful people and I don't mean just people that are financially successful, but people who live a "full" life, use this massively to their advantage, if you are a smiling happy person you will attract similar people, but be aware this also works in reverse. Try to have a positive outlook this may not always seem possible, when a problem stands in your way rather than seeing an insurmountable hurdle work to turn the situation to your advantage. Think positive do not mix with negative people, when you wake each morning think how you can make your day work for you, not how difficult your day is going to be.

My name is Simon Thomas, I am keen on keeping fit. The pay-off for having a good level of fitness is often not realised until you commit yourself to a fitness plan or system. The really great thing is that you don't have to embark on some military training program to massively improve your fitness level and so your enjoyment of life. There are some simple steps you can take.

To discover how you can increase your fitness level and love of life go to http://www.yourdietfreeweightloss.com.

The Real Reason You Cannot Lose Weight

You are not alone. 95% of people cannot lose weight permanently. However, the problem is not with you. The real reason you cannot lose weight is most likely because you are buying something to help you. I know the people that sell diet and weight loss products don't want to hear this, but here's the truth: NO weight loss pill, diet, shake, meal plan, or even surgical procedure has been proven to work permanently. When you see a pitch to lose your belly, stomach, arm, thigh, whatever fat- the basic premise is always the same: When you BUY our product, it will do the weight loss work for you. There's only one problem with that:
Millions of people blowing through billions of dollars have proven diet and weight loss products don't work.
Why can't they work? It's because they are either a total scam [pill, herb, tea, patch, etc.] or a temporary fix [liposuction, diet plan, diet foods, etc.] Now why are diets and diet products just temporary solutions? Here's the truth you'll never hear from someone that wants to sell you a diet product:
Any diet will work, if it helps you create a calorie deficit. I could create the grasshopper diet, the banana diet, or the sugar cookie diet. Now if you eat my recommended amount of grasshoppers, bananas, or cookies- you will lose weight. But here's the problem:

Sooner or later 95% of people get tired of eating those things and they go back to the same foods that made them gain weight in the first place. Basically, you are using some kind of special tool to create a calorie deficit for you. When you take away the tool, you take away the calorie deficit. This is why nothing works for permanent weight loss other than taking no fail heath and fitness principals- and adapting them to fit your life.
Losing weight, getting fit, and looking years younger is much easier than most people realize. It's trying useless scams that makes you feel like losing weight is impossible. It's trying to eat special diet foods you hate, deprive yourself, or do workouts you don't enjoy that makes you feel it's just not worth it. Trust me on this one: Taking a few weeks and leaning what natural foods you like is worth it. Trying a few different ways to get active once a day is worth it. I promise you; just taking a little time and discovering what works for you, will change your life and future in more ways than you can imagine.
Weight loss is not in what you buy. It's in the little things you do everyday that add up over time. So don't think you cannot lose weight, you can. All it takes is some honest information and action on your part.
I write about honeslt health, fitness, and weight loss solutions

6 Simple Steps to Lose Weight From Your Stomach

Are you trying to lose weight from your stomach area?  Well the good news is, you can, and it doesn't have to be a miserable or painful journey. I am going to give you a few tips on how you can start towards achieving the flat stomach you want.
So just what is it, that has contributed towards you gaining that excess fat and weight around your stomach area?
A big contributing factor to weight gain around the tummy area will be eating too much processed food or fast food.  We have so many choices these days, and it is often too easy to opt for a take-away meal, ready-made meal or a visit to a fast-food outlet.  Occasionally, this isn't a problem, but regularly it can be.
Another contributing factor is lack of exercise.  Once again, because of our busy lifestyles it is very easy to believe we haven't got time to do any exercise, let alone have the enthusiasm for doing any.
Well here are 6 very simple, but effective steps to get you started on the right road to losing weight from your stomach:

  1. Have a glass of water about 10 minutes before every meal (flavoured with lemon juice, or a slice of lemon if you prefer).
  2. Start listening to your body, not your head - seriously, I mean this.  It isn't difficult and once you start doing it you will realise just how often you are possibly eating food, more for comfort reasons than hunger.
  3. Put less food on your plate than you normally do and take your time eating it - you are supposed to be enjoying your meal - not wolfing it down as fast as you can (I was more than guilty of this in the past).  If you really are still hungry when you have finished your meal, go and get a little bit more, but please don't eat it just because it is there.  It can take anywhere from 20 - 60 minutes for your stomach to register that it has had enough which is why eating too quickly can result in us eating more than we need.
  4. Don't think of food as "the enemy".  Constantly stressing about the right or wrong foods to eat will quickly make you feel frustrated and end up with you just grabbing the nearest and quickest food.
  5. Enjoy a little of what you fancy now and then - don't feel guilty about it, enjoy it!  Life is for living and the occasional treat is not going to do you any harm.  The more you deprive yourself of something, the more you want it.
  6. Activity (otherwise known as exercise).  Again, the key here is to do what you enjoy, not what you think you should be doing.  Do you like walking, swimming, bouncing around on a trampoline?  The quickest way to stop doing any exercise is to embark on a routine of activity that you really don't enjoy.

Remember - life is for living if you want to lose weight from your stomach, you can.
If you found these 6 tips on how lose weight from your stomach useful, you can find more information about how to lose weight at: http://weightedagainstyou.blogspot.com/
To discover how a weight loss program could help you in your battle with the bulge view the complete article on the Strip That Fat Weight Loss Program: http://weightedagainstyou.blogspot.com/2009/07/strip-that-fat-weight-loss-program.html

Weight Loss & Diet - I Lost 60 Lbs And Kept It Off For 3 Years

Most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight. Your story is probably very similar to mine. I have tried every diet out there, taken every appetite suppressant known to man and bought every new weight loss gadget and gizmo on the market. Only to lose 5 or 10 pounds, then gain back 15 or 20 pounds each time. I have yo-yoed up and down the scale more times than I can count.
A little over three years ago, I hit 215 lbs and was having several obesity related issues. I had to do something. I was tired and sick all the time. I got winded doing the most minor things. Everything was a struggle, doing house work or playing with the kids seemed impossible at times. I had to lose weight and I had to keep it off this time. I had gotten to the - where my life depended on it.

I started researching nutrition and healthy weight loss. After a couple attempts I came up with a plan that I could follow and it really worked. I lost a total of 65 lbs. It took me almost 8 months to lose the weight and I have kept it off going on 2 years now.
Below are the simple guidelines that I followed to lose weight and if you follow the plan that I have set, you too can lose all the weight that you need to lose as well.
First there are a couple of things that we need to go over.
You have to keep in mind that you are NOT on a diet! This has to be a lifestyle change. You have to change your way of eating and thinking. You need to eat to live, not live to eat. I do not count calories or restrict myself from any foods. The more you tell yourself that you can't have a certain type of food, the more likely you are to set yourself up for failure.
I had to rediscover what a correct portion is. I will give you an idea what correct portion size is. First, I suggest that you invest in a good food scale, measuring cups and spoons. As a nation, we've lost track of what a sensible portion size is supposed to be. For example, in the 80's the average fast food soft drink size was about 12 oz. today it is a whopping 32 oz. The average serving at most restaurants today is actually enough to feed at least 2 people.
Use everyday items to recognize what a sensible portion really is.
A 3 oz piece of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. A large bagel is about the size of a DVD. A small side dish such as cole slaw is about the size of a computer mouse. A cup of rice about the size of a tennis ball. And a normal size baked potato the size of a light bulb. It is very important to know correct portion size. Make sure to check the package to see what the correct serving size is and if it says a cup of spaghetti is 1 serving make sure you serve yourself 1 cup and not 2 or 3 cups. As you get to know correct portions it will become easier to judge. And remember those ever important scales and measuring utensils.
Snack time is very important role in losing weight in a healthy way. I am not talking about, wolfing down a bag of chips or half a pizza. Choose healthy snacks. Such as fat-free milk and cheeses, fruits and veggies, fat-free popcorn, a cup of vegetable soup, etc. There are many choices, try to make wise decisions. If you have a midday snack it will prevent you from over or a rumbling in your stomach
I always struggled with eating breakfast then by the time lunch came around I felt as if I was starving. I would eat until I was miserable. It is not healthy to skip meals, food is fuel to keep your body going strong. You need to eat to keep your metabolize in check. Just like your car, if you don't have fuel you are not going to be able to go anywhere. Keep your body fueled and ready to go.

Your body sends you signals when you are hungry and when you are full. You have to recognize and respond to them. By learning your signals, you'll begin to know exactly when it is time to eat and when it time to stop. When your stomach is empty, you may experience an empty feeling. If you do not eat you may get light-headed or a bit nauseated. Your energy levels will decrease and you may start to have trouble concentrating. When you have had the appropriate amount to eat, you will feel your hunger feeling disappear. Your stomach will feel satisfied and content. And you will not feel like eating anymore. However, if you overeat your stomach will feel full, bloated and uncomfortable, as if you are about to burst. To help you realize when you are full you need to stop, rest and assess. I have found that it helped me to use what I call the half meal deal. I will divide my meal in half. Eat the first half, stop, rest for a couple minutes then decide if I really need or want the rest of the meal. As well as not over eating you don't want to get too hungry either. That will only cause you to overeat. Remember, snack time!
Are you really hungry or are you upset, bored or just know that the food taste really good? That was another of my problems. I was an emotional eater, a bored eater, and I LOVE THE TASTE OF FOOD! Decide if you are hungry or if you need emotional satisfaction.
Just like with any addiction, you have to take things one day at a time. If you slip, it is not the end of the world. Don't beat yourself up. It will happen from time to time. That is no reason to give up on all the good you have done. Get right back on track as soon as possible. Stick to the plan and feel good about yourself and your successes. No matter how small. And I am not just talking about scale related successes. Some victories are not related to the amount of weight you have lost. A few examples of non-scale victories are. Loss of inches, being able to fit into a pair of pants that haven't fit for a while, exercising 3 times a week, passing up your favorite dessert, because you know that you are no longer hungry. It can be as little as drinking a glass of water instead of cola. Or as little as giving yourself a well deserved pat on the back.

