6 tips for safe hiking
It might be a good idea to review some simple safety precautions before you head into the great outdoors.
Saturday, December 19, 2023 | 0 Comments
7 Pointers to Lift a Bad Mood
Friday, December 18, 2023 | 0 Comments
How Much Water Does Skin Really Need?
Water intake and dry skin
Every system in the body needs water to function, and the skin is no exception; however, when it comes to dry skin, it's not how much water you drink that's important, it's how well your skin retains moisture.
All of us have a natural "skin barrier" that locks in moisture, keeping our complexions hydrated and supple. Environmental factors--such as extreme cold, dry heat or the use of harsh cleansing products--can damage this barrier and make skin dry, flaky and more prone to wrinkling (see Dry Skin: Fight the Good Fight). Taking flax seed supplements and eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, can help your skin barrier lock in moisture (see Dietary Fats Treat Dry Skin from the Inside Out).
So how much water does skin really need?
Don't get me wrong, there's no harm in drinking eight glasses a day. Just keep in mind that we get 20 percent of our water through food, and other beverages count toward our daily requirement as well (this includes coffee and tea, but not alcohol, which is dehydrating). In my view, there's no hard and fast rule on how much water you need--it really depends on your body size and level of activity.
The best liquids for your skin
To truly drink for your skin, try replacing liquids that harm the complexion--like soda, alcohol and sugary juices--with those that are good for it, like antioxidant-rich green tea and sugar-free pomegranate juice.
Wishing you great skin!
Friday, December 18, 2023 | 0 Comments
DNA altered because cigarettes
Friday, December 18, 2023 | 0 Comments
Mobile that detects illness, garlic oil can cure warts and the new spray that can help stop bleeding
Health stories from around the world this week include a new handheld ultrasound device that can help to diagnose illnesses. Also a breakthrough U.S. study which has discovered garlic oil can help combat warts, and a new spray foam which can help prevent major blood loss.
Mobile that can tell if you're ill
A futuristic scanner the size of a mobile phone is being used to diagnose hidden health problems.
The pocket-sized device, which is undergoing trials, is held over the body and relies on ultrasound to produce images of damaged internal tissue.
Ultrasound has a wide range of uses, from monitoring babies' health in the womb to diagnosing gallstones.
But most machines are too big to be portable. The new device, called Vscan, will change that. Despite its size, it is almost as powerful as the bulky ultrasound machines in hospitals.
It has a wand-like attachment that is held next to the skin - the information it picks up is transmitted instantly as an image to the Vscan screen.
This instant feedback means doctors or paramedics don't have to send patients to hospital for a scan.
Developed by GE Healthcare, it is the closest scientists have come to a ' tricorder', the high-tech instrument used by Star Trek's Dr McCoy to diagnose and treat illness on the Starship Enterprise.
Warts? Try rubbing on a little garlic oil
Garlic could be a fast-acting treatment for warts. A U.S. study has found that a rubon extract of the spice removed all trace of warts within two weeks.
It's thought sulphur compounds in garlic have antibiotic and anti-viral benefits.
Warts are caused by a viral infection in the skin's top layer. Though harmless, they are highly contagious.
Conventional treatment includes ointments containing salicylic acid (burning the wart to destroy tissue), but these can take months to be effective.
Cryosurgery (freezing) is quicker, but can be painful, especially for children, who are most likely to suffer from warts.
In the study, 23 people applied the oily garlic extract twice a day. After one to two weeks, all were wart-free, though side-effects included redness and burning.
Traditional wart remedies include a compress of freshly crushed garlic over the area at night (though this carries the risk of the same side effects as the oil).
How a spray can stop bleeding
A foam squirted from a can just like shaving cream stops major blood loss and could save many lives.
Once it's sprayed into a wound, the high-tech foam expands and sticks to tissue, instantly halting bleeding.
Heavy blood loss is a major cause of death in severely injured people. Many wounds can't be stitched and medics often struggle to halt bleeding.
