Is the pain deriving from hemorrhoids ruining your life? Have you tried to book into the doctors, but they can't even see you for another 5 days, let alone start to treat you? Do you want easy and fast pain relief? Of course you do! Follow my easy to understand tips which detail exactly how to get rid of hemorrhoids within 7 days! Use one or all of the tips to decrease your current levels of pain!
#1 Cool it down externally
A lot of external hemorrhoids can be treated fairly easily. It is wise you get a soft and damp cool cloth and gently moisten the area that is affected. This will soothe the pain for a limited time only, so to be cured, you'll still need to take more drastic measures, such as antibiotics.
#2 Improve your posture - don't sit around all day!
Spending huge amounts of time sitting down can put pressure on the areas affected. In fact, this could have been the cause of the disease in the first place. Ensure that your posture is correct and if you do feel the need to sit down for long periods of time, have a stretch every 10 minutes.
#3 Improve the quality of your diet
Ditch the junk foods straight away and instead start to increase the quality of your food intake. This means that you'll need to increase your fiber intake. This is naturally found in the likes of fruit and vegetables, so healthy foods are good foods to start consuming!

 4 Tips to Get Fast Pain Relief

#1 A daily work out
You might feel like using up the energy that you have left after suffering from pain isn't a good idea. In fact, the kegel and pelvic exercises are some of the best to use and can be the difference between pain and pain relief. They help reduce the pain and swelling.
#2 Get it all out!
Another popular and painless treatment is the use of laxatives. Until a doctor can give something a bit stronger, these are a really good option. Remember that doctors will need to know if you have taken anything before prescribing you other medicines.

#3 Don't slouch! Stop being lazy!
One of the causes of hemorrhoids is your posture. Hemorrhoid treatment therefore focuses on developing your current posture into something that won't cause long term damage or hemorrhoids again.
#4 Consume more fluids
It is important to ensure that your current diet is not the reason for needing hemorrhoid treatment. If it is, then the first thing to change is to ensure that you are consuming as much water as possible. In general, a guideline would be to consume somewhere in the region of 5-8 pints of water every single day.
Thanks Nancy Cartright for sharing this post. For more visit at hemorrhoid cure.


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