Set goals for yourself, both mini and long term. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and lifetime goals. Give yourself rewards for meeting your goals. Not food rewards. We all were told, if you finish all your food you can have dessert. You need to break free of that mindset. Set your goals and rewards in writing. If you set a goal of losing 2 lbs in a week and you meet that goal, treat yourself to an amazing new shade of nail polish or a new book from your favorite author. Rewards don't have to be expensive. Just make your rewards something that you will enjoy. If you are into scrap booking, then visit you local craft store and reward yourself with a treat that you will enjoy.
Now for my personal guidelines that have help me accomplish my goal of losing 65 lbs and keeping it off for the last 2 years. I am confident that I will be able to keep the weight for the rest of my life following these simple guidelines.
EAT AT LEAST 5 SERVINGS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH DAY- Fruits and veggies are full of fiber, water, vitamins and minerals. They add bulk to your meal with few calories. If you weight over 350 raise the amount to 9 servings a day. A serving of fruit or vegetables is usually about ½ cup, except for green leafy veggies which are generally 1 cup. Add vegetables to sauces, scrambled eggs, meatloaf etc.
CHOOSE WHOLE-GRAIN FOODS WHEN POSSIBLE- Try to make at least half of the grains that you eat whole-grain. Choose wheat, oat, or multi-grain breads instead of white. brown rice over white rice, and whole-wheat pasta instead of regular pasta. Whole-grain is healthy for you because it is packed with nutrients including fiber. Which we all know, helps you feel more satisfied by adding bulk to your diet. I add a fiber supplement to my coffee in the morning and I also add it to my spaghetti sauce and soups etc. anything that it will mix into well. My favorite is BENEFIBER, it has no taste to it at all, which makes it easy to sneak it into the kids food.
INCLUDE AT LEAST 2 SERVINGS OF DAIRY EACH DAY- If you are over 50, a teenager, a nursing mother or if you weigh over 250 lbs. you need at least 3 servings each day. Dairy products supply your body with needed protein, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin D and calcium. Which may give added protection against colon cancer, and high blood pressure. If you are lactose intolerant, you still have many options. Look for lactose-free or reduced products.

DRINK WATER! AT LEAST 6-8 GLASSES A DAY- I can not express how important water is to healthy weight loss. You can count caffeine-free, sugar-free beverages, like caffeine -free teas, sugar-free lemonade, crystal light is a great brand and so convenient. (SEE ARTICLE BELOW)
MAKE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH PROTEIN- Pick protein rich foods that are low in fat, such as lean meats, skinless poultry, fish and eggs. You will feel more satisfied and eat less with one or two servings of protein a day.
LIMIT ADDED SUGAR AND ALCOHOL- Medical experts recommend no more than 1 alcoholic beverage a day for women and 2 a day for men. It's okay to have a couple of drinks from time to time but they are filled with empty calories. The same for sugary foods, so limit them for special evenings.
TAKE A MULTI-VITAMIN MINERAL SUPPLEMENT EVERY DAY- There are lots to choose from. Most store brands are just as good as the expensive name brands. Look for a supplements that have no more than 100% of the recommended daily value. I recommend a pre-natal vitamin. Ask your pharmacist for a recommendation.
KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL- To me this maybe the one most important steps in staying focused, and reaching your goals. When I started keeping a journal I was really surprised at how much I actually consumed in a single day. Make sure to write down every BLT (bite, lick and taste). All those little tastes while you're cooking or nibbles from your kids plates add up.
INCLUDE AT LEAST 30 MINUTES OF ACTIVITY EACH DAY- Take a walk, ride a bike, do some gardening, go for a swim, play hide and seek or kickball with the kids, do sit ups during commercials and squats while doing the dishes, whatever you can think of to keep moving at a pace that suits you. If you don't feel strong enough to take a 30 minute walk at first, begin by taking 3 10 minute walks throughout the day. I have found a couple of exercise programs that I absolutely love. The one I started with was Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds and then I advanced to The TransFirmer, it is a killer of a workout, but when you start seeing results, it becomes addictive. I also do a lot of Yoga. I love Yoga it is so relaxing and reviving at the same time. Try a variety of workouts to keep from getting bored. There are a lot of little tricks to get added activity into your day. Park at the back of the parking lot, take the stairs, instead of walking through the house, dance through the house. Whatever works for you. Just keep moving. Stay motivated and stay focused!
Marta Black

Acai Pills For Weight Loss - What You Must Know About Acai Pills

If you are looking for acai pills that are weight loss supplements you will want to look for purest acai powder available. This form of acai is freeze-dried to hold the essential nutrients stable for transport. Many Brazilian manufacturers put only the purest ingredients into their acai pills, ensuring that the product that you take is 100% pure. These product can be found at reputable stores online, as well as brick and mortar shops.
The reason that these products work so well for losing weight is that they are not an isolated chemical being put into the body. Acai is prized for it's effectiveness in a number of arenas, most notably losing weight. When you take the supplement for weight loss, you are really taking a supplement that will provide healthful benefits in a number of different areas. The acai berry provides large numbers of powerful antioxidants which help fight disease and the aging process. It's also filled with vitamins and minerals that help the body burn those calories efficiently.
The acai berry has what some scientist have called the 'perfect' combination of nutrients. This is because acai provides a large quantity of protein and carbohydrates with a small quantity of fat content. The fats that are in it, mostly Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, are the healthful kind that your body needs to function properly. In fact, in Brazil people use acai as a general food source, and have for generations.

Another healthful benefit of acai pills for weight loss is that of stimulating the digestive system. It is only through healthy digestion that the body releases byproducts of food that would otherwise build up in our system. Acai pills stimulate weight loss by enabling the action of the digestive system. Sometimes thought of as a 'detox' supplement, acai doesn't flush the system as much as restart its healthy operation. In addition, the berry has large quantities of fiber in it, helping the body to clean itself. Strengthening the digestive system is just another way that these pills help weight loss.
If you're considering acai pills for weight loss, you could do much worse. Unlike appetite suppressants or pharmaceutical drugs that have a jarring effect on the body, the natural ingredients in acai pills encourage weight loss naturally without harmful side effects. There are many different manufacturers of acai pills out there, which means that if you want to use acai pills to help your weight loss, it's as easy as going to the local health food store.
Visit the Acai Berry Detox home page for free bottles of Acai Berry Burn. Its got the acai kick you want, in an easy to take capsule form.

Acai Berry Health Benefits - Recent Discoveries

Recently, scientists have begun delving into so-called super foods, specifically acai, searching for acai berry health benefits. What they have found will surprise you.
Apparently, the people of Brazil have been hiding their secret to healthiness in a little berry called acai. The cat's out of the bag now, though, and people all over the world are clamoring to get a piece of the supplement action. In fact, Oprah Winfrey has recently touted the amazing properties of acai on her television show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." On it, she brought in a specialist doctor, Dr. Perricone, to discuss the acai berry health benefits.
These acai berry health benefits come from the natural action that acai performs in our bodies. One major method of affecting our bodies that acai does incredibly well is that of neutralizing oxidation. Oxidation is seen in rusting, fresh fruit spoiling, and in the process of fire. In addition, oxidation occurs in our bodies as our cells do their job. Antioxidants are substances which counter the oxidizing effect of certain molecules. The major oxidizers in our bodies, superoxide and peroxyl radicals, are the two oxidizers that the antioxidants of acai berries have the greatest action against.
There are other acai berry health benefits being examined, however. One of the most intriguing new pieces of research being done is on acai as a cancer fighter. The University of Florida recently published an article describing how leukemia cells exposed to acai killed themselves.

There are other acai berry health benefits that have been reported, as well. These seem to come from the general healthiness of the fruit as a food or supplement. The fruit has a large quantity of carbohydrates and protein in it, which are burnt by the body for energy. In addition, it is filled with healthy forms of fat and fiber, both of which are required for proper digestion. This is all on top of the vitamins and minerals it provides like any other fruit. The only thing acai seems to be missing is Vitamin C, which is found in so many other products out there that it doesn't decrease the acai berry health benefits at all.
If you're taking an herbal supplement as a part of your diet, and haven't heard about the amazing acai berry health benefits, you've been missing out. You'd really do well to look into the products available online, and its amazing benefits, before you buy another bottle of your other supplement. That way you, too, can have these amazing acai berry health benefits for yourself today.
Visit the Acai Berry Detox home page for free bottles of Acai Berry Burn. Its got the acai kick you want, in an easy to take capsule form.

The One Week Safe Weight Loss Plan

All too often decent people with a desire to lose weight have allowed themselves to be mislead by promises of instant weight loss techniques. Who cannot fail to be impressed by claims and testimonials such as ' I lost over a stone in a month' which are often put down to the latest miracle diet or cure.
The problem with so many of these claims is not that they are necessarily completely  untrue but that they fail to address one key critical fact. That just because something works for one individual does not mean that it is going to work in the same way for some body else. We are all different with different needs. Also losing lots of weight in a week is not something recommended by most doctors and nutritional experts.
Not only is fast weight loss unhealthy, but your body is actually designed to prevent itself from losing weight. If you try to lose more than the recommended one to two pounds of fat per week, your body will turn to and burn its own muscle for energy. The loss of lean muscle mass negates any weight loss you might be trying to accomplish, as muscle is what makes your body healthy, toned and in motion. Having more muscle makes your resting metabolism work harder, which means you burn more calories while you're at rest. You must consume at least 1,200 calories a day to prevent the loss of muscle.

So it may be surprising to hear that people who eat more in a week are more likely to lose weight in a healthy and quicker fashion with the added advantage that they will not feel deprived as a bonus. Here are some things you should consider implementing into your daily routine to see a fast improvement in your weight levels.
In your first week of losing weight there are several things you can do straight away. You should reduce your intake of these foods as much as possible. You can do this by:
• Swapping sugary and fatty snacks for fruit, diet yogurt or a slice of wholemeal toast with reduced-fat spread
• Choosing water, reduced-fat milk or low-calorie drinks instead of sugar-rich drinks
• Using only a scraping of spread on your bread and using an oil spray to limit fat when cooking
Try also to increase your intake of Starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, potatoes, rice and breakfast cereals. These provide us with energy and other nutrients, including iron and B vitamins.

Starchy foods should make up about a third of your total daily energy intake.  Make sure that you choose unrefined types that are higher in fibre. They'll make you feel full for longer and help to control hunger.
A balanced diet should contain about five portions of starchy foods each day.
Alcohol is a major part of peoples lives. Alcohol also has many calories, around 7 kcal a gram! , so it is fattening. It also puts your blood pressure up.  It is best to drink alcohol only in moderation.
A reasonable amount is 2 units for women and 3 units for men each day. Always have something to eat with your drink or shortly before to try and keep you full and less likely to drink more quickly.
When it comes to exercise you need to get out of the mindset that you need to spend endless hours on a treadmill. To begin with you just want to think about how to keep and stay active though of course don't let that put you off joining a gym if you are ultra dedicated and committed to the idea of it.
The best type of weight loss exercise can be broken down into three points. It should be:
• Something that you like (love) to do
• Something that you can do everyday for 30-60 minutes
• Something that can at least make you break a little sweat
So sadly that rules out watching TV, reading and sleeping. Just think about something that you enjoy doing that requires you to move.
Even activities that you may not enjoy like DIY, gardening or housecleaning can be done to lose weight. They are not just chores to do around your home but they are weight loss exercises as well.
Just do some kind of activity everyday for at least 60 minutes. Don't make up a workout routine, just try to do something to begin with and that includes when you come in from work and feel tired!
Andrew has been helping people around the world combat weight loss and fitness problems. His newly launched website offers a FREE report on the best kept weightloss secrets that most people will never know. To get hold of this report go now to http://www.hotweightlossdieting.com

Oprah's Acai Berry Diet - Read the Facts About Acai Diets

Recently, Oprah's acai berry diet has raised the bar for diet supplements everywhere. By bringing in respected medical doctors such as Dr. Perricone and Dr. Mehmet Oz, she has legitimized acai as a part of a healthy diet. For those especially seeking to lose weight, this could be just the little bit more that it takes to succeed.
In general, the Oprah acai berry diet consists of supplementing your intake with acai berries. She personally takes the unsweetened pulp, but due to the difficulty of finding a source for that, it is recommended that most people just take the concentrated capsule form of acai. These capsules are much easier to find, and can be picked up at most health food or dietary supplement stores.
The reason that Oprah's acai berry diet works so well is that the acai is the greatest super food that you've never heard of. Acai berries are chock full of good stuff, including amino acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, large quantities of antioxidants, and more. While many of the components of acai have some effect on weight loss by themselves, the synergistic effect provided by the acai berry blasts the competition when it comes to actually affecting weight loss. That's why Oprah's diet is one of the most highly regarded diets out there.