The foam, which is being tested by Remedium Technologies Inc, uses chitosan, a substance commonly found in the shells of crabs and shrimp, to act as a coagulant and stop bleeding. It also has anti-bacterial properties, which reduce the risk of infection.
The foam could also be used in surgery. The initial aim is to use it for road traffic accident victims and injured soldiers. One in ten deaths on the battlefield is due to haemorrhaging from damaged limbs.
Paramedics will also be able to use it to stem bleeding while patients are rushed to hospital.
Friday, December 18, 2023 | 0 Comments
Busted! 5 Major Eating Mistakes
By Holly McCord, RD, with Gloria McVeigh, Prevention
Ever get the guilty feeling that you're being watched as you toss the double fudge brownie mix into your grocery cart? Well, you are!
We checked with some of the top US nutrition experts, who admitted they secretly spy on the rest of us as we make real-world choices in restaurants and grocery stores. Here are their top five gripes.
1. We can't tell the good fats from the bad ones.
"Most people still don't get that some fats are actually good for you," says Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, an American Heart Association spokesperson. "You want to avoid saturated and trans fats, but you need more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Good sources are fish, nuts, avocados, and soybean and canola oils."
Smarter: Fit in good fats. "If you keep track of total calories, you don't have to worry about how much fat you eat, just what kind," explains Dr. Lichtenstein. Grandpa Po's Slightly Spicy Nutra Nuts use only canola oil (160 cal, 10 g fat, 1 g sat. fat, 2 g fiber, 60 mg sodium); at healthy food supermarkets.
2. We supersize to save money.
"People think that supersizing a restaurant meal is a money saver, but it's not a health bargain if it has way too many calories," says Karen Weber Cullen, DPH, RD, research nutritionist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
Smarter: Judge with your palm, not your purse. A serving size is about what fits into the palm of your hand (larger for men than women, smaller for children). For most meals, pick one protein, one starch, one veggie, and one fruit based on the serving that will fit into your palm.
3. We think anything liquid has no calories.
"What freaks me out is the amount of sugared soda and juice we drink," says Judith Stern, ScD, RD, professor of nutrition and internal medicine at the University of California, Davis. "I'd like to see all the sugared drinks sent out into space, where they could orbit the Earth forever." Sugared drinks balloon your calorie intake and squeeze out more nutritious foods.
Smarter: Try a cup of tea. Available in myriad varieties, the calorie-free brew promotes heart health, staves off several types of cancer, strengthens bones and teeth, and protects the skin.
4. We don't know how "hungry" really feels.
"If you don't know when you're hungry, you don't know when you're full, so you won't know when to stop eating," says Elisabetta Politi, RD, nutrition manager of the Duke University Diet & Fitness Center in Durham, NC.
Smarter: Tune in with mindful eating. Here's how.
1. Before you eat, relax, and rate your hunger from 1 (hungriest) to 7 (fullest).
2. Eat slowly, pausing often to rate how your hunger changes.
3. When finished, rate yourself one more time. Try to stay between 2 1/2 and 5 1/2: not too ravenous when you start and not completely full when you stop.
5. We have a microwave addiction.
Many women come home from work and pop a frozen entrée into the microwave. "Eating too many heavily processed foods can leave you short on fiber and antioxidants such as vitamin C," explains Jo Ann Hattner, RD, clinical dietitian at Stanford University Medical Center.
Smarter: Complement a frozen entrée with a green salad, a 100 percent whole wheat roll, and fruit for dessert. Stock up on the freshest fruit for maximum flavor.
Thursday, December 17, 2023 | 0 Comments
Health and Wellness: Stress Management As A Cure For The Common Cold?
As various colds and strains of the flu are passed around schools, offices and homes across America, you may be wondering what you can do to stay healthy. We’ve all heard recommendations to get flu shots, bundle up if it’s cold outside, and the like, but your mom and your doctor may have neglected to tell you about an important precaution you can take to avoid getting sick: practice your stress management skills! The effects of stress on immune system functioning and overall level of wellness have been studied and well-documented, and if you're worried about your health, stress levels should be monitored closely! Stress affects your overall wellness level and susceptibility to infection in two important ways:
Weakened Immune System - Chronic stress can raise cortisol levels and weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to colds and the flu, as well as more serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.
