How much is enough drinking coffee?
Q: I drink four or five cups of coffee every day, then a cappuccino at night. Is that too much caffeine?
A: Yes and no. For most people, 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine a day—about two or three cups of coffee—is fine. But more than that may cause anxiety, sleep difficulties, or irritability, as well as stomach ulcers, esophagitis (inflammation of the esophageal lining), a temporary rise in blood pressure, and reflux—all signature signs of an overdose.
Pregnant women should definitely try to avoid caffeine. If you’re otherwise healthy and not having any problems, your caffeine intake is probably OK. Watch out for warning signs, though, and see a doc if you have restlessness or headaches or feel like your heart is beating too fast.
Q: How can I get rid of the spider veins on my legs? And am I doomed to get varicose veins, too?
A: Those blue and red squiggly veins that look like spider webs are smaller and closer to the surface of your skin than varicose veins. And, no, you’re not doomed to get the varicose kind (created by a backup of blood in veins that are deeper and bigger) because you have them. The spiders pop up when blood in the tiny veins that carry blood upward to your heart seeps into surrounding tissue.
Causes and treatment for spider veins
There are lots of causes: hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy, menopause, or birth control pills, as well as obesity or weight gain, prolonged standing, or an inherited blood issue. Sun exposure can lead to spider veins on the face.
Most women who get spider veins during pregnancy find that they fade within three months of giving birth. For women who aren’t so lucky, there are ways to banish them. One option: sclerotherapy, a process in which saline is injected into the veins so they clot and disappear. Administered by a dermatologist or vascular surgeon at a cost of $150 to $550 per treatment, sclerotherapy could take from two to six sessions, one to two months apart, to show results.
Another doctor-provided option: laser therapy, in which strong bursts of light are used to slowly fade the vein. Multiple treatments, each costing about $300, are sometimes required. Don’t want to visit the doc? Try some basic concealer, like Covermark Beauty Leg Magic in Almond ($18), which won’t rub off on clothes.
Q: How bad is it to sit on a public-toilet seat? Could I catch something?
A: It’s not as bad as you think. There are more germs on the floor in a public bathroom (hang up your purse!) than on the toilet seat. If the seat looks icky, use a paper cover, if available, or wipe it with toilet paper. But don’t worry too much about STDs. The fact is, if you have a healthy immune system, you won’t catch anything from a public-toilet seat.
Still worried about germs? Use stalls that have covers over the toilet paper rolls. When a toilet is flushed, it sprays germs and microscopic fecal matter into the air. If the toilet paper is protected, you’re less likely to spread germs on yourself when you wipe.
Saturday, December 12, 2023 | 0 Comments
Soy helps stop breast cancer from returning
A study in China, where large amounts of soy are eaten, found lower rates of breast cancer death and recurrence among women with the highest intake levels.
The findings are controversial because some experts fear oestrogen-like plant chemicals in soy called isoflavones might promote breast cancer.
It has also been suggested that isoflavones could interfere with the breast cancer hormone therapy drug tamoxifen.
From the new research it appears the benefits of soy isoflavones outweigh any harmful effects they might have.
U.S. scientists led by Dr Xiao Ou Shu, from Vaderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, analysed data from a large population-based study of more than 5,000 breast cancer survivors in China.
Women aged 20 to 75 recruited for the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study had their progress monitored for around four years.
During that time, 444 women died and 534 breast cancer-related deaths or disease recurrences were recorded.
Women who had the highest consumption of soy protein were 29 per cent less likely to die during the study period than those with the lowest consumption levels. They also had a 32 per cent lower risk of breast cancer recurrence.
Four-year mortality rates were 10.3 per cent and 7.4 per cent for women with the lowest and highest soy intake. Recurrence rates for the two groups were 11.2 per cent and 8 per cent.
The benefits were seen both in women whose breast tumours were fuelled by oestrogen and those without hormone-sensitive cancers, as well as users and non-users of tamoxifen.
Consumption of soy showed a dose response, meaning the more a woman ate, the more she was protected. This continued until soy protein intake reached a level of 11 grams per day, after which no additional benefits were seen.
Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the researchers said: 'In summary, in this population-based prospective study, we found that soy food intake is safe and was associated with lower mortality and recurrence among breast cancer patients.
'This study suggests that moderate soy food intake is safe and potentially beneficial for women with breast cancer.
'Patients with breast cancer can be assured that enjoying a soy latte or indulging in pad Thai with tofu causes no harm, and, when consumed in plentiful amounts, may reduce risk of disease recurrence.'
Each year around 45,500 women in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer and 12,000 die from the disease.
Saturday, December 12, 2023 | 0 Comments
Men should wake up and drink the coffee
Saturday, December 12, 2023 | 0 Comments
5 Disturbing Facts About Skin Cancer
1. Over one million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in 2009. It's the most common type of cancer in the U.S. -- 1.3 million cases annually. In fact, there are more new cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined. Almost 50% of Americans who live to age 65 will get skin cancer at least once.
2. Skin cancer is one of the few cancers that's becoming more common. The incidence of melanoma continues to rise significantly, at a rate faster than that of any of the seven most common cancers. Fortunately, although melanoma deaths increased by about 33% from 1975 to 1990, they have remained relatively stable since 1990.
3. Skin cancer strikes people of all ages and races. Although elderly whites are most afflicted with skin cancer, melanoma is the most common form of cancer for young
4. There is no such thing as a safe tan. A tan is the skin's response to genetic damage due to ultraviolet radiation. About 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun. One blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence more than doubles a person's chances of developing melanoma later in life. A person's risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns at any age. Tanning salons aren't any better: Exposure to tanning beds while young increases melanoma risk by 75%, and people who use tanning beds are 2.5 times more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma and 1.5 times more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma.
5. Skin cancer will kill more than 11,000 Americans this year alone. This is the most disturbing fact of them all. More than 8,600 will succumb to melanoma and 2,500 will die due to complications from squamous cell carcinoma. More than 20 Americans die each day from skin cancer, primarily melanoma -- one person every 62 minutes. The survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early, before the tumor has penetrated the skin, is about 99%. The survival rate falls to 15% for those with advanced disease.
Despite these sobering facts, the good news is that skin cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable of all cancers.
Saturday, December 12, 2023 | 0 Comments
Acne Skin Care for Winter Weather
Wintertime can be hard on the skin. Cold weather, wind, and dry indoor air can suck moisture from your skin. Add in the use of drying acne fighting products and medications, and you have a recipe for uncomfortable dryness, flaking, and peeling.
Saturday, December 12, 2023 | 0 Comments
Deep Breathing Benefits
This article takes an objective look at how deep breathing benefits our health. Can deep breathing really reduce stress? Find out the answer to this question and many other health benefits of deep breathing.
Take a moment to sit back and relax. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale. No, this is not a snip bit from a yoga class. This is all it takes to relax your senses and rejuvenate your mind. 15 minutes of deep breathing benefits our bodies in so many ways. It is pretty surprising how by just breathing, we can reduce stress and strengthen our immune system.
Benefits of Deep Breathing
Before we begin with health benefits of deep breathing, it is important that we understand how regular breathing is different from deep breathing. When we breathe, our diaphragm contracts and our stomach expands. This is the correct way to breathe but what many of us tend to do is suck in our stomach and raise our shoulder to breathe. These are called shallow breaths. When people talk about breathing techniques, they mean a technique to breathe right without making conscious effort. For this, one must ease all stress and worries. Deep breathing exercise benefits our bodies by ensuring the correct posture and proper coordination of the respiratory muscles.