This is more than just a supplement, however. In Brazil, people utilize this product as a food source. This is because it provides an ideal combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. By following Oprah's acai berry diet, your body will have the energy it needs to burn that fat off. This is not due to some drug that the product possesses, but comes instead from the general healthiness and positive influence that acai berries have. Anytime you take something that is filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber, you are putting yourself on the path to feeling better and achieving your goals. If your goal is weight loss, then Oprah's acai berry diet, along with exercise and healthy eating, will put you on the road to losing pounds and inches off your body. It's not a miracle drug, but its results can seem miraculous.
If you're looking for a supplement that will promote general well-being in addition to increasing the effectiveness of a weight loss plan, then the Oprah acai berry diet could be just the thing you're looking for.
Visit the Acai Berry Detox home page for free bottles of Acai Berry Burn to begin your own acai diet today. It's got the acai kick you want, in an easy to take capsule form.

How to Fight the Cravings to Fight the Flab

Think about this for a second, even people who are not clinically overweight  may still be unhappy with their current physical condition. The problem a lot of people face is not knowing how to cope with the bad times in life without caving in to their emotions. It's well documented that when we are at our lowest ebb we are also at our most vulnerable. A feeling of being low or depressed leads us to look for cheap fix solutions to our problems, or to seek quick and instant relief for our negative state of mind.
Lets face it we all enjoy eating at least one thing that is not good for us. Whether this be something sweet like chocolate or savoury like crisps, we all face the daily ritual of temptation. Or sometimes the mentality  that 'just one' is not going to hurt us. In general just one treat every now and again is not going to do any harm. The problem a lot of people face is being unable to control their cravings and therefore leaving their chances of losing weight hanging by a very thin thread.
The problem with being overweight goes far beyond the physical impact on your health and day to day living. Experts have long documented that people who are overweight  can suffer from severe changes to their mood and emotions. This is thought to be down to a couple of reasons. That being overweight produces hormonal and physical changes, or because a vicious circle emerges whereby the individual finds their lifestyle options limited due to their size.

Comfort eating is one of the single biggest contributors to unhealthy weight gain. Of course if the foods being eaten by comfort eaters was fruit and vegetable then from a weight perspective there would be no issue. The fact is that most comfort eating is centred around foods high in fat and/or sugar. Some experts have suggested the reason for this is due to the reward system we become used to as children. Whereby good behaviour is rewarded through treats. When it comes to adulthood our brains still associate the feeling of worth and achievement with the consumption of sugary treats. Whatever the reason is we need to break free from our mental bonds and retune ourselves to a more productive way of thinking
Physical cravings may be a result of low fat intake or low blood sugar. For many of us, the mid-afternoon cravings we feel are merely our body's way of telling us it has been too long since lunch and we actually need to eat. A piece of fruit, yogurt, or a handful of nuts can get the blood sugar levels back up and keep us from reaching for the no-no snacks we think we're craving, according to experts.
Emotions play a big part in food cravings, too. When we're stressed, anxious, frustrated, lonely ... all those feelings can trigger our cravings. Nostalgia can add to this because we may have memories of how good certain foods made us feel when we were younger.

So how do we tackle the sugary cravings?  Well there are a few ways you can maximise your chances of banishing the sugar cravings for good. First of all you should be prepared for your body to start behaving differently when it's suddenly deprived of the quick-fix sugar hits that it has become used to, it's initial response for example, may be to overwhelm you with feelings of tiredness,  This means  it might be best  best to start your sugar detox at a weekend or any other time when you have a couple of days off  and you can give  in to your urge to sleep.
and because a hydrated body is better able to cope with any sudden dietary changes, try to drink around 2  litres of water a day.
You'd also be well advised to stop drinking caffeine, containing drinks like coffee, tea, colas and 'sports' or 'energy' drinks because caffeine can disrupt your energy levels, the initial caffeine buzz often being followed by a low that can trigger a craving for something sweet.
Of course don't think you have to give up on your sugar all together. Remember that fruit contains lots of sugar and can be prepared and mixed into delicious desserts and smoothies that have the added benefit of being healthy for you too. Just remember to not over do it too much, you don't want to end up without any teeth now do you!
Andrew has been helping people around the world combat weight loss and fitness problems. His newly launched website offers a FREE report on the best kept weightloss secrets that most people will never know. To get hold of this report go now to http://www.hotweightlossdieting.com

Body Fitness Diet - Weigh Yourself Once a Week

Weighing yourself each morning is something that you should do routinely to keep watch of your weight. This is something that you should practice when you are on an exercise and diet program. At times the person's body is complicated. Even if you work out and eat properly, still you will gain weight the next time you check your weight. Sometimes, the opposite will happen to others.
Some individuals may get depressed by this instance. Then you should try checking your weight once a weight. Possibly you can weight yourself at the end of the week to notice the changes. Daily changes in your weight will certainly drive you nuts if you keep thinking about it.
An ideal weight loss is 1 lb. a week without diet and 2-3 pounds a week with both exercise and diet. Therefore, from here you can set your goals. Do realistic goals by starting your weekly goals. You should aim in shedding 1 lb. a week and then 4 lbs. in a month. This will keep your frustrations away because you are not pressured to lose probably 25 pounds in a zap. You should be disciplined enough to follow your exercise schedule and diet in order to attain your goals. Remember to weight yourself every end of the week to see if your plans are working.

Concentrate on the amount of pounds that you have shed or gained or else you will become out of focus. Preferably, you should always keep in mind the goals you have established and work your best to achieving each and everything. Weight loss is not an easy task and it takes time and effort. Some may become frustrated by not noticing any changes at first; actually it will take around 6 months before you actually see the improvements. You should dedicate yourself in this goal to gain your achievements.
Follow me at http://www.xtramoneyguru.com

Weight Loss - Don't Stress Get Rid of Pregnancy Belly Fat With a Few Easy Adjustments

Pregnancy can be the most exciting event in a woman's life, but one of the most stubborn forms of weight to get rid of is pregnancy belly fat. Yes, once that little bundle of joy is in the world, there is a good reason to shed that pregnancy belly fat as quickly as possible, as weight in the abdominal area is associated with a number of health risks, including diabetes and heart attacks. One also tends to feel out of shape and caring for a newborn means one often forgets to look after oneself.
It doesn't help that the media is for ever showing us images of svelte superstars with perfect figures who are photographed in peak condition just weeks after giving birth. We forget all too quickly that these celebrities - think Heidi Klum and Gwen Stefani, for example - have personal trainers and staff to look after them, and looking good is a career imperative for them. Also, it may be that these women are not doing their health any favours. So don't be taken in by those happy snaps!
Whatever the case, losing pregnancy belly fat is important. Doing it gradually is fine. In fact, you should stick to a regime that works for you, not for anyone else.
So how to attack that jelly belly? The first step is to lose excess weight. Now that the pregnancy cravings are over, focus on a healthy, balanced diet, with lots of water (at least six glasses a day), fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and pulses. Make sure you get a lot of roughage so your digestion is excellent. The last thing you need is bloating and cramping due to a poor diet. You also need to start exercising again as soon as possible.

It is probably best to start with walking and gradually built up to other exercises. These small changes alone will ensure that some of the weight begins to drop off. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Carry groceries, don't wheel them in a trolley. Make these little lifestyle shifts to help you to lose that pregnancy belly fat.
Your abdominal midsection is known as your "core". These muscles control your posture and determine your lower body strength. This is why core exercises are so important - they help to firm up a flabby midsection. While pregnancy belly fat can be stubborn, crunches and regimens like Pilates will help. Strip That Fat products will also help to shift that excess weight.

Transverse abdominal muscles, which are connected to the back muscles, should receive a good workout. It is working these muscles that will give you a flatter stomach, so find out which exercises will give you maximum results. If you go to the gym regularly, you should be able to find a class that targets the core. Your pregnancy belly fat will almost certainly melt away!
You might also like to try some Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor. These exercises contribute to the strength of the core and assist with overall toning and fitness.
Antonie Konig is an author interested in natural health and well being. I firmly believe that 90% of all our health problems are diet related. I maintain an active and updated health blog where I prefer to focus on natural cures - Libido and Health. Learn about the health and weight benefits of keeping a journal, read more here!

Some Weight Loss Pitfalls

The secret to losing weight is knowing what things you need to avoid as much as you know the things you need to do!  While It's great that we is that we live in a world that has become more health conscious that also means that there are more and more company's and manufacturers out there looking to take our money on the back of promises of better health from using their products.
That is why increasing your knowledge about things like nutrition and exercise is so useful and can save you a lot of wasted time and energy. If you respect weight loss as a science then you are going to be less likely to fall into some of the common traps and pitfalls that others make. This does not mean having to spend hours and hours learning complex formulas and ideas. All this means is learning about some basic facts so when it comes to choosing what foods or exercise products to buy you can cut through the 'BS' and make an informed decision. No more is this more important than when it comes to looking through some of the 'BS' that passes for information on food labels.

A lot of country's have begun to enforce clearer food labelling instruction guidelines on to food manufactures. In the UK this has seen the introduction of the 'Traffic light system' where red indicates something is high in either fat, sugar or salt and green indicates it is low.  However, the guidelines only extend to products made off the premises that the product is sold in. That is why bakers that make their foods 'inhouse' do not put nutritional labels on their products. The problem with this is that certain products that are not that healthy can be labelled  as 'freshly made' or 'made with natural ingredients'.  This is perfectly legal and may well be correct. However that tells you nothing about things such as its saturated fat levels or the quantities of sugar and salt contained within.