Unhealthy Choices - When we’re under stress, health may suffer because we don’t always make other healthy lifestyle choices like getting enough sleep, exercise and healthy food in our diet, which also makes us more likely to become ill.
Steps Toward Wellness
To protect your health, stress should be kept to a minimum and other precautions should also be taken. To increase your odds of wellness, especially during flu season, here are some important steps you can take:
Practice Stress Management Techniques. Certain techniques, like journaling, yoga and even laughter have all been found to increase immunity. By practicing stress-reducing activities, you can keep your body from going into chronic stress mode, maintaining increased health and wellness.
Take Care of Your Body. Eat a healthy healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly to keep your body running smoothly. Taking better care of your body will keep it functioning properly and increase your ability to fight off the latest bug that’s being passed around. And, if you do get sick, a generally healthy body can bounce back from illness much more quickly so you’ll be less miserable while you’re ill, and heal sooner.
Maintain a Supportive Network. Social support boosts immunity and helps you manage stress in your life, both of which will keep you healthier. By keeping several healthy relationships in your life, you’ll have friends to help you through the difficult times and increase your enjoyment of the good times, helping everyone stay healthy and enjoy life more.
Stay Organized and Maintain Balance in Your Life. Keep your home uncluttered. Become proficient at saying no to requests that aren’t in line with your priorities. Staying organized and balanced will help you keep from overtaxing yourself, and can help reduce the level of stress you experience in your life, helping you stay healthier in the long run.
Practical Tips To Remember
As always, don’t forget to take the commonsense health precautions that mom and the doc have been telling you for years:
Wash Your Hands Do it frequently, and especially before meals. This will keep germs from being passed to your face, so your immune system won’t even have to worry about fighting them. You can also use antibacterial hand lotion to serve the same purpose when you’re out and about.
Take Vitamin C and Drink Plenty of Water. The vitamin C can strengthen your immune system and the water can help flush out toxins. This increases proper functioning of your immune system and helps you fight disease more easily.
Avoid People Who Are Sick. If members of your family are ill, in addition to washing your hands and avoiding direct contact, it’s a good idea to spray disinfectant spray on all door handles, light switches, phones and other areas of the house that are touched often and may contain germs.
A little prevention can go a long way in keeping you healthy. While I can’t promise that you’ll never be sick again, following these wellness suggestions for living a low-stress, healthy lifestyle can have a very positive impact on your health and wellness levels.
Thursday, December 17, 2023 | 0 Comments
Eat More for Energy
Most of us want to feel clearheaded and on our game from morning ‘til night. The happy truth is, you can find more pep even if, like me, you can’t always find more pillow time. The amazing energy enhancer I’m referring to? Healthy, delicious food! Specifically, lean protein, complex carbs, foods high in vitamin C and high-fiber fruits and veggies.
As anyone who has ever experienced a sugar crash knows, the bites you nibble have the power to make you feel spunky or completely spent. Make tiny tweaks to what you put in your mouth—say, by having an egg sandwich instead of a roll with jam for breakfast—and you’ll enjoy the invigorating effects all day. Keep your motor revved with these mojo-lending strategies.
Energy enhancer: Pack your breakfast with protein.
Less is more may apply to some things in life, but not breakfast. Rather than skimp on your premiere meal of the day breakfast (or worse, skip it entirely), aim for a bite that boasts at least 5 grams of protein—it spurs the production of norepinephrine, a neurochemical that increases your heart rate and makes you feel more alert. Eggs are always a good bet. Because protein digests slowly, your blood sugar and energy levels stay constant. Adios, doughnut daze!
Energy enhancer: Squeeze in more vitamin C.