Deep breathing benefits the body by taking in the correct amount of oxygen which in turn lowers blood pressure and relaxes muscles. It also relaxes the brain and causes the heart rate to slow down. Deep breathing helps our body to release more cordon dioxide. Amongst the many health benefits of deep breathing are its cleansing properties for the lymphatic system. We know that the lymph surrounds all the cells in our bodies, correct breathing technique removes the toxins from these cells through the lymphatic system. Deep breathing is known to release endorphins which, in layman's terms are called feel good hormones. These are natural pain killers in the body and help relax the muscles and nerves. Deep breathing is also known to help people who are depressed. Asthmatics also benefit a lot from deep breathing as it makes the abdominal muscles stronger and improves the lung capacity. Shallow breathing leads to the flow of insufficient oxygen in the body which leads to muscle exertion, lethargy and fatigue. Deep breathing can help us activate our relaxation response. This has many health benefits like reducing stress and anxiety. In fact, deep breathing is one of the best stress relievers. It also helps people suffering from insomnia. Deep breathing exercise benefits in losing weight. Eastern traditions of yoga and tai-chi function on this principle. More on deep breathing relaxation technique.
Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing exercises are very easy and they can be done anywhere and anytime. The easiest of these can be done while sitting at your workplace or in front of the television. To begin your deep breathing exercises, make sure your spine is straight and your posture is correct. Take a deep breath in a count to 6 and slowly exhale. Take longer time to exhale. Repeat this 10 times at least. When you breathe, ensure that your stomach expands when inhaling and contracts when exhaling. Another way to practice deep breathing is to sit in a secluded place with your eyes closed, preferable early in the morning in fresh air. Repeat the above technique but pause for a split second before you exhale. This is a way to meditate, so try to easy all your worries and focus on something that calms your nerves. More on deep breathing exercises to lower blood pressure.
So go ahead, take a deep breath, now that you are done reading this and kick start de-stressing your body. Just a few breaths can ensure a fresher mind and an energetic body and don't miss out on the many deep breathing benefits.
Friday, December 11, 2023 | 0 Comments
The boy never eat
Keaton Foale, five, has never even enjoyed a packet of sweets or crisps - and never will.
He has been diagnosed with the incredibly rare Congenital Disorder Glycosylation Type Two, which means he can't eat food normally.
The youngster has to be fed through a tube into his stomach that he will need for the rest of his life.
His condition has baffled doctors around the world. It was first discovered when he began refusing his bottled milk at three months old.
Medics at Sunderland General Hospital discovered that any food which went into his stomach was instantly rejected.
They had to staple the top of his stomach when he was just six months old to save his life.
Instead, they put in a special feeding tube that delivers a high-calorie milk mixture to his stomach four times a day in 50-minute sessions.
His mother, Claire Plummer, became frantic with worry after her son first developed the rare symptoms.
Claire, 29, who is a full-time mother to Keaton, his sister Bethany, 10, and eight-year-old brother Dylan, said very little was known about Keaton's rare genetic disorder.
She added: 'As his weight plummeted, doctors put Keaton on tube feeds through his nose - but even this didn't stop him vomiting.
'Something had to be done to make sure that he could get the nutrition he so desperately needed.
'Doctors were forced to insert a feeding tube directly into his stomach.
'When tests were carried out using a kind of X-Ray food machine, to find out why Keaton couldn't eat, doctors were stunned.
'The milk was simply stuck in his throat - he couldn't swallow.
'The dribbles of milk that did get past his throat either went to his stomach, making him vomit or ended up in his lungs.
'I was so worried when I first heard about his condition.
'For years the doctors couldn't diagnose what was wrong with him and even now, knowing that he suffers from such a unique condition is little consolation really.
'Doctors still aren't sure about all the things that are wrong with my son.
'There are only a few people in the world who actually deal with CDG because it is such a unique condition.
Glycosylation Type Two is a genetic disorder which is not hereditary and can cause a spectrum of disturbing symptom, including cancer and deafness.
As well as not being able to eat, Keaton also suffers from internal bleeding on a regular basis and loses several pints of blood every year. Sometimes he bleeds as often as two or three times a week.
Keaton was born at just 24 weeks and was just four inches tall - the length of a Biro pen - when he was delivered, but doctors believe this has had no bearing on him developing the condition.
In the first year of his life alone, he battled through jaundice, anaemia and blood infections and had laser-eye surgery to stop him going blind.