That is why you need to be careful of what you eat on a lunch break. You should know by now that mayonnaise is heavy in fats and is something that should be avoided like the plague if you are serious about losing weight. Keep an eye out on products high in mayo and see if there are any other sandwiches that you can replace them that have flavourings such as mustard in them.
Alternatively make your own sandwiches and salads! Not only is it much cheaper in the long run but you can be exactly sure of what exactly is going in to them.  Four chicken breasts can provide enough meat for a weeks worth of chicken salads. Cook them up on a Sunday night, put them in the fridge and they should last you the week if they were fresh before you cooked them.
We spoke earlier about food manufactures and how to avoid the 'BS'. Now I don't want you to start thinking that all manufactures of food are out to manipulate you. What I am saying is that there are some thing's you need to watch out for. Basically looks can be deceiving, take salads for example. When out shopping for lunch many people understandably pick a salad believing it to quite obviously be the healthy option. However, sometimes you may be better off getting a big mac and large fries! This is no exaggeration.  A recent study has found that some so called healthy options sold in certain supermarkets such as prawn salads contain more calories than the afore mentioned Big Mac and fries. Some salads have been found to contain a staggering 880 calories and over 30 grams of fat! For a women that's nearly half the amount of calories and fat recommended on a daily basis.

It is important to read between the lines when it comes to what you buy. Something being fresh or even made from 'healthy ingredients' is meaningless if it is smothered in fatty dressings or sauces. As an example, a certain supermarket claims one of its salads is dressed in a vinaigrette rather than mayo. However upon close inspection it is revealed that this 'vinaigrette' is made up of egg yolk, vegetable oil  and lemon juice.  Which if you don't know are three of the principal ingredients of mayonnaise! Basically what you need to remember is this, sometimes the truth is a lot harder to find than it should be. Rather than be seduced by the front of the packet, try to take the time to find out exactly what it is that you are putting in to your body.
Andrew has been helping people around the world combat weight loss and fitness problems. His newly launched website offers a FREE report on the best kept weightloss secrets that most people will never know. To get hold of this report go now to http://www.hotweightlossdieting.com

Ways to Plan Ahead For Weight Loss

It may sound a bit 'cliched' but losing weight is a way of life. Unlike other lifestyle choices, with weight loss you get the benefit of changing many different aspects of your life. Your love life, and general well being can all be directly affected by adopting a new attitude and commitment to healthy living. Now considering how much there is to be potentially gained from adopting a routine of healthy living it is surprising how many people fail to make even the most basic preparations.
You see the thing is, if you think that you can just make wholesale changes to your lifestyle with out any thought or preparation then the chances are you have not weighed up the full implications of what you are getting yourself into.  So many people quit a weight loss routine after the first couple of weeks because they have no proper structure to refer too. The truth is that through planning ahead not only do you stand a better chance of losing weight in the long term, but you also are more likely to lose it quickly and more healthily.
So where to start? Well you should think about getting hold of a journal or large diary planner that you can use for keeping notes and planning ahead for your days. At the start of your journal you should have a few simple statistics that show your starting point. These should include your weight, height, and your body mass index or BMI. If you don't know already your BMI gives you a reference of whether you are a healthy weight for your height. The start of your journal should also include any information you have been given by doctors or other experts you may have consulted prior to your weight loss routine.

A visit to a doctor is a good way to begin any weight loss routine because not only can they give you an accurate assessment of your current weight levels, but can also record other important physical conditions such as your blood pressure. If you have gone the extra step of investing in personal trainer then any notes you have made form your meetings with them can be placed in your journal as well.
There is one other thing your journal needs to contain at the beginning and that is a goal. With your visits to the doctor and knowledge of your BMI you should now have a pretty clear idea of what your ideal weight is. On top of your main goal you should also be thinking of dividing that up into smaller weekly or monthly ones. This will help to keep you focused throughout the weeks and months of your routine and enhance your sense of achievement throughout. You can take this even further by putting reward days into the planner to act as an extra bit of motivation. By breaking your routine down into a series of short term goals you will have more fun and experience a greater sense of accomplishment along the way. Of course this will only work if you are honest and open with yourself. Your journal should never lie otherwise you are only telling lies to yourself and defeating the object of your goal.

You see the cool thing is that your journal can make your weight loss routine become your own mini project. The more interest you are able to show in what you are doing the less it will seem like effort. Try to broaden your knowledge of losing weight by collecting as many snippets of information as possible. Turn the first few pages of your journal into a scrapbook of relevant information. Remember this journal should represent your own personal journey so don't be afraid to be creative. Include pictures of how you look at the beginning and take more throughout the weeks of your routine.
Finally the key thing to remember is that your journal is about you and nobody else. Your plan should be customised according to your own personal set of requirements and informed judgment. The effects of this are that you will be proving to yourself that you can take control of your own destiny. With a clear structure in place you will never lose focus of the task in hand. This will help to avoid the feelings of helplessness  and submissiveness that can happen to people who feel like they are not in control of a situation.
Andrew has been helping people around the world combat weight loss and fitness problems. His newly launched website offers a FREE report on the best kept weight loss secrets that most people will never know. To get hold of this report go now to http://www.hotweightlossdieting.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expe

Do Any of These Diabetes Symptoms Appear in Your Life?

Diabetes is sometimes a disease that has undiagnosed signs and many people are stunned when the consultant's diagnosis exposes the patient has the disease. While it may not have signs that produce agony and pain, the disease working in the background can create major issues if left unknown. Think about the heredity you've been given and faculty yourself on controlling and balancing diabetes. Do it for you and your loved ones.
Do any of these diabetes symptoms appear in your life?
Frequent toilet trips
Intense hunger
Weird weight loss
Increased fatigue
Over the top thirst
Blurry vision
Can you dodge or postpone the onset of diabetes symptoms? In fact, it can come from heredity. Many individuals have it, it's been considered for years and you can feel if you're going to get it, then there's nada to be done. This may be accomplished with the addition of more, or consistent, exercise and correct diet in their lives. Some research has demonstrated, in fact, that this combination of diet and exercise can work as well as medications with out the potential side effects. Of course, you mustn't go off any treatments unless you plan a program with your consultant first and have the right ordinary readings on your diabetes tests.

Another insistent item to think about is an eye examination. This should be done every year to permit your physician to catch any approaching or progressing diseases, including diabetes. Early detection is terribly suggestive as mentioned above. You have more of an opportunity to offset the disease by corrective measures if you know you can keep control of your present position by easy problem solving techniques.
In conclusion to this article then are:
Control your fitness by searching out handy food items and preparing them in a healthful way. You may additionally want to do a Google search on diabetes recipes.
Keep your weight at a normal measure for your age and height. This is often hard to do, but even a 10% decrease in your weight brings great rewards.
Get tested continually for diabetes, even if you show no diabetes symptoms, especially if the disease is inherent in your family tree.

Follow your physician's recommendations per the treatments and take them regularly until you've got the diet and athletics under control. Then, maybe, you will be able to decrease or eliminate the medications you are using.
If you notice any of the diabetes symptoms listed above, please get a fasting diabetes test as shortly as creditable to prevent the onset of any serious medical issues that may be elevated or increased by diabetes like stroke or joint problems.
Inspecting the diabetes problem in the United States just a bit bit and you will see why everybody should be mindful of this threatening and misunderstood and often undiagnosed problem bordering on an epidemic.
In summary: This article was written to give you an outline of diabetes. And to also make you mindful of some of the diabetes symptoms. If you want to look after an issue like reducing blood sugar or a potential problem go to the resource box.
Diabeties Symptoms.
Diabeties Symptoms.
At Jomanz.com we list honest and independent reviews of the best Top Performing Products. Each Review is ranked according to a number of factors, and visitors to our site can post their own reviews that we list.

Can Diabetes Affect Cognitive Ability?

 Yes, it can and here is how.
The most frequent cognitive deficits noted in persons with diabetes are:
Slowing of information processing speed
Slowing of motor speed
Decreases in vocabulary and intelligence
Lessening of attention span
Decreases in motor strength
Loss of memory
The single most important factor that affects cognitive deficits in diabetes is glycemic or blood sugar control. Both too low (hypoglycemia) and too high (hyperglycemia) blood glucose can affect cognitive function. When you keep your blood glucose as close as possible to normal, all of the above items improve.
Complications such as neuropathy (loss of feeling), retinopathy (loss of eye sight), and nephropathy (loss of kidney funtction) may take years to occur with diabetes. Cognitive deficits can occur much earlier (especially when your hemoglobin A1Cis higher than8.4%).

In elderly diabetic persons this is especially true, with more than 10% showing at least some cognitive deficit due at least in part to poor blood glucose control.
Okay, so what can you do to keep your brain sharp? In other words, how do you keep all your marbles?
You can keep your blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible. In keeping a tight control over your blood glucose you will sharpen your brain and prevent any further deterioration.
There are three main ways of doing this.
The first is to control your diet by counting your carbohydrates. Your health care professional can tell you how many carbohydrates that you should eat.

The second method is to exercise. Exercise has been proven over and over again to lower blood glucose (and it makes you feel better). Exercise can lower your blood glucose for hours to days after you are done. Make sure to check your blood glucose both before and after you exercise to make it remains within a normal level. Your health care provider can tell you what normal levels are for you. Never start an exercise routine without checking with your health care provider.
The third method is medications. Not all diabetics take medications but if you do, make sure you take them properly. If you receive a new prescription for a medication make sure you ask questions of both your physician and your pharmacist until you know:
What the name of the medication is
What the medication is for and why you are taking it
When to take the medicine.

If you still do not understand your new medication, continue to ask questions. Do NOT give up until you understand. (As a nurse I have seen numerous patients admitted to the hospital because they took their medications incorrectly. On one occasion, I know one patient died because of his lack of understanding of his new prescription). Do not be afraid to be a pest. Ask and ask again until you understand your medications (and this is true of your current medications as well. You do not have to wait for a new prescription to gain understanding of your medications.)
The carbohydrate and diabetes series are part of a book. If you interested in obtaining a preview copy email me at: [email protected]
Lu Young, RN, holds an advanced degree in nursing. She has worked in the nursing field for more than ten years. She has provided patient educational materials for the last six years. These educational materials are on a variety subjects such as diabetes, nutrition, exercise, and medications. Ms. Young feels that knowledge is not only power, but can set you free of many of the worries and fears that come from ignorance. So by learning all you can about a subject, you will gain the power to take action. Ms. Young has written a series of articles on nutrition for several online sites. She is working on a book on carbohydrates to be the first in a series of three. The other two topics are on diabetes and exercise and diabetes and medications. So look for these other topics to be coming soon.

Type 2 Diabetes - How to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels!

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes at times walk a fine line between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia simply because their bodies cannot process blood sugars as effectively and efficiently as non-diabetics.  However, don't despair about this because stable blood sugar levels can be achieved although, it must be emphasized, it will still be relatively higher when compared with non-diabetic levels.

Sufferers of type 2 diabetes at times walk a fine line between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia simply because their bodies cannot process blood sugars as effectively and efficiently as non-diabetics.  However, don't despair about this because stable blood sugar levels can be achieved although, it must be emphasized, it will still be relatively higher when compared with non-diabetic levels.
Thus, you must consult with your health care provider to determine the target blood glucose range appropriate for you.