You know that too few zzz's lead to wooziness, but you may not realize that a shortage of C can have the same fatiguing effect. About 30 percent of women don't get enough vitamin C—that’s a lot of yawning! Vitamin C produces carnitine, a molecule that transfers fatty acids to cells where they're converted into energy. Too little carnitine compels your body to use carbs or protein for energy instead, which spurs lactic acid to accumulate in tissue and fatigue muscles. Get 75 milligrams of C daily by munching an orange or a kiwifruit (about 70 mg per fruit), steaming a cup of broccoli (74 mg) or savoring a cup of strawberries (89 mg).
Energy enhancer: Crunch and munch 'round the clock.
Spacing out your meals more than three or four hours apart may make you feel, well, spacey. Going a whole afternoon without a nibble causes your blood sugar to plummet, which makes your body think it's starving and often triggers a binge (cue the carb coma). A better stay-svelte strategy: Aim to eat every three to four hours by having five mini-meals of about 350 calories each, along with two 100-calorie snacks. Click here for 30 slimming snacks you'll love.
Energy enhancer: Be an iron woman. (Not to be confused with the triathlon goal!)
Iron is essential, and many women are walking around borderline anemic without knowing it. This mineral delivers oxygen to your muscles, increasing energy levels. Aim to get about 18 milligrams of iron daily—the amount in a cup of MultiGrain Cheerios—to stay pumped. Bring the Os in a baggie to fend off an afternoon slump. Spinach, pumpkin seeds and kidney beans are also rich in iron—toss ‘em in your salad to savor the bennies! Popeye would be proud.
Thursday, December 17, 2023 | 0 Comments
Drinking three cups of tea or coffee a day cuts risk of age-related diabetes by 23%
Drinking more than three cups of tea a day cuts the risk of diabetes, say researchers.
Studies show that regular tea drinkers have a 25 per cent lower chance of developing Type 2 diabetes compared to those drinking tea occasionally or not at all.
Almost 80 per cent of Britons are tea drinkers, getting through 165million cups a day. Diabetes affects 2.3million.
Researchers are suggesting doctors tell patients most likely to develop the condition to step up their tea consumption.
The seven studies involved almost 300,000 tea drinkers, while further studies included information on those who drank regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee.
They showed coffee drinking was also linked with a reduced risk of developing dia-
betes, says a report in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal.
The researchers from the University of Sydney collated studies involving 286,701 people which looked at the association between tea consumption and diabetes risk published between 1966 and 2009.
In addition, 18 studies on coffee and diabetes found that drinking four cups cut the risk of getting diabetes by 25 per cent compared to those drinking no coffee.
Dr Rachel Huxley, who led the research team, said the protection appeared to be due to 'direct biological effects'
A link was also found with decaffeinated coffee, so caffeine was unlikely to be solely responsible for the effect.
She said: 'The identification of the active components of these beverages would open up new therapeutic pathways for the primary prevention of diabetes.'
Dr Carrie Ruxton, scientific adviser to the industry-backed Tea Advisory Panel, said: 'The authors found that individuals who drank three to four cups per day had a 25 per cent lower risk than those who drank between zero and two cups per day.
'This protective effect may be due to the variety of compounds present in tea, including antioxidants.'
Thursday, December 17, 2023 | 0 Comments
Hospitals are wrong to ban flowers as a health threat
Hospitals that ban flowers in an attempt to stop infections spreading are actually slowing patients' recovery, researchers have found.
They say visitors bringing bouquets to wards do not increase the spread of germs and help speed a patient's return to health.
In fact, the biggest hazard posed by flowers could be nurses' irritation at having to change the water.
A growing number of hospitals have introduced 'no flower' policies, with Southend University Hospital bringing in a blanket ban this summer despite protests.
Bosses said patients were in favour because of the potential health and safety risk to bedside electrical life support equipment as well as fears over the spread of germs.
But research in the British Medical Journal says the risks have been overplayed.
There is no record of an outbreak of infection in a hospital being traced to bacteria found in flower water, according to Giskin Day and Naiome Carter from Imperial College London.
Vases might tip over, they admit, but the risk is no greater than that posed by crockery containing food and drink.
The researchers say studies show flowers have immediate and long-term beneficial effects on emotional reactions, mood and memory.
