There are many things in life today that we have no control over, but it's nice to know that improving your eyesight is not one of them. In this article I will explain to you how you can control improving eyesight.
Let's get started!
In today's economy people have lost their jobs, their investments, their health insurance and even their homes. Insurance costs continue to rise and that's a necessity that we as Americans should not go without. The sad fact is that many American's don't have vision insurance so the cost of your eye appointments, glasses and contacts can put a big dent in your pocket book.
Like many in today's society, I had to downsize my health insurance plan which didn't include vision insurance. Because I wear reading glasses and am on the verge of needing them permanently, I went in search for some information, any information, that might help me find a better way to possibly improve my eyesight.
What I found was that there has been a method of improving eyesight dating back to 1880. It was founded by Dr. William H. Bates and people have been improving his methods ever since. Just some of the things involved include:
* Just relaxing your eyes
* Exercises to build your eye muscles
* The important aspect between stress and strain (big factor)
* Teach yourself when your eyes are tense
* The real cause of mental strain
* How to fully relax your mind and body
* The best ways to protect your eyes
* How to reverse 11 of the most frequent types of visual defects
* And much more
To sum this up, with applying these methods there would be no more eye doctor visits, no more eyeglasses, no more contacts and no more thoughts of surgery. All for about the cost of a good meal! That is something everyone has control over.
Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods, please visit Improve Eyesight.
If you would like to learn about these methods first hand, please visit Vision Without Glasses.
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