Three of the most basic steps to help you include:
1With the aid of your personal glucose meter, regular blood sugar level testing at times agreed with your health care provider, will help you determine the pattern with which your levels rise and fall.  Of course your activities, foods consumed and time of day will make a difference.  Don't forget issues like stress, depression, pain, poor mobility and illness come into play as well.

When you have determined your personal pattern your diabetes management plans will be easier to customize to your needs.  In other words, you can then make the necessary changes to your lifestyle to stabilize your blood sugars.
2Various conditions, like type 2 diabetes, send you warning signals when something is not quite right.  You must learn to listen to your "body talk" ... your body will always show you but you must be aware of the symptoms of high or low blood sugars.   For examples an unquenchable thirst, frequent urination and extreme tiredness are all signs your levels are high.  If you are taking insulin and maybe missed a meal, you would have signs of a "hypo" and they could include pale sweaty skin, palpitations, confusion, slurred speech or maybe a headache.

Once you know your signs and symptoms take immediate action, i.e. monitor your blood sugar levels, inject insulin, take glucose tablets, and/or eat food.  Don't wait for your symptoms to go away as your capacity to remedy the situation may fade quickly.
3:   Even when you give your type 2 diabetes your full attention, blood sugar levels can be unpredictable.  So it is really important for you to know the level you should be aiming for.  Most people who have diabetes should aim for:
  • an HbA1c of less than 7 per cent
  • a pre-meal blood glucose level of 4 to 6mmol/l (72 to 108 mg/dl) or 3.5 to 6mmol/l (63 to 108 mg/dl) if you are not taking insulin or diabetic medications
  • a level of 4 to 8 mmol/l (72 to 144 mg/dl) measured two hours following your meal.
Don't forget to share with your family and friends the steps you would like them to take if you are unable to help yourself.  Post your health care provider's telephone number in conspicuous places so they can contact him when emergency situations occur.
By keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range you can slash your risk of developing complications and live a long and healthy life even with type 2 diabetes.
Running consistently high blood sugar levels when you have type 2 diabetes increases your risk of developing complications such as heart problems, stroke, macular degeneration and other circulatory conditions, also recurrent infections.
Would you like to learn more information to help you with your type 2 diabetes? If so click here now to download my free E-Book Answers to Your Questions
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your Type 2 Diabetes. http://drugfreetype2diabetes.com

Type 2 Diabetes - What Do These Blood Sugar Levels Mean?

Firstly everyone has blood sugar levels but we're really not that interested in them until we are told our levels are high and we have pre-diabetes or maybe even type 2 diabetes. Then all of a sudden our lives seem to run around this process. Glucose is the sugar that has the leading role in our body providing instant energy so that our muscles move and essential chemical reactions can take place. It is one the three sources of energy in our body: the others are protein and fat.

Firstly everyone has blood sugar levels but we're really not that interested in them until we are told our levels are high and we have pre-diabetes or maybe even type 2 diabetes.  Then all of a sudden our lives seem to run around this process.
Glucose is the sugar that has the leading role in our body providing instant energy so that our muscles move and essential chemical reactions can take place.  It is one the three sources of energy in our body: the others are protein and fat.
In an individual without diabetes, very little glucose is actually maintained in the body and body fluids.  A fasting blood sugar test would reveal a result between 4 to 5.5 mg/dl (70 to 100 mmol/l).  Without fasting, normal blood sugar levels would be between 4 to 8 mg/dl (70 to 140 mmol/l).
The standard definition of diabetes mellitus is excessive glucose in the blood and is diagnosed using any one of the following:
1.  Random plasma glucose greater than or equal to 198 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) accompanied by the symptoms of diabetes
2.  Fasting plasma glucose greater than or equal to 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) and is usually carried out after fasting for eight hours overnight.
3.  Blood glucose of greater than or equal to 198 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) when tested after swallowing 75 grams of oral glucose (following overnight fasting).  This test is known as an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and is one of the definitive test for diabetes.  Although it may not be necessary in diabetics whose random plasma glucose test was greater than or equal to 198 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l).
Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes include:
1.  Fatigue occurs because your body's cells aren't receiving enough glucose, which is the fuel they need
2.  Frequent urination and thirst.  Your kidneys attempt to flush out the excessive amounts of sugar and this dehydrates your body and makes you feel thirsty
3.  Blurred vision.  As your blood sugar levels rise and fall your lenses swell and shrink.  Your sight blurs because your eyes cannot adjust quickly enough to these changes.

If you have any of these symptoms do not hesitate to contact your health care provider so he can order one or more of the above tests to determine if your blood sugar levels are within normal ranges, or to screen for type 2 diabetes.
Once you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, blood glucose monitoring is the main tool you have to check your diabetes control.  By keeping a log you can tell your body's response to your diet, exercise and medication plan.  Blood sugar levels show you what works and what doesn't. 

Obesity is another symptom present in 90 per cent of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. World-wide, levels of obesity are increasing while the amount of physical activity we do is declining. These are the two main lifestyle risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes. Although genetics contributes strongly there is an imbalance between energy in and energy out.
If you are interested in learning a few weight loss secrets, click here now to download my free E-Book: Trim Down Tips
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your Type 2 Diabetes. http://drugfreetype2diabetes.com

Treating Diabetes - Understanding Oral Medications

Numerous oral medications (pills) are available for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. There are currently seven classes of oral medications to treat diabetes, with each class having a unique mechanism of action to help control diabetes.

Numerous oral medications (pills) are available for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. There are currently seven classes of oral medications to treat diabetes, with each class having a unique mechanism of action to help control diabetes.
  1. Sulfonylureas (2nd Generation)

    • Glipizide (Glucotrol®)
    • Glimepiride (Amaryl®)
    • Glyburide (DiaBeta®, Micronase®, and Glynase®)
  2. Biguanides
    • Metformin (Glucophage®, Fortamat®, Riomet®, and Glumetza®)
  3. Thiazolidinediones (TZD's)
    • Pioglitazone (Actos®)
    • Rosiglatizine (Avandia®)
  4. Meglitinides
    • Repaglinide (Prandin®)
    • Nateglinide (Starlix®)
  5. Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors
    • Acarbose (Precose®)
    • Miglitol (Glyset®)
  6. Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors (DPP-4 Inhibitors)
    • Sitagliptin (Januvia®)
  7. Bile Acid-binding Molecule
    • Colesevelam (WelChol®)

Sulfonylureas (SU's) have been available for decades and the older first generation medications should really not be used anymore so I will limit my discussion to the second generation medications. The SU's treat type 2 diabetes by causing the pancreas's insulin producing beta cells to make more insulin and thus lower glucoses. They can produce good glucose reductions however this is not a sustained reduction in that over time the pancreas makes less and less insulin and this diminished insulin production can be accelerated with the use of SU's. Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) is a common side effect of SU therapy. I avoid the use of SU's, if at all possible, in my practice due to the hypoglycemia and due to the fact that SU's do not treat the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, but instead overload the system with extra insulin to overcome this insulin resistance.There is only one Biguanide on the market, Metformin; however, it is available from a number of manufacturers and is available in immediate release and extended release versions. The most common side effect of Metformin is gastrointestinal (GI) in nature with nausea & diarrhea being the most common complaints that I will hear from my patients. The extended release version is much less likely to have these GI side effects; therefore, I avoid the immediate release version. Metformin is typically the first line of treatment for all people with type 2 diabetes unless they have a contraindication to its use including renal insufficiency or congestive heart failure. One of the causes of elevated glucoses in type 2 diabetes is the fact that the liver produces too much glucose and Metformin is an excellent product that decreases the liver's production of glucose thus improving diabetes control.

TZD's target the insulin resistance that is type 2 diabetes by improving the skeletal muscle's and fat cell's sensitivity to insulin. The most common side effects are swelling and weight gain but these can be avoided with strict salt restriction and calorie reduction. TZD's should not be used in people with uncontrolled heart failure. TZD's may help to preserve the function of the pancreas's beta cells and thus may slow the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes. These are excellent products and I frequently use them in my practice due to the good glucose control and the fact that they may protect beta cells.
Meglitinides are similar to SU's in that they cause the pancreas to release insulin; however, they are shorter acting than SU's and are given immediately before a meal to control after eating glucoses that rise in response to food. Therefore, the disadvantages are that they need to be taken 2 or 3 times a day with each meal and they can induce hypoglycemia. I use these only when someone has a specific problem with after eating glucose elevations that have not responded to other medications.

Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors work in the gut by blocking the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood stream and therefore are best used to treat elevated after eating glucoses. The main disadvantages are the need for dosing 2 or 3 times daily before each meal and gastrointestinal (GI) side effects such as flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. These GI side effects make dosing and tolerance very difficult and I therefore rarely use this class of medications.
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors (DPP-4 Inhibitors) are relatively new to the market and work by raising a chemical in the body called Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is released from cells in the intestine in response to food in the gut. GLP-1 causes the pancreas to release insulin but only if glucoses become elevated and thus do NOT cause hypoglycemia. There is at the present time only one DPP-4 Inhibitor on the market but numerous other will be available soon. They are very well tolerated and the only common side effect is "cost" in that they are not available as generic medications. They may have beta cell preserving properties that could make them even more attractive for use it this is proven to be the case. They are once daily medications and have modest glucose reductions.
There is a Bile Acid-binding Molecule, Colesevelam (WelChol®), that was initially approved for the treatment of elevated cholesterol. It was found to also have modest glucose lowering properties by binding carbohydrates in the gut and Colesevelam was then approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The main side effect, as with the Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors, is gastrointestinal, mainly constipation and dyspepsia. The only other problems are "cost" and pill size and number. A treatment dose is 3 "large" pills twice a day before breakfast and supper.
The art of medicine is how the prescribe these numerous different medications to best control glucoses and thus prevent long-term diabetes complications. Strive for good control without side effects such as hypoglycemia.
Andrew S. Rhinehart, MD is a diabetologist, a physician specializing in the treatment of people with diabetes, in Abingdon, VA and the author of "I Have Diabetes!! Now What?" and "I'm Taking Insulin!! Now What?" available at http://TheDiabetesExpert.com. These books were written as easy to read, practical guides to diabetes for patients and their families. Please visit the website above to read more about Dr. Rhinehart and his books, participate in his blog, and view his videos regarding numerous diabetes related topics.

How to Manage Type II Diabetes Effectively

Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes or mature onset diabetes, is a life-long disease marked by higher sugar levels that have significantly built up in blood. It is sometimes described as a 'lifestyle disease' because it is more common in people who lack in sufficient physical activity and suffer from obesity.

Type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes or mature onset diabetes, is a life-long disease marked by higher sugar levels that have significantly built up in blood. It is sometimes described as a 'lifestyle disease' because it is more common in people who lack in sufficient physical activity and suffer from obesity.
Type II diabetes, if taken lightly, may lead to health complications such as strokes, heart diseases, kidney failures, liver damages, blindness, foot problems resulting in amputation of legs.

