If you start to notice you are becoming irritable and stressed to the point where you start to panic, sweat and experience chest pain, there is a good chance you have suffered from an anxiety attack. The first thing you need to know is that there are different types of anxiety conditions each with varying degrees of acuteness. Below are the six different kinds of anxiety and panic disorders that you will need to become familiar with.
1. General anxiety disorder
To summarize a general panic or anxiety disorder in one word, the sufferer is a constant worrier. If you find that you are worrying constantly and fearing bad things are going to happen then you fall into this category. Your anxiety levels will eventually peak until you get to the point where it is starting to distract you from your daily activities. There are a number of symptoms and some to be aware of are a feeling of restlessness, fatigue and an upset stomach.
2. Panic Disorder
This kind of panic disorder is recognized by unexpected and random panic attacks that happen over and over again to the point where you start to feel scared of when the next attack is going to occur. You might also start to fear that there is nobody else around who can help you when you start to experience an attack.
3. Lots of people know about phobias or experience them, but don't realize that they are also a form of anxiety. Phobias are an unrealistic fear of a specific activity, object or situation that in reality has very little or no danger directly associated with it. The more common types of phobias include flying, snakes, or the fear of heights.
4. Social anxiety disorder
This kind of disorder makes the sufferer feel humiliated and lacking confidence in public and makes them feel as if others are looking down upon them. Many would consider this condition to be nothing more than extreme shyness, but it is considered a social disorder.
5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This disorder is also referred to as OCD and occurs when unwanted thoughts or behaviors enter our heads that simply cannot be controlled by thought alone. You might have OCD or a repeated worry such as not locking the front door, everything has to be in an exact place, or another uncontrollable compulsion.
6. Post-traumatic stress disorder
This last kind of anxiety disorder happens usually after a traumatic event or an experience that has been life-threatening. Post-traumatic stress disorder includes symptoms such as flashbacks, being scared easily, and recurring nightmares. You may also avoid places, people, or situations that remind you on the particular event.
Thanks Bernard Scala for post so much. For more visit at Panic and Anxiety Attack
1. General anxiety disorder
To summarize a general panic or anxiety disorder in one word, the sufferer is a constant worrier. If you find that you are worrying constantly and fearing bad things are going to happen then you fall into this category. Your anxiety levels will eventually peak until you get to the point where it is starting to distract you from your daily activities. There are a number of symptoms and some to be aware of are a feeling of restlessness, fatigue and an upset stomach.
2. Panic Disorder
This kind of panic disorder is recognized by unexpected and random panic attacks that happen over and over again to the point where you start to feel scared of when the next attack is going to occur. You might also start to fear that there is nobody else around who can help you when you start to experience an attack.
3. Lots of people know about phobias or experience them, but don't realize that they are also a form of anxiety. Phobias are an unrealistic fear of a specific activity, object or situation that in reality has very little or no danger directly associated with it. The more common types of phobias include flying, snakes, or the fear of heights.
4. Social anxiety disorder
This kind of disorder makes the sufferer feel humiliated and lacking confidence in public and makes them feel as if others are looking down upon them. Many would consider this condition to be nothing more than extreme shyness, but it is considered a social disorder.
5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
This disorder is also referred to as OCD and occurs when unwanted thoughts or behaviors enter our heads that simply cannot be controlled by thought alone. You might have OCD or a repeated worry such as not locking the front door, everything has to be in an exact place, or another uncontrollable compulsion.
6. Post-traumatic stress disorder
This last kind of anxiety disorder happens usually after a traumatic event or an experience that has been life-threatening. Post-traumatic stress disorder includes symptoms such as flashbacks, being scared easily, and recurring nightmares. You may also avoid places, people, or situations that remind you on the particular event.
Thanks Bernard Scala for post so much. For more visit at Panic and Anxiety Attack
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