After years of tests and problems he was finally diagnosed with CDG at the age of three-and-a-half. The life expectancy of sufferers varies from 3 months to 60 years.
Even now he struggles to get up and down stairs by himself, and has difficulties with his speech.
American Dr Hudson Freeze, one of the few experts in the condition, said Keaton's was the most unusual case he had encountered.
He said: 'With Type Two CDG, which he suffers from, we don't yet know specifically what gene is at fault.
'As yet there is no cure for Type Two and research is ongoing.
'There are only a few people worldwide who suffer from CDG Type Two and Keaton's condition is particularly extreme.'
Friday, December 11, 2023 | 0 Comments
Burst Blood Vessel in Eye
A burst blood vessel in eye or subconjunctival hemorrhage is a leak of blood from a blood vessel, over the white of the eye (sclera). It primarily occurs when a small blood vessel breaks just beneath the clear surface of the eye called conjunctiva. The conjunctiva comprises of many small, fragile blood vessels that can be easily ruptured or broken. When this occurs, the blood leaks into the space between the conjunctiva and sclera. Since conjunctiva cannot absorb blood instantly, the blood gets trapped underneath it and a bright red or dark patch develops on the white of the eye. Though a burst blood vessel in eye sounds frightening, it is normally harmless and disappears within 10 to 14 days. More on popped blood vessel in eye.
Burst Blood Vessel in Eye: Causes
Although actual causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage are still unknown, some of the most probable causes that may contribute to burst blood vessel in eye are:
* Violent coughing, powerful sneezing, heavy lifting or vomiting can cause a small blood vessel to rupture in the eye.
* Sleeping disorders or excessive intake of anticoagulants or aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), etc., can increase the risks of having burst blood vessel in eye.
* High doses of vitamin E, fish oil or botanicals like garlic or cayenne along with the standard dosage of dietary supplements can also be a common causes for this eye problem.
* People suffering high blood pressure, diabetes or conjunctivitis (an eye infection) are also prone to suffer from burst blood vessel of eye.
* An injury to the eye or gentle bumping the eye or something as severe as being struck in the eye with a sharp object can also lead to subconjunctival hemorrhage.
* Another probable cause of burst blood vessel in eye can be excessive retention of blood in the eye due to glaucoma, fatigue, an allergic reaction or eye infection, causing swelling of the blood vessels.
Burst Blood Vessel in Eye: Symptoms
The most prominent and obvious sign of a subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red or dark patch on the white (sclera) of the eye. Despite its bloody appearance, it causes no change in vision and no discharge from eye. Although there is no pain associated with it, the only discomfort one may experience is slight irritation, scratchiness, itchiness and stinginess on the surface of the eye.
Burst Blood Vessel in Eye: Treatment
In most cases, no treatment is needed for a subconjunctival hemorrhage. However, over-the-counter eye drops such as artificial tears, can be applied to the eye if mild irritation or scratchy sensation is present. Intake of aspirin or other medications that inhibit clotting should be avoided. If the subconjunctival hemorrhage is trauma related or due to an external infection, the ophthalmologist may prescribe antibiotic drops or an ointment. Hence, the condition clears by itself within one to two weeks without any long term problems, just like a mild bruise under the skin.
One can prevent recurrences of burst blood vessel in eye by taking vitamin C, 200 mg a day, grape seed extract or pycnogenol containing antioxidant pigments to strengthen the walls of the tiny blood vessels in the eye. But if you experience pain, bleeding disorders or any changes in vision due to subconjunctival hemorrhage, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist to determine the underlying cause and prescribe necessary treatment.
Friday, December 11, 2023 | 0 Comments
A hangover? Don't reach for a coffee
According to scientists in the U.S., coffee not only fails to sober you up, but makes it harder for people to realise they are drunk.
The use of caffeinated energy drinks can even lead to impaired judgment.
The study, by scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, found that while caffeine makes us more alert, it only conceals the effects of the night before.
