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6 tips for safe hiking

It might be a good idea to review some simple safety precautions before you head into the great outdoors.

The American Red Cross offers these suggestions:

* 1. Review the equipment, supplies and skills that you'll need for your outing. Consider the kinds of emergencies you may encounter and plan for them.
* 2. Hone your outdoor skills. For example, if you need to know how to use a compass, erect a temporary shelter or provide first aid, ensure that you practice these skills before the trip.
* 3. Make sure that you're in proper physical condition for your adventure.
* 4. It's best to hike or camp with at least one other person. If you're travelling to a remote area, you should have a minimum of four people in your group. If someone becomes injured or sick, one person can stay with the victim while the two others go for help.
* 5. Bring emergency signalling devices. In case of emergency, know the location of the nearest ranger station.
* 6. Leave a copy of your itinerary with someone. It should include details about your vehicle, a list of equipment you have with you, and your scheduled date of return.



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