Besides taking insulin to maintain an acceptable level of blood glucose, there are other effective ways to help you manage type 2 diabetes for a successful regulation of the disease.
To start with, it is essential to keep your blood sugar regulated and under control with medication. The option is pills or insulin shots taken daily. Your doctor will decide which form is best based on your condition and levels of blood sugar. This is the first step in lowering your risk of other complications.

One of the critical stages to effectively manage type 2 diabetes is to watch the blood sugar levels on a daily basis. There are monitoring kits that will be used for accurate readings of your glucose. Frequent monitoring will help you determine if you are maintaining safe levels.
Eliminating unhealthy foods from your daily eating habits will be recommended. Eating healthier meals that consist of an abundance of fruits, boiled and steamed vegetables, and foods of whole grain will be highly recommended and healthier.
Symptoms that may be an indicator that diabetes is progressing to an advanced stage should be recognized. An alarming condition could result in difficulty in seeing, and an eye doctor would need to be consulted. Swelling, redness, bruises, cuts, or sores on your feet should be watched for. Continue with routine physical exams to ensure preventative measures are working.
These are modifications that are effective in helping to manage Type 2 Diabetes with a daily commitment. Working with your health care provider, taking your medication religiously, and adapting to these preventative measures will help you reduce complications.
Learn how to manage Type 2 Diabetes with a healthy diet for Type 2 diabetes and regular exercise.

The Effect of Diet and Exercise on Diabetes - A Simple Guide That Could Save Your Life

Diabetes, more specifically type II diabetes, is often referred to as a disease of obesity. People who are overweight are at a much greater risk of diabetes but the direct cause is not exactly clear. One theory proposes that when someone is obese, it causes stress in a series of cellular membranes known as endoplasmic reticulum.

Diabetes, more specifically type II diabetes, is often referred to as a disease of obesity. People who are overweight are at a much greater risk of diabetes but the direct cause is not exactly clear. One theory proposes that when someone is obese, it causes stress in a series of cellular membranes known as endoplasmic reticulum. This stress causes the ER to suppress insulin receptor signals which can then lead to insulin resistance. OK, so, enough of the medical lesson. All you really need to know is that if you are overweight, your risk of diabetes goes through the roof. The good news is, you can cut that risk way down and maybe even eliminate it all together.

First of all, let's look at the food you are eating. Your body needs nutrient rich foods in order to maintain healthy weight and function. If you are eating empty calories, i.e. cakes, cookies, pies, etc. then your body is probably getting to much sugar and it will have a problem processing it. This excess sugar will often be stored as fat and will lead to excess blood sugar as well. Both of these scenarios can lead to your body developing diabetes. You have to severely limit the amount of these foods in your diet immediately. Instead, focus on eating healthy grains, fruits, and vegetables which will provide your body with slow burning carbohydrates which will in turn help to regulate your body's blood glucose levels and help to stave off diabetes. Now, let's look at adding exercise to help further reduce your risk of diabetes.

Intense exercise can help you lose weight. That is number one of course. As we mentioned, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the stress on your endoplasmic reticulum and will prevent insulin receptors from becoming insulin resistant. In addition, because your body uses glucose as the main fuel source for your muscles energy, exercise will help to use any excess glucose that your body does take in so that abnormally high levels do not occur. In fact, this glucose uptake by the muscles can have such a dramatic and profound positive effect that some people's diabetes can be completely controlled by exercise alone.
Two things that can help your journey to preventing or controlling your diabetes is a nutrition coach and hiring a fitness trainer. Starting on a new path in life can be difficult especially when you are dealing with subjects as diverse as nutrition and exercise. By adhering to the admonitions of professionals, you can make sure that your plan is both effective and safe as well. A nutrition coach can help you plan meals and make proper food decisions while a fitness trainer can design an easy to understand exercise program that will help to speed up fat loss and use up excess glucose; both can help reduce your risks of getting diabetes.
Exercise and a healthy diet... your keys to staying healthy and avoiding and/or treating diabetes.
Emile Jarreau, aka, Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great info about diabetes for losing weight and keeping it off visit http://www.MrFatLoss.com.

What is HPV?

One of the biggest controversies is to know what HPV is really all about because it is the most common genital virus that has ever developed due to increased numbers of people with weak immune systems. There are many factors that may affect health, which is the reason why many people carrying HPV rarely know they are carrying and transmitting the virus at the same time.

With an impaired immune system, the body's health can easily attract various viruses that can infect different parts of the body. There are a number of viruses that can infect every single detail of the body depending on the strength of the immune system. Once good bacteria have fought them, the viruses can often disappear by themselves but some can also endure to make severe effects.
Meanwhile, one of the most common viruses to spread the increased cases of infected victims is the human papillomavirus or most known as the HPV.

What is HPV?
It is actually one of the 60 different epithelial-related and lesion-producing viruses that contributes to the appearance of skin warts, skin cancer, and risks to cervical and penile cancers. However, the transmission of the virus is primarily caused by genital contact, thus, forming different sexually transmitted infections.
Studies show that association of the HPV is increased by sexual intercourse which is why most sexually active teenagers and early adults are greatly affected. Some of them are clueless and about 15 to 20% of victims today are observed seeking gynecological assistance from their personal health care providers. However, regarding women carrying the virus, risks of cervical cancer is a major concern.
HPV indications and symptoms are appearances of genital warts, detected cell changes in the cervix, and other abnormalities. Presently, there are still no widely available tests to thoroughly scan the virus, but Pap tests are still considered one of the trusted screening methods as part of the yearly routine tests of women for identifying early abnormalities.

With all the sexually transmitted infections, prevention of the HPV one of the most important steps. Studies trace a higher risk of HPV to unprotected sex and multiple partners which contributes more exposure to the HPV virus.
People should bear in mind that HPV is a sexually transmitted virus so without protection, they can easily be infected. The instances of weak immune system contribute to a higher rate of infection as well. Having over a hundred types of strains from the HPV, 30 of those are affecting both male and female genital parts. 75% of incidence to both sexes is estimated during the average lifespan and anyone who has ever been exposed to the virus can develop cell changes which cannot be easily treated. And worse, if the virus is kept idle and untreated for years of time, there is higher chance of developing more abnormalities that leads to presence of cancer.
Unfortunately, knowing what is HPV is not enough and getting the complete treatment of the virus is not guaranteed by most medical institutions. However, there are still good treatment options that are offered and provided by doctors and natural health practitioners to reduce longer discomfort and other factors. But in the end, the virus has an easier time staying present as long as the body has a weak immune system.
Andrea Segovia inspires people seeking natural health solutions by providing tips on treatment methods that work naturally with the body. She contributes to the work stream in topics ranging from health, travel, and natural living. She is passionately involved with sharing her discoveries on HPV

Home STD Tests

Home STD tests, which are starting to appear online may help to stem the rapid growth of STDs which are increasing at a rapid rate throughout most of the world. Outbreaks of Chlamydia have increased by over 40% during the last few years in America and Britain.

Home STD tests, which are starting to appear online may help to stem the rapid growth of STDs which are increasing at a rapid rate throughout most of the world. Outbreaks of Chlamydia have increased by over 40% during the last few years in America and Britain. It is a fact that cases of Chlamydia have increased every years since records began back in 1984. As many who are infected with Chlamydia show no symptoms, experts suggests that the actual figures of those infected is much higher than the actual figures.

The statistics show an unequal gender proportion when you look at men who have been infection compared to women. This is down to the fact that women are more likely to be screened for the disease in their lifetime compared to men. Women are often screened for STDs during pregnancy or during smear tests whereas men can go decades without ever being tested.
Many of those who think they may have contracted some form of STD are hesitant to consult their doctor simply due to the stigma of having an STD. The simple fact is that if any STD is left untreated it can seriously damage your health in the long term.
Home STD tests offer the patient the option to take a test in complete privacy. A test can be order online and a urine sample is posted to a lab with results available in a few days. Other STD test can be ordered where you visit a private clinic, perhaps not in your home area and again the results are either sent to you or are available online for your viewing in complete privacy.
Cheap STD tests that do not involve a lab should be avoided. These are in many cases poor quality test kits or scams so the results can't be trusted.
For anybody who has had unprotected intercourse a home STD test can give you the peace of mind to get on with your life without worry. There now is no excuse for you not to get tested!
Home STD Tests available now! Don't put off that test any longer. Get tested and get on with your life!

Natural Remedies and Human Disease

The use of the word "cure" suggests a very strong connotation in science. The human body in its entire splendor has I would say, in over hundreds of thousands of years of physiological and biological evolution developed a complex system of defenses against natural microscopic and macroscopic predators. In turn this has resulted in what we know of as our modern-day immune system, and this immune system could be considered the closest thing to natural cures against many diseases. Surprisingly, modern day medicine has produced very few cures for the many commonly known diseases of today.

The use of the word "cure" suggests a very strong connotation in science. The human body in its entire splendor has I would say, in over hundreds of thousands of years of physiological and biological evolution developed a complex system of defenses against natural microscopic and macroscopic predators. In turn this has resulted in what we know of as our modern-day immune system, and this immune system could be considered the closest thing to natural cures against many diseases. Surprisingly, modern day medicine has produced very few cures for the many commonly known diseases of today.

When we say, "cure" in science this means the aliment has been eradicated permanently from the host organism without the possibility to reoccur. Using this definition of cure as a benchmark you can see claiming a cure for a disease has to meet very rigid standards. Modern day medicine can boast of very few cures (maybe polio, rickets, malaria). Most modern day medicine simply attempts to treat the symptoms of the health concern and not the root cause of the problem. Many of the drugs are simply used keep the person comfortable until the immune system can fight off the infection or disease. However, in many instances the use of drugs to manage or control one health aliment often times creates new health challenges (side-effects) that were not present before the treatment regime was initiated. Now this is not to say that modern science is not making some legitimate progress in treating health related aliments. Many advances have been made in the treatment of childhood leukemia's and some adult cancers.