Thomas Gould, who led the study, said: 'The myth about coffee's sobering powers is particularly important to debunk because the co-use of caffeine and alcohol could actually lead to poor decisions with disastrous outcomes.
'People who feel tired and intoxicated after consuming alcohol may be more likely to acknowledge that they are drunk.'
During the study researchers gave groups of adult mice various doses of caffeine. They were also given ethanol, or pure alcohol, to induce drunkenness.
The mice were then placed into a maze and watched as they tried to navigate it.
Caffeine failed to reverse the negative effects of the alcohol.
While the mice were calmer with the caffeine they were less able to avoid the possible pitfalls of being inebriated.
The researchers fear those with a hangover may believe they are no longer drunk because they have had coffee.
Dr Gould added: 'All evidence points to serious risks associated with caffeine-alcohol combinations.'
The scientists published their study in the journal Behavioural Neuroscience, and plan to extend their research to humans.
Thursday, December 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
6 New Ways to Have a Green Holiday
Wednesday, December 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
6 Snack Combos With Heart-Healthy Nuts
The clincher: One sliced pear with a tablespoon of almond butter has less than 200 calories and helps blast belly fat with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs).
2. Cashew Butter + Cinnamon Raisin Toast. Start the day by spreading smooth cashew butter on warm, crusty whole-grain bread, chock-full of sweet raisins and spicy cinnamon.
3. Peanut Butter + Banana. Elvis loved a good peanut butter-and-banana sandwich—and who can argue with the King? Go for barely ripe bananas; they keep you feeling full longer.
4. Macadamia Butter + Fig Cookie. A smear of velvety, rich macadamia butter on this chewy cookie is a match made in snack heaven. Macadamia butter is a worthy indulgence, especially because it’s loaded with heart-healthy fats.
5. Tahini + Grilled Lamb Chop. This union is a Middle Eastern classic. Lamb is relatively lean and rich in zinc and iron. Serve it with tahini (ground sesame seed paste), which is full of fat-fighting MUFAs and is a good source of calcium.
6. Honey-Sweetened Peanut Butter + Lime Juice. Swirl this pair together for an amazing dipping sauce that’s excellent with chicken satay or tossed with whole-wheat pasta.
Wednesday, December 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
Coffee could help prevent the most dangerous forms of prostate cancer
A 20-year study of almost 50,000 men found that those who regularly drank the beverage were 60 per cent less likely to develop fast-growing, hard-to-treat forms of the cancer, than others.
The researchers, from Harvard Medical School in US, believe that ingredients other than caffeine are behind the benefit.
They told and American Association for Cancer Research conference: 'Coffee has effects on insulin and glucose metabolism as well as sex hormone levels, all of which play a role in prostate cancer.
'Very few lifestyle factors have been consistently associated with prostate cancer risk, especially with risk of aggressive disease, so it would be very exciting if this association is confirmed in other studies.
'Our results do suggest there is no reason to stop drinking coffee out of any concern about prostate cancer.'
Helen Rippon, of the Prostate Cancer Charity, said: 'This research does provide a clue that coffee drinking might reduce the likelihood of a man being diagnosed with a more advanced prostate cancer, although there is still more research to do to confirm this and to uncover which component of coffee could be responsible.
'We would not recommend that men cultivate a heavy coffee drinking habit on the back of this research, not least because a high caffeine intake can cause other health problems.
'However, men who already enjoy a regular cup of coffee should be reassured that they do not need to give this up for the sake of their prostate.'
The conference also heard details of a study which found that just 15 minutes of exercise a day can cut the risk of death in men with prostate cancer.
The most common from of the disease in British men, prostate cancer affects 35,000 year and kills more than 10,000.
Wednesday, December 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
People snore life expectancy
That's the controversial suggestion emerging from a recent study on sleep apnoea.
For years, the condition, which causes interruptions in breathing during sleep, has been linked to high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks.
It also raises the risk of car and work accidents.
But now an Israeli study of 600 people over 65 has found that the risk of early death in people with moderate sleep apnoea was less than half that of people with no history it.