One trial found that patients in rooms with plants and flowers needed significantly less pain relief after surgery.
They also had lower blood pressure readings, lower rates of pain, anxiety and fatigue and more positive feelings than those who were in flower-less wards.
However, hospitals continue to impose bans on the wards despite the absence of any ruling from the Department of Health.
The study also found evidence of contrasting attitudes to flowers on private and NHS wards, after questioning patients and staff at two London hospitals, the Royal Brompton and the Chelsea & Westminster.
Private nurses appeared much keener on flowers than those from the public sector.
Charge nurse Dermot Richards-Scully at the Royal Brompton said: 'I hate them [flowers].'
'My staff don't have time to change stagnant water, spillage is responsible for slips, trips and falls, and they cause hay fever.'
But sister Susan Bunce, in charge of the Sir Reginald Wilson ward for private patients at the same hospital, welcomes them.
'Maintaining flowers doesn't take up any nursing time and they have a positive effect on patients,' she said.
The BMJ article concluded: 'Although flowers can undoubtedly be a time-consuming nuisance, the giving and receiving of flowers is a culturally important transaction.'
It recommends bedside lockers be designed to cut the chances of spillage from vases.
Thursday, December 17, 2023 | 0 Comments
Advice for Drinking at Year-End Parties
Have you ever had a severe headache, stomach pain as well as a feeling of nausea the morning after binge drinking? Hangovers are a global pain following excessive drinking and one of the most reported aftermaths of yearend parties and other events encourage excessive drinking.
The liver can take up to 160 grams of alcohol, equivalent to three bottles of soju or 16 bottles of beer, within 24 hours. If you drink more than that, the longer and harder you will suffer.
According to Dr. Lee Jung-kwon of the Samsung Medical Center, extreme hangovers cause inflammation of the stomach and disorders of the heart and liver. Also, alcohol affects the brain, heart and testicles and causes brain nerve disorder and heart disease.
``It is true that the more often you drink alcohol, the less drunk one feels because his or her body gets used to it. Some studies showed that the capacity of the liver to deal with alcohol goes up by 30 percent if one drinks alcohol for two weeks straight,'' he said. ``And some people with good self-control tend to get less drunk than others. However, the alcohol still affects the organs,'' he said.
Lee and Dr. You Joon-hyun of the same hospital answered some of the most frequently asked questions involving drinking and hangover.
1. Why do we feel hungry and thirsty the next morning?
Because alcohol intervenes in the synthesis of glucose, the blood sugar level goes down the next morning. Eating a normal breakfast will help recovery. However, do not eat too much since it will cause even more problems by pulling the blood sugar level up too high.
Excessive urination after drinking causes thirst the following morning. The loss of minerals and water keeps affecting the body. Acetaldehyde the liver did not manage to filter lingers in the body causing other kinds of problems.
Drinking sports drinks, water or juice will help recovery.
2. Will drunk-prevention drugs work?
There are several ``drinking agents'' advertised to prevent people from getting drunk or suffering from hangovers ― mostly based on aspartic acid. However, doctors say it is not a good idea to drink them and go ``wild.''
``The drinks may enable one to drink much more than one can handle. That's a bad sign,'' they said. ``After all, the effect of the alcohol still occurs.''
3. How does liquor affect pregnant women?
Women who drink an average of 90 grams of alcohol everyday through pregnancy have high chances of giving birth to babies with deformities, heart disorders and mental retardation.
However, it isn't yet verified what amount of alcohol, whether a sip or a little glass, has an influence on the fetus.
``A small amount of liquor can be helpful and play a very limited part in physical health. However, it is never recommended for pregnant women," the doctors said.
4. How can we get away without a hangover?
Drinking sports drinks, juice or spicy soups will help.
Drinking coffee isn't encouraged since it will stimulate urination, which could worsen the effect.
The doctors advised people not to drink heavily more than three days a week. ``Eating lots of snacks during drinking will help nutrition and prevent the liver from having to excessively control toxic alcohol,'' they said.