Most so-called "natural cures" are not cures at all but are alternative (non-drug) yet effective ways of managing some type of known health problem. Nevertheless, the same benchmark for "cure" is to be used when one talks about the success rate for natural remedies vs. the use of drug therapies. The natural remedy approach to health generally attempts to fight infection or disease by either eliminating the cause of the disease or infection by the use of a natural "anti-substance" or by using a natural substance that enhances the immune defenses. This approach to health in general does not create havoc (unwanted side-effects) on the person body functions while fighting the affliction as do many modern day drugs though the process to recovery is generally longer. Yet across the board, advocates of natural remedies have not been involved in thorough enough research efforts to produce sufficient published scientific data that will unequivocally support a claim that a person has been cured using many commonly known natural remedies. Of course, this is not to say that natural remedies may not be effective alternatives to treat many health related affliction as opposed to conventional drug regimes since much is known nowadays about the biological affect that many plant and fruit extracts have in enhancing the human immune response. Much reliable scientific data in the literature strongly suggest that the use of standardized green tea extract shows promise in the prevention and onset of many cancers, and the use of saw palmetto berry extract has been used clinically for many years in Europe to help in the control of "Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia" (BPH).
In spite of these deficiencies in reliable or concrete data absent from "Scientific Naturalist" who call in the usher for the use of more natural alternatives to remedy health afflictions, natural science will play a important and key role in the future of applied medicine. However, we do know of one natural cure that has withstood the test of time and science for one such disease. The disease is scurvy and the "cure" for scurvy is the commonly known natural substance Vitamin C.
MD Shahid is a senior research scientist with a MS in Physical Chemistry. Mr. Shahid has almost 30 years of career experience in oxygen-free radical reactions and antioxidant development. Mr. Shahid is a recipient of the NTAA "Scientist of the Year " award, has authored or co-authored almost 50 U.S. patents, his work has been cited by Chemical Abstract, the worlds largest and most referenced chemical index provider on numerous occasions, and in the middle 90's by personal invitation was ask to review scientific reliability of earlier HIV/AIDS hypothesis by a distinguished panel of cancer and virologist scientist. In the late 1990's MD Shahid begin research in the area of the use of natural non-toxic substance for the prevent of hair loss and hair re-growth. It was during this research that MD Shahid discovered that certain plant, flower, and fruit extracts when combined with selected organic oils and amino acids was a effective combination that could be used to help control and manage eczema and psoriasis skin disorders. In 2004 MD Shahid founded the company Xcel Nutraceuticals that produces and manufactures all natural based and organic products for the control of eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss. For more information visit http://www.xcel-n.com

Malaria Prevention - Chloroquine Resistance Reported

Malaria, as with all germs, tries to outsmart the drugs used against it. Choroquine, which used to be the primary weapon against the parasite, is ineffective in many parts of the world. New drugs have been substituted, but in time, malaria is likely to outfox them also.

Malaria, as with all germs, tries to outsmart the drugs used against it. Chloroquine, which used to be the primary weapon against the parasite, is ineffective in many parts of the world. New drugs have been substituted, but in time, malaria is likely to outfox them also. It has been reported last that drug resistant malaria has been found in Cambodia, ironically the same region of the world where chloroquine resistance developed over half a century ago.
Scientists monitor malaria resistance closely trying to stay a step ahead of the parasite. This is an example of the high stakes cat and mouse game played out between the medical profession and the shrewd and sinister germs that do combat against them. In these competitions, sometimes the medical folks win and sometimes the bugs prevail. This war will never end.

As an aside, infections in the United States are more serious than ever as today's germs are increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatment. A leading explanation for this unfortunate development is the overuse of antibiotics in this country. Germs that are repeatedly exposed to antibiotics learn how to adapt and survive against them. While medication overuse is not a significant issue with malaria prevention, drug resistance to the disease does and will occur. Your travel doctor will consider your risk and your itinerary before deciding on which medication to prescribe to you.
Medications and mosquito repellents and mosquito netting are the primary strategies to prevent disease as there is no travel vaccine against malaria.
There is one additional item that some travelers need to be reminded of. Even the most potent malaria medicine won't work if you don't take it. Many international travelers have learned a hard lesson about the importance of taking their antimalarial medication as prescribed.
Michael Kirsch, MD is a full time practicing physician and freelance author. He writes about the joys and challenges of medical practice including controversies in the doctor-patient relationship, medical ethics and measuring medical quality. When he is not writing, he is performing colonoscopies. For more information on travel vaccinations, immunizations and trip advice, visit: http://travelclinicsofamerica.com and his blog: http://travelvaccineforum.wordpress.com/

Malaria Prevention - International Travelers Are Warned!

Malaria infects about 250 million people annually including 1 million fatalities. Consider for a moment the magnitude of these astronomical numbers. For perspective, the entire population of the United States is about 300 million people.

Malaria infects about 250 million people annually including 1 million fatalities. Consider for a moment the magnitude of these astronomical numbers. For perspective, the entire population of the United States is about 300 million people. International travelers are at risk of contracting this disease. Malaria lurks in parts of Asia, Africa, Mexico and South America. There is no vaccine against malaria. Fortunately, savvy and prepared travelers can dramatically reduce their risk.

Here's the malaria life cycle story in 3 sentences. First, a female mosquito takes a blood meal from an infected person and sucks in some malaria that come along for the ride. Once inside the mosquito, the malaria parasite undergoes a complex process and ultimately migrates to the insect's salivary glands. The next unlucky human victim that this mosquito punctures is at risk of receiving an injection of the malaria parasite. Soon afterward, the fun and fevers begin.
Travelers have two effective strategies to reduce their risks. Taking prophylactic medications and making themselves as inhospitable and inaccessible to mosquitoes as possible. While these methods are effective, no strategy is guaranteed.

Travelers who will be in malaria endemic regions will be advised before their trip to take prophylactic medications to prevent the disease. It is absolutely critical to take these medications for the full recommended time course. There have been travelers who have made a regrettable decision to stop their medication prematurely after their trip believing that their risk had passed. They won't make this mistake twice. Malaria is not a souvenir that you want to bring home. Take your medicine!

Michael Kirsch, MD is a full time practicing physician and freelance author. He writes about the joys and challenges of medical practice including controversies in the doctor-patient relationship, medical ethics and measuring medical quality. When he is not writing, he is performing colonoscopies. For more information on travel vaccinations, immunizations and trip advice, visit: http://travelclinicsofamerica.com and his blog: http://travelvaccineforum.wordpress.com/

Facts About Yeast Mouth Infection

You must have known that yeast infection usually occurs in the vagina of the women and in men the affected part is genitals. But do you know that you can also have a yeast infection inside your mouth? The yeast infection which usually occurs inside the mouth is called thrush.
You must have known that yeast infection usually occurs in the vagina of the women and in men the affected part is genitals. But do you know that you can also have a yeast infection inside your mouth? The yeast infection which usually occurs inside the mouth is called thrush. This kind of infection can affect both men and women and even children.

The yeast infection in the mouth can be very painful. It is much more painful for the children. This infection is caused when the yeast multiplies itself in the mouth. It is a fact that yeasts are already present in our body but they have peaceful coexistence with the other microorganisms. Yeast mouth infection resembles all the other infections caused by yeast.

The problem arises when the yeast grows and becomes more in number than the other good microorganisms. The people who are prone to the yeast  infection are denture users, babies, diabetics, people who take too much antibiotics, those going through chemotherapy, people with weak immune system and those who are getting poor nutrition.
All these factors can make you suffer from a  infection in mouth. The babies are more prone to candida infection than the adults. This is because the immune system of the babies is yet to be built. Other than this the good bacteria is not found in the mouth of the baby.

The baby can get the yeast mouth infection from its mother. If the mother suffers from a vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy and does not treat it, the baby gets affected with the yeast infection. So it is necessary to cure a vaginal yeast infection so that the baby can be safe. There are number of symptoms related to yeast infection in the mouth.
First of all you can find some white patches in the mouth. These patches when touched can start bleeding. If you keep on touching these patches then it can even lead to some serious wounds. Other than this person can feel a burning sensation in the affected area. You need to consult a doctor to find out whether you are suffering from yeast infection or not.
The doctor will perform certain tests to find out whether it is a case of yeast mouth infection or not. You need to confirm this because there are some other diseases which can also have similar symptoms. There are lots of treatments for the oral  infection but you need to find out the cause before treating it.
Yogurt can help a lot in getting rid of infection from your mouth. You can take a spoonful of yogurt and put it inside your mouth. You need to hold the spoon inside your mouth for some minutes. Make sure that the yogurt is a little cold because it can offer a fast relief. For better results yogurt can be added to your daily diet.
If you are looking for a natural cure of Yeast Mouth Infection then feel free to visit http://www.stopyeastinfection.net

Food For Acid Reflux - Three Safe Bets

When most people think about diet and acid reflux usually think about foods they need to avoid. But what can you eat? What is a good food for acid reflux? Here are three safe bets.

When most people think about diet and acid reflux usually think about foods they need to avoid. But what can you eat? What is a good food for acid reflux? Here are three safe bets
Years ago, dairy products were the mainstay of the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. This is because they both tend to neutralize acid and also coat the lining of the stomach. These same characteristics mean that most people suffering from acid reflux tolerate dairy products well.
If you suffer from acid reflux, you'll likely find that you can tolerate low fat milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese and other dairy products very well.
Of course if you have lactose intolerance as well as acid reflux you need to be sure to take the appropriate digestive enzyme when you have any dairy.
Another option for vegetarians or those trying to avoid dairy for the reasons is to use soy milk. It seems to be as soothing and as well tolerated as dairy products are.

With the notable exceptions of tomatoes onions and garlic, most vegetables are another safe bet for people suffering from reflux. It's generally safe to eat the most common vegetables such as corn, carrots, peas, celery, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage...
As you see the list of well tolerated vegetables is quite large. This is fortunate since eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is an essential part of a healthy diet.
The final group of foods safe for acid reflux that I want to mention is protein sources. In general, lean beef and poultry and fish would not be a problem. This is also true of eggs.
While I'm at it I may as well mention a fourth group. Most grains such as whole wheat, rice, cereals and quinoa are safe to try.
I think you agree that it is possible to eat quite a varied diet staying with foods that are good for acid reflux.
Remember how much you eat is important. If you need a large volume of food at any one time, you increased pressure and stomach and therefore increase the likelihood of reflux no matter which food you've eaten.
If you want to find out more about foods for acid reflux visit the page of the same title:
Food for Acid Reflux
An unfortunate fact is that many people will have symptoms associated with acid reflux even a careful with their diet. For these people
Treat Acid Reflux
is a good source of information on all aspects of acid reflux, including natural treatment options. Often it will require little bit of trial and error, but eventually you'll find out which foods you can eat easily and which ones you need to stay away from.

Remedy For Hemorrhoids - Great Tips For Prevention Instead of Cure

Although there is a remedy for hemorrhoids, or perhaps remedies, you need to identify what increases your risk of contacting the said condition. Hemorrhoids are very painful and not helpful, at all.

Although there is a remedy for hemorrhoids, or perhaps remedies, you need to identify what increases your risk of contacting the said condition. Hemorrhoids are very painful and not helpful, at all. You can certainly buy medications and all that but your hemorrhoids will just recur if you do not have any idea what may have caused it. Knowing the root cause will help you make better decisions and find the right remedy for hemorrhoids. As always said, prevention can do you more good than cure. You do not have to spend anything to prevent something. But to cure something, you do not only waste money but also energy and time.