The study also showed that the risk of early death for those with a severe form of the condition was the same as a healthy control group, when it was expected to be higher.
One theory is that the constant breaks in oxygen and blood supply to organs, caused by the pauses in the breathing, somehow strengthen the heart and brain; this means that if a heart attack or a stroke occurs, the body is better able to deal with it.
Researchers say that the way the condition is treated in older people may need to be re-examined.
Sleep apnoea can result in the airways in the throat collapsing, cutting off the air supply for about ten seconds a time.
Many of these breaks can occur during the night, but because the sleeper wakes for only a few seconds at a time, there is rarely any memory of it.
The distinctive rumbling sound of snoring is produced when the muscles in the nose, mouth and throat relax during sleep.
There are a variety of factors that exacerbate snoring, including sleeping position, being overweight, having a blocked nose, or physical features such as a large soft palate or long uvula (the bit of tissue that hangs down at the back of your mouth).
Alcohol can also exacerbate snoring, as it travels to all areas of the body and slows the brain's responses, causing the muscles to relax even more than normal during a night's sleep.
The added relaxation of the musculature causes the oropharynx to collapse more readily causing further snoring.
But Professor Jim Horne, head of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University, says: 'It is better to get heavy snoring treated rather than assume it will prolong life.'
Wednesday, December 09, 2024 | 0 Comments
4 Minutes to a Stronger Heart
While it may look easy, you’ll find it’s both highly demanding and effective. The upshot: You can improve your fitness and lose excess flab—without ever leaving your living room.
Here’s how to do it: Stand as tall as you can with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold your arms straight out in front of your body at shoulder level [A].
Keeping your lower back naturally arched, lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees [B]. Then quickly push yourself up to the starting position. Perform as many repetitions as you can in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
That’s one set. Repeat three to four more times. Progress until you can do a total of eight sets. Want even better results? Use these four fast diet fixes to flatten your belly for good.
Monday, December 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
7 Causes Of High Cholesterol
Eating too much saturated fat (like the kind found in this classic breakfast) can cause high cholesterol. You will find this unhealthy fat in foods that come from animals. Beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese contain saturated fat. Packaged foods that contain coconut oil, palm oil, or cocoa butter may have a lot of saturated fat. You will also find saturated fat in stick margarine, vegetable shortening, and most cookies, crackers, chips, and other snacks.
Your beer belly isn't just bad for your social life. Being overweight may increase triglycerides and decrease HDL, or good cholesterol. Losing that gut can go a long way toward improving your beach bod, too.
Your activity level
Hey, get off that couch and get moving. Lack of physical activity may increase LDL, or bad cholesterol, and decrease HDL, or good cholesterol.
After you reach age 20, your cholesterol levels naturally begin to rise. In men, cholesterol levels generally level off after age 50. In women, cholesterol levels stay fairly low until menopause, after which they rise to about the same level as in men.
Your overall health
Don't skip your annual physical, and be sure to have your doc explain your heart disease
Your family history
Aren't they cute? But they can be dangerous, even when they're not gossiping about
Cigarette smoking
Come on, you already know this one. Smoking can lower your good cholesterol. And it can kill you. So why not quit smoking?
Monday, December 07, 2024 | 0 Comments
Vitamin D May Improve Melanoma Survival
Sunday, December 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
7 Pointers to Lift a Bad Mood
A bad mood not only gives you a gloomy outlook, it also lowers your immune function, leading the way to illness. Here are some suggestions to lift your mood, your spirit, and your health.
1. A Laughing Matter
"Laugh Therapy," pioneered by Norman Cousins, has turned out to have real substance. Research has discovered that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help defend the body from illness and cancer.
Laughter also increases the release of endorphins - compounds that give you a sense of well-being - in your brain. Without a doubt, joyful people liver longer and healthier lives. So read your favorite comics, watch your favorite comedies, and laugh it up!
2. Amino Acid for Restored Mindset
When an imbalance or deficiency is creating a bad mood, the Europeans use supplements of a natural compound found in human cells to regulate mood and restore a healthy mindset. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is produced from methionine, an amino acid that plays a role in the production of uplifting neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
One study indicated that SAMe worked on patients who had unsuccessful results with conventional antidepressants. To get a boost from SAMe, take a supplement combining it with vitamins B6 and B12.
3. Hands-On Healing
Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve.
4. Boost Your "Youth Hormones"
You don't need pills to flood your body with a rejuvenating flood of growth hormones. Research has found that doing squats and leg presses will greatly increase your natural production of the "youth hormone". Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, among other physical benefits. Keep it up with weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.
5. Take a Bracing Breath
Breathing correctly is important for dispelling the toxins and wastes from your body; in fact, it is estimated that we expel only about 30 percent of toxins in our bodies through the bowels and bladder-the rest is all respiratory. Breathing is also a great way to clear your mind, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic, breathing daily with mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation.
6. Smell the Joy
Research has shown that smell has a definite impact on our bodies and minds. When you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain, which is associated with moods and memory. This concept is instrumental to aromatherapy, a natural health tradition that makes use of the healing powers of plants with strong scents.
Aromatherapy recommends treating depression with jasmine, eucalyptus for exhilaration, and grapefruit to increase alertness and joy. Just put a dab of the essential oils from these plants on your temples, back of your neck, or acupressure points. Another option? Boil the herb in water and inhale the steam through your nose.
7. Feel Fine with Flowers
There is a reason that flowers are the traditional get-well gesture. Colorful flowers have a powerful influence on moods; they can uplift a patient's mood and even combat stress. One study found that during a five-minute typing assignment, people sitting next to a flowering bouquet were more relaxed than those who sat near foliage-only plants.
I hope these tips help the good feelings flow! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
Sunday, December 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
8 Perfect Sleep-Better Foods - Part 2
Pretzels are a low-calorie, low-fat source of carbohydrates, which will make you feel sleepy, but won't pack on the pounds or give you belly-aching indigestion.
It's called a "nightcap" for a reason--a glass of wine really does take the edge off. University of Toronto researchers
Cherry juice has serotonin-inducing carbohydrates, which will help
Researchers at the University of Alabama fed rats 200 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day and found that it nearly stopped the secretion of cortisol, a hormone released in your body when you're stressed. Calorie for calorie, red bell peppers give you more vitamin C than any other fruit or vegetable.
Sunday, December 06, 2024 | 0 Comments
8 Perfect Sleep-Better Foods - Part 1
Nothing makes it harder to fall asleep than knowing how important it is to fall asleep. So when the pressure's on, try chowing down on one of these snacks before bedtime to ensure some serious shut-eye; they're all hand-picked and approved by the Eat This, Not That! nutrition team. These 8 sleep-better foods and drinks have been shown to induce feel-good relaxation chemicals, calming your nerves and slowing your racing brain. You can thank us ... tomorrow morning--after a long, restful night.
Pop a bag half an hour before bedtime: The carbs will induce your body to create serotonin, a neurochemical that makes you feel relaxed. Skipping the butter-fat will slow the process of boosting those feel-good chemicals, and, as mentioned above, will also slow digestion in general.
Scientists in Slovakia gave people either 3 grams each of two amino acids (lysine and arginine) or a placebo and asked them to deliver a speech. Blood measurements of stress hormones revealed that the amino acid-fortified speakers were half as anxious during and after the speech as those who took the placebo. Yogurt is one of the best food sources of lysine; nuts pack tons of arginine. Because both contain alertness-inducing protein, you're best off eating this combo a few hours before bed (or even at midday, before a big, stressful presentation at work). It'll reduce the residual stress you feel later in the evening, meaning you won't replay your day over and over again in your head as you try to fall asleep.
Sesame seeds are one of the best natural sources of tryptophan, the sleep-inducing amino acid responsible for all of those post-Thanksgiving turkey comas. Hold off on the turkey sammies, though-the protein in the turkey might offset the tryptophan's benefit.
Sunday, December 06, 2024 | 0 Comments