Before drinking, try to eat as much food as possible and as slowly as possible. The body takes more than one hour to process a glass of whisky. Moreover, about 30 percent of Koreans lack the synthesizing enzyme other races have, so do not drink quickly.
Do not drink dark colored drinks ― vodka or white wines are better because they have less additives but bourbon, scotch and red wine have more, which means a worse hangover.
Do not mix drinks ― mixing beer, soju, whiskey or even soda together will hit the stomach harder.
Try to take vitamin C, which may help the liver process the alcohol better.
Also, don't smoke while drinking as it deprives the body of oxygen. The doctors claimed the chances of getting cancer increases too ― for esophagus cancer it goes up 30 times and for throat or oral cancer, over 10 times.
Monday, December 14, 2023 | 0 Comments
Party Smarter: 9 Stay-Trim Tricks for Holiday Food Fests - part 2
Variety might be the spice of life, but it’s also a recipe for overeating. Rolls found that students who were offered sandwiches with four different kinds of filling ate a third more than those who got only their favorite sandwich. Health Advisory Board member David Katz, MD, an associate professor of public health at Yale University, advises bundling together similar flavors. For instance, put only salty (or meaty) foods on your plate at once. You’ll grow tired of that flavor more quickly and end up feeling full and satisfied on fewer calories.
7. Pace yourself
Take your cue from the slowest eater at the table. Research shows people may eat as much as 50 percent more when dining with friends. That’s why on Thanksgiving it seems like you can scarf down five times more food than on any other day. “When someone gets seconds or orders that third glass of wine, you kind of go along by default,” says Wansink, author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think. If you’re surrounded by speed-eaters, take a sip of water between bites to slow down.
8. Drink slimmer
Alcohol is a double whammy during the holidays. It tends to weaken your resistance when it comes to eating, and the calories in drinks add up rapidly. “If you want to be a slender drinker, drink out of a slender glass,” advises Cornell’s Wansink, whose research shows that people tend to drink more from short, fat glasses. So try this optical illusion: Use a white wine glass rather than a goblet, or a highball over a tumbler.
9. Slip, don’t slide
If you eat three helpings of mashed potatoes and half a chocolate Santa, don’t just say you blew it and decide you might as well polish off St. Nick. Learn from your slip-up. Did you arrive at the party starving? Did you befriend the buffet because you didn’t know anyone? Next time, eat a salad first, start a conversation, and park yourself far from the danger zone. And let next time start today.
Monday, December 14, 2023 | 0 Comments
Party Smarter: 9 Stay-Trim Tricks for Holiday Food Fests - part 1
1. Be a food snob
Don’t waste precious calories on blasé fare like chips or crackers. At parties, follow the lead of Leslie Kelly, 48, a restaurant reviewer in Memphis, and try a decadent hors d’oeuvre or the host’s signature dish. “I always pick the special items that have lots of love poured into them, take just a small amount, and savor every bite,” Kelly says. When you discover something that’s not-so-wonderful, though, ditch it (but do it discreetly, of course).
2. Step away from the table
If you don’t put your choices on a plate, “you have no idea how much you’re really eating,” says Barbara Rolls, PhD, a Pennsylvania State University nutrition professor and author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. “The worst thing you can do at a party is stand around the table dipping into the bowl.”
3. Veg out
At the start of a buffet, pile the greens and other tasty veggies on your plate, leaving just a little room for those high-calorie treats like sweets and cheeses. In a survey of more than 7,000 adults, Rolls found that those who ate the most fruits and vegetables were the least likely to be obese, even when they ate more food overall.
4. Pare down those portions
Choose the smallest plate possible, suggests Brian Wansink, PhD, a Cornell University professor of nutrition science and marketing. In researching how the eye tricks the stomach, he’s found that whether it’s Chex Mix, pasta, or even stale popcorn, the bigger the bowl, plate, or package, the more you’re likely to eat.
5. Don’t talk with your mouth full
One of the best ways to keep from stuffing yourself at a big family dinner is great conversation, says Rick Bell, ScD, an adjunct associate nutrition professor at Tufts University. But, like Mom says, finish chewing before you start chatting. “When you eat and talk at the same time, you’re not really paying attention,” Bell explains. Plus, you look pretty gross.
Monday, December 14, 2023 | 0 Comments
Champagne is good for the heart and brain
Monday, December 14, 2023 | 0 Comments
10 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep Tonight
1. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends.
We are creatures of habit, and our sleep is no exception. By consistently going to bed and getting up at the same time, we condition our body to follow a regular pattern of sleep. This allows our body’s natural clock, called a circadian rhythm, to help initiate and maintain our sleep.
2. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, cool, and comfortable.
Studies find that sleeping in a cool environment is most conducive to sleep. By eliminating excess noise and light, we can minimize the disruptions that might wake us up. In addition, the bedroom should be a relaxing place and not a source of stress.
3. Bedrooms are for sleeping and sex, not for watching television or doing work.
Somehow we have managed to make the bedroom a multipurpose room. All electronics must be removed! Televisions, gaming systems, computers, telephones, and various other gadgets are stimulating and disruptive to sleep. Don’t allow them in your bedroom and don’t use them in the brief period before going to bed. Even the small amount of light from a computer screen in the evening hours can stimulate your brain into thinking it is time to be awake. Moreover, do not use the bedroom to do work as these activities are likewise stimulating and will disrupt your sleep.
4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine 4-6 hours before bedtime.
Caffeine can be found in expected places like coffee, soda pop, or tea, but also in unexpected foods like chocolate. As a stimulant it will keep you awake, even if used nearly six hours before bed. Likewise, nicotine will disrupt your sleep. And contrary to common practice, an alcoholic “nightcap” can actually make your sleep worse. Though it may cause you to become drowsy, alcohol fragments the stages of your sleep and makes it more disrupted.
5. Don’t take naps.
The period of time that you are awake adds to something called “sleep drive.” The longer we stay awake, the more we want to go to sleep. By taking a nap we can relieve this desire to sleep, but it will also make it less likely that we will be able to easily go to sleep later. Adults should have a consolidated period of sleep at night without additional naps. If there is excessive daytime sleepiness and desire to nap, in spite of adequate sleep time, this might suggest a sleep disorder warranting further evaluation.
6. Exercise every day, but avoid doing it 4 hours before bedtime.
Staying active and physically fit is an excellent way to ensure a good night’s sleep. However, exercise too close to bedtime may actually cause difficulties in getting to sleep as your body will still be revved up.
7. Develop sleep rituals which include quiet activities, such as reading, 15 minutes before bedtime.
Just like we maintain for children, adults need daily sleep rituals prior to going to bed to allow us to unwind and mentally prepare for going to sleep. These rituals should include quiet activities such as reading, listening to relaxing music, or even taking a nice bath.
8. If you are having trouble getting to sleep, don’t struggle in bed or you will train yourself to have difficulties there.
Individuals who have difficulty initiating sleep often toss and turn in bed and try to force sleep to come. As this is repeated, night after night, this sets up a situation where we associate our bed with the anxiety of not being able to sleep. If you are unable to get to sleep within 15 minutes, go to another quiet place and lie down until you feel ready to fall asleep, and then return to your bedroom to sleep.
9. Avoid eating or drinking in the few hours right before going to bed, as these might lead to disruptions of your sleep.
Discomfort with heartburn or acid reflux as well as needing to get up multiple times to urinate can be very disruptive to a good night’s sleep. It is best to avoid setting up these situations by not eating or drinking in the few hours just prior to bedtime.
10. Make sleep a priority: don’t sacrifice sleep to do daytime activities.
The most important advice is to respect that your body needs to sleep. Too often we are likely to allow our sleep time to be infringed upon when our daytime obligations take longer than we expect. Additionally, opportunities to engage in pleasurable activities—visiting friends, watching television, playing on the internet, eating out, and any number of others—quickly cut into our sleep time if we allow them to. It is important to schedule your sleep time and keep to that schedule, no matter what might come up during the day.
Sunday, December 13, 2023 | 0 Comments