There are several factors that you need to consider such as bowel movement, physical activities, and diet. Bad bowel movement, either diarrhea or constipation, causes strain in the rectal area and this leads to the development of hemorrhoids. If you are consistently being constipated, ensure that you see a doctor and that medication is issued to you if it is a necessity. The same applies for diarrhea.
Being overweight is also a factor. The body mass will strain the pelvic region and may start a hemorrhoid. One remedy for hemorrhoids is to reduce weight to an ideal number. If the cause of the condition, the hemorrhoid, is genetic, perhaps there is no other way to prevent it. Pregnancy, on the other hand, is also a leading cause of hemorrhoids. What you need to do if you are pregnant is to avoid prolonged sitting. You should also sleep on your side to prevent blood flow to your pelvic area.

Another remedy for hemorrhoids is diet. Water is the best thing to drink to control bowel movement. Green vegetables are also on the top of recommended foods next to those foods rich in fiber. Taking these food groups will ensure that you are going to have a balanced diet and that your bowel movement will be balanced.
Now Pay Close Attention Here-
Are you suffering from shame and embarrassment because of your illness? There is a proven all natural technique which will help you to get rid of Hemorrhoids. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to Hemorrhoids then this is the most important message you will ever read - Click Here.

Kidney Disease Can Have Disastrous Consequences, Alternative Health Care Options

More than 300,000 Americans are on kidney dialysis to filter the impurities from their blood. Those relegated to dialysis are seldom functional for more than a few years and die long before their time at an immense cost to society. This is a sad testament to our modern health system and its ability to teach how to prevent this man made diet related disease. Natural health practice offers a way to eliminate the accumulation of inorganic materials in the body.

This may surprise you but more than 300,000 Americans are on kidney dialysis to filter the impurities from their blood that their kidneys and bladder can no longer do. Those relegated to dialysis are seldom functional for more than a few years and die long before their time at an immense cost to society. This is a sad testament to our modern health system and its ability to teach how to prevent this man made diet related disease.
What causes kidney disease?
·         Diet overload of food and drink
·         Overeating of sugary foods
·         Meats
·         Carbonated drinks
·         Caffeine
·         Drug excess for pleasure, over the counter, and prescription drugs
·         NSAIDs drugs (Advil, Motrin, and Aleve)
·         Diabetes
·         Antacids
·         Heavy metal poisoning
Kidney stones have long afflicted mankind as they have discovered them in a 7000 year old mummy. (A kidney stone is an accumulated inorganic waste that form in the bladder and can become trapped in the urinary tract).

The incidence of kidney disease had risen each decade since world war two in the USA that is directly linked to:
·         Low fiber intake
·         High fats from large quantities of animal protein
·         Sugary foods
·         Excess alcohol
·         Excess salt
·         Excess food intake in general
Signs you may be afflicted with kidney problems:
·         Pain full frequent urination
·         Chronic lower back pain
·         Chills and fever
·         A dull ache in the back
·         Nausea, fever, and vomiting.
·         Fatigue
·         Itching
·         Bad taste in mouth
·         Shortness of breath
· Extreme pain if a stone catches which results in excruciating radiating pain, followed by painful urination, blood in the urine

Natural health practice offers a way to eliminate the accumulation of inorganic materials in the body.
·         Distilled water to dissolve and flush inorganic waste
·         Kidney stone flush diet
·         Kidney herbal flush
·         Heat Therapy on lower back
·         Fiber supplements
The various diets and herbal supplements are available both on line and in your health food store. Hydration is a key element in the health of kidneys. If you dry up chances are increased that you will suffer from this lifestyle disease.               
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Top 3 Bunion Aids For You to Try

Ever flinched because your bunions have made walking painful? You're not alone. Depending on how severe the deformity is, a bunion can make simple activities like walking and running both painful and tiring.

Ever flinched because your bunions have made walking painful? You're not alone. Depending on how severe the deformity is, a bunion can make simple activities like walking and running both painful and tiring. Sometimes, bunions even swell to the point where you can't wear shoes anymore because they won't fit your feet!
The good news is that it's now easier than ever to find bunion aid. As a matter of fact, there is more than one bunion aid. Here are some you may want to try.
1. Foot Sleeve. Made of gel, this sleeve fits your foot like a great pair of gloves. Wear them under stockings or socks. They provide superior cushioning so you won't slip whenever you move around.

2. Toe Spreader. Usually made of silicone gel, toe spreaders are hand-washable, reusable, and most importantly, hypo-allergenic. What it does is reduce the irritation or friction you put your foot through, thus giving your bunion joint relief. At the same time, it helps improve joint alignment.
3. Bunion Splint. These splints reduce the tension on the joint of your bunions. Your doctor will tell you to wear it at night, just before you go to sleep, so that while you catch zzzzs, your splint goes to work stretching toe muscles and tight tendons and promoting proper alignment.

Whatever bunion aid you choose to try, be sure to pay attention to your footwear. Wear comfortable and roomy shoes that give your toes plenty of space to wriggle about. There are many reasons bunions form but two of the most common are foot injuries and wearing of ill-fitting or high-heeled shoes.
Don't forget to run it by your doctor first, though. Your podiatrist may recommend stretching exercises for you to perform regularly.
Rick Graves is a bunion treatment expert and the director of BunionSplint.com. Rick Graves provides honest information and advice on things like bunion treatment and much more. Check out the website today!

Speedy and Easy Bunion Care

Handle with care - this is the message that we often see on packages. But, do you know you can apply it to other situations, such as when implementing bunion care?

Handle with care - this is the message that we often see on packages. But, do you know you can apply it to other situations, such as when implementing bunion care?
A bunion is a deformity in the formation of the bones and the joint that is located between your foot and your big toe. While it can become quite painful when untreated, bunion treatment is, surprisingly, quite simple.
One method is to use a bunion pad over the bunion. Look for those pads with a gel that can protect your foot from stress and scraping.

Another method is to use an arch support inside your shoe. This method is useful because it transfers weight off of the bunion. In particular, you should consider using a custom-made orthotic arch support. When at home, use a sandal with an arch support, rather than slippers.
Yet another type of bunion care method is a bunion toe separator. You simply place the separator between the first and second toe of your foot. This will help to avert them rubbing against each other. If you choose a toe separator then consider one that is comprised of silicone.

Hot and cold therapies tend to be effective means of treating a wide variety of health ailments. You can treat bunions by icing them down for 10 minutes in the evening, while your foot is elevated. The goal is for the ice to reduce the swelling and inflammation of the bump.
Finally, you should consider using a bunion splint as a type of bunion care. Use this piece at nighttime. It functions by keeping your big toe straightened and prevents the other toes from rubbing against each other. The splint contains a special construction to achieve these goals.
Treating bunions on your feet does not have to be complex. The tips I just shared can help you care for your feet now. Do them. Your feet will thank you for it.
Rick Graves is a bunions treatment expert and the director of BunionSplint.com. Rick Graves provides honest information and advice on things like bunions treatment and much more. Check out the website today!

Get Rid of Pimples

There are various ways through which you can get rid of pimples. Including chromium supplements in your diet at least twice a day can help heal pimples and prevent any other breakouts. Eat foods that contain a diverse range of vitamins. Carrots provide your body with vitamin A which is used to strengthen the protective tissue of the skin as well as reduces sebum production. Vitamin B2 is essential for skin tautness while natural vitamin C prevents your skin from developing pimples.
When you have an oily skin, there are chances that you can develop pimples. An oily skin can also lead to zits rough pores and blackheads. If you have an oily skin, wash your face with plenty of hot water at least three times a day. Use a good facial cleanser as well.

You can also avoid acne pimples by eating fewer foods that are rich in sugar and fats.
Makeup clogs your pores causing pimples and blackheads. If you must wear makeup, purchase one that is water-based. Sulfur based soap is specifically designed for people with acne and therefore using this soap to wash your face twice a day, that is, in the morning and in the evening can help a great deal. Over washing your face can however stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum and this could worsen the situation.
You can also get rid of pimples by mixing one tablespoon of groundnut oil and one tablespoon of lime juice.

Applying a little of this paste to every pimple in your face can help clear them.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment.

More Than 20 Years of Broadcasting - The Aerobics Oz Style

If you're looking for a nice workout, you ought to check out the "Aerobics Oz Style" fitness show and videos. These fitness courses are shot on location in Australia and feature some of the most useful aerobic movements in existence. The Australian Fitness Industry Association has even approved these videos that know a continuous growth! The exercises in these videos are secure for the common viewer and are highly efficient.
What is it that makes Aerobics Oz Style such a good fitness video series?
The videos focus on one style of work out at a time. The main purpose of this is so that the viewer can follow with the video without needing to pause it during the practice. The videos were written accordingly since they were originally intended to be broadcasted where you would be unable to pause the video in order to change gear.

Some of the types of exercise that have been focused on in Aerobics Oz Style videos include pilates, stretches and other moves.
Aerobics Oz Style centers mainly on toning your body and each video in the series will target a distinctive section of the body. Some of the videos on hand will help you tone your stomach, abdomen and thighs. It's usually recommended that you get the full collection - thus being able to tone each part of your body.
And that's even without mentioning that this is one of the only fitness video collection that has been appreciated as effective time and time again.
Where is Aerobics Oz Style to be obtained?
Unfortunately the show is not available any longer, although it was broadcasted more than 20 years before it was ultimately interrupted. No need to worry though, because despite its cancellation on television, the show can still be acquired through online purchase. The best option to get it online is landing on the Aerobics Oz Style official website or just going to Amazon.com
You can find short clips of the show on YouTube, however, these will only be sufficient to understand what the fitness exercises look like as the whole video collection would infringe the copyright laws should one upload them.
One can not stress enough the highly recommendation of Aerobics Oz Style should you wish to try a new work out routine.

These videos are priced affordably, the videos are available for purchase all over the world,, and will provide one of the best aerobic exercise routines out there. Aerobics Oz Style is definitely a must for citizens of all levels of aerobics experience.

Blackhead Treatment - The Best Way to Do It

Blackhead treatment is slightly different from the treatment of other types of pimples. Regular acne cleaning may not be helpful because in this case the affected area is not usually inflamed. This is unlike in other regular pimples where once you control the inflammation, the clogged pores can be cleared.
You can use a facial mask to treat this infection. In this treatment, you start by washing your face with a warm solution. This helps in opening the pores; you then apply the facial mask and leave it for sometime. When you eventually remove the facial mask, it will clear the excess oil and open the pores thereby removing the blackheads. You may add a follow-up lotion as a finishing technique. The lotion will help to tighten the pores.
Facial scrubs can also be used in treating this infection. Scrubs are used to treat this condition in both teens and adult acne.

Facial scrubs normally contain granules that are used to exfoliate the skin. Scrubbing helps to get rid of dead skin cells. It also helps to unclog skin pores as well as remove any material that may be clogged inside.
Be careful when using facial scrubs because they can also cause skin irritation. Blackhead treatment can also involve the use of an extractor or a remover. The remover normally contains a sharp lancet that is used for piercing. Some removers come with a ringed device that is used to apply pressure at the affected area while others come with a fine loop that is used to provide the needed pressure.

If you don't treat blackheads, they can develop into cystic